About a Girl... Another Update, pg 1.

Originally Posted by Nktran001


Make something up like.. "I was in the library watching the inauguration waiting on you, where were you

Originally Posted by Redrum SB

I know it's not my looks because she actually said I look cute in that pic.

Thats what Im sayin dog!!! U aint ugly and shes obviously feelin you all you gotta do is sign on the dam dotted line. Youre at the finish line. Just reach outand grab the ho. (figuratively)

All you gotta do is portray yourself positively in person. Shes already kinda sprung on you seein as how she keep chattin with you and is willin to hit you up.Just get together with her and chop it up. Make sure to maintain some sexual tension so she wont see you as just a friend though.

Youre assignment for tomorow: Walk up to 3 diff girls, get gown on one knee and put one of them 25 cent rings on her finger and ask her if shell marry you. Doit to some random broads in the city and not none at school! crazy stuff like this gon show you that girls arent that scary man.

like somebody already said, chop it up with some fat chicks and random girls. practice most definetely makes perfect!
Man Oh Man, i actually was hoping you would bring me some good news dude, i was hoping you would pull through.

As long you admitted you took an L. Im not gonna lie IF YOU DO get a second shot, capitalize my man, walk her to her class just the little things to make it updude.

but dont oversell it, you guys are barely getting to know each other, and your way older than her so she should be on you.

Just keep your cool, dont panic around people, just be yourself, up your game and dont care what people say or think.

Tommorow i better hear some grade A progress dude. Get her number or at least say whatsup at school and start a convo. Make your guys myspace connection into areality dude.
Here's what you should have done: You should have gotten her schedule somehow and then "accidentally" bump into her. Then you would have justtaken it from there. I can't believe you actually messed something so simple up. You're the older one, you should have had no problem. If youdidn't want to feel like a stalker, then you should have been rolling with your crew and stunting in the cafeteria like you're the hottest thing onearth and stop worrying about meeting her. If she saw you, that would have been good, but either way you would have avoided the L. IF she asked where you were,you should have just told her you forgot or that the library was too crowded and you weren't dealing with that. Why would you be alone in the first place?
You set yourself up for the loss in the first place by thinking about relationships and stuff. Never have that mindset with girls, because you will end updisappointed.
Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

Man Oh Man, i actually was hoping you would bring me some good news dude, i was hoping you would pull through.

As long you admitted you took an L. Im not gonna lie IF YOU DO get a second shot, capitalize my man, walk her to her class just the little things to make it up dude.

but dont oversell it, you guys are barely getting to know each other, and your way older than her so she should be on you.

Just keep your cool, dont panic around people, just be yourself, up your game and dont care what people say or think.

Tommorow i better hear some grade A progress dude. Get her number or at least say whatsup at school and start a convo. Make your guys myspace connection into a reality dude.

you be the motivational speaker and Im da coach hahahah
Why would he make something up if the broad friends seen him in the lunch room. He would be starting off on the wrong foot fast. Keep it 100% with her. Otherway to look at it, why are u scared she's 16, two years younger then you. What she thinks or say doesn't really matter bc she's a youngbuck.
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

no %*%+ but................... a pic of you for reference maybe?
I don't see myself as being ugly, but I do admit I have low self esteem and low self-confidence.

dont chicken to the women
She looks easy dude

I know her look and thats the vibe Im getting from the pics.

Just look for her and talk to her about anything, trust me dude she easy. Talk to her for 1 week max and you will be hittin it. Just act dumb when things getsexualish. If she invites you to her house be like "you got an Xbox.....blahahasas"

she easy dude. Just talk to her
I effed up NT
, This is what went down,

So, I went to the library as I mentioned before I was supposed to meet the girl there. As I reached the third floor I noticed that it was really full with students. They were watching Obama's inauguration, There was too many people in there so I didn't stay, I left to the cafeteria where I knew she would be since it's her lunch hour. I had a seat at some random table. As I sat, my foot tapping steadily, I noticed a couple of girl's giggling about two tables away from me. They were looking my way, whispering to each other. This made me really nervous. My leg started to tap faster like a jack rabbit's. Then three other chicks came to their table. They also took a glance in my direction. Then, I seen the girl this thread is about, she walked into the cafeteria. She set her books on the table where all the other female's where. So they were her friends. She didn't see me and she went to get her lunch. I was full of anxiety, my mind was frantic and that's when I decided to leave. I dipped out of there like Jerry Seinfeld. I felt extremely overwhelmed. My first Huge L of the year

I don't know what to tell her now, she's probably not going to take me seriously if I ask her to meet up with me again. So, I effed up. I let her down, myself down, and those who contributed to this thread.

good methaphoric and simile reference.. forget this broad and go write a book son.
man, find her, ask her if she knows about a subject or something. get the digits and get to her house for "studying"......guy before m is rightthough, she gonna be a freak. she wants it. whip it out if you draw a blank.
I told her the truth why I didn't meet up with her.
I asked her if she would give me a second chance, and she hasn't responded back.

Oh well
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

I told her the truth why I didn't meet up with her.
I asked her if she would give me a second chance, and she hasn't responded back.

Oh well

im not sure why you act so lame, but realize that you are 18 & that she is 16. She is automatically drawn to you just because of ur age, come on fam. takeyo *$! in the myspace jumpoff thread & just use the **+% posted in there 2 bag this chick
damn... admiting your scared wont get too far imo... gotta keep the mystery. tell her you were helping rescue orphaned animals or something .
man you're 18, this chicks 16. you got nothing to be nervous or afraid of. you have no clue what her friends were saying they could have been saying youwere real cute and just being 16 y/o girls...
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Redrum SB

I told her the truth why I didn't meet up with her.
I asked her if she would give me a second chance, and she hasn't responded back.

Oh well

im not sure why you act so lame, but realize that you are 18 & that she is 16. She is automatically drawn to you just because of ur age, come on fam. take yo *$! in the myspace jumpoff thread & just use the **+% posted in there 2 bag this chick
I'm lame becuase I don't like to lie to people?

and maybe I'm looking for more then a piece of a$s
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

I told her the truth why I didn't meet up with her.
I asked her if she would give me a second chance, and she hasn't responded back.

Oh well
Are you serious? You had a clear smashing opportunity and you just completely erased your own chances?
Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by Redrum SB

I told her the truth why I didn't meet up with her.
I asked her if she would give me a second chance, and she hasn't responded back.

Oh well
Are you serious? You had a clear smashing opportunity and you just completely erased your own chances?
I don't even give a +*%@ anymore
Ease up man, just tell her the situation with the library...ask her if you had her number, you would have called to see where she was at. Don'tthink about it too much. Good luck , YOU CAN DO IT.
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