AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Dude seem like he read one comment that white folk like to throw around how some africans sold slaves, and that just changed his whole philosophy on life.
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I underlined the part you likely didn't read. I'm implying that some white nations succeeded without stealing. And you are also generalizing too. Ironically. Because not all European/white populated nations stole and plunder other nations. You do realize that when the slavery era came to be, some African leaders sold black slaves to Europeans right? And you know Africans weren't the first slaves in Europe right? Also you know that a black man was the first to own a black slave and that some black families owned black slaves in the U.S right? It's documented from the last time I researched. Ever heard of Irish slaves?

:lol:  here you go again trying to justify your "cultural inferiority" and "better values" point with africa. Pointing out how they sold their own people and what not, which isn't even entirely accurate but I digress.. Remember that country Germany you made an example of earlier? The country that rose from the ashes and dust of WWII to become a great nation due to its values and hard work! But.. Answer this question. What caused WWII?.. didn't Germany start one of the biggest atrocities in human history? The Holocaust? Weren't the Polish and Dutch Jews, fellow european countries alongside Nazi Germany? Oh. But I'm supposed to believe your points about Africa's lesser values and Germany's higher values right? You're argument is null and void. Good day to you sir. 

How's it not accurate? Because you don't want to believe it? Germany did horrible things. Period. I didn't say they're the best or what they did was right. You're taking something of what I said, and trying to mix it with something else, so it makes you even more angry, when in reality, that wasn't my point. My point is rebuilding a nation after its demise. When Germany rebuilt, it had nothing, many population loss, cities destroyed. Sure they received money. But you know Africa has been receiving aid too right? According to this "Over $500 billion (U.S.) has been sent to African nations in the form of direct aid." from tell me, where's all that tax money we paid for doing?
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@Methodical Management but the statistics have to be specific though. That woman statistics you mentioned is an awful one, you interpret based on specifics. Just because women make less than men, does not necessarily conclude that they're less hard working, less intelligence, etc. Now if you measure out of men and women, which are more likely to be vegetarian, and women win with 80%, then we can conclude that women are more likely vegetarian than men based on these measures, that's specific. That's the specific statistics I'm looking at. You gave me a table of murder rates and it said Americas have higher murder rates. That's not a good statistical measure, because it's too general.
You're obviously just making this up as you go along.  

What "specifics" were you interpreting on when you came to the conclusion that White people globally have a "better culture?"  

"My facts are better than your facts because... stuff."  Continent are too large a unit of analysis when such statistics disproves your point, but it's just fine when you say "Europe > everyone else," right?   And what data have you relied upon in making that determination?  

You keep using the word "values," but none of your statistics measure values.  So if you can accept that the example of using gender wage gaps to "prove" female inferiority is ridiculous, why on Earth would you say something as ridiculous as "Europeans have better values because..."?  Because what?

You're not measuring values.  You haven't operationalized values.  You haven't defined "values."  
This makes sense, because a majority white people have the money, and can afford these more hardcore drugs. White people are more of the targeted customers when it comes to drugs. I know plenty of white people that actually do cocaine. That's why some rich people resort to drugs. They have the money. Also another variable, there is still 60%+ white population in the U.S. Blacks and Latinos are likely going to sell these drugs because that's a major source of money for many cities due to poverty. And as a general rule, you can catch a seller better than you can catch a user. A seller will be out in the streets, but a user of the drug will be in his home.
Your analysis of the drug arrest data demonstrates a complete lack of comprehension.  

You claimed that "Blacks and Latinos are likely going to sell these drugs because that's a major source of money for many cities due to poverty." and "you can catch a seller better than you can catch a user."  The data showed that White teenagers were 33% MORE likely to have sold illegal drugs.  MORE likely to have sold, less likely to be arrested.  

If White people are more likely to use cocaine because they have more money, who's selling the cocaine?  The same people who can't afford to buy small quantities for individual use can afford to buy in bulk to sell? 

You're pulling rationalizations out of your rear end - and that's all you're doing.  You start with your bias first and then try to justify it.  That's not science.  

Your bias is patently obvious, and its implications are blatantly offensive. 

