3 girls found in Cleveland after 10 year investigation

THIS. Feels like they are low-key trying to play dude because of his mannerisms. Like he's some kind of minstrel. :smh:

I feel like he's becoming a mockery. The heroism aspect of what he did is clearly secondary to his personality. Obviously, he's not the same guy...but this is what Antonie Dodson became famous (or infamous) for.

Isn't he somewhat doing it to himself? You gotta know when to stop doing interviews.

At what point does it turn from just telling the story to just basking in the attention?
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i don't think he's basking in anything or bringing attention to himself at all by doing interviews

his personality is what makes him even more likeable though i do think many people are more intent with turning him into a caricature than looking at him like a genuine & compassionate human being. some of the comments in this thread alone reflect that
Dude saw a girl freaking out screaming trying to get out of the house so he kicked the door in to allow her to escape. He's a hero in my book.
THIS. Feels like they are low-key trying to play dude because of his mannerisms. Like he's some kind of minstrel.
I feel like he's becoming a mockery. The heroism aspect of what he did is clearly secondary to his personality. Obviously, he's not the same guy...but this is what Antonie Dodson became famous (or infamous) for.
Isn't he somewhat doing it to himself? You gotta know when to stop doing interviews.

At what point does it turn from just telling the story to just basking in the attention?
he reminds me of someone who at one time used to be on hard drugs....they usually have eccentric personalities like him

not saying he was...he just comes off like one 
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IMe personally ... I'm not making fun of him...

To me, he just comes off as a hood ***** that's staying true to himself.

The type that will keep it 110% with you...

:pimp: :pimp:
THIS. Feels like they are low-key trying to play dude because of his mannerisms. Like he's some kind of minstrel. :smh:

I feel like he's becoming a mockery. The heroism aspect of what he did is clearly secondary to his personality. Obviously, he's not the same guy...but this is what Antonie Dodson became famous (or infamous) for.

Isn't he somewhat doing it to himself? You gotta know when to stop doing interviews.

At what point does it turn from just telling the story to just basking in the attention?
he reminds me of someone who at one time used to be on hard drugs....they usually have eccentric personalities like him

not saying he was...he just comes off like one 

im almost positive dude used to be on the sugar or H
no doubt....not saying he's a crackhead now.....just saying he probably played w/ the rock in the past but cosign the rest 

and obviously props for him doing what he did....don't wanna take that away
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S/O to Ramsey for saying if there is a reward to just give it to the girls he dont deserve it and he dont consider himself a hero just a person with balls to help out. Respect for that 
I saw on Anderson Cooper that Charles Ramsey said he doesn't want the award money and that it should go to the victims.  McDonalds thanked him for what he did and they said they will be in touch. :smokin

Dude had a cold response. He told Anderson, people that been watching since yesterday know he's got a job. He dont need the money as much as those girls do.

Man Micky D's is making out good in this. Just yesterday I thought of getting a Big Mac, walk down the street while eating it and seeing what I could get into.
I dont know where you from Don Ramon, but its pretty obvious. Its not taking away from what he did, doe. You still need to know when to cut it.

Lets be for reals, certain people will try and chastise "hood' folk in their faces because they think they're not going to catch on.
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Isn't he somewhat doing it to himself? You gotta know when to stop doing interviews.

At what point does it turn from just telling the story to just basking in the attention?

That's a good question. Personally, I believe that his intentions were great...the interviews go with the territory, however, the media is focusing on his personality and sayings rather than his act. Just my .02

I don't think he's trying to bask for attention...but I also don't know if he realizes that he's going to reach a certain level of "celebrity" due to how he looks and speaks.

Like Ricky409b said, he's probably being true to himself.

i don't think he's basking in anything or bringing attention to himself at all by doing interviews

his personality is what makes him even more likeable though i do think many people are more intent with turning him into a caricature than looking at him like a genuine & compassionate human being. some of the comments in this thread alone reflect that

I agree with this....and I won't lie...I was :rofl: at the call to the police.

Once the smoke cleared, I could tell dude was just being himself. Media (and others) probably realize this, but also realize that his personality can be exploited or made fun of so therefore he's become a story as well.
Idgaf if this **** found Jesus in the ball pit at the playground, I'm not eating Mcdonalds unless I have to.
honest to god i was just thinking this. how do u get kidnapped for YEARS in the same neighborhood u live in. You literally got kidnapped next door...how? I feel bad for em too but...some responsibility has to go in the victims direction imo. One girl hitchhiked and got abducted in 2003. So...in this age of information, u didnt know not to get in the car with strangers? You didnt call out to anybody in 10 YEARS?

Dudes tried to knock ninja's post but I sort of agree.

Same with you TEK, for 10 years?

You never know the type of influence they were under for all those years, but the thought process had to be shot. 


Ok, well you two (and ninja) are big strong men on the internet. No doubt you guys would have escaped. But put yourself in the shoes of a 16 year old girl walking home after a shift at a fast food joint. The same dumb *** posting links about Jeff Bauman was an amputee actor is now placing blame on a 16 year old abductee. Go figure.

how do u get kidnapped for YEARS in the same neighborhood u live in.

Uhh.... Where the #$#$ is it ok to get kidnapped from? You don't think the kidnappers plan this **** out. You think they just one day pull up to some random girl and tell them they have candy in their car? :smh: Guys probably scoped out their victims before kidnapping them.

Acting like these guys just left the door wide open for them to escape.
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To me, he just comes off as a hood ***** that's staying true to himself.

The type that will keep it 110% with you...

Agreed.  Anybody that knows a ***** from the hood will tell you that a ***** from the hood LOVES to talk, and that's what Charles Ramsey is doing and knows how to do best.  
Charles Ramsey Is an Internet Hero for All the Wrong Reasons

The Internet seems to lose sight of two very important distinctions sometimes. Charles Ramsey is a hero because he called the police and helped them save three women from reportedly being raped and impregnated in a basement for a decade. But he's a meme because he's black and poor, and because so many choose to ignore the horrible realities of the crime. And, sure, pretty entertaining for a couple minutes, but we'd like to add our support to Klee's proposal: "Just this once let’s celebrate the man himself—without using .gifs or Photoshop," he writes. Even though we know that isn't happening.
I dont know where you from Don Ramon, but its pretty obvious. Its not taking away from what he did, doe. You still need to know when to cut it.

Lets be for reals, certain people will try and chastise "hood' folk in their faces because they think they're not going to catch on.

ive seen many people catch the beats because they thought they could get away with low key down talking to someone
IMe personally ... I'm not making fun of him...

To me, he just comes off as a hood ***** that's staying true to himself.

The type that will keep it 110% with you...

Yep.  My thoughts exactly.  If you're from the hood, or have spent time in the hood, you know these cats.  They're a regular, every day presence.  

The problem is that most of America isn't used to these types of dudes, so he comes off as aloof, abrasive and a caricature of what "they" think black folks are.  
^ we arent gonna lose sight of what he did. still gonna remember him as the guy who saved 3 girls.
oh, and he keeps it real

he even gave a shoutout to red bull this morning in his interview :lol:
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