WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

[COLOR=#red]I really hope punk wins...

With that said he won't.

I love nostalgia and all but they should have never taken the title from him.[/COLOR]
Del Rio's "Si" chants are extremely pandering and annoying.I like that he expanded his move set since becoming a babyface, but I hate his character.
Benoit is SO eliminated from WWE History, let me tell you a story.

The Mysterio/Malenko match from Great American Bash 96 had a little segment when Mike Tenay mentioned how Malenko has been wrestling great light heavyweights from around the world. "The Benoits, Ohtanis, and Ligers of the world."

Bleeped out.

This is on WWEFanNation YouTube Page

This was ripped from the WWE's video archive

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Almost zero crowd reaction during Del Rio's "WRESTLEMANIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" promo.  This guy's material sucks.
Rock always kills me with his "I just survived the Holocaust" faces he makes whenever he gets laid out.
Why would Mr Generic Bo Dallas sneak attack Wade Barrett?  Isn't Bo a babyface?  And what "revenge" is he getting?  He's gotten the upperhand on Barrett everytime.
Oh yea and rock may have gave away a swerve. He said Heyman and McMahon you wanna make your stipulations? Maybe a Vince, Punk, Heyman alliance coming. Maybe I'm reaching? Who knows.
You know what guys? What if Bo Dallas has IT? I'm not saying he does. But they see something.
He's got a decent look but is supposedly the worst promo on the entire roster.  This is from people who watched him in NXT.
Why would Mr Generic Bo Dallas sneak attack Wade Barrett?  Isn't Bo a babyface?  And what "revenge" is he getting?  He's gotten the upperhand on Barrett everytime.

Bo is showing Wade he is a force to be reckoned with.

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He's got a decent look but is supposedly the worst promo on the entire roster. This is from people who watched him in NXT.

Well he is generic as they come. He's like a created wrestler a 11 year old would create.

He needs to shape out a bit. He's just a plain Jane to me right now.
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Rock sold that trip up by Heyman. I thought Heyman slit his Achilles

Man, I'd love for Stone Steve to hit Rock with a Stunner one last time just to see Rock's exaggerated selling of it.

Dude would probably ascend into heaven.
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