WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/20 - Raw & Smkdwn Elimination Chamber Matches | Miz vs Lawler (p42)

^Whoops. I didn't see that you said he IS over enough.

Sorry. I'm only used to seeing HHH negatives in this thread.
Flair's promos are still hilarious.
Isis the Amazon, the six foot nine woman who was to have appeared as the protégé of Vickie Guerrero on the third season of WWE’s NXT, wrestled a dark match against Florida independent women’s wrestler Leva Bates prior to Tuesday night’s TNA Impacttaping in Orlando, Florida.

Though her in-ring abilities are considered horrible, many feel that she will be offered at least a short-term role with TNA Wrestling. However, the Pro Wrestling Torchreports today that the organization’s female performers, the TNA Knockouts, collectively made it clear backstage at this week’s television tapings that they would not work with her if she is signed.

Company sources indicate Isis garnered major heat amongst the locker room due how she carried herself backstage, as if she is already a “big star
Isis the Amazon, the six foot nine woman who was to have appeared as the protégé of Vickie Guerrero on the third season of WWE’s NXT, wrestled a dark match against Florida independent women’s wrestler Leva Bates prior to Tuesday night’s TNA Impacttaping in Orlando, Florida.

Though her in-ring abilities are considered horrible, many feel that she will be offered at least a short-term role with TNA Wrestling. However, the Pro Wrestling Torchreports today that the organization’s female performers, the TNA Knockouts, collectively made it clear backstage at this week’s television tapings that they would not work with her if she is signed.

Company sources indicate Isis garnered major heat amongst the locker room due how she carried herself backstage, as if she is already a “big star
Originally Posted by chino905

Flair's promos are still hilarious.
I didn't like the G O D thing.

I speak better spanish than Hernandez. Straight up.

I'm here to see the Williams bump and i'm off to the gym.
Originally Posted by chino905

Flair's promos are still hilarious.
I didn't like the G O D thing.

I speak better spanish than Hernandez. Straight up.

I'm here to see the Williams bump and i'm off to the gym.
never liked hhh. from his silver spoon gimmick to dx(gayest member of dx next to hbk). if he does have all these good storylines and angles he should stay behind the scenes and never wrestle again. he was an average performer in the ring and became worse when he got roided up. i think the only time i enjoyed him in the ring was when he and some other dude beat the crap out of lita and some other chick with steel chairs on smackdown lol

i also thought it was quite amusing when he started bringing his trademark sledge hammer to matches and using it to win...
never liked hhh. from his silver spoon gimmick to dx(gayest member of dx next to hbk). if he does have all these good storylines and angles he should stay behind the scenes and never wrestle again. he was an average performer in the ring and became worse when he got roided up. i think the only time i enjoyed him in the ring was when he and some other dude beat the crap out of lita and some other chick with steel chairs on smackdown lol

i also thought it was quite amusing when he started bringing his trademark sledge hammer to matches and using it to win...
i never really liked hhh but he was a very good heel

spinebuster and pedigree are sick moves
i never really liked hhh but he was a very good heel

spinebuster and pedigree are sick moves
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I finally just watched Tosh.0. Tosh runs the ropes better than Otunga.


Speaking of Otunga, it's funny. It's like his gimmick now is that he no faith in himself and he knows he's about to get buried whenever he makes his entrance. 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I finally just watched Tosh.0. Tosh runs the ropes better than Otunga.


Speaking of Otunga, it's funny. It's like his gimmick now is that he no faith in himself and he knows he's about to get buried whenever he makes his entrance. 
News & Notes

Latest on Undertaker's rehabilitation from injury and status of three possible feuds at Wrestlemania.

The Undertaker's rehabilitation is going very well and he's confident he'll be able to perform at an acceptable level at WrestleMania XXVII in April.

While a few opponents are still being considered to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, Wade Barrett is no longer The Undertaker's first choice. Discussions are still ongoing with Sting, although WWE feels like there isn't enough time to get a deal done as Sting is very unsure of what he wants his next move to be.

