AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

^ Well some people directed towards me that, "you wouldnt live one day as a black man" or "you wouldnt know how it feels like to be a black man in america" and I'm not even white. So what am I supposed to think? Should I believe these white folks you guys ironically use to validate your arguments because most probably have never stepped foot in a black person's shoes? I would prefer if you linked a video of a black man and his typical day, or a story he tells that happens to him frequently. And not just someone trying to do it for publicity, or fame, or money.

What some people fail to realize is I already know about all of what you said. At times you post something that's besides the point I'm making. I already know about racism and how it's hard to contain. Why make it harder with complaints and protests? These whites won't stop. Whites can't help us, we can only help ourselves at this point.

They say you won't understand because you DONT understand and despite what people have told you you still don't.

White people literally have all the power to make a change. White people can single handedly bring down systematic racism.
guise just form a wall and block dude, you can't cure this kind of hate

What hate? I don't hate anyone. Stop pretending like you blocked me man, because I know you didn't. And that's not going to solve anything. I never intended to troll anyone like you guys do me man. No fairness here. You can't give an opinion of the other side with some reasons and ideas without getting trolled here man. It doesn't make any sense. This is what the thread should be to you guys:

1st post: "Cops are jerks man."
2nd post: "Yea cops are wack man."
3rd post: "Stupid cops, I wish there was no cops ever in this world so we can all live better."
4th post: "^ Repped, I agree, cops suck so bad man leave us black people alone for good."
5th post: "Cops are trash man, I'm sick of this world, I hate this!"
6th post: "Damn cops."
7th post: "Grrrr cops man screw them Im sick of these cops."
8th post: "It ain't just cops, it's white people. So sick of white people."
9th post: "Yea, I' sick of white people too now."

But if someone else posts something slightly different, then:

Mr Highness 10th post: "But that dude did have a huge criminal record, holding a weapon (switchblade knife), he was resisting, I don't think the cops meant to kill the man. There are other more severe cases of killing than this potential accidental killing, like our own brothers getting killed by other brothers which is more frequent than cases like this, etc etc etc"

11th post: "Highness shut up you racist SWS Uncle Tom, punk, you don't know anything at all you are dumb and stupid and dense."
12th post: "Highness look I'll post some civil rights images for you to look at, now do you understand blacks have been treated unfairly to this day?"
13th post: "Just everyone block Highness he is a hater. You can't cure his hate" (Irony)
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Tim Wise being a white man is less credible. You know he's just trying to do it for money, because again, white on black violence = $$$ from views, ratings, news, books, ads etc. What's his networth? How many books has he sold? He has plenty of books on Amazon. Also it supports my point of "some whites still support blacks" to other people here.
Speaking of racism, why, exactly, is it that White people can't be credible social scientists when it comes to racism?  

Your willful ignorance is appalling.  If a person of color writes about racism, you discredit them because they're "making excuses."  If a White person writes about racism, you discredit them because they're "in it for profit."  

You can't actually critique the arguments of either, however, because that would involve actual effort and knowledge.  Instead, all you can do is trot out a bunch of anecdotal nonsense like "PG County is the wealthiest majority-Black county in the country and they still have CRIME!!!!!"  You know where else they have crime?  Everywhere.  You don't see anyone here posting a link to articles like this: and using that to denigrate the whole community - let alone White people generally.  

If you're suggesting that crime exists in PG County due to the Black population, that is just straight up racism.  You have no evidence whatsoever to support such an incredibly bigoted, hateful, and ridiculous assertion.  

And, on the subject of PG County, consider the following:

I know, more reading... but perhaps someone with a stronger work ethic will make the effort. 
 Also your FBI link, and nytimes link does not distinguish whether crime is down for blacks.
And?  The Tim Wise article does.  I even introduced it with that in mind.  Read the damned article.  It says quite clearly,  
In 1978, there were 19.65 million blacks, age 12 and older (thus, eligible for consideration in crime data), and their victimization rate was 40.6 victimizations for every 1000 blacks that age, for a total of about 900,000 victimizations.

By 2008, despite the so-called collapse of the black community, the emergence and explosion of hip-hop, the introduction of saggin’ pants, and all those other things the right would have us believe are inextricably linked to crime and deviance, there were fewer than 800,000 violent victimizations of blacks, and this, in a much larger black population. In 2008, there were 30.7 million blacks 12 and over, an increase of 56 percent. Yet, despite the fact that there were 11 million more  blacks, 12 and over in the population in 2008 than in 1978, there were 100,000 fewer  black victims of violent crime in the more recent year, and the victimization rate for blacks as of 2008 had fallen to 25.9 per 1000 persons, down from 40.6 per 1000, thirty years ago.

