2009: BUY GOLD. NOW.

Naufal Waffle?! Dog, now that you're caking..do you still make beats?
I just cant do it, thats like my sure way of doing it. I just put enough to get the company match then with the extra cash i invest in certain sttocks nothingto crazy. the bear market has taught me alot with out killing my positions so im happy. Still trying to learn on agood method for shorting stocks since im alonger term investor
My parents buy gold all the time. 4-5 years ago, they bought gold back when it was a lot cheaper an ounce.
OK where can I buy

I have noticed a lot of those " WE BUY GOLD" ads

so can anyone point me to the right direction on where to buy an ounce or a brick?
IYE2- i'll be retuning to the beat game soon, better watch out
kicktionair- perth mint, onlygold.com, kitco.com
Onece I buy a coin or whatever.... where do I sell it?

Is there a risk of being stuck with the gold or is there always people buying etc?
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

ben baller, i'll bet u 50K youre wrong and i'm right. accept my offer.

i make a living speculating in stocks, options, currencies, and other financial securities. i follow this religiously as well, but not just gold prices but all the economic fundamentals behind them.

This is getting interesting
are you the market kid? i was looking at that blog and that is amazing. i also added that to favorites and once i learn how to short, and trade in general iwill be getting in the trading market. it will be hard if im not at the computer all day but ill just have to place orders and let em go. you got me excitedabout wall street again. i havent wanted to get back into trading this much in years.
dey know -
on the profits.

10,000 seems like a radical leap though in 3 years. I got like 4 grand I could use i may take a risk on half of it and just hold.
oh cause it said in january he opened his account with $8500 too. well im gonna do some research for a few weeks on how to properly trade and short stocks andonce i figure out how to read the charts hes posting up ill start trading. i figure id start with that same amount too, around $10,000 and go from there

ben sure did go ghost
glad to see NTers considering trading.

wait two months though, half of these people gonna be pissed at me cuz the stock market swallowed their capital
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

glad to see NTers considering trading.

wait two months though, half of these people gonna be pissed at me cuz the stock market swallowed their capital
Any advice to avoid or minimize the chances of losing?
has USO hit its bottom yet? thing is floatin around 30 dollars i see it reaching heights of 150 plus this year
nikeflightposite- don't be afraid to cut losses. as simple as that sounds, if you're wrong you have to admit you're wrong and get out.
getthismoney- i think it is either bottomed now or will bottom after one more sell off. i don't think it'll get to 150 levels this year at all, but ifit does, it'd only be because of inflation. oil prices were in a bubble because of perceived emerging market demand-- all emerging marke wealth which isnow proved to be artificial-- financed by the artificial wealth of american consumers.
Originally Posted by belle155

oh cause it said in january he opened his account with $8500 too. well im gonna do some research for a few weeks on how to properly trade and short stocks and once i figure out how to read the charts hes posting up ill start trading. i figure id start with that same amount too, around $10,000 and go from there

ben sure did go

Although I encourage everybody to trade also, if you're unfamiliar with the subject right now, dipping your feet into it in the month or so might be thebest idea, especially selling short, you could get burned bad.
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

has USO hit its bottom yet? thing is floatin around 30 dollars i see it reaching heights of 150 plus this year
$150 was because of massive speculation. I don't think there's anyway it will reach that high. A good support for it now is around$26.50 because it's still falling as the contango between brent and wti is still growing.
tmq offered up this warren buffet advice for level headed investing

Place $100,000, the maximum federally insured amount, into a CD, to have some money that will always be secure; max out whatever retirement instrument youqualify for; ignore gold, art and similar investments that are volatile; ignore commodities options, short selling, derivatives and similar complex investmentsthat often trip up even specialists; ignore anything that's "securitized" (assets packaged into securities, there is no chance you can evaluatethe underlying assets); buy real estate or real property only if your plan is to hold it for many years; place the remainder of your funds in a plain-vanilla60-40 Standard & Poor's index fund (one that invests 60 percent in blue chip stocks, 40 percent in corporate bonds and Treasury bills); buy that fundfrom any reputable investment firm open to the public; let the money in the 60/40 fund simply sit there, regardless of what's happening in the markets.
I have an ira and and i am able to buy stocks and all that. i invested in a fidelity freedom fund that was suppose to "mature" and be right in like2045. i lost a 1000 of the 3 that i put into it and got out of it cause i felt i couldnt continue to lose. today just lookin at stocks, i went to purchase andit ask me order type with the options (market order, limit order, stop loss, stop limit, limit order, and a few other things)

all i really want to do is buy some stocks (in this case gold) and obviously make some money, but truly just want to diversify cause all my money is cash.

i thought open an ira would get me compounding interest untill its time for me to retire and live off that. well it appears to be more than that.

if anyone can help me out with the order type, and possibly help me with my particular situations, i would appreciate it. and if its one of those things whereits too time consumin or you are just gonna tell me to read, ill paypal $5 for your time and effort explaining.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

belle155- i started originally with $8500, worked my way up eventually to $600,000.
You sure that's the entire story? Is there a partnet/partners? A Firm?

I'm not calling it either way; ducktales or not. It's just that a) I'm a skeptical person by nature and b) with various family members in thebusiness I've been around those who've been around long enough to see what different returns look like.

Also, it's just odd to me that you're still enrolled at school because with your returns you could drop out and get a job at almost any desk or you canjust keep on trading solo.
Was this your site before the current one? http://dormroomderivatives.wordpress.com/http://dormroomderivatives.wordpress.com/ ; Seems odd to me making the returns that you did that you'd bepeddling $5 and $20 reports.

Don't take this the wrong way. I'm just skeptical.
+@!#. I want you to prove my skepticism wrong.
I'll throw you some nice change, you can take a healthy cut, and I'll take my returns.

I mean god knows we've seen Ben Baller's cars and Jewelry many times. Ben's Jewelery is nice though...and that M5 too.
Can we get something to substantiate the claims made.
Originally Posted by thagreatj

I have an ira and and i am able to buy stocks and all that. i invested in a fidelity freedom fund that was suppose to "mature" and be right in like 2045. i lost a 1000 of the 3 that i put into it and got out of it cause i felt i couldnt continue to lose. today just lookin at stocks, i went to purchase and it ask me order type with the options (market order, limit order, stop loss, stop limit, limit order, and a few other things)

all i really want to do is buy some stocks (in this case gold) and obviously make some money, but truly just want to diversify cause all my money is cash.

i thought open an ira would get me compounding interest untill its time for me to retire and live off that. well it appears to be more than that.

if anyone can help me out with the order type, and possibly help me with my particular situations, i would appreciate it. and if its one of those things where its too time consumin or you are just gonna tell me to read, ill paypal $5 for your time and effort explaining.
Don't jump into it blind.
Honestly, old timers make easy money from new investors like yourself going in with no direction/philosophy.

Put your money into a 3 or 6 ,9 (whatever you wish )month CD and start reading up on how the market works and basic technical data.
When you feel comfortable enough to invest a bit here and a bit there than go for it. If you're only looking to invest/trade in gold related stocks thanresearch that sector.
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