If The Undertaker can't face Sting, the next idea would be a match with Triple H. Barrett is still being considered, but at this point is the third option. If Barrett doesn't face The Undertaker, there is talk of a New Nexus vs. The Corre match at Wrestlemania.

Latest on Sting's negotiations with WWE.

WWE is still heavily in pursuit of Sting to work Wrestlemania XXVII. As of early this week he has not signed anything but has also not given a definitive "no". If Sting would agree to a deal, there is still a possibility of The Undertaker vs. Sting.

Spike TV's reaction to the botched Main Event Mafia storyline and how they view TNA.

TNA Wrestling's relationship with Spike TV has been on very good terms as of late as Spike feels TNA has become a very important property for them, especially if they lose UFC at the end of the year.

However, Spike is dumbfounded by the fact that they gave TNA almost six months notice that they wanted the Main Event Mafia back for February sweeps and TNA completely blew it. In speaking with someone at Spike TV, they said it was a real eye opener for the network as far as how clueless TNA really is. Many at Spike don't really know the wrestling business and just know that TNA is pretty reliable when it comes to delivering a 1.0 rating or thereabout.

There were some at the network that didn't understand why Paul Heyman was so against working under the current regime and the vibe now there is that Heyman's insistence on cleaning house seems more reasonable than ever. However, the ratings as of late could certainly buy time as recent shows have delivered in viewership when it needed to the most.

Who Dixie Carter blames for the derailment of the Main Event Mafia/"They" storyline.

I'm told by sources close to the Carter family there is "major drama" between Dixie Carter and her mother. Dixie's mother approves all the spending of TNA Wrestling and Dixie blames her for Kevin Nash, Booker T and possibly Sting ending up with WWE.

There was a big fight between Dixie and her mother when TNA Reaction was not picked up for 2011 as her mother felt that with the loss of the Spike license fee for Reaction, spending needed to be cut even further. Dixie is said to be furious with her mother and blames her fully for the Main Event Mafia angle being ruined.

TNA looking to focus on younger wrestlers?

Amongst TNA Wrestling officials, there has been talk of changing the focus from "big name" veteran stars of yesteryear to the younger performers in the organization.

One source stated that the members of Fortune—AJ Styles, James Storm, Robert Roode and Kazarian—would be among the top babyfaces in the company and that "it would be interesting to see" what happens when the contracts of Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair come up. However, the source added that while creative is behind the proposition, plans could easily change.

The source feels that iMPACT!'s ratings in the coming weeks will be the deciding factor in whether the company begins focusing on younger talents.

"The key is the ratings," the source stated. "[Dixie Carter] panics when the ratings dip. If it moves two points, she'll panic."

The source explained that if iMPACT!'s ratings fall one point as they did last week (from a 1.3 to a 1.2), the company's creative direction stays course. However, the feeling is that Carter tends to overreact when the ratings slide down two points.

A new worker TNA hopes to sign and possibly be a replacement for Jeff Hardy's fan base.

TJ Perkins' tryout with TNA Wrestling went very well at the Impact tapings last month. I'm told that company officials really like his look and feel he could be popular with younger women, a demo that could take a hit if Jeff Hardy goes to prison.

Perkins had a contract with Lucha Libre USA on MTV but got out of it to sign a deal with the Worldwide Wrestling Promotion, which never materialized. Perkins was one of the talents that was effected the most with WWP never getting off the ground as he gave up a contract, thinking it would be a good business decision.

Chris Jericho discusses and comments on future stars in WWE.

For those that have not yet check out the awesome Chris Jericho interview the folks at Wrestledope did, Jericho discussed who he felt were the future stars of WWE. Jericho said the following about each star:

* Wade Barrett - Jericho said that Barrett is going to be a star for "many, many years" but just needs to work on his match quality

* Sheamus

* The Miz

* John Morrison - He said he feels like Morrison needs to do a better job connecting with the fans

* Jack Swagger - Jericho said he felt like WWE is missing the boat with Swagger but he'll have his time

* Kofi Kingston - He said has a natural fire and needs someone to guide him through match-wise and he needs more promo time

* Alberto Del Rio - Jericho accurately predicted him as the winner of the Royal Rumble

Chris Jericho radio interview; speaks on when he'll be back in WWE, relationship with Vince McMahon and more.

