2011 another great year for college football

Patterson won't be a vol strictly bc Baggett left as WR coach.

Yall better be careful and havea back up for him cus he was supposed to be January enrollee but his grades pushed him back.

Rarely can u trust a Kid who goes to juco cus of grades, then can't leave on schedule bc of grades
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by isu42

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Urb hired Herman... great get

Congrats. Weis to KU, wow.

I don't know if I would say great or not.  Hopefully he has more success at Ohio State.

He was impressive at Rice and did some pretty good things at Iowa State. He will have more resources at The Ohio State University. Fits the mold as far as Urban going for upcomers.

..and he isn't the only Nowitness isn't the only one who heard Richt to aTm rumors


Its a great get imo. He's reported as coming in as the qb coach not the oc.
Apparently theyre going after Jameis Winston hard.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Patterson won't be a vol strictly bc Baggett left as WR coach.

Yall better be careful and havea back up for him cus he was supposed to be January enrollee but his grades pushed him back.

Rarely can u trust a Kid who goes to juco cus of grades, then can't leave on schedule bc of grades

 photo finish
 I like it. I'm very exctied to see what he can do! Also excited to see who the OC and DC will be.

Welcome to KU Charlie Weis!
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Woods and York are casualties of the scholarship reductions. York badly wants to come to SC, its 50/50, don't blame him for seeking a scholly elsewhere. Offer hasn't been pulled but he's been informed by the coaching staff that it's a possibility. Same with Mickens.

Coaches pulled York's offer after his injury. No chance he comes back.
Originally Posted by MBen32

is it just me, or did those Punt returns raise Mathieu's post season awards' stock?

He won the Bednarik, really?

He had a great year, but I think he's slowly becoming really overrated.

@ "slowly becoming"
I can't remember a player as overrated as Matthieu since well......Jake Locker. 

The Bednarik award has officially become a joke. It's meaningless now. 
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by dreClark

http://twitter.com/#!/NelsonAgh3And so it begins......

Cardo, you better get Richt and Co. on the phone w/ Agholor and Matt Jones A$AP.  This is your chance to come in 3rd in the Agholor sweepstakes


 Notre Damb is 'in the lead' right now, but i aint eem sweatin' it...

 nd in the lead? where you getting your info from a magic 8 ball?
Originally Posted by MBen32

is it just me, or did those Punt returns raise Mathieu's post season awards' stock?

He won the Bednarik, really?

He had a great year, but I think he's slowly becoming really overrated.
Well...Duh man
@PeteThamelNYT: Sources: Dayne Crist will visit KU for a potential transfer and reunion with Charlie Weis.
Tweet of the year right here.

RT @ThE_rEaL_P2: If yu a high school defense of player go to LSU, because that's where the BEST go. #GeauxTigers

Sorkoram or maybe even Hank Moody, was there been alot of attention in regards to Garrick McGee's prior DUI and burglary charges while he was there at Ark or NW?
Originally Posted by after h0urs

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo
Coaches pulled York's offer after his injury. No chance he comes back.
Not to question your sources, but York's offer didn't get pulled until about two weeks ago (*I thought he still had an offer).  His offer was contingent on him being an EE, he didn't meet the requirements to be a December graduate.  His offer was already on the fence after his knee injury, once he didn't qualify to be an EE, it got pulled.

@Aziz****tu Aziz ****tu

#michigan I'm coming

.  Maybe now that Standifer is out.  Edit:  Bah, looks like it might have been a prank.
I'm not sure there have been too many recruits that enjoy the process as much as ****tu has
Originally Posted by The Wizard

Tweet of the year right here.

RT @ThE_rEaL_P2: If yu a high school defense of player go to LSU, because that's where the BEST go. #GeauxTigers

Sorkoram or maybe even Hank Moody, was there been alot of attention in regards to Garrick McGee's prior DUI and burglary charges while he was there at Ark or NW?
The dui raised eyebrows, but nothing more. Great coach and the players loved him with a proven track record (no pun).

Hearing Petrino may have hired Paul Haynes from my alma mater, that would be a good move. They didn't want to open the checkbook for Shannon. Our former defensive coordinator couldn't recruit and I know Haynes can for sure.

edit - http://www.5newsonline.com/sports/k...coordinator-position-20111209,0,5420277.story
Sounds like Sumlin is now a done deal to be TAMU's new coach. Early reports are that he won't bring any assistants from UH and won't retain any from the current TAMU staff.

Mike Stoops
Originally Posted by IYE2

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by isu42

I don't know if I would say great or not.  Hopefully he has more success at Ohio State.

He was impressive at Rice and did some pretty good things at Iowa State. He will have more resources at The Ohio State University. Fits the mold as far as Urban going for upcomers.

..and he isn't the only Nowitness isn't the only one who heard Richt to aTm rumors


Its a great get imo. He's reported as coming in as the qb coach not the oc.
Apparently theyre going after Jameis Winston hard.

Guess  he decided to give Herman the reigns as OC, I can't be mad at that. 
^I think the plan was to hopefully get a morris or studrawa as the oc and have herman as the qb coach. They saw they couldnt get morris and were content with herman. Fine with me though.
Originally Posted by dreClark

 Not stealing Eligwe

WitnessGreatness @MarkussEligwe
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Bout to kill Mark Richt and coach G in some spades man

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