2011 another great year for college football


whaddup doe Gaytor fans? 
Originally Posted by dreClark

I'm not surprised Weis is gone. Probably best for all parties involved.

I am
But hey, he could have gone to a worse team 
I know my dad's gonna be hyped when this hire's announced.
I know someone in the Athletics office is pissed right now that they sold all of those table clothes for jackets/warmups/pants when MM left. 
Seriously thought I like it. Locally he turned Matt Cassel into a Pro Bowl QB. He is good with the X's and O's, had a winning record at ND against some tough odds. At least he has a better track record than what Gill did when we hired him. Will be very interesting to see who he hires for his staff.
No more "Schematic Advantage" for the Gators.

This might work for Ol' Charlie.  I think he was way in over his head at Notre Dame, tough first gig to have.  There are no expectations at Kansas, he might be able to build himself up for a Notre Dame type job in the future or this will be his last job as a HC.
Originally Posted by FlaHustler1024

Kill that noise dre, you probably applauding the Weis news
Of course I was being sarcastic w/ the Diggs and Agholor mess

But I'm indifferent on Weis leaving.
@NelsonAgh3: Really don't know what to say right now.
And so it begins......

Cardo, you better get Richt and Co. on the phone w/ Agholor and Matt Jones A$AP.  This is your chance to come in 3rd in the Agholor sweepstakes
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Urb hired Herman... great get

Congrats. Weis to KU, wow.

I don't know if I would say great or not.  Hopefully he has more success at Ohio State.
Just got a text from a buddy that Paul Finebaum said A&M is hiring mark Richt? Huh?
Originally Posted by isu42

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Urb hired Herman... great get

Congrats. Weis to KU, wow.

I don't know if I would say great or not.  Hopefully he has more success at Ohio State.

He was impressive at Rice and did some pretty good things at Iowa State. He will have more resources at The Ohio State University. Fits the mold as far as Urban going for upcomers.

..and he isn't the only Nowitness isn't the only one who heard Richt to aTm rumors

Originally Posted by dreClark

@ all the bad info you keep getting fed
Did we not get John Theus & Keith Marshall..?

Are we not about to land Patterson contrary to Gunna's sources word..?

Are we not about to grab Eligwe from F$U..?

Is JHC not a DAWG...?

Where's Jeff Luc?


kids change their minds, he was a silent DAWG tho.
Give me Richt or Petersen, please.

Then again, this is probably all just a giant smoke screen to appease the fans so the administration can say they conducted a full "process" instead of quickly hiring the Good 'Ol Boy (Sumlin).
Theus was going to UGA as soon as his brother went

Marshall was a UGA lock from the start

Dunno about Patterson

Not stealing Eligwe

JHC is a Mutt now

Luc has the bad luck of being behind a NFL bound LB

Agholor was never a Silent, none of that **%*
I stick by my statement, that if Agholor leaves the state of Florida, he's going West...

another nugget...
is it just me, or did those Punt returns raise Mathieu's post season awards' stock?

He won the Bednarik, really?

He had a great year, but I think he's slowly becoming really overrated.
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