So if you're wondering why people are upset... there you go. 
@Methodical Management Where did you get those cocaine studies though? You should have been more clear about it. You provided no link, so did you make it all up? I'm reading and scrolling through my smartphone to be able to keep up with your long posts. Your posts are too long with very complex statements which again adds confusion, people posting here from left to right. Some of this data is obvious in terms of what countries are succeeding based on their culture and what's not. Look at the map, look at the European countries, look at African countries, look at some Asian countries and South American countries. I'm wrong to say Europe is doing better in terms of all these attributes of successful countries because I look at the map, look at studies, look at economies of countries? I mean if you don't know what 1st world, 2nd world and 3rd world is, then I just don't know. Don't tell me these European countries succeeded only because of stealing and raping and killing other people. There are some Asian countries that are doing well too as well as some Middle Eastern countries like Qatar like you said, Middle Eastern countries have plenty of oil, Qatar succeeded by capitalizing from it while these other Middle Eastern countries fail. What specifics you say? The state of the country in terms of population, economy, murder rates, etc. I'm basically repeating what I said, and you're asking the same questions man. I never said anything about "values", what the hell? I think you're confusing me for someone else. I already explained that there's more of a white population so that 33% is not surprising according to that "study" you posted with no link. You talk about bias and bigotry, but yet everyone here doesn't reread their own posts directed to me. People aren't upset, they just hate that I'm making points. They can't explain why some black cities are the most dangerous, or why some black populated cities become ghetto and impoverished, or why one of the leading causes of death of a black man is a black man. All they want is for whites to feel guilty of what they did, and have some sympathy. Blacks and other colored people can do anything in the U.S, be anything.

But seriously though, you guys may disagree with me about this certain subject thread but I know many of you still agree with me on certain other threads (sports, general topics), there's no changing any sides here and I'll accept that. But just because I don't agree with you on this one specific subject, shouldn't mean you should hate me in this website for good. Because we still post in other threads and still agree on certain topics. I got insulted left to right, and I'm still feelin' good. So all that insulting you guys post is just a waste and just signs of frustration and hatred. In reality, it's the media that got people fooled here. News media of white cop on black violence = More views, more ratings, and more money.
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This has been the conversation the whole time for the past 2-3 pages:

Me (MR HIGHNESS): "I think these white racists just perceive black men as violent because when we look at statistics, when we look at news, when we look at black populated cities, we see violence within them in regards to blacks. We have to stop the violence all together. That's why these white cops are quick to pull the trigger. We should incorporate a better educational system, we should conduct better businesses and get/give jobs, and follow these rules and laws, so we don't kill each other. So we don't end up being impoverish, because that increases crime. In European culture, they do this, so if we are able to do what they can, then we can live in a better society based off their rules, laws, regulations if we follow it."

The Rest of You: "Highness man you are wack, SWS, Uncle Tom, dense, ignorant, stupid blah blah blah. You use studies to justify this and that, and European culture blah blah blah."

"*Pretends to Highness on ignore list*. "

"Highness you are dumb, Whites are all racist, they should all die because without them, this world will be heaven blah blah blah."

"Highness you are wrong man, black people are always hunted down by these whites and I hate them so much."

"You talk about Germany and all this and that, the Civil Rights days, all blacks are innocent man just shut up punk Highness you are lame blah blah blah"

What's the difference here? Who is rational and who is not?

And I'm the bad guy? Damn, I can't believe this. This don't help anything in the real world.
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Me (MR HIGHNESS): "I think these white racists just perceive black men as violent because when we look at statistics, when we look at news, when we look at black populated cities, we see violence within them in regards to blacks. We have to stop the violence all together. 
but.... the violence is just a symptom....

you want to keep feeding the patient painkillers instead of operating on his back...
@Methodical Management Where did you get those cocaine studies though?
For crying out loud, the source was right there in the post.  
  If you can't even be bothered to read, don't bother to reply.  If you're not taking the time to actually read what other people have to say (and obviously you're not, given your preposterous and insulting "summary" attempt) then you're not having a conversation.  And if you're not having a conversation, you're just ranting.  

If you're actually interested in that subject, pick up a copy of The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander.  I realize that's a stretch, given your unwillingness to read a full paragraph.  
Some of this data is obvious in terms of what countries are succeeding based on their culture and what's not.
You talk about "data" and "studies," but you haven't cited anything at all that links "their culture" with "their success."  

You're just regurgitating tired stereotypes, then feigning offense when people call that out for what it is.  

The most scholarly thing you claim to have done in all of this is look at a map.  
"I think these white racists just perceive black men as violent because when we look at statistics, when we look at news, when we look at black populated cities, we see violence within them in regards to blacks. We have to stop the violence all together. That's why these white cops are quick to pull the trigger
When we look at statistics?  

