You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

When people get extra loud for no reason, or when you tryna have a discussion and the females get OD loud. Like damn, chill lol.
when random people try to kick you out of skate spots then they call the cops bc you didn't leave 

getting caught with wax or a piece of candle is about the same as getting caught with a dirty gun 
When people talk **** about you and think you can't hear em then you ask what they said they give you that good ol "nothing"

When friends flake -_-
When I'm stuck in line somewhere and have to listen to two teenage girls nearby have a conversation (where EVERYTHING is the most important thing in the world). I swear my IQ drops double digits after a minute listening to that garbage, wanna blow my brains out.
I hate people who are willing to say what's on their mind but I know if I was gonna tell due da truth dey would get butt hurt like a lil b they r
Sheeps... Like dat one time nters saw da video of da African poverty genocide civil war bs n donated money for da video creator to buy some drugs and he got high to da point he was naked out in da streets
I hate when I stop to hold a door open and the person walking in touches the door as if I'm going to slam it on them. JUST WALK THROUGH.
When you in line at a fastfood place and that crazy fat lady in front of you going off at the cashier.
Sheeps... Like dat one time nters saw da video of da African poverty genocide civil war bs n donated money for da video creator to buy some drugs and he got high to da point he was naked out in da streets
Oh man not that Kony 2012 nonsense. This was when I was in high school and posters were all over the walls for it. They even had this survey going around asking people about the movement and questions on it and I was one of the very few who could find the country (I forgot which it was) on a map. All of these wannabe activists couldn't do it and I didn't even donate a penny.
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People who eat with their mouths open, I feel like drop kicking them when I see that.
When people on Facebook write on others walls or statuses saying "Message me" or "call me". Why can't you just message them? I dunno I don't get it. Hate when people do that too me
When you are in front of the door of a metro mover/metro cart and the older ladies cut you off and try to skip everybody just to get in the cart first. Happens EVERY time it involves a door and old viejas
I hate when that Stevie J dude makes that dumbass face. I blame NT. I woulda never heard of/seen him otherwise.
rude people, impatient people, attention w*****

pretty much sums it up, in addition to all already mentioned in this thread (especially the driving part)

but emphasis on:
-people who dont know when to shut up, especially in class. im trying to take notes, the prof starts getting mad....all bad from there
-people who cant wait to get into a damn elevator/train/bus. first rule of courtesy is make space so people can exit, not push your way past them inside. :stoneface:

one last:
-when i arrive 10 min before closing at a restaurant/store and the lights are off/gates down :stoneface:

Edit: I've seen 15-20 min before closing too, smh
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Effin hate when a store closes 20 mins early like wtf 

Finna go to the apple store today, pray for me bros.
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