You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Chik-Fil-A has donated over $5 million to organizations that have depicted gays as pedophiles, attempted to make 'gay' behavior illegal and have voiced for gays to be 'exported' from our country.

If this who you are want to support, I doubt there is much convincing anyone could do to make you think otherwise. But it's laughable that people are exercising their political opinions by eating fast food.

If you went to CFA yesterday you basically just said you don't support gay marriage or gay rights at large.

I mean what else is there to argue?

Thats the only reason you really chose to go out PURPOSELY on that day. 
 I remember when you took on the black Christian topic, classic

To be fair though, if patron Starbucks and Chick Fil A, that kinda cancels out right?
I'm joking
we HAVE to support gay rights. it's the American way.

gays aren't asking for the Catholic Church to recognize their union. they're asking for the government to recognize their union. we need separation of state and church. that is the ONLY way we are guaranteed the right to practice our own religion.
Wait a minute...aren't you hispanic/latino?

Good luck fending off this woman:
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Look, I'm a Christian and I'm always going to be Christian. Anyway I was raised to RESPECT EVERYONE and not HATE anyone. So I can honestly see where people are coming from with this boycott. Nobody should be hated because of what they are. If I say that I hate a gay person because they living an immoral life then I should hate everyone who's an alcoholic, drug addict or addicted to gambling but I'm not like that.

Shouts out to the people that can debate WITHOUT putting anyone down.
Look, I'm a Christian and I'm always going to be Christian. Anyway I was raised to RESPECT EVERYONE and not HATE anyone. So I can honestly see where people are coming from with this boycott. Nobody should be hated because of what they are. If I say that I hate a gay person because they living an immoral life then I should hate everyone who's an alcoholic, drug addict or addicted to gambling but I'm not like that.

Shouts out to the people that can debate WITHOUT putting anyone down.
1. I'm not going to address your picking and choosing and inherent moral superiority to a book you barely follow, thats a whole other topic for another day...

2. BUT what do you mean by this? How is anyone being put down? I don't see where being held accountable for your voluntary opinion and voluntary association to a religion that advocates this behavior  is a bad thing. No one is being called names here, but you better believe that opinions ARE being challenged and view points are being analyzed. Anything less than that is an insult to the integrity of the conversation in the first place. 
1. I'm not going to address your picking and choosing and inherent moral superiority to a book you barely follow, thats a whole other topic for another day...

2. BUT what do you mean by this? How is anyone being put down? I don't see where being held accountable for your voluntary opinion and voluntary association to a religion that advocates this behavior is a bad thing. No one is being called names here, but you better believe that opinions ARE being challenged and view points are being analyzed. Anything less than that is an insult to the integrity of the conversation in the first place. 
Bro, I didn't mention ANY names. I haven't even read the whole thread. I was actually overall impressed with what I have seen, the way you guys have facts to back up what you are saying. I like when people are able to discuss things like this in a civilized manner. Chillllll
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Look, I'm a Christian and I'm always going to be Christian. Anyway I was raised to RESPECT EVERYONE and not HATE anyone. So I can honestly see where people are coming from with this boycott. Nobody should be hated because of what they are. If I say that I hate a gay person because they living an immoral life then I should hate everyone who's an alcoholic, drug addict or addicted to gambling but I'm not like that.
Shouts out to the people that can debate WITHOUT putting anyone down.

True that and I only wish more Christians and the Religious Right could be as generous as you on this matter. However we all know the overall sentiment is that they "hate" gays and basically have no problem oppressing their rights and or feelings on the matter. It irritates me as to how people are showing their ignorance on this subject. Don't they realize homosexuals are not going anywhere? The homosexual population is increasing every single day and their neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, business clients, etc. could be homosexual. Instead of focusing on the problem and finding some middle ground or compromise, they rather puff out their chest and shout... "I am RIGHT, and you're WRONG!" :smh:
Oh please, MD- save it. You go around belittling anybody that believes in a higher power and you come off as an elitist, and have problems seeing anybody's view except for your own. You preach to accept gay rights, yet you wont accept anybody else for who they are and what they believe. Keep making 100 posts a day to make yourself feel better though, I CAN accept you for you
Do I agree with those who don't support gay rights? No.

Do I support their right to free speech, assembly and protest to express those rights? Yes.

I will forever protect the right of those to speak even in opposition to me, but I will not relinquish support of a position that I hold.

Where does the "acceptance" come into play? I allow them to express themselves, but no thought or idea is free from criticism. 
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True that and I only wish more Christians and the Religious Right could be as generous as you on this matter. However we all know the overall sentiment is that they "hate" gays and basically have no problem oppressing their rights and or feelings on the matter. It irritates me as to how people are showing their ignorance on this subject. Don't they realize homosexuals are not going anywhere? The homosexual population is increasing every single day and their neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, business clients, etc. could be homosexual. Instead of focusing on the problem and finding some middle ground or compromise, they rather puff out their chest and shout... "I am RIGHT, and you're WRONG!" :smh:
And that's exactly what I was brought up NOT to do. I know that each and everyone of us is different and we believe different things but instead of talking about the differences we need to focus on the common ground that we all share. People are putting all their energy into arguing and I'm not with all that, that's just not me.
You sound ridiculous. Not sure if serious.