Violent crime is down.

And it's not just down for White Americans. 

Not to take away from Meth telling Highness how the world actually works but I just wanted to comment on the whole #bluelivesmatter BS. And it's not BS because police lives don't matter, it's crap because it's not a call to attention for a group of people that have been overlooked, judged and mistreated and it's not a movement to protect them. It's a direct response to undermine #blacklivesmatter. When did police lives not matter? I hate that people are trying push this narrative that somehow police are all now being judged to the point where they're being ridiculed and can't do their jobs anymore. And even more so that they're being hunted and targeted. I guess you can't condemn bad cops with out condemning good ones too
Famb said white people have the money to buy drugs... That's why they buy drugs

Poor Latino and black people can buy in bulk deaux..

Mr Highness keeps writing racist essays about how Europeans are the greatest on every page of this thread and then asks people not to call him a white supremacist :lol: Hop off Europe's nuts, there's billions of non Europeans perfectly happy living in their "inferior" societies.

I'm half European, and it always amazes me how uncultured white dudes like Mr Highness who have never visited or lived anywhere in Europe treat the whole continent like some type of utopia full of culture.
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Time out, there are two sides of that majority, the side with reason, and the side with hate (racists). I'm the side with reason. But many of us go by statistics. These punk racist whites always perceive the black man as a thug because of shootings, murder news, "hoods", majority black populated cities such as Detroit, the killings in Africa as well as their countries status, violence in some rap music, slapping "girls", etc. .

But.... America was literally founded on violence, though.

And you think these colonized places were colonized with a smile?

Like... Europeans walk up to Native Americans, Africans, and the indigenous folks of Australia and say " yo famb... Listen to us. We have s better way"

:lol: :lol:

Colonizing doesn't work like that, my g.
^ Fontaine I never said these countries opened their doors so they can be colonized. But Europeans did indeed shared and spread their ways of living, (roads, buildings, lights, etc). Some did it worst than others. Also Fontaine, white people are actually the majority users of drugs. There's a big customer base from white people because of their population, and many have money.

@SFC415 you must have not been reading this whole convo, I'm not white. You read one of my comments and automatically assume I'm the bad guy because I claim Europeans have a culture where it brings quality of life up, murders down, economy up, etc.

For M mr highness and @IlluminatiNYC who don't seem to understand how racism works now a days and why "personal responsibility" isn't enough. She literally couldn't have dumbed it down enough.

There's too many variables from that video, and one of them is that it varies from place to place. So just like people claimed I'm generalizing, she's generalizing. When I worked for a growing clothing store UNIQLO, the manager was a Black man. We have black lawyers, black police officers and black politicians. Many play professional sports. Deion Sanders had to tell his own son to stop that "hood" stuff yet they are living well. And that youtube video is coming from a white woman is less credible. I have to wonder how much money she gets from advertisements. Her other humor videos doesn't make me take her serious. Also, for example, Prince George County is a majority black populous city with a good household income. I think it's ranked as one of the most affluent black communities. Yet there's still crime in that city regardless whether Black people are living good.

@Meth, you didn't provide a link for the 33% White men cocaine studies etc on the previous page, but it's okay I don't need it anymore. Because I want to comment on other things.

Tim Wise being a white man is less credible. You know he's just trying to do it for money, because again, white on black violence = $$$ from views, ratings, news, books, ads etc. What's his networth? How many books has he sold? He has plenty of books on Amazon. Also it supports my point of "some whites still support blacks" to other people here. Also your FBI link, and nytimes link does not distinguish whether crime is down for blacks.

Look at this: you think these guys had no choice? It's still happening everywhere. And I haven't checked, but I probably won't see any NT member even post about this news in the General section and it actually involves sneakers. And if someone does, people will just make a joke about it. Or just 2 pages.
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:smh: :lol:

Brah if you're so displeased with what is posted on NT. I got the perfect forum for you to switch to LINK

I think you'll fit right in

And you're welcome brah
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Think I briefly went on the site yearsssss ago but I just went and this is the first thing I see:

It comes down to this... What are we prepared to do? The blacks don't care anymore. Neither do the muzzies. Their lives are worthless even to themselves. They kill each other off as well as White Folk. Whites are the only group on this planet who care about lives. Their own, and their Folk.

We are at war. We are right in the middle of an active race war. Happening right now, right here, on a street near you. You're conscripted whether you want to be or not. You're White Skin makes you a combatant.

