⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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I'm enjoying every moment of this

0 shots on target
Coming on finally at 3-0 and with Alexis coming off :rofl::rofl:

I really don't understand how this happened.

Why are you taking off one of the best players in the league? Why was Laca brought on so late too? I thought Arsenal spent the big money on him to bag the goals, why wait an hour to bring him on?
I really don't understand how this happened.

Why are you taking off one of the best players in the league? Why was Laca brought on so late too? I thought Arsenal spent the big money on him to bag the goals, why wait an hour to bring him on?
cause wenger knows alexis doesn't want to be there...
what did yall think was gonna happen when the best player/leader of the team doesn't want to play for them anymore?

if city get alexis...

You shouldn't put yourself down like that.

The same Hazard that was a big driving force for 2 title winning squads?

Mane's out here playing catch up. Don't let your inferiority complex get the best of you man. When y'all stop being Barca's feeder club you might get back to the top.
You won the first of the two when the league was at it's worse in terms of competition. You're only competition was a Clueless United lead by LVG, a Buy to win City, Arsenal(Nuff said there) and a Liverpool Managed Rogers squad. Notice how the team went to utter **** once some form of competition came around the following season. Last season was great tactical brilliance by Conte so I'll give you that, but the only reason why you haven't become a feeder club is because you tie players down into long term contracts with your Russian mafia of a club. Players have to flee to their homeland and threaten not to return in order to be released.Notice how you haven't signed anyone else ? Because players are privy to your shady underworld dealings. Even your manager recognizes that and refuses to sign long term deals.
cause wenger knows alexis doesn't want to be there...
what did yall think was gonna happen when the best player/leader of the team doesn't want to play for them anymore?

if city get alexis...
Yeah I think it's blatantly obvious that he doesn't want to be there anymore.

But still....doesn't explain why Laca, your big money signing as a ST isn't starting matches. Is he recovering?
Laca should've stayed patient and waited for Atleti's ban to run out...Lyon are looking decent
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