50 cent made 10 million by tweeting in two days.

Originally Posted by PoeticJays

Originally Posted by Kingtre

maybe i got it wrong but:

how/why would it be illegal? he's not managing anybodies money or making them do anything...he gave a stock tip...if people buy they buy based on his influence...more power to them-
secondly he doesn't "own" the company...he works for them - they are distributing his headphones and he obviously believes in the product...the shares were prob a part of his deal

its dirt cheap now and if you think his headphones and the other products they are bringing out will change that then hop in- i'm sure he's in it for the long run and not a "pump and dump" - they are gearing up to release his new product why would he dump the stock and send it crashing?

i could imagine the suits/owners/stockholders faces when he did it tho....he prob was just tryna prove a point...if you asked me 3 days ago i would say there was ZERO correlation between 50 cents twitter , where he hollas at chicks and disses other rappers, and the stock market

Who owns a company? The shareholders. 50 has millions of shares. That means he's a significant owner.

Also, it is illegal to intentionally mislead investors (i.e. start false rumors). It's against the code of ethics, and you most definitely can get sued/jail time for that. This is the same thing as Enron's CEO assuring investors that the company is doing great and dumping his stock at the same time.

$10M is a drop in the bucket in the world of finance. If it wasn't for 50's celebrity this would not be a story at all, things like this happen every day.

but wouldn't his percentage of shares matter? i mean if i own a stock i like i cant tell people about it? then if they buy it i cant sell?  its not that simple
again im far from an expert and havent even looked into this much BUT he is not the CEO, right? so how could you even compare this to what Enrons CEO did

how is he misleading anybody? where is the false rumor?

and yes i think we all understand 10m is nothing in THAT world...but 50 is a rapper and it was something that was done on twitter so its expected that it would get this coverage- not too long ago he was selling crack in queens somewhere
He did nothing wrong. lol. It' s not like he was lying about company financials. Twitter is an open news source.
Originally Posted by luxurious24

10 mill in 2 days
, I can't make that in 2 lifetimes.

people like you make great employees who work their entire lives for nothing and teach their kids to do the same. whatever floats your boat though
Pump and dump is illegal.(google is your friend) So he really hasn't made anything until he is allowed to legally sell the stock.
he's in it for the long run...he's never disses anything he puts an effort in...

its an investment into a company hes trying to promote his earphones on.
50 Cent's Penny Stock Pump Is Crashing

Joe Weisenthal, On Tuesday January 11, 2011, 10:39 am EST

Well, for most companies a fall of over 20% would be a crash.

However HNHI, the penny stock that 50 Cent was pumping on Twitter, gained over 200% yesterday, so 50 and his partners are still sitting pretty.

And we wouldn't count on him plugging it much more. His latest tweets suggest his lawyers urged him to calm down.

Originally Posted by PoeticJays

That $10M is in paper profit that he'll never realize.

Look up the stock, it has 200k in average trading value. If he tried to dump his shares, he'd push the price down severely with the amount of shares he has and would either kill all his gains or even incur losses. He'd only be able to profit on a small % of his shares before price goes back to where it was pre-tweet.

NT getting hyped over things they know nothing about

 @ the fact i'm still lost...

 @ the knowledge...

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by PoeticJays

That $10M is in paper profit that he'll never realize.

Look up the stock, it has 200k in average trading value. If he tried to dump his shares, he'd push the price down severely with the amount of shares he has and would either kill all his gains or even incur losses. He'd only be able to profit on a small % of his shares before price goes back to where it was pre-tweet.

NT getting hyped over things they know nothing about

 @ the fact i'm still lost...

 @ the knowledge...


Originally Posted by venom lyrix

50 Cent's Penny Stock Pump Is Crashing

Joe Weisenthal, On Tuesday January 11, 2011, 10:39 am EST

Well, for most companies a fall of over 20% would be a crash.

However HNHI, the penny stock that 50 Cent was pumping on Twitter, gained over 200% yesterday, so 50 and his partners are still sitting pretty.

And we wouldn't count on him plugging it much more. His latest tweets suggest his lawyers urged him to calm down.



Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Originally Posted by PoeticJays

That $10M is in paper profit that he'll never realize.

Look up the stock, it has 200k in average trading value. If he tried to dump his shares, he'd push the price down severely with the amount of shares he has and would either kill all his gains or even incur losses. He'd only be able to profit on a small % of his shares before price goes back to where it was pre-tweet.

NT getting hyped over things they know nothing about
Hes on they're payroll tho. And they will distribute his headphones soon so maybe he just wanted them to have more assets so they can reinvest it in him and deliver a better overall product (without fronting his own money).

The company gets no money when the stock goes up. The company only receives cash when it goes public (IPO). The only way the company itself (and not its shareholders/investors like 50) can benefit monetarily from a rise in stock is if it issues a secondary offering, meaning it issues more stock to the public, which dilutes the existing shares.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Now that 50 has lured the mindless idiots into the trap.......who is shorting?

You can't short pennies. It would be so easy to be rich off of just about every penny stock.
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