The same trends are true for black men in particular: the group pegged as especially criminal and increasingly so.

In 1978, there were 8.9 million black males, age 12 and older, whose violent victimization rate was 53.6 per 1000 such black males, meaning there were roughly 480,000 black males violently victimized that year.

By 2008, despite roughly 5 million additional black males that age in the population, the numbers of black males victimized by violent crime fell to 410,000.

So, 5 million more  black males to be potentially victimized, but 70,000 fewer  who actually were, relative to 1978. As such, the victimization rate for black males fell from 53.6 per 1000 in 1978 to 29.2 per 1000 in 2008: a drop of 46 percent!

As for criminal offending rates, in 1978 there were about 910,000 black offenders who committed single-offender violent crimes and 550,000 who committed multiple offender violent crimes, in crimes where the race of the perp was known. If we assume that the same percentage of “race not known” offenders were black, as were the percentage of those whose race was  known (which seems reasonable), this would give us an additional 11,000 black offenders in the single-offender category and an additional 11,500 in the multiple-offender category, for a total of 1.48 million black criminal offenders that year.

In 2008, there were about 830,000 black offenders in single-offender crimes and 280,000 in multiple-offender violent crimes, in crimes where the race of the perp was known. If we add in those offenders whose race was not known but were likely to be black (by once again applying the same relative racial shares to those crimes as the crimes with known-race offenders) we would come up with approximately 120,000 additional black offenders in the single-offender category (for a total of 950,000), and an additional 50,000 in the multiple offender category (for a total of about 330,000). This would produce a grand total of 1.28 million violent crimes committed by blacks in 2008.

Comparing these totals to 1978 we discover that despite an increase in the black population of about 11 million people over the thirty year period, there were roughly 200,000 fewer  violent crimes committed by blacks in 2008 than there were in 1978: a drop of about 14 percent, numerically, and a massive  drop in the violent crime offending rate, from 75.3 violent offenses per 1000 black people in 1978 to 41.7 per 1000 by 2008: a decline of 45 percent  in the rate at which blacks commit violent crimes.

Got that conservatives? Black crime is down by almost half since the late 1970s.

As for murder — which is tallied separately, by the FBI  — rates have also dropped precipitously, in general, and for blacks specifically, in the past forty years.

In 1971, for instance, there were over 16,000 murders in the U.S., and 8,900 of the victims that year were black; this number grew to 21,505 murders in 1991, of which more than 10,700 victims were black.

By 2011, however, the total number of murders stood at 12,664, of which 6,332 of the victims were African American.

In other words, over a 40-year period, even as the overall population grew dramatically, there were around 3500 fewer murders in 2011 than in 1971, and almost 9000 fewer murders than in 1991! And by 2011 there were about 2500 fewer blacks being murdered every year than in 1971, and almost 4500 fewer blacks being killed annually than twenty years before in 1991.

From 1976-2005, the murder victimization rate for blacks fell 45 percent, from 37.1 murder victims for every 100,000 blacks to 20.6 murder victims for every 100,000 blacks (the rates for whites also fell 40 percent), and the offending rate for blacks fell 43 percent, from 46.6 murders committed for every 100,000 blacks in the population to only 26.5 murders committed per 100,000 blacks by 2005. Asadditional homicide data since then  demonstrates, the numbers of murders committed by blacks, both numerically and in terms of their homicide offending rate, has continued to fall through 2010 (the latest year for which we have comprehensive offending data on homicides).

In other words, by every possible measure of criminal violence, and in terms of both victimization andvictimizing, the black community — which the right typifies as a tangle of pathology — is doing better, not worse, than in the past. This means that conservatives are simply wrong when they suggest that black folks are increasingly given to lawbreaking. Any suggestion that the “real solution” to the problems facing blacks is to put the brakes on criminal wrongdoing is simplistic in the extreme: the trend lines are all positive in that regard, and yet, gaps in well-being between whites and blacks persist. Crime is not the culprit.
Yeah, I know "TL;DR... still think Black people are lazy criminals."  

