WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/20 - Raw & Smkdwn Elimination Chamber Matches | Miz vs Lawler (p42)

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Just picked up Undisputed. Can't wait to read it.
I'm about 3/4 the way through, really good so far. Just hope the book doesn't end in 2007 'cause I wanna know about his '08/'09 work. I'm not waiting for another book if he doesn't return!
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Smackdown was pretty good. They played off the WHC angle well, IMO.

@ Dolph already being on the alumni section of WWE.

"What's Doug Squiggler doing in the Impact Zone?!"

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Smackdown was pretty good. They played off the WHC angle well, IMO.

@ Dolph already being on the alumni section of WWE.

"What's Doug Squiggler doing in the Impact Zone?!"

was there a reason why ziggler was fired? Did he rub some people the wrong way or is he hurt? Just par of the storyline? Just curious ...also on the wwe facebook they said the elimination chamber will have 5 wrestlers not 6 because of his firing
was there a reason why ziggler was fired? Did he rub some people the wrong way or is he hurt? Just par of the storyline? Just curious ...also on the wwe facebook they said the elimination chamber will have 5 wrestlers not 6 because of his firing

Tonight is the second annual Elimination Chamber pay per view.  I was actually shocked when I was looking for previous show history to see that last year was the first Elimination Chamber, but then I realized the February PPV used to be titled No Way Out (one of the best PPV names in my opinion), and they would generally have an Elimination Chamber match on the show.

I really don't feel that tonight's show has a whole lot of juice coming into it.  Maybe it's because The Rock's return overshadowed everything else in WWE during the past week.  Maybe it's because many believe the card for WrestleMania is already set, so there isn't a ton of mystery around tonight's matches.  Or maybe it's because matches like Elimination Chamber and Hell in a Cell just don't work very well in the PG environment.  Of course, The Rock clearly didn't give a damn about PG on Monday, so we'll see if any of that carries over tonight.

First, let's just get this out of the way.  The Rock will NOT be on tonight's show.

I mentioned that there doesn't seem to be much mystery about the results of tonight's matches since most of the WrestleMania card is already penciled in.  Of course, we know nothing makes Vince more angry than when booking plans leak out, and often when this happens, he will "swerve" the "dirt sheets" even if it's not what's best for business.  So while many expect Cena, Edge, and Miz to win their matches tonight, we still may have a few surprises.  Even if these three don't win tonight, I would expect something to happen on TV over the next week to put them back in their respective top matches at WrestleMania.  And this would just go to further devalue PPV stipulations, so hopefully Vince doesn't spite PPV business just to discredit dirt sheets and internet nerds like us.

I think The Rock's PG-13 promotion was much more of an aberration than a sign of change in WWE philosophy.  Everyone can complain about PG all they want, but before you say anything else, go and look at WWE's Q4 2010 financials.  Just about everything was down but they still had a profitable quarter.  And how did this happen?  Because of the Mattel deal.  This is WWE's biggest money maker, and a major proponent of PG content, so don't expect any drastic changes in WWE programming.  With that said, I can understand the PG content on Raw and Smackdown.  It's free TV and millions of children see each week.  But for PPVs, I don't see why WWE can't push the envelope a little.  I'm not saying guys need to come out cursing like sailors or have the divas in thongs, but to have a little blood in a match like Elimination Chamber isn't a bad thing.  In fact, by not having any blood, it takes away from the believability of the match.  They promote it as one of the most dangerous matches ever, yet everyone walks out of the cage like nothing happened.

Let's get to the card:


Koslov and Santino (c) vs The Corre (Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater) - WWE Tag Team Championship Match

I've really been giving a lot of thought to this match regarding the outcome, but I don't know why.  WWE doesn't care about any of these four guys or the titles involved.  Santino and Koslov are never going to have a 4 or 5 star match, but the fans really like them, so I don't see any reason to take the titles off them.  However, the plan is for The Nexus vs The Corre at WrestleMania, so it would seem to make most sense to have the titles on Gabriel and Slater to give them more credibility.  Plus, having Santino and Koslov in a match at Mania just doesn't seem to fit, especially because there are no other tag teams for them to face.  So I see the title change tonight.

