2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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matt barnes is not even working that hard to ball deny and kd still comes to half court to catch the ball

he needs to start inside the 3pt line

It's the biggest change that he has to make in order to become Kobe, Lebron, Jordan, etc.

Lebron used to do that **** in Cleveland. Started his point of attack much lower in Miami and boom, his effectiveness grew.

Kobe and Jordan played a lot of PG and played a lot with the ball before Phil got them off the rock, and started their points of attack from 15, to 17 feet. It makes a huge difference.


will always be a fan of his, that 3 was just insane. also no idea why lamb doesn't get any playing time over fisher or thabo.
I'm about to just mute my TV if they're gonna keep bringing up the Sterling thing in every single Clippers game.
he had his chances. his shots werent going in. he doesnt provide defense. he's just not there yet
the thunder need offense from others to help durant and westbrook, lamb would be a better option than either fisher or thabo. i agree his defense is pretty bad but it's not like fisher or thabo have been defensive stoppers this season.
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