Chris Jericho appeared on 100.7 WXLX in Boston Thursday morning promoting a Boston book-signing for "Undisputed." The following are highlights of Jericho's interview covering WWE-related subjects.

-- On when/if he'll return to WWE: "When the time is right and all the roads lead that way, I'm sure I'll be back."

Leading into that statement, Jericho addressed his contract status with WWE: "A deal's been on the table since September. I had a lot of touring to do with Fozzy in October and November. Then, I knew this book was coming out and I had to do a big press tour, which paid off with it appearing on the New York Times pre-sale bestseller list."

-- On his relationship with Vince McMahon: "One of the things I like about the book is the thread of the relationship between Vince and Chris. It did not start of good. Over the years, there were ups and downs. Here we are in 2011 and I was just texting Vince this morning. We have laughs about things that have nothing to do with wrestling. We have deep respect for each other, but it took a long time to get to that point. Vince is one of my favorite people in the world."

-- Jericho also highlights anecdotes from his first year in WWE that are detailed in the book, chasing his two dreams of being a rock star and pro wrestler, and other "Fozzy" related topics.

Filming underway for Tough Enough.

WWE's Tough Enough started filming in Venice, CA yesterday. Shed Media, and not WWE's production team, are handling most of the production. Everyone was signed to a strict confidentiality agreement in order to prevent leaks coming from the show. They are shooting ten episodes of the show, which will begin airing on April 4th on the USA Network.

Several TNA Knockouts considering leaving the business after deals expire.

More and more TNA Knockouts are seriously considering leaving the business when their deals are up. A lot of them have been left off of house shows recently and have had to find other jobs to support themselves.

As bad as TNA morale is right now, it's ten times worse with the Knockouts. Ever since the retirement of Taylor Wilde, the subject has become more and more prominent in the female TNA locker room.

Live notes of RAW return of The Rock.

My wife and I went to WWE Raw for Valentines day and I wanted to send you some things I noticed.

The crowd was pretty hot most of the night. In fact The Usos got some decent heat during the taping of Superstars. The crowd seemed pro heel at first, but it turned out they were more anti-Cena.

CM Punk actually got a few cheers while he was destroying John Cena in the ring. In fact, after Punk beat Cena(and some general Cena heckling in my area) about half a row of Cena fans decked out in Cena gear left. They never came back.I should also point out that it looked like Punk went over clean. We were sitting closer to the left side of the stage and from our angle we didn't see Punk use the weapon.

One thing that really amazed me last night was how over Randy Orton is. Don't get me wrong, I knew he is over, but I didn't expect the entire arena to erupt for him the way it did. It seemed like there wasn't a single person in the crowd that didn't like Orton. In fact Cena's biggest pops of the night came from him being in the ring with Orton.

Vickie Guerrero is as over as a heel can get. I heard only a few words that she said. "My boyfriend" "Dolph Ziggler" "Champion" "Edge" "Teddy Long" and a lot of laughter. The crowd booed her the entire time. I only found out what she said later after I got home.

The dark match main event was OK. Nothing special happened. Orton and Cena hit their finishers simultaneously and pinned both Miz and Punk. The match didn't make a whole lot of sense though because Micheal Cole left with Alex Riley because Orton threatened Cole. But if Cole and Riley are so into the Miz, wouldn't they stay to help out?

Of course the moment of the night was The Rock's return. It got real quiet when all of the lights went off and there was definitely some confusion following the preview clip of some woman walking to the ring. When the Rock's music hit the arena exploded in cheers. It was without a doubt my greatest wrestling experience, being able to see one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. Especially since I never expected to see him live. The crowd was hot for the Rock and hung on his every word.