Prediction: Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater - New WWE Tag Team Champions


Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Del Rio

At this moment, this is a non-title match, but that could change 100 times between now and their match tonight.  There were reports that WWE was interesting in having a champion vs champion match at WrestleMania with Del Rio holding the Intercontinental Title against whoever is the World Champion.  At this moment, those plans seem to be scrapped, but like I said, things could change between now and tonight.  I like the idea of champion vs champion because it gives a little more juice and interest to the World Title match which will undoubtedly be booked probably third on the card behind Cena/Miz and Undertaker/HHH if those matches happen.

This match should be very simple tonight.  Alberto Del Rio goes over strong.  Kofi can have a few moments during the match, but Del Rio needs a clean, decisive finish with Kofi tapping out of Del Rio's cross arm breaker in the middle of the ring.  Any type of disputed or cheap finish here is a major, major mistake on WWE's part.

Prediction: Alberto Del Rio


The Miz (c) vs Jerry "The King" Lawler - WWE Championship Match

To me, this is the most intriguing match on tonight's show.  The is no debating that The Miz has been booked poorly as champion.  Since cashing in his Money in the Bank title shot on Randy Orton in late 2010 and winning the title, his only clean victories have been over John Morrison and Daniel Bryan.  Both matches were excellent, but in all of Miz's other matches and confrontations, he's been booked as a completely undeserving champion.  WWE always talks about the importance of getting new stars over.  Simply putting the title on them does not get them over.  Booking them as stars gets them over.  Assuming The Miz retains the title tonight and goes into WrestleMania as champion, I hope they book him as a much more serious threat between now and then.

Since Jerry Lawler has become more involved in storylines over the past few months, the fans have really, really taken to him.  He had the very memorable ladder match against The Miz where the only reason he didn't win the title was because Micheal Cole interfered and cost him the win.  Lawler has also been involved in tag matches where he's been very over, and it culminated three weeks ago where Lawler won the Raw Rumble to earn his title opportunity tonight.  This all is part of the bigger storyline of Lawler having never wrestled at WrestleMania, nor being WWE Champion.  Now in one night, he has the opportunity to not only win the title, but go on to headline WrestleMania.  It's a great storyline that has been slowly booked and arguably the most over angle in all of WWE.

However, it is not without its flaws.  Until two weeks ago, Lawler was allowed to speak on his own which is what helped to get him so over with the fans.  Lawler's genuine enthusiasm and natural charisma is something we no longer see in today's WWE.  However, two weeks ago, he was forced to follow a typical WWE scripted promo, and the segment suffered.  Hearing Lawler trying to remember his lines and fit in the term 'WWE Universe' just didn't work.  And then last week, Lawler sadly lost his mother so he was not able to attend Raw for the go home angle.  So the juice has unfortunately slowed for this match tonight.  One would have to think it will be booked very carefully start to finish as the 60+ year old Lawler can only do so much.  With the was Miz has been booked, the logical finish seems that Lawler will be in control and Michael Cole will cost him the match setting up their match at WrestleMania.  Of course, this is definitely one of the matches were Vince could swerve the fans by having Lawler win the title tonight but lose it tomorrow on Raw.  I don't think that will happen, but you never know.  If they can recreate the excitement of their ladder match, it could be very good.  Of course, doing that in a straight singles match will be difficult.

Prediction: The Miz - Retains WWE Championship


Kane vs Edge (c) vs Drew McIntyre vs Rey Mysterio vs Wade Barrett - Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

The Miz may not be the strongest WWE Champion, but the World Championship has become a complete joke.  Between being defended in a mix gender handicapped tag match to be stripped from Edge, awarded to Ziggler, won back by Edge, and then having Ziggler fired is just a disgrace.  Why should any fan care about a meaningless piece of leather and metal?  This match is much more about who will go on to face Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania rather than who will win the title tonight.

