AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Y'all are straight up reaching. The two most prominent people that used the word during these events are black. Obama and the Mayor. But it's a code word for white supremacists. Yeah aight. 
you coo... But I hate when you play this super naive role on Herr sometimes.
Barack wasn't calling them n words...
But when these far right people do it in tbr news outlets for people that got killed,it's like they're justifying and rationalizing their death.
Again... Barack was not calling them n words... But MANY news outlets DO use it as a replacement.
Now it gives them even more credence to call any person a thug because Barack said it.
Its not that hard famb...
Nobody is over here fuming... It was just s poor choice of words because other people have been using it as a replacement.
Speech was cool.. But the one word was cring.
We already know bill orally and them are straight up morons. Whether they use the word thug or not doesn't even matter at this point. Clowns. We know their whole shtick. I've just been surprised people were wasting energy talking about the Mayor and Presidents slang use of "bully/criminal" instead of the real issue here. Let's get back to the real issue and not spend time on some dumbass word that doesn't mean ****. 
Have yall ever heard the phrase, "You only got play if you feel played.."?

"Thug" is only a "code word" because you're letting it become a code word. You have a brain, you can think you know what the word REALLY means.

Yall gotta quit enpowering folk by giving them reactions they want. Stop trying to be on top of people's **** and be beyond people's ****.

But this NT, yall like being trolled...
I'm not gonna say I agree with the way things went down, I don't agree with the damage and the violence but I'm damn near tired of people saying "this is the way things should have been done" and referencing Ghandi or MLK. They protested precisely to stop things that happened to eric garner and Freddie gray, but you know what? Despite their protests it's 2015 and it's still happening. I think it's funny that we condemned everyone in Ferguson for all of the riots, destruction, and violence and that it wasn't "the way to get change" but all the attention ferguson put that police department in the spot light and exposed them for being racist and targetting the African American community. Now police and city officials are resigning left and right. It's not fixing everything but it's the start of change. Hasn't Baltimore been wreaking of corruption for decades? Especially with the police? I just think it's damn shame that it seems like someone has to die and riot has to ensue for an unfair system to be exposed and for change to start. It's a shame that it had to go down like this but i bet that police department is going to be investigated and put under the same kind of scrutiny that Ferguson was.
Yall that hurt that we're criticizing Obama? Like that ***** ain't gonna get black people outta anything so it is what it is

If what we're saying is a distraction then your slurping of his speech is 100% a distraction. What the **** that speech gonna do for black people? Not a god damn thing but it did give the powers that be something to pound their chest too
Calling out the use of "thug" is the same to me as calling out someone deflecting under the guise of caring about "Black on Black crime".

They are both tactics used to justify or deflect what the real problem is.

So when someone starts up with that bull_ I already know their train of thought
Have yall ever heard the phrase, "You only got play if you feel played.."?

"Thug" is only a "code word" because you're letting it become a code word. You have a brain, you can think you know what the word REALLY means.

Yall gotta quit enpowering folk by giving them reactions they want. Stop trying to be on top of people's **** and be beyond people's ****.

But this NT, yall like being trolled...

Ok, so what's the excuse for a guy like Richard Sherman being called a thug? A college educated, well known professional athlete. Because he called out a fellow football player? Tom Brady has his moments where he gets in other players faces and talks mad ****, but he doesn't get that label. Nor will he ever.

Come on man, I get what you're saying but it's just not that simple.
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Have yall ever heard the phrase, "You only got play if you feel played.."?

"Thug" is only a "code word" because you're letting it become a code word. You have a brain, you can think you know what the word REALLY means.

Yall gotta quit enpowering folk by giving them reactions they want. Stop trying to be on top of people's **** and be beyond people's ****.

But this NT, yall like being trolled...

Ok, so what's the excuse for a guy like Richard Sherman being called a thug? A college educated, well known professional athlete. Because he called out a fellow football player? Tom Brady has his moments where he gets in other players faces and talks mad ****, but he doesn't get that label. Nor will he ever.

Come on man, I get what you're saying but it's just not that simple.

Bruh, Ive been told I look like a thug MY ENTIRE LIFE, literally. By blacks, white, old, young own ***** momma!

If its a code word for anything, its a code word for "you intimadate me". You cant tell me thats not the case.
I'll let yall Obama supporters have it...hopefully he come through for you all [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]

Respected brothers in the community spoke against it and that's good enough for me [emoji]128175[/emoji]
Joseph Kent getting snatched up by the police on live tv...
High beams = signal to capture .. check it out at the 30 sec mark. 