If you want to be a bigot, be a bigot... but don't pretend that your views are actually thoughtfully considered and meaningfully researched.  If you actually care about this, you can take five minutes to read an article.  And if you don't care, what are you doing here?  Are you just trying to upset people?  
@Meth, you didn't provide a link for the 33% White men cocaine studies etc on the previous page, but it's okay I don't need it anymore. 
I did.  Twice.  You don't "need it anymore" because your strategy is to hit and run.  It's just empty stereotype with you.  Whenever you're asked to actually support this "superior culture" claim, you just act like it's self-evident, without bothering to define what specific aspects of "European culture" (whatever the hell that means) lead to "success" or provide even the slightest hint of evidence suggesting that White people, collectively, are more likely to hold or express these values than anyone else.  

William Julius Wilson (who's not White - since apparently you're discrediting all White social scientists now) famously examined this as part of When Work Disappears.  Drawing on interview data and the University of Chicago's Urban Poverty Family Life Survey, Wilson found - and I'll cut to the chase here because I know we're already well beyond the 160 character limit:  “the views of those in the large UPFLS random survey contradict the myth that inner-city residents do not share the values and aspirations of mainstream society.”  

It's reckless and lazy to just assume people's work values based on their wealth.  Someone working two minimum wage jobs just to get by almost certainly has a stronger work ethic than Paris Hilton.  

If you can't process information that conflicts with your biases, it's no wonder you still believe what you do.  You're just stuffing your fingers in your ears and screeching at this point - and I'm tired of listening to it.
@Methodical Management, it's not just white people, but people in general who are making millions for their "cause". Even Al Sharpton is not credible for a $5 million net worth. I refuse to believe anyone who's profiting from something. Is Tim Wise not profiting on what he's doing? He's selling books and DVDs, and he's likely gaining money from his website through advertisements, among other sources of potential revenue. If someone's doing something for a good cause, and they're paying their hard earned money, and dedicating time and effort, then the man is credible, such as a charity. PG County, the cities in it have a worst safety rating than Beverly Hills. It's the rates that are different in terms of violence and murder. PG County has suffered more crimes than Beverly Hills or its surrounding areas. Look at these:

PG County:'s+county
View media item 1559589
Beverly Hills area: hills
View media item 1559671

Tim talked about how 1978 there were black crimes, but in 2008, the rate dropped 19% despite a population increase. Okay? There are variables here, such as better educational system, more blacks getting jobs and better opportunities (this has been my point in this thread). Also another variable, more better and innovative scientific forensics to find suspects so suspects can think twice about committing crimes. Also, more cops, more witnesses (smartphones, cameras, etc) and generally a more population to increase the chance of reports and "tattle tailing". Again, criminals think twice. Also, Tim doesn't compare what the rate is in different races. Despite Blacks with a lower crime rate in 30 years, they still have higher crime rates committed than any other ethnic group. He didn't measure whites, asians, or hispanics rates because it would be counter-intuitive on his part.

You're putting words in my finger tips, I never claimed that one is "more superior" than the other like many others here claim.
@Methodical Management, it's not just white people, but people in general who are making millions for their "cause". Even Al Sharpton is not credible for a $5 million net worth. I refuse to believe anyone who's profiting from something. Is Tim Wise not profiting on what he's doing? He's selling books and DVDs, and he's likely gaining money from his website through advertisements, among other sources of potential revenue. If someone's doing something for a good cause, and they're paying their hard earned money, and dedicating time and effort, then the man is credible, such as a charity. PG County, the cities in it have a worst safety rating than Beverly Hills. It's the rates that are different in terms of violence and murder. PG County has suffered more crimes than Beverly Hills or its surrounding areas. Look at these:

PG County:'s+county
View media item 1559589
Beverly Hills area: hills
View media item 1559671

Tim talked about how 1978 there were black crimes, but in 2008, the rate dropped 19% despite a population increase. Okay? There are variables here, such as better educational system, more blacks getting jobs and better opportunities (this has been my point in this thread). Also another variable, more better and innovative scientific forensics to find suspects so suspects can think twice about committing crimes. Also, more cops, more witnesses (smartphones, cameras, etc) and generally a more population to increase the chance of reports and "tattle tailing". Again, criminals think twice. Also, Tim doesn't compare what the rate is in different races. Despite Blacks with a lower crime rate in 30 years, they still have higher crime rates committed than any other ethnic group. He didn't measure whites, asians, or hispanics rates because it would be counter-intuitive on his part.

You're putting words in my finger tips, I never claimed that one is "more superior" than the other like many others here claim.

View media item 1559723
@spacedoodoo, it still shows the cities and still shows surrounding areas.