With Dolph Ziggler being "fired", there are now only five men in the match.  I don't know if a sixth will be added or if they will stick with five.  If someone is added, my guess would be Cody Rhodes.  He still may play a role in the match even if not officially entered.

Edge is the current champion and the favorite to win the match and retain his title.  The plans have been for Edge vs Del Rio, and I don't see any reason for a change.

Mysterio vs Del Rio would make sense, but Mysterio is in WWE's dog house right now, so I really don't see any chance of him winning the title or having a major WrestleMania match.  As I said, I could see Cody Rhodes returning and costing him the match to set up their potential match for WrestleMania.

Kane will never get another major title run after his horrible reign in 2010.  Plus, Kane vs Del Rio would stink out the Georgia Dome.

Wade Barrett makes sense, and is probably my second choice to win tonight.  Assuming they go with Punk vs Orton and Nexus vs Corre at Mania, that leaves Barrett out of a match unless someone else is added to Nexus so they can have a 4 on 4 match.  Plus, Barrett vs Del Rio would be a great showcase match of the new, young talent in a huge spot.

Drew McIntyre was once Vince's golden child, but those days are long past.  He will not win tonight.

Elimination Chamber matches are usually good, and while guys like McIntyre and Barrett have no previous experience in this match, I can't see this being less than a 3.5 star match.

Prediction: Edge - Retains the World Heavyweight Championship


John Cena vs John Morrison vs R-Truth vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs CM Punk - Raw Elimination Chamber Match for the #1 Contendership to the WWE Championship

They've done a decent job of building this match up around the three big names, but the three lesser names haven't had the same luck.  I have higher expectations around this match just because of the names involved, but you never know how things on paper will translate to the actual match.  One of the back stories of this match was CM Punk and Nexus trying to soften up each of the competitors in this match two weeks ago.  They were successful with some, but not as much with others.

R-Truth - Nope, no chance.  Likely to be the first eliminated.  Go back to Green Bay.

Sheamus - He was squashed by Mark Henry two weeks ago.  I think that's all we need to say.  The King gimmick has completely killed him.  You would think Kevin Dunn has been taking booking input from Kevin Nash.

John Morrison - He had a nice, clean victory over Michael McGuillicutty two weeks ago, basically a squash match.  There may be no one in WWE that they start and stop momentum on a more regular basis than Morrison.  After that match, Punk sprayed something in Morrison's eyes, so this past Monday Morrison came out with some goofy looking makeup all over his eyes.  He has been booked more seriously as of late, but I still don't see any chance of him winning this match.

Now's where it gets interesting....

Randy Orton - He continues to be one of WWE's golden children despite being painfully boring in the ring and a douche bag in real life.  The only reason I don't see him winning is because they are not going to give us Miz vs Orton again.  Their matches weren't good, and they won't give us another bout at WrestleMania.  As always, they never seem to have Orton lose cleanly, so we'll see if it's some flukey elimination tonight.

CM Punk - The build for a CM Punk vs Miz match would be outstanding.  I can only imagine the promos they would have back and forth with each other.  But the problem is, WWE just doesn't do heel vs heel matches, especially at WrestleMania.  After The Miz's eventually face turn, maybe we'll see these two for the title at next year's WrestleMania.  With the plan being Orton vs Punk, they may play a role in each others' eliminations.

John Cena - The obvious pick, but I just can't see how he doesn't win this match.  Everything has been slowly built for a Cena vs Miz match at Mania.  The ONLY way I don't see it happening is if somehow they get The Rock to actually wrestle at Mania (and I give this a 0.0001% chance of happening), then Cena vs Rock is 100x bigger than Cena vs Miz, so they would go that route.  But booking in reality, Cena will be winning this match tonight and going on to WrestleMania to regain the WWE Championship.

Prediction: John Cena - #1 Contender for the WWE Championship

We'll probably get one more unadvertised match.  Aside from the tag match, the other four matches should all be good or better, so it looks like a strong show on paper.  See you guys tonight.