Dead ***. I asked them for thier opinion, as the munched on chicken strips, as more gay people bought food.

This is something I should've brought up a long time ago, but in the black community gay people are the biggest church goers. They know and understands the Bible's view on homosexuality(probably better than we do), so it would be silly be get upset with Chic fil As stand, if you know anything about the business. Its not even like Chic fil A is single handedly stopping gay marriage, nor is the organizations they're supposed to be funding.
we HAVE to support gay rights. it's the American way.

gays aren't asking for the Catholic Church to recognize their union. they're asking for the government to recognize their union. we need separation of state and church. that is the ONLY way we are guaranteed the right to practice our own religion.

Wait a minute...aren't you hispanic/latino?

Good luck fending off this woman:


Irrelevant, But I see where you're coming from. :lol:[/url]
damn, I didn't even know they had that appreciation day yesterday and donated to oppressive organizations :wow:

I initially thought that this was just blown out of proportion, but it's way bigger than I expected.

I support gay marriage but all this attention to chick fil a got me craving some :/

undecided if I'll support them still in lieu of all this new info
Anything less than that is an insult to the integrity of the conversation in the first place. 

The guy AGREED with you and you still chose to berate him because of his faith.

This conversation lost any sign of integrity a long time ago.
Look, I'm a Christian and I'm always going to be Christian. Anyway I was raised to RESPECT EVERYONE and not HATE anyone. So I can honestly see where people are coming from with this boycott. Nobody should be hated because of what they are. If I say that I hate a gay person because they living an immoral life then I should hate everyone who's an alcoholic, drug addict or addicted to gambling but I'm not like that.
Shouts out to the people that can debate WITHOUT putting anyone down.
True that and I only wish more Christians and the Religious Right could be as generous as you on this matter. However we all know the overall sentiment is that they "hate" gays and basically have no problem oppressing their rights and or feelings on the matter. It irritates me as to how people are showing their ignorance on this subject. Don't they realize homosexuals are not going anywhere? The homosexual population is increasing every single day and their neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, business clients, etc. could be homosexual. Instead of focusing on the problem and finding some middle ground or compromise, they rather puff out their chest and shout... "I am RIGHT, and you're WRONG!"
Exactly my point

The real solution might as well be to kill them off or forcefully send them into exile.

I mean if you're not going to give them rights, why allow them to even be around? 

What do you want CFA to do, donate and support organizations that go AGAINST their beliefs and religious values.
I don't want CFA to do anything that CFA is not going to do. They're free to do what they want and I'm free to challenge them.

I won't tell anyone what to do on the matter.

You wont shut me up just by saying that I shouldn't express my opinion, if they are free to express theirs. 

If they want to support gays, go ahead. If they choose not to, go ahead. But they should be prepared for the hand of the free market to take its course. 
 You're ashamed.....? come on.
I'm ashamed that a group of people have forgotten their OWN struggles, many of whom in their own life time.
You want people to protest, just dont eat there! How about protesting the government, or the majority of the states where its ILLEGAL for gay people to marry.
Government protest is what allowed Obama to actually support same sex marriage openly.

Not to mention that both him AND romney have supported it since the 90s.

Romney even said he'd be to the LEFT of Ted Kennedy... 
But no, you followers and easily persuaded simpletons follow whatever the media tells you to do. Log off and go watch TMZ. Chick Fila A is running a business here, and a successful one at that. They treat their employees great, pay them well, have clean stores and serve fast food that is pretty healthy- oh, and yes, they support and are loyal to their own values and belief system. Yall will follow whatever "issue" the media tells you to, where have yall been all this time anyways, nothing NEW here.
And I have no obligation to support them.

I guess you don't have a problem with Academi/Xe/Black Water either, in and of itself. 

Around my city, theres tons of southern Baptists, mostly black too- i dont share their beliefs, but i respect them for being loyal to their church and doing what they believe is right-

I don't.
 and Ive seen many people growing up do great things and turn their lives around with their faith.
Thats an excuse.

Helping someone to be a productive member of society doesn't include teaching them that gays are hell-bound and that evolution is non-sense.

I refuse to lower my standards to promote religious indoctrination. Sorry. 

 What the hell do you believe in anyways MD? Theres no point to life right, then why worry about any of this if youre just just gonna die and forever rot in the ground?
As long as I'm alive (or as short as it matters to the universe) I want to ensure that most of us can make the most out of this before we return to the earth. 

It is, what it is. 
1. I'm not going to address your picking and choosing and inherent moral superiority to a book you barely follow, thats a whole other topic for another day...

