2021 NFL Off-Season Thread

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casper90403 casper90403 how are ratings down when reports are saying they're up for some games and weeks? Like last night's ratings are up. Obviously you're in that field so can explain some.

I feel like ratings are low because of streaming and cable cutting, not cause of MAGAs. So many of my boys ask me for streams all the time. I only have YouTubeTV because of my wife. If I was single, I wouldn't have ****. Prices going up year by year, **** that and **** them.

They've been saying for a few years the NFL ticket will be available every year after this deal is up.
last nights game was up year to year, but when you look at what game was on last year, it might make some sense (Tampa vs. Carolina last year). So its not crazy to think last night did better. I think it was the first prime time game that was up YTY. Houston/KC, Rams/Dallas and both MNF games were down, and down big time. A Cowboys national televised game couldn't even get 20 million viewers. Last years Pats/Pitt opener did around 23 million viewers.

But when you look at MNF, SNF, the decrease YTY is staggering. But I also dont think its because of MAGA's boycotting. Look at news viewship. YTY, its up big time. So the decrease you are seeing in the MNF and SNF game probably has a ton to do with people watching cable news. Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc are feasting right now. Shooting fish in a barrel. Fox News will of course spin it and say the decrease is all because of the players kneeling/speaking out and that MAGA's are tuning out, but its not 100% true.

So the NFL being down is a little misleading because people are tuning into the news more.

One interesting stat is viewship is down, but the average time spent viewing is up. So that means the hardcore fans are watching more, and the casual people are not.

So in my opinion, its because news is on fire and people cant get away from it.
I took this Screenshot of an article I read...from the TNF opener...

with me, for example

i canceled nfl network just because I wasn’t really watching it

but I still get the Thursday night games for the first few weeks on a Canadian channel (as far as my cable provider goes)

then I get it through either amazon prime or fox, whenever those games start (i want to say week 4)
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Folks are probably watching the basketball playoffs too....it's probably overblown.
basketball numbers are getting killed. Denver/LAC game 6 did under 1.5M viewers. Of course it went up against the opening games for week 1 of the NFL, so its no surprise.

Miami/Boston numbers from last night was the worst they have seen in over 15 years. But it is the first time ever where the NBA playoffs were going up against the NFL. So its hard to tell. NbA will never do well when an NFL game is going on. They moved game 4 of Boston/Miami from Monday of next week to Tuesday to avoid MNF

The NBA definitely doesn't want this to be a trend and stay away from football. I think the NFL is too concerned with the NBA. I'd like to see what Boston/LAL numbers would down football was on. They probably stay away from playing on Sunday for sure.
nba clearly better off than baseball.. but them not being on certain channels is huge

feel like what nfl did with Thursday night ends up being what happens where you got fox/nfl network and amazon

always assumed what abc/ESPN did with the national championship game would be applied elsewhere
I was thinking about the ratings again and I remember the ratings being down in 2016 to start the season and people ("that demographic") wanted to attribute it to Kaeps kneeling and fans boycotting, but ultimately it was just an election year.
I was thinking about the ratings again and I remember the ratings being down in 2016 to start the season and people ("that demographic") wanted to attribute it to Kaeps kneeling and fans boycotting, but ultimately it was just an election year.

think I read or heard some place that tv ratings were down for everything, across the board..

and given that context, nfl was better off especially when viewed vs other sports

but kaep was just an easy target for trump and certain other people

but it’s like with radio, you gotta prioritize having your program accessible via podcast and YouTube
think I read or heard some place that tv ratings were down for everything, across the board..

and given that context, nfl was better off especially when viewed vs other sports

but kaep was just an easy target for trump and certain other people

but it’s like with radio, you gotta prioritize having your program accessible via podcast and YouTube

I think that across the board stuff sounds familiar to '16 as well.

I just remember that as the 2nd season after Kaep started kneeling, so it was going to be more league -wide at that point and a bigger (much ado about nothing) story for news outlets.
was always a more nuanced convo..

but trump and co saw the political advantage of pointing the finger at kaep.. and you got a bunch of old money right wing owners

but even the product itself was an issue where you just had shh primetime games.. and the Thursday games were just horrendous
I think there’s a lot of factors.

A lot of people cutting cable and streaming.

A lot of people are focused on the elections and watching that coverage.

A lot of people are homeless or can’t afford ****.

A lot of people don’t want to watch TV, they want to get away from COVID News and everything else in the world right now.
Also, I really like the Kraken team name, but I'm seeing a lot of Stussy in the S as I see it worn now. Not your regular block stussy, of course, but the one done by the guy/gal who could always draw and put their own spin on it. :lol:

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