Biggest Pops

1) The Rock(by far)
2) Randy Orton
3) Edge

Most Heat

1) Vickie Guerrero
2) Micheal Cole
3) Alberto Del Rio
4) John Cena

(NOT NEW) The negative comments John Cena made about Rock that lead to Monday's promo.

Cena, who has managed to combine acting and grappling, feels that Rocky has betrayed his fans by concentrating solely on Hollywood.

"He is a genuinely nice guy and a fantastic human being. What I kind of get peeved about, and this is my Achilles heel, is that I've wanted to do this my whole life. Rock falls into that category. At one point he loved wrestling and wanted to do this all his life. So explain to me why he can't come back for our 15th anniversary show or why he can't make an appearance at WrestleMania. I wish he'd just show up, say hi and leave. Do the eyebrow once and get out of town. Simply put it's because he wants to be an actor and there's nothing wrong with that, because he's truly found another passion. He's good at acting. His films make money. Associating with sports entertainment doesn't do much for his acting career. I get it.
Just don't f*** me around and tell me that you love this. That's the only thing that gets me really pissed off. Our fan base have so much admiration for him, he's got to respect that. He doesn't give anything back."

Comments were made two years ago around the time Rock was inducting his dad + grandfather in HOF, before Wrestlemania 24.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Another note...along w/ John Morrison (co-sign AG and 4w; dude would have been TERRIBLE as the heel leader
), Sheamus, and Orton...R-Truth was also shortly considered joining Nexus. Some of you remember Cena was also considered for a heel turn and supposedly Vince struggled with that the most...he was warming to a Cena turn @ Summerslam but writers had their doubts and advised him not to go that direction.[/color]
News & Notes

Latest on Undertaker's rehabilitation from injury and status of three possible feuds at Wrestlemania.

The Undertaker's rehabilitation is going very well and he's confident he'll be able to perform at an acceptable level at WrestleMania XXVII in April.

While a few opponents are still being considered to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, Wade Barrett is no longer The Undertaker's first choice. Discussions are still ongoing with Sting, although WWE feels like there isn't enough time to get a deal done as Sting is very unsure of what he wants his next move to be.

If The Undertaker can't face Sting, the next idea would be a match with Triple H. Barrett is still being considered, but at this point is the third option. If Barrett doesn't face The Undertaker, there is talk of a New Nexus vs. The Corre match at Wrestlemania.

Latest on Sting's negotiations with WWE.

WWE is still heavily in pursuit of Sting to work Wrestlemania XXVII. As of early this week he has not signed anything but has also not given a definitive "no". If Sting would agree to a deal, there is still a possibility of The Undertaker vs. Sting.

Spike TV's reaction to the botched Main Event Mafia storyline and how they view TNA.

TNA Wrestling's relationship with Spike TV has been on very good terms as of late as Spike feels TNA has become a very important property for them, especially if they lose UFC at the end of the year.

However, Spike is dumbfounded by the fact that they gave TNA almost six months notice that they wanted the Main Event Mafia back for February sweeps and TNA completely blew it. In speaking with someone at Spike TV, they said it was a real eye opener for the network as far as how clueless TNA really is. Many at Spike don't really know the wrestling business and just know that TNA is pretty reliable when it comes to delivering a 1.0 rating or thereabout.

There were some at the network that didn't understand why Paul Heyman was so against working under the current regime and the vibe now there is that Heyman's insistence on cleaning house seems more reasonable than ever. However, the ratings as of late could certainly buy time as recent shows have delivered in viewership when it needed to the most.

Who Dixie Carter blames for the derailment of the Main Event Mafia/"They" storyline.

I'm told by sources close to the Carter family there is "major drama" between Dixie Carter and her mother. Dixie's mother approves all the spending of TNA Wrestling and Dixie blames her for Kevin Nash, Booker T and possibly Sting ending up with WWE.

There was a big fight between Dixie and her mother when TNA Reaction was not picked up for 2011 as her mother felt that with the loss of the Spike license fee for Reaction, spending needed to be cut even further. Dixie is said to be furious with her mother and blames her fully for the Main Event Mafia angle being ruined.