@GWAP, these are all reported from individuals.

These aren't police reports or investigations. Anyone can report a crime here, you and I. Basically it enables people to get alerts of any crimes to any areas if they sign their email addresses.
@spacedoodoo, it still shows the cities and still shows surrounding areas.

@GWAP, these are all reported from individuals.

These aren't police reports or investigations. Anyone can report a crime here, you and I. Basically it enables people to get alerts of any crimes to any areas if they sign their email addresses.
It still doesn't matter which way you try to shape your point. It's still racist. "white values and european values exceed black and african values" you got it guy. 
@spacedoodoo, it still shows the cities and still shows surrounding areas.

@GWAP, these are all reported from individuals.

These aren't police reports or investigations. Anyone can report a crime here, you and I. Basically it enables people to get alerts of any crimes to any areas if they sign their email addresses.

It still doesn't matter which way you try to shape your point. It's still racist. "white values and european values exceed black and african values" you got it guy. 

Not racist man, it's just stating some statistics and some evidences. If I say Italians eat a lot of pasta, or Mexicans it a lot of beans, or Chinese people eat a lot of noodles, is that racist? No it's not...I never said one is better than the other man. I'm stating differences. But technically does not mean it's racist. Here lies the problem, people get angry at some facts and then use racism as a defense mechanism. Clearly I'm not racist, not even white. I've been trolled here left to right for just using statistics as evidence to prove a point.

But you can disagree with me, I will accept it. I disagree with you, you probably won't accept it, but it's fine by me. But just don't think I'm an evil person just because of this thread. Because wherever thread we go, we can also agree on some things. That's all I ask. We all have different opinions and have to learn to accept it.
Pardon my dumb question, but what does SWS stand for? Seen it thrown around a couple times...

SWS = Suspected White Supremacy, basically if you agree with cops, or if you don't agree with the black victims here, people get called that. It's pretty much a racist term here. I get called that and I'm not even white, among others I suppose.
SWS = Suspected White Supremacy, basically if you agree with cops, or if you don't agree with the black victims here, people get called that. It's pretty much a racist term here. I get called that and I'm not even white, among others I suppose.

Dat reach

1. You don't have to be white to support white supremacy. Do you have to live in Detroit to be a pistons fan?

2. It's not about agreeing with cops. I agree with cops and have yet to be called a sws.

3. I don't agree with everything Mr Marcus or Rusty or nawty says...

You keep coming back after meff and co have sonned countless times.

But honestly... You will be rewarded for the suck butt nature...

Kissing up to European culture after a dude from Europe just told you your full of ****...


Pleigh on pleya... Gotta get it *** you live...

Some of us would much rather die on our feet instead of placate on our knees
^^^ Brah what pisses me off a lot wit dudes like Highness, or Blco, or Tampadude

They act like there is just a bunch of poster that all share the exact same opinions/ideas,arguments, and we just attack anyone that doesn't fall in line.

If ole boy took the time to read even this thread he would see how many of us disagree on certain things. Some dudes wanna strap up, some wanna focus on economics first, some wanna get our political game right, etc.

But when you have a large group of posters, that argue within each other from time to time, all agreeing that what your posting is complete nonsense, EVEN METH, how does that not give someone pause and at least consider "Hey maybe their right, maybe I am sounding racist as hell" lol

Why do you guys entertain these dudes? Once they've exposed that they hate black people I just ignore anything else they have to say.
Pardon my dumb question, but what does SWS stand for? Seen it thrown around a couple times...

SWS = Suspected White Supremacy, basically if you agree with cops, or if you don't agree with the black victims here, people get called that. It's pretty much a racist term here. I get called that and I'm not even white, among others I suppose.

thank you for the clarification
Pardon my dumb question, but what does SWS stand for? Seen it thrown around a couple times...

SWS = Suspected White Supremacy, basically if you agree with cops, or if you don't agree with the black victims here, people get called that. It's pretty much a racist term here. I get called that and I'm not even white, among others I suppose.

thank you for the clarification

That's not what that means though :smh: :lol:

SWS- Person of any race that is suspected of believing that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore dominate society.

From M mr highness many posts ITT and others the S in SWS can be dropped. Dude is a straight up white supremacist.
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A sws is a person who supports the system of white supremacy and is under the belief that white people are superior to blacks.

when you read the child highness post it fits the definition. There are people of all races who support the system. If highness is black then he's a buck dancing Tom that's an avid supporter of white supremacy.

Plenty of post with him openly saying