When (not if) Whites have had enough, they WILL strike back. And the results will be breathtaking. We're the majority of the population in the USA over any other group (not linking the minorities together). We have the lion's share of the guns, and we are vastly more proficient in their use. And we have the discipline and courage to defend ourselves as a group that the blacks lack.

Just a matter of WHEN it will happen/start. Soon, I think...
^^^ Brah Stromfront can be legit lulz sometimes once you realize all those dudes are delusional loons

I remember a while back there was a thread dissing black folk as usual. Then one dude out of anger said America should give black folks reparations, when sit back and watch them squander it to prove the can't help themselves.

That turned into pages upon pages of dudes discussing a robust reparations package for black folk. I mean coming up with some genuinely good/ inventive plans to help black folk :lol:

But all the post were filled wit hatred too. Like if we give black folk "this, this and this , watch they'll still fail" and the next man will be like "nah this program will help more, but they still gonna **** up."

M mind didn't know how to process what I was reading. :lol:
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^^^ Brah Stromfront can be legit lulz sometimes once you realize all those dudes are delusional loons

I remember a while back there was a thread dissing black folk as usual. Then one dude out of anger said America should give black folks reparations, when sit back and watch them squander it to prove the can't help themselves.

That turned into pages upon pages of how dudes discussing a robust reparations package for black folk. I mean coming up with some genuinely good/ inventive plans to help black folk :lol:

But all the post were filled wit this hatred. Like if we give black folk "this, this and this , watch they'll still fail" and the next man will be like "nah this program will help more, but they still gonna **** up."

M mind didn't know how to process what I was reading. :lol:
that's why I stay on the yahoo comments section...

Lulz indeed.

Plus it helps me call put the nonsense arguments folks try to pull.

Websites with robust comments >>>>
^ Fontaine I never said these countries opened their doors so they can be colonized. But Europeans did indeed shared and spread their ways of living, (roads, buildings, lights, etc). Some did it worst than others. Also Fontaine, white people are actually the majority users of drugs. There's a big customer base from white people because of their population, and many have money.

@SFC415 you must have not been reading this whole convo, I'm not white. You read one of my comments and automatically assume I'm the bad guy because I claim Europeans have a culture where it brings quality of life up, murders down, economy up, etc.
There's too many variables from that video, and one of them is that it varies from place to place. So just like people claimed I'm generalizing, she's generalizing. When I worked for a growing clothing store UNIQLO, the manager was a Black man. We have black lawyers, black police officers and black politicians. Many play professional sports. Deion Sanders had to tell his own son to stop that "hood" stuff yet they are living well. And that youtube video is coming from a white woman is less credible. I have to wonder how much money she gets from advertisements. Her other humor videos doesn't make me take her serious. Also, for example, Prince George County is a majority black populous city with a good household income. I think it's ranked as one of the most affluent black communities. Yet there's still crime in that city regardless whether Black people are living good.
@Meth, you didn't provide a link for the 33% White men cocaine studies etc on the previous page, but it's okay I don't need it anymore. Because I want to comment on other things.

Tim Wise being a white man is less credible. You know he's just trying to do it for money, because again, white on black violence = $$$ from views, ratings, news, books, ads etc. What's his networth? How many books has he sold? He has plenty of books on Amazon. Also it supports my point of "some whites still support blacks" to other people here. Also your FBI link, and nytimes link does not distinguish whether crime is down for blacks.

Look at this: you think these guys had no choice? It's still happening everywhere. And I haven't checked, but I probably won't see any NT member even post about this news in the General section and it actually involves sneakers. And if someone does, people will just make a joke about it. Or just 2 pages.

Your definition of what's credible and not credible ridiculous. Just because you're white and don't understand the struggle doesn't mean other white people can't. Does it make them more credible if I as a black man confirm what they're saying is true? Does that make it better?
^ Well some people directed towards me that, "you wouldnt live one day as a black man" or "you wouldnt know how it feels like to be a black man in america" and I'm not even white. So what am I supposed to think? Should I believe these white folks you guys ironically use to validate your arguments because most probably have never stepped foot in a black person's shoes? I would prefer if you linked a video of a black man and his typical day, or a story he tells that happens to him frequently. And not just someone trying to do it for publicity, or fame, or money.

What some people fail to realize is I already know about all of what you said. At times you post something that's besides the point I'm making. I already know about racism and how it's hard to contain. Why make it harder with complaints and protests? These whites won't stop. Whites can't help us, we can only help ourselves at this point.
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