3 girls found in Cleveland after 10 year investigation


Ok, well you two (and ninja) are big strong men on the internet. No doubt you guys would have escaped. But put yourself in the shoes of a 16 year old girl walking home after a shift at a fast food joint. The same dumb *** posting links about Jeff Bauman was an amputee actor is now placing blame on a 16 year old abductee. Go figure.
Uhh.... Where the #$#$ is it ok to get kidnapped from? You don't think the kidnappers plan this **** out. You think they just one day pull up to some random girl and tell them they have candy in their car?
Guys probably scoped out their victims before kidnapping them.

Acting like these guys just left the door wide open for them to escape.
o_O huh? i said why didnt she CALL OUT in 10 years. she called out to charles. was this the first opportunity in 10 damn years shes had to yell? and she was not just walking home, she hitchhiked and got a ride. and its not OKAY per se to get kidnapped anywhere...but it doesnt take "big strong men on the internet" to realize... "wtf this is my neighbor's house. **** theres my busstop right there! ay yo Mike! MIKE! its me TEK! GET ME OUTTA HERE!" you cant kidnap me to my own hood. i know the place, i know the people outside. youre just the typical internet skeptic trying to prove a point. smh
Dog, these were teenage girls, locked up and abused. Hearing people come and go with no help, they were trapped there in chains,

lead around naked on leashed like animals, and even those reports to police were ignored, they were hopeless.  I doubt they were just walking around in there playing house.  One report said he would test them by pretending to leave the house and then beat them if they tried to leave.  A few rounds of that and they'd just stop trying.  I doubt they'd be able to just fling themselves to an open window like a princess in a Disney movie and yell out for help.  Doesn't matter that they were in their own neighborhood or not
Im hearing they were let out 1 at a time.....

Yeah....chicks had they screws loosen for them

To go and come back & not try to escape...

You really just believe these girls WANTED to be held hostage and treated like slaves and animals?
Are we really arguing the mental fortitude and strength of 16 yr old girls? Don't you remember how easy it was to smash and keep them in love?
I swear some people are dumb as ****. SMH @ just trying to prove a point that proves nothing.
Dog, these were teenage girls, locked up and abused. Hearing people come and go with no help, they were trapped there in chains,

lead around naked on leashed like animals, and even those reports to police were ignored, they were hopeless.  I doubt they were just walking around in there playing house.  One report said he would test them by pretending to leave the house and then beat them if they tried to leave.  A few rounds of that and they'd just stop trying.  I doubt they'd be able to just fling themselves to an open window like a princess in a Disney movie and yell out for help.  Doesn't matter that they were in their own neighborhood or not
no1 is talking about staging an escape. ive never mentioned it once. i said call..out. your theory doesnt work because she called out just now to charles. calling out wasnt an issue just then was it? when the details come out, we'll see more about their conditions. i stand by what i said, theres no way this was their first opportunity to call out for help.
Playing Devil's advocate here,

When Chuck Ramsey found them, that couldn't have been the first time in 10 years that they actually had an opportunity to call out and try to escape.
Dog, these were teenage girls, locked up and abused. Hearing people come and go with no help, they were trapped there in chains,

lead around naked on leashed like animals, and even those reports to police were ignored, they were hopeless.  I doubt they were just walking around in there playing house.  One report said he would test them by pretending to leave the house and then beat them if they tried to leave.  A few rounds of that and they'd just stop trying.  I doubt they'd be able to just fling themselves to an open window like a princess in a Disney movie and yell out for help.  Doesn't matter that they were in their own neighborhood or not
no1 is talking about staging an escape. ive never mentioned it once. i said call..out. your theory doesnt work because she called out just now to charles. calling out wasnt an issue just then was it? when the details come out, we'll see more about their conditions. i stand by what i said, theres no way this was their first opportunity to call out for help.
She, for whatever reason was able to make her way to an apparently booby trapped front door and yell out.  Maybe her captors became laxed, or somehow in their sick minds started to believe they wanted to be there and gave her a little freedom around the house.  Whether or not it was her first chance to yell out or draw attention, we don't know.  We do know that this is the first time it wasn't ignored...  You can yell all you want, but if no one hears it or cares then it doesn't mean anything...
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:lol: I noticed Chuck's story kinda changed with each video interview but didnt think it was that big of a deal
right. the details will come out once the girls settle down back home and face the media. everyone needs to just calmmmm dooowwwnnn. im eager to hear this story.
:lol: I noticed Chuck's story kinda changed with each video interview but didnt think it was that big of a deal

Have you ever told someone something only to remember later that you forgot a little piece. Thats what I see going on, the story is pretty much the same with little details added. The first interview was very candid and he was still wrapped up in the moment.

Its funny these other dude is saying he was there first. I dont think it really matters who was first, as long as the girls got out.
Watching this right now on CNN. This whole thing is crazy. Amanda is now home, Gina should home at any time & Michelle is still in the hospital but in good condition. Apparently she's had a mental disorder that hasn't been treated since she was abducted but she is going to be ok. 
Not 1 second should be spent on Chucks substance of choice or speaking mannerisms. He and the spanish dude where there when it counted. What Amanda berry and Gina DeJesus woulda shoulda or coulda done. Them three Castro's need to be deaded don't even pay to clothe feed and house them maggots. Spend that bread on counseling for the women found in that house. Animal, I think, posted he saw one of the girls fathers crying at a stoplight looking at his daughter on a poster. I can not tell you the psychological problem I would have if that had been my kid...Not knowing what happened all that time is worse, imo, than knowing she had passed on
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Have you ever told someone something only to remember later that you forgot a little piece. Thats what I see going on, the story is pretty much the same with little details added. The first interview was very candid and he was still wrapped up in the moment.

Its funny these other dude is saying he was there first. I dont think it really matters who was first, as long as the girls got out.
In Chuck's fist interview he said the other dude was first but didn't speak english or something and then Chuck went and broke the door open. Or is the Spanish dude saying he actually broke the door open?
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