AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

because saying the real word would label them a racists they have to "adapt" to the laws.. Isiah Washington said this.. blacks need to adapt too..and what i mean by adapt is we need to talk in code too 
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I guess us "angry black guys" on NT are the ones "reaching" with the "thug" talk. This CERTAINLY isn't being discussed anywhere else on the globe. It's just us trolling.
[h1]The Word "Thug" Was Uttered 625 Times On TV On Monday. That's A Lot.[/h1][h1]Let’s Not Make Thug the New N  Word - TIME[/h1][h1]CNN’s Don Lemon: Is ‘Thug’ a Racist Term?[/h1][h1]  [/h1][h1]BILL MAHER AGREES 'THUG' IS THE NEW 'N-WORD'[/h1][h1]A Thug By Any Other Name[/h1]
The thuggification of young black victims of white violence: Is thug the new n----r?

It is kinda ridiculous the keep bringing up the CVS, like it is suppose to invoke some emotional reaction or it is some sort of slam dunk for them to show these acts are inexcusable
CVS wants justice!!! (even though their insurance policy will cover the business)
Personally I don't care that he used it but I at least acknowledge the fact that given the current climate it was a poor choice.

I can't lie I probably would've used it too though. Criminal just doesn't have as much impact as the word thug does. Sounds too PC.
Yea, I agree and understand the points above. But my only point is that its a distraction. It shouldnt take the focus off the killer cops, the peaceful protests and seeking justice for Freddie Gray and all the other victims of police brutality.

We shouldnt bat an eye and waste our time. Eff the bigots...eff the media.. dont let them get you! You should be conscious of the real issue.

So what they wrote stories and made headlines... they also didnt focus on the majority of good being done either.
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Yea, I agree and understand the points above. But my only point is that its a distraction.
You know what else is a distraction?

Us talking about how wrong these "rioters and looters" are instead of demanding action from our justice department that continues to fail us in these situations.

Cops are literally getting away murder...but we're questioning why CVS is being burned down.

Long story short...this is now about the riots...when it shouldn't be.
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is the curfew still in effect for today...?

Great interview with one of the guys i've been following since ferguson...

"broken windows does not equal broken spine"...

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is the curfew still in effect for today...?

Great interview with one of the guys i've been following since ferguson...

"broken windows does not equal broken spine"...

This is the fb video my brother showed me yesterday. Glad it's on youtube.

He didn't fall for none of the tricks. :pimp:
Simon was the guest speaker at Australia's Festival of Dangerous Ideas a couple of years ago. He talked about capitalism & the chasm of economic class & poverty it's caused. It's over an hour long though. I listened to it while I was working with earbuds.

I've met him several times over the years & went to several lectures he's given. I even had a beer with him. Very nice, down to earth guy.

^ That's a helluva interview that gentleman gave to blitzer.

View media item 1512315
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is the curfew still in effect for today...?

Great interview with one of the guys i've been following since ferguson...

"broken windows does not equal broken spine"...

Famb ain't budge...

:pimp: :pimp:

THATS why these news outlets don't bring on folks that can oppose them on an articulate and logical manner...

He won't be back. :lol:
^ Exactly, wolf thought he could slyly bully Deray into acknowledging his agenda/sentiment & got schooled himself... That was one of the best interviews I've ever seen...
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Obama does have black people interest at heart. Just that he is lil to no power to do anything serious.

Definitely not reform the entire system by himself

The President is not a King.

-This I voted for Obama, and things didn't get better BS gotta stop. It is checkers level thinking.

Black folk got the presidency, but white supremacist got control of Congress, SCOTUS, and most state and local governments.

Chess game in this situation is Checks and Balances, so that's one more checkmate for them :smh:

Well said, it baffles me why people can't understand this.
Another great interview with David Simon. The "war on drugs" is no longer about drugs (hasn't been for a loong time) but rather a war on the poor that society doesn't want anymore.
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Let's just look at how some white people comment on drama in sports.

Hockey, Baseball & NASCAR Driverrs fight: "Boys will be boys. "Look at those tough guys"

Basketball players fight: "look at those overpaid thugs."

Can't count how many times that I've heard that LeBron, Melo, Kobe, Jameis, Ray Lewis, T.O etc etc are "overpaid thugs and deserve to be in jail." Smh

Also, the benefit of doubt and outpouring of sympathy for Kurt Busch's domestic violence case was crazy. Some of those ESPN comments.
Let's just look at how some white people comment on drama in sports.

Hockey, Baseball & NASCAR Driverrs fight: "Boys will be boys. "Look at those tough guys"

Basketball players fight: "look at those overpaid thugs."

Can't count how many times that I've heard that LeBron, Melo, Kobe, Jameis, Ray Lewis, T.O etc etc are "overpaid thugs and deserve to be in jail." Smh

Also, the benefit of doubt and outpouring of sympathy for Kurt Busch's domestic violence case was crazy. Some of those ESPN comments.

Not just that either.  If you're black and make a mistake the media and the leagues will try to turn you into the national spokesperson.  
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