Everything is tactical including using the new code word for niggger. 
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End of the day Obama was never meant to be an answer for black people. The fact folks put him on the pedestal with former black leaders/activist was dumb. He's an employee of the state and he's the same guy who got punked and had to apologize to police when he spoke out against them when they arrested that black professor
Got ya. So if a white person uses the word thug (which we all know means criminal or bully, and has been a WIDELY used word for at least 20 years), they're a white supremacist. 
stop being stupid. cut it out. 
Y'all are straight up reaching. The two most prominent people that used the word during these events are black. Obama and the Mayor. But it's a code word for white supremacists. Yeah aight. 
and the mayor cited it for being code word for "n****" right? yall dont read enough apparently. whenever these events happen, go to any new site and read the comments. racist america uses thug to replace the word n****. there's nothing to debate about. nothing. they figured out that they could say thug without revealing themselves to be a full out racist during the trayvon thing. please dont act like people can't pervert or misappropriate the definition of a word. this isn't even the main focus here but too many of yall are saying stupid s***.

like i said before, when certain  people say it a certain  way..... u know what they mean
They aren't playing with the curfew. They didn't start moving on people until 10:22. So they even had an extra 22 mins. They can protest during the day but once that curfew hits...

Everywhere yesterday closed early and the bars at least in Fells Point were all boarding up their windows. It was like we were living in the zombie apocalypse. Different world out here
Bruh, Ive been told I look like a thug MY ENTIRE LIFE, literally. By blacks, white, old, young own ***** momma!

If its a code word for anything, its a code word for "you intimadate me". You cant tell me thats not the case.

You're correct in that instance.

But I just feel like if you see the context in which the word is used, it's being thrown around so loosely nowadays and it's being applied in situations that don't warrant the use. Just like the example with Richard Sherman.

I think the point people are making is that the mayor of Bmore and Obama should know that using thug does not mean they're necessarily calling the rioters the N-word, but it's use CAN mean that in substitution. Just look at the CNN anchor insisting the word be applied to these kids, I highly doubt it's because they scare her :lol:
You're correct in that instance.

But I just feel like if you see the context in which the word is used, it's being thrown around so loosely nowadays and it's being applied in situations that don't warrant the use. Just like the example with Richard Sherman.

I think the point people are making is that the mayor of Bmore and Obama should know that using thug does not mean they're necessarily calling the rioters the N-word, but it's use CAN mean that in substitution. Just look at the CNN anchor insisting the word be applied to these kids, I highly doubt it's because they scare her
close. i think people in here are saying...obama should've known better than to use the word KNOWING how people will skew it and misinterpret it on purpose to further the agenda.
 Bruh, Ive been told I look like a thug MY ENTIRE LIFE, literally. By blacks, white, old, young own ***** momma!

If its a code word for anything, its a code word for "you intimadate me". You cant tell me thats not the case.
And "you intimidate me" is the new saying for "disobedient niggger"
When cops yell "stop resisting" that's their insurance to the surrounding public so they can whip ya *** or use deadly force

Kinda like you have to say "he's not breathing" out loud before you can perform cpr so they can't sue your *** and win
Just had to cool out at work and get up and walk away before I let this herb have it. Dude said he's tired of hearing about Freddie Gray, so I asked why. Buddy just said "it's too much....enough already". Tried to explain to him why folks were upset and he actually acknowledged that the police clearly did something to him that led to his death. Yet he's tired of hearing about it.

Dat privilege.
Wouldve told him, quite frankly, black folk are tired of living it. So shut up. politics, man.  I generally try to avoid topics like race, politics, religion, etc. in the workplace.  Folks get caught in their feels and people get screwed over in the workplace.  Sad it has to be that way, but my family still has to eat.  

Besides, arguing with these old, conservative, southern white dudes is futile.  At least in my opinion.  


And that is EXACTLY how I felt, which is why I had to just let it be.  But trust that I wanted to unleash on buddy though.  
damn... cant believe this is still being debated.

Its like you guys are trying to take ownership of the word "thug" just to get upset.
If folks really can't understand how the word "thug" is now being used by white folks to describe black folks, you're blind.  Or you're just being obtuse.  Or you're an idiot.  

Did Obama and the mayor use the word "thug" in a way that many, many bigoted white folks use it when it comes to these police shootings?  Absolutely not.

Did Obama and the mayor using the word "thug" create wet dreams for the many, many bigoted white folks who use that same word when describing black folks who are anything but thugs?  YES.

It's the old "well, the black people said it so now we KNOW we're justified in saying the same!"  It's a twisted way of validating their own racist views by aligning them with the obedient black people who think the same.  

What's crazy is that they're using the words of Obama, who they HATE, to justify their racist views.  Any other day they can be found on the internet criticizing everything the guy does.  But he utters the word "thug" and all of a sudden his word is golden.  You can't make this **** up.  
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