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  1. abstractconcepts

    Best Buy vol. Best Job to Take

    I work in computers, it sucks. I'm just not a people person. The job sucks, but the discount and employee deals are sweet.
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    Legalizing Mary Jane????

    I am all for it! Legalize it and just give it the same restrictions as alcohol. Lord knows this country needs the money and I'm sick of seeing those stupidanti weed campaign ads on tv.
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    Worst feeling in the world....

    yeah i hate that too. Almost as much as I hate not checking for toilet paper before taking a mean one. Or sitting down to blaze and realizing that someone gotyou for your lighter.
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    NT Confessions Thread......vol 2009 will bring better luck

    -I smoke ridiculously too much. Like 2 blunts on days I work and like 5 on my days off. -I hate my job. -My friends leech off of me and to an extent I allow it. -I have a girl but sometime wish I didn't. Feel stuck though, don't want to hurt her.
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    SMOKED for the 1st Time.....VOL. Caught on Campus

    I've never been caught on campus. A friend of mine is a notorious weed head on campus though and one day after we just got finished getting smacked in mybathroom (which was windowless) the RA felt it was necessary to do a random room check and smelled it. There was no evidence because we weren't...
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    White people dancing=make my life

    The chick in the first vid dances like Ellen.
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    Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun Li Trailer Vol. how she get movie before Ryu/Ken?

    This movie is a waste of time and money, but I still might end up seeing it.
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    What Age Did You Start Cussing?

    like 3rd or 4th grade. I started with the S word.
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    If anyone is still looking for Wii's go to Best Buy on Sundays. They usually have them. I should know because I work there. You would want to get there assoon as the store opens though because it's usually a very limited quantity (about 15 or less) and they go fast.
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    Rep Your Highschool Vol "08-09"

    Benjamin Banneker c/o "05"
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    Best/Worst Malls

    I haven't been to Iverson Mall or Beltway Plaza in years but the last time I did they were both terrible. I only go to Pentagon City because my girl worksthere. Other than that I wouldn't waste my time. The shoe stores suck. I might slide in the Apple store every now and then or Game Stop, but...
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    Popular things that you just never really got into. Vol. 6789998212

    Sudoku Myspace Starbucks Skinny jeans T Pains music Iphones
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    NT, when you're alone...

    -Randomly text message people -Smoke -Work on one of my many projects (fixing computers and such) -Rubix cube
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    Tyler Perry's House of payne...Vol. Stoneface

    My mom watches it almost everyday. Oddly though, I never hear her laugh at it. I too dislike about 95% of Tyler Perry's work. I think he just reiteratesold fashioned black stereotypes. The acting is terrible and the stories are just predictable. He has another show that is called The Browns or...
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