TNA looking to focus on younger wrestlers?

Amongst TNA Wrestling officials, there has been talk of changing the focus from "big name" veteran stars of yesteryear to the younger performers in the organization.

One source stated that the members of Fortune—AJ Styles, James Storm, Robert Roode and Kazarian—would be among the top babyfaces in the company and that "it would be interesting to see" what happens when the contracts of Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair come up. However, the source added that while creative is behind the proposition, plans could easily change.

The source feels that iMPACT!'s ratings in the coming weeks will be the deciding factor in whether the company begins focusing on younger talents.

"The key is the ratings," the source stated. "[Dixie Carter] panics when the ratings dip. If it moves two points, she'll panic."

The source explained that if iMPACT!'s ratings fall one point as they did last week (from a 1.3 to a 1.2), the company's creative direction stays course. However, the feeling is that Carter tends to overreact when the ratings slide down two points.

A new worker TNA hopes to sign and possibly be a replacement for Jeff Hardy's fan base.

TJ Perkins' tryout with TNA Wrestling went very well at the Impact tapings last month. I'm told that company officials really like his look and feel he could be popular with younger women, a demo that could take a hit if Jeff Hardy goes to prison.

Perkins had a contract with Lucha Libre USA on MTV but got out of it to sign a deal with the Worldwide Wrestling Promotion, which never materialized. Perkins was one of the talents that was effected the most with WWP never getting off the ground as he gave up a contract, thinking it would be a good business decision.

Chris Jericho discusses and comments on future stars in WWE.

For those that have not yet check out the awesome Chris Jericho interview the folks at Wrestledope did, Jericho discussed who he felt were the future stars of WWE. Jericho said the following about each star:

* Wade Barrett - Jericho said that Barrett is going to be a star for "many, many years" but just needs to work on his match quality

* Sheamus

* The Miz

* John Morrison - He said he feels like Morrison needs to do a better job connecting with the fans

* Jack Swagger - Jericho said he felt like WWE is missing the boat with Swagger but he'll have his time

* Kofi Kingston - He said has a natural fire and needs someone to guide him through match-wise and he needs more promo time

* Alberto Del Rio - Jericho accurately predicted him as the winner of the Royal Rumble

Chris Jericho radio interview; speaks on when he'll be back in WWE, relationship with Vince McMahon and more.

Chris Jericho appeared on 100.7 WXLX in Boston Thursday morning promoting a Boston book-signing for "Undisputed." The following are highlights of Jericho's interview covering WWE-related subjects.

-- On when/if he'll return to WWE: "When the time is right and all the roads lead that way, I'm sure I'll be back."

Leading into that statement, Jericho addressed his contract status with WWE: "A deal's been on the table since September. I had a lot of touring to do with Fozzy in October and November. Then, I knew this book was coming out and I had to do a big press tour, which paid off with it appearing on the New York Times pre-sale bestseller list."

-- On his relationship with Vince McMahon: "One of the things I like about the book is the thread of the relationship between Vince and Chris. It did not start of good. Over the years, there were ups and downs. Here we are in 2011 and I was just texting Vince this morning. We have laughs about things that have nothing to do with wrestling. We have deep respect for each other, but it took a long time to get to that point. Vince is one of my favorite people in the world."

-- Jericho also highlights anecdotes from his first year in WWE that are detailed in the book, chasing his two dreams of being a rock star and pro wrestler, and other "Fozzy" related topics.

Filming underway for Tough Enough.

WWE's Tough Enough started filming in Venice, CA yesterday. Shed Media, and not WWE's production team, are handling most of the production. Everyone was signed to a strict confidentiality agreement in order to prevent leaks coming from the show. They are shooting ten episodes of the show, which will begin airing on April 4th on the USA Network.

Several TNA Knockouts considering leaving the business after deals expire.

More and more TNA Knockouts are seriously considering leaving the business when their deals are up. A lot of them have been left off of house shows recently and have had to find other jobs to support themselves.