Tonight is the second annual Elimination Chamber pay per view.  I was actually shocked when I was looking for previous show history to see that last year was the first Elimination Chamber, but then I realized the February PPV used to be titled No Way Out (one of the best PPV names in my opinion), and they would generally have an Elimination Chamber match on the show.

I really don't feel that tonight's show has a whole lot of juice coming into it.  Maybe it's because The Rock's return overshadowed everything else in WWE during the past week.  Maybe it's because many believe the card for WrestleMania is already set, so there isn't a ton of mystery around tonight's matches.  Or maybe it's because matches like Elimination Chamber and Hell in a Cell just don't work very well in the PG environment.  Of course, The Rock clearly didn't give a damn about PG on Monday, so we'll see if any of that carries over tonight.

First, let's just get this out of the way.  The Rock will NOT be on tonight's show.

I mentioned that there doesn't seem to be much mystery about the results of tonight's matches since most of the WrestleMania card is already penciled in.  Of course, we know nothing makes Vince more angry than when booking plans leak out, and often when this happens, he will "swerve" the "dirt sheets" even if it's not what's best for business.  So while many expect Cena, Edge, and Miz to win their matches tonight, we still may have a few surprises.  Even if these three don't win tonight, I would expect something to happen on TV over the next week to put them back in their respective top matches at WrestleMania.  And this would just go to further devalue PPV stipulations, so hopefully Vince doesn't spite PPV business just to discredit dirt sheets and internet nerds like us.

I think The Rock's PG-13 promotion was much more of an aberration than a sign of change in WWE philosophy.  Everyone can complain about PG all they want, but before you say anything else, go and look at WWE's Q4 2010 financials.  Just about everything was down but they still had a profitable quarter.  And how did this happen?  Because of the Mattel deal.  This is WWE's biggest money maker, and a major proponent of PG content, so don't expect any drastic changes in WWE programming.  With that said, I can understand the PG content on Raw and Smackdown.  It's free TV and millions of children see each week.  But for PPVs, I don't see why WWE can't push the envelope a little.  I'm not saying guys need to come out cursing like sailors or have the divas in thongs, but to have a little blood in a match like Elimination Chamber isn't a bad thing.  In fact, by not having any blood, it takes away from the believability of the match.  They promote it as one of the most dangerous matches ever, yet everyone walks out of the cage like nothing happened.

Let's get to the card:


Koslov and Santino (c) vs The Corre (Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater) - WWE Tag Team Championship Match

I've really been giving a lot of thought to this match regarding the outcome, but I don't know why.  WWE doesn't care about any of these four guys or the titles involved.  Santino and Koslov are never going to have a 4 or 5 star match, but the fans really like them, so I don't see any reason to take the titles off them.  However, the plan is for The Nexus vs The Corre at WrestleMania, so it would seem to make most sense to have the titles on Gabriel and Slater to give them more credibility.  Plus, having Santino and Koslov in a match at Mania just doesn't seem to fit, especially because there are no other tag teams for them to face.  So I see the title change tonight.

Prediction: Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater - New WWE Tag Team Champions


Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Del Rio

At this moment, this is a non-title match, but that could change 100 times between now and their match tonight.  There were reports that WWE was interesting in having a champion vs champion match at WrestleMania with Del Rio holding the Intercontinental Title against whoever is the World Champion.  At this moment, those plans seem to be scrapped, but like I said, things could change between now and tonight.  I like the idea of champion vs champion because it gives a little more juice and interest to the World Title match which will undoubtedly be booked probably third on the card behind Cena/Miz and Undertaker/HHH if those matches happen.

This match should be very simple tonight.  Alberto Del Rio goes over strong.  Kofi can have a few moments during the match, but Del Rio needs a clean, decisive finish with Kofi tapping out of Del Rio's cross arm breaker in the middle of the ring.  Any type of disputed or cheap finish here is a major, major mistake on WWE's part.