2. BUT what do you mean by this? How is anyone being put down? I don't see where being held accountable for your voluntary opinion and voluntary association to a religion that advocates this behavior  is a bad thing. No one is being called names here, but you better believe that opinions ARE being challenged and view points are being analyzed. Anything less than that is an insult to the integrity of the conversation in the first place. 
Bro, I didn't mention ANY names. I haven't even read the whole thread. I was actually overall impressed with what I have seen, the way you guys have facts to back up what you are saying. I like when people are able to discuss things like this in a civilized manner. Chillllll
My apologies, then.

I didn't get that sense from your original post. 
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Anything less than that is an insult to the integrity of the conversation in the first place. 
The guy AGREED with you and you still chose to berate him because of his faith.

This conversation lost any sign of integrity a long time ago.
no he didn't.....
of course he did 
we HAVE to support gay rights. it's the American way.

gays aren't asking for the Catholic Church to recognize their union. they're asking for the government to recognize their union. we need separation of state and church. that is the ONLY way we are guaranteed the right to practice our own religion.
Wait a minute...aren't you hispanic/latino?

Good luck fending off this woman:
Irrelevant, But I see where you're coming from.
No its totally haven't even thought about protecting your OWN community (if you identify and promote their interests, that is) from a group of bigots who seek to make sure that you and anyone who looks like you doesn't get equal footing or access to the law. 

But nah, good luck. You're just another segment who has forgotten what it means to really face obstacles in an effort to maintain your own autonomy. 
What do you want CFA to do, donate and support organizations that go AGAINST their beliefs and religious values. You're ashamed.....? come on. You want people to protest, just dont eat there! How about protesting the government, or the majority of the states where its ILLEGAL for gay people to marry. But no, you followers and easily persuaded simpletons follow whatever the media tells you to do. Log off and go watch TMZ. Chick Fila A is running a business here, and a successful one at that. They treat their employees great, pay them well, have clean stores and serve fast food that is pretty healthy- oh, and yes, they support and are loyal to their own values and belief system. Yall will follow whatever "issue" the media tells you to, where have yall been all this time anyways, nothing NEW here.
Around my city, theres tons of southern Baptists, mostly black too- i dont share their beliefs, but i respect them for being loyal to their church and doing what they believe is right- and Ive seen many people growing up do great things and turn their lives around with their faith. What the hell do you believe in anyways MD? Theres no point to life right, then why worry about any of this if youre just just gonna die and forever rot in the ground?

You treat this like it should be a given.

It's not.

Why does one being loyal to a cause that I'm against deserve "respect?" No, I do not have to respect your ideas and those ideas should be openly criticized if they're flagrantly wrong. You can go ahead and spout off but don't be surprised to get called out. As long as ideas are what is being challenged, I don't see anything wrong with it.


Why do theists keep saying "there's no point to life" and "you're just going to die and rot in the ground" whenever someone doesn't believe? How ridiculous do you sound? So you're saying the only reason your life has meaning is because you believe in a life removed from this one? That you get something out of this life because you're focused on "the next?" Get out of here with that. I have a pretty good thing going even without abstract faith. I have a loving family, good friends, and things I'm passionate about. What more do I need to make this life "meaningful?" I'm focused on the here and now, not on "maybe."
And that's exactly what I was brought up NOT to do. I know that each and everyone of us is different and we believe different things but instead of talking about the differences we need to focus on the common ground that we all share. People are putting all their energy into arguing and I'm not with all that, that's just not me.

There is no more common ground here in America. Our leaders (Democrats/Republicans) are making sure of this by the continuous perpetual hate they throw at each other. If our leaders can't find common ground, how can the people especially when it's easy to sway opinions by the constant programming done by the 24 hour news media.

I hope Dan Cathy does find it in his heart to donate those record profits he made yesterday to a common ground charity like people who are homeless or some other charity that has nothing to do with this issue.
There is no more common ground here in America. Our leaders (Democrats/Republicans) are making sure of this by the continuous perpetual hate they throw at each other. If our leaders can't find common ground, how can the people especially when it's easy to sway opinions by the constant programming done by the 24 hour news media.
I hope Dan Cathy does find it in his heart to donate those record profits he made yesterday to a common ground charity like people who are homeless or some other charity that has nothing to do with this issue.
That's another whole issue in itself, I don't see how people put faith in this government where no one can get along.

I doubt it. He's probably excited that people are on his side. Who knows though, maybe he will.
Thats fine, and I welcome it- just expressing my side since a few are so pushy with their beliefs and ideas. I respect you for yours, and have always thought you were a good dude on here. I didnt mean at all that life on Earth is meaningless because of the next life or "maybe" as you call it. I too have a great life, and family/friends. Some of this just seems so hypocritical to me, but we're all entitled to our own ideas and beliefs- i just feel it necessary to put the other side out there since one side is going ham on it

I feel that. The message wasn't really so much directed at you but really just a general statement. You gotta admit though, as much as FutureMD posts in this thread, it's really mainly him fighting against the tide :lol:. It'd be great if everyone was reasonable but there are some flat out homophobes on Niketalk. Not even sugar-coating that. Type of people to actually wish ill on others for being themselves.
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