As bad as TNA morale is right now, it's ten times worse with the Knockouts. Ever since the retirement of Taylor Wilde, the subject has become more and more prominent in the female TNA locker room.

Live notes of RAW return of The Rock.

My wife and I went to WWE Raw for Valentines day and I wanted to send you some things I noticed.

The crowd was pretty hot most of the night. In fact The Usos got some decent heat during the taping of Superstars. The crowd seemed pro heel at first, but it turned out they were more anti-Cena.

CM Punk actually got a few cheers while he was destroying John Cena in the ring. In fact, after Punk beat Cena(and some general Cena heckling in my area) about half a row of Cena fans decked out in Cena gear left. They never came back.I should also point out that it looked like Punk went over clean. We were sitting closer to the left side of the stage and from our angle we didn't see Punk use the weapon.

One thing that really amazed me last night was how over Randy Orton is. Don't get me wrong, I knew he is over, but I didn't expect the entire arena to erupt for him the way it did. It seemed like there wasn't a single person in the crowd that didn't like Orton. In fact Cena's biggest pops of the night came from him being in the ring with Orton.

Vickie Guerrero is as over as a heel can get. I heard only a few words that she said. "My boyfriend" "Dolph Ziggler" "Champion" "Edge" "Teddy Long" and a lot of laughter. The crowd booed her the entire time. I only found out what she said later after I got home.

The dark match main event was OK. Nothing special happened. Orton and Cena hit their finishers simultaneously and pinned both Miz and Punk. The match didn't make a whole lot of sense though because Micheal Cole left with Alex Riley because Orton threatened Cole. But if Cole and Riley are so into the Miz, wouldn't they stay to help out?

Of course the moment of the night was The Rock's return. It got real quiet when all of the lights went off and there was definitely some confusion following the preview clip of some woman walking to the ring. When the Rock's music hit the arena exploded in cheers. It was without a doubt my greatest wrestling experience, being able to see one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. Especially since I never expected to see him live. The crowd was hot for the Rock and hung on his every word.

Biggest Pops

1) The Rock(by far)
2) Randy Orton
3) Edge

Most Heat

1) Vickie Guerrero
2) Micheal Cole
3) Alberto Del Rio
4) John Cena

(NOT NEW) The negative comments John Cena made about Rock that lead to Monday's promo.

Cena, who has managed to combine acting and grappling, feels that Rocky has betrayed his fans by concentrating solely on Hollywood.

"He is a genuinely nice guy and a fantastic human being. What I kind of get peeved about, and this is my Achilles heel, is that I've wanted to do this my whole life. Rock falls into that category. At one point he loved wrestling and wanted to do this all his life. So explain to me why he can't come back for our 15th anniversary show or why he can't make an appearance at WrestleMania. I wish he'd just show up, say hi and leave. Do the eyebrow once and get out of town. Simply put it's because he wants to be an actor and there's nothing wrong with that, because he's truly found another passion. He's good at acting. His films make money. Associating with sports entertainment doesn't do much for his acting career. I get it.
Just don't f*** me around and tell me that you love this. That's the only thing that gets me really pissed off. Our fan base have so much admiration for him, he's got to respect that. He doesn't give anything back."

Comments were made two years ago around the time Rock was inducting his dad + grandfather in HOF, before Wrestlemania 24.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Another note...along w/ John Morrison (co-sign AG and 4w; dude would have been TERRIBLE as the heel leader
), Sheamus, and Orton...R-Truth was also shortly considered joining Nexus. Some of you remember Cena was also considered for a heel turn and supposedly Vince struggled with that the most...he was warming to a Cena turn @ Summerslam but writers had their doubts and advised him not to go that direction.[/color]
- Right now the Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston match at WWE’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view is a non-title match with Kofi’s Intercontinental Title not on the line. The match may be changed because at one point there was discussion of having World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Intercontinental Champion Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania 27.
- Right now the Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston match at WWE’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view is a non-title match with Kofi’s Intercontinental Title not on the line. The match may be changed because at one point there was discussion of having World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Intercontinental Champion Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania 27.
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