Prediction: Alberto Del Rio


The Miz (c) vs Jerry "The King" Lawler - WWE Championship Match

To me, this is the most intriguing match on tonight's show.  The is no debating that The Miz has been booked poorly as champion.  Since cashing in his Money in the Bank title shot on Randy Orton in late 2010 and winning the title, his only clean victories have been over John Morrison and Daniel Bryan.  Both matches were excellent, but in all of Miz's other matches and confrontations, he's been booked as a completely undeserving champion.  WWE always talks about the importance of getting new stars over.  Simply putting the title on them does not get them over.  Booking them as stars gets them over.  Assuming The Miz retains the title tonight and goes into WrestleMania as champion, I hope they book him as a much more serious threat between now and then.

Since Jerry Lawler has become more involved in storylines over the past few months, the fans have really, really taken to him.  He had the very memorable ladder match against The Miz where the only reason he didn't win the title was because Micheal Cole interfered and cost him the win.  Lawler has also been involved in tag matches where he's been very over, and it culminated three weeks ago where Lawler won the Raw Rumble to earn his title opportunity tonight.  This all is part of the bigger storyline of Lawler having never wrestled at WrestleMania, nor being WWE Champion.  Now in one night, he has the opportunity to not only win the title, but go on to headline WrestleMania.  It's a great storyline that has been slowly booked and arguably the most over angle in all of WWE.

However, it is not without its flaws.  Until two weeks ago, Lawler was allowed to speak on his own which is what helped to get him so over with the fans.  Lawler's genuine enthusiasm and natural charisma is something we no longer see in today's WWE.  However, two weeks ago, he was forced to follow a typical WWE scripted promo, and the segment suffered.  Hearing Lawler trying to remember his lines and fit in the term 'WWE Universe' just didn't work.  And then last week, Lawler sadly lost his mother so he was not able to attend Raw for the go home angle.  So the juice has unfortunately slowed for this match tonight.  One would have to think it will be booked very carefully start to finish as the 60+ year old Lawler can only do so much.  With the was Miz has been booked, the logical finish seems that Lawler will be in control and Michael Cole will cost him the match setting up their match at WrestleMania.  Of course, this is definitely one of the matches were Vince could swerve the fans by having Lawler win the title tonight but lose it tomorrow on Raw.  I don't think that will happen, but you never know.  If they can recreate the excitement of their ladder match, it could be very good.  Of course, doing that in a straight singles match will be difficult.

Prediction: The Miz - Retains WWE Championship


Kane vs Edge (c) vs Drew McIntyre vs Rey Mysterio vs Wade Barrett - Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

The Miz may not be the strongest WWE Champion, but the World Championship has become a complete joke.  Between being defended in a mix gender handicapped tag match to be stripped from Edge, awarded to Ziggler, won back by Edge, and then having Ziggler fired is just a disgrace.  Why should any fan care about a meaningless piece of leather and metal?  This match is much more about who will go on to face Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania rather than who will win the title tonight.

With Dolph Ziggler being "fired", there are now only five men in the match.  I don't know if a sixth will be added or if they will stick with five.  If someone is added, my guess would be Cody Rhodes.  He still may play a role in the match even if not officially entered.

Edge is the current champion and the favorite to win the match and retain his title.  The plans have been for Edge vs Del Rio, and I don't see any reason for a change.

Mysterio vs Del Rio would make sense, but Mysterio is in WWE's dog house right now, so I really don't see any chance of him winning the title or having a major WrestleMania match.  As I said, I could see Cody Rhodes returning and costing him the match to set up their potential match for WrestleMania.

Kane will never get another major title run after his horrible reign in 2010.  Plus, Kane vs Del Rio would stink out the Georgia Dome.

Wade Barrett makes sense, and is probably my second choice to win tonight.  Assuming they go with Punk vs Orton and Nexus vs Corre at Mania, that leaves Barrett out of a match unless someone else is added to Nexus so they can have a 4 on 4 match.  Plus, Barrett vs Del Rio would be a great showcase match of the new, young talent in a huge spot.

Drew McIntyre was once Vince's golden child, but those days are long past.  He will not win tonight.

Elimination Chamber matches are usually good, and while guys like McIntyre and Barrett have no previous experience in this match, I can't see this being less than a 3.5 star match.

