Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Someone made Damien Mizdow in current gen 2k15.

This is a really fun match man. Generico and idk some tornado guy vs the young bucks.

Dope finish. The fans are basically lumberjacks.

Generico spent like a good two minutes saying something encouraging to tornado afterward. I love the indies man. It's just love for the sport.
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These rules remind me of when Shelley used to follow Nash around in TNA :lol: I love it. That era in TNA was solid.

That's the best TNA ever was.... That's when they weren't trying to be WWE... they were trying and succeeding at being different...

This is a really fun match man. Generico and idk some tornado guy vs the young bucks.

Human Tornado.... Staple of early pwg...
These stupid vignettes in between matches with Generico speaking Spanish :lol:

Agree Savage that era of TNA was dope. Just fun exciting wrestling without any cheese.

Gotta check out some more of Human Tornado's stuff.

Time for disc 2.
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Your Generico dvd has the Liger match I was taking about earlier... It also has his match vs Claudio from bola 11... You'll be able to see the kid in the Generico mask during that match...
Sweet looking forward to it.

Generico vs Shingo Takagi up now.

Cool match. I love the respect Shingo shows at the end of the match. It's the little stuff like this that I like more than the WWE. it just feels realer
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Just when you think Raw couldn't get worse, they have a cat hosting it :smh:.

And what's with this Xavier Woods promo? :smh:
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Yeah it's all off that PWG many adventures of el Generico dvd I've been watching the past week or so. There's probably a bunch of his matches on YouTube though.
Yeah it's all off that PWG many adventures of el Generico dvd I've been watching the past week or so. There's probably a bunch of his matches on YouTube though.

Rule number 5... Push limits... Both hers' and your's... Doing something for the first time, or to a new level, is a very intimate feeling... It only increases trust, loyalty, and lust... It makes her want you...
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He owns the DVD...

Oh my gawd, you mean to tell me that not one of you young people can find a way to make a copy and send it to me?..Back in my day if someone wanted to watch a video of mine, I just hooked up two VCR's and dubbed a tape for them..And with all this technology nobody can find a way to help an old man out?.. :smh:
Dammit Frank :rofl:

But I'm good. It's bills from a couple trips to the ER last year. One was for bad reaction to medication, another was because I had a bile duct blockage, the rest I can't remember..

But yea it sucks.

all good homie. you can make it up by telling me who that in your avy is and doing a NTWT FED :smile:

Girl in the avy - lovelovetenshi

Former tumblr thot that actually got ran off of there by an NTer :lol:

Her pics (most NSFW) are still around though.

And im at work tonight, so maybe NTWT Fed tomorrow.
Dammit Frank :rofl:

But I'm good. It's bills from a couple trips to the ER last year. One was for bad reaction to medication, another was because I had a bile duct blockage, the rest I can't remember..

But yea it sucks.
Girl in the avy - lovelovetenshi

Former tumblr thot that actually got ran off of there by an NTer :lol:

Her pics (most NSFW) are still around though.

And im at work tonight, so maybe NTWT Fed tomorrow.

I've had bad reactions to meds before and it sucks..Glad you're doing better though..

Thanks for the info on the tumblrhooch..

NTWT Fed for tomorrow will be great..
As long as I'm on the card..
And as long as I'm booked in an important match
And as long as I win that match
Bringing back the random NTWT survey:

Based on a combination of in-ring work, promo skill, and title runs who is:

1. The most overrated wrestler?
2. The most underrated wrestler?
3. The best tag team of all time?
4. The best female wrestler of all time?
5. The best wrestler to never have won a version of the world title? (WWWF, AWA, NWA, WWF, WCW, ECW, and WWE are all recognized world titles)
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