Prediction: Edge - Retains the World Heavyweight Championship


John Cena vs John Morrison vs R-Truth vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs CM Punk - Raw Elimination Chamber Match for the #1 Contendership to the WWE Championship

They've done a decent job of building this match up around the three big names, but the three lesser names haven't had the same luck.  I have higher expectations around this match just because of the names involved, but you never know how things on paper will translate to the actual match.  One of the back stories of this match was CM Punk and Nexus trying to soften up each of the competitors in this match two weeks ago.  They were successful with some, but not as much with others.

R-Truth - Nope, no chance.  Likely to be the first eliminated.  Go back to Green Bay.

Sheamus - He was squashed by Mark Henry two weeks ago.  I think that's all we need to say.  The King gimmick has completely killed him.  You would think Kevin Dunn has been taking booking input from Kevin Nash.

John Morrison - He had a nice, clean victory over Michael McGuillicutty two weeks ago, basically a squash match.  There may be no one in WWE that they start and stop momentum on a more regular basis than Morrison.  After that match, Punk sprayed something in Morrison's eyes, so this past Monday Morrison came out with some goofy looking makeup all over his eyes.  He has been booked more seriously as of late, but I still don't see any chance of him winning this match.

Now's where it gets interesting....

Randy Orton - He continues to be one of WWE's golden children despite being painfully boring in the ring and a douche bag in real life.  The only reason I don't see him winning is because they are not going to give us Miz vs Orton again.  Their matches weren't good, and they won't give us another bout at WrestleMania.  As always, they never seem to have Orton lose cleanly, so we'll see if it's some flukey elimination tonight.

CM Punk - The build for a CM Punk vs Miz match would be outstanding.  I can only imagine the promos they would have back and forth with each other.  But the problem is, WWE just doesn't do heel vs heel matches, especially at WrestleMania.  After The Miz's eventually face turn, maybe we'll see these two for the title at next year's WrestleMania.  With the plan being Orton vs Punk, they may play a role in each others' eliminations.

John Cena - The obvious pick, but I just can't see how he doesn't win this match.  Everything has been slowly built for a Cena vs Miz match at Mania.  The ONLY way I don't see it happening is if somehow they get The Rock to actually wrestle at Mania (and I give this a 0.0001% chance of happening), then Cena vs Rock is 100x bigger than Cena vs Miz, so they would go that route.  But booking in reality, Cena will be winning this match tonight and going on to WrestleMania to regain the WWE Championship.

Prediction: John Cena - #1 Contender for the WWE Championship

We'll probably get one more unadvertised match.  Aside from the tag match, the other four matches should all be good or better, so it looks like a strong show on paper.  See you guys tonight.
A streak ends tonight in WWE.

Tonight's WWE Elimination Chamber Pay-Per-View will be the first WWE Pay-Per-View in over two years that does not have John Cena or Randy Orton involved in a title match. The last time the company had a Pay-Per-View that fit that criteria was Cyber Sunday on October 26th, 2008, which had neither Cena nor Orton on the card.

The last PPV that both Cena and Orton were on but didn't involve them in title matches was Survivor Series 2006, though both men were in Survivor Series-style matches and Cena was WWE Champion. The last PPV that had both of them in non-championship singles matches was Vengeance 2006 on June 25th, 2006.

Originally Posted by adickted to kickz

was there a reason why ziggler was fired? Did he rub some people the wrong way or is he hurt? Just par of the storyline? Just curious ...also on the wwe facebook they said the elimination chamber will have 5 wrestlers not 6 because of his firing

They've done a good job of selling it though...Dolph even teased going to TNA in his "farewell" speech on twitter.
A streak ends tonight in WWE.

Tonight's WWE Elimination Chamber Pay-Per-View will be the first WWE Pay-Per-View in over two years that does not have John Cena or Randy Orton involved in a title match. The last time the company had a Pay-Per-View that fit that criteria was Cyber Sunday on October 26th, 2008, which had neither Cena nor Orton on the card.

The last PPV that both Cena and Orton were on but didn't involve them in title matches was Survivor Series 2006, though both men were in Survivor Series-style matches and Cena was WWE Champion. The last PPV that had both of them in non-championship singles matches was Vengeance 2006 on June 25th, 2006.

Originally Posted by adickted to kickz

was there a reason why ziggler was fired? Did he rub some people the wrong way or is he hurt? Just par of the storyline? Just curious ...also on the wwe facebook they said the elimination chamber will have 5 wrestlers not 6 because of his firing

They've done a good job of selling it though...Dolph even teased going to TNA in his "farewell" speech on twitter.
^^^thanks do any of you guys think that hes been fired from smackdown hes going to be on the raw roster now and drop vicki guerrero? or some sort of stipulation will be involved too where hes back on smackdown?
^^^thanks do any of you guys think that hes been fired from smackdown hes going to be on the raw roster now and drop vicki guerrero? or some sort of stipulation will be involved too where hes back on smackdown?
Elimination Chamber (what a crap name) does look predictable, but I'm hoping for some shocks, maybe a return? Saying that though the match quality at this PPV is usually pretty high
Elimination Chamber (what a crap name) does look predictable, but I'm hoping for some shocks, maybe a return? Saying that though the match quality at this PPV is usually pretty high
According to Dave Scherer, a friend whom lives in Austin, TX said that he spotted The Undertaker at the airport. It looks like he will be part of the 2-21-11 tomorrow night, as previously reported.

- According to Dave Scherer, it’s expected that Triple H will either be making his return at tonight’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view or tomorrow night’s WWE Raw event.

WWE Studios’ The Chaperonestarring Triple H drew virtually no business during its ‘limited engagement’ this weekend.

BoxOfficeMojo.com’s chart listing the top grossing films for the weekend of February 18-20, with the bottom movie making $1,670 in one theater, did not rank the The Chaperone. Furthermore, the bottom five movies played in less theaters than the WWE produced film — ten.
According to Dave Scherer, a friend whom lives in Austin, TX said that he spotted The Undertaker at the airport. It looks like he will be part of the 2-21-11 tomorrow night, as previously reported.

- According to Dave Scherer, it’s expected that Triple H will either be making his return at tonight’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view or tomorrow night’s WWE Raw event.

WWE Studios’ The Chaperonestarring Triple H drew virtually no business during its ‘limited engagement’ this weekend.

BoxOfficeMojo.com’s chart listing the top grossing films for the weekend of February 18-20, with the bottom movie making $1,670 in one theater, did not rank the The Chaperone. Furthermore, the bottom five movies played in less theaters than the WWE produced film — ten.
my ec predictions

santino and kozlov retain

del rio wins over kofi

cena wins over, punk, new #1 contender

miz retains

my previous pick, i had drew as new whc due to reports that vkm signed off on turning kelly kelly heel. seeing as how shes involved in 2 storylines (edge and drew)
then at wm27 it would be drew vs edge vs del rio

now, who cares who wins

ii see the 6th member of ec being the big show
my ec predictions

santino and kozlov retain

del rio wins over kofi

cena wins over, punk, new #1 contender

miz retains

my previous pick, i had drew as new whc due to reports that vkm signed off on turning kelly kelly heel. seeing as how shes involved in 2 storylines (edge and drew)
then at wm27 it would be drew vs edge vs del rio

now, who cares who wins

ii see the 6th member of ec being the big show
Some are predicting that Alberto Del Rio will be the sixth man in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match and win the title tonight. This way he will still win the championship and be able to headline WrestleMania, but he can then lose the title at WrestleMania, thus not having to put a heel over at Mania.
Some are predicting that Alberto Del Rio will be the sixth man in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match and win the title tonight. This way he will still win the championship and be able to headline WrestleMania, but he can then lose the title at WrestleMania, thus not having to put a heel over at Mania.
Triple H's movie didn't even register because it made too little money in it's release, under $1,600 or something like that
Triple H's movie didn't even register because it made too little money in it's release, under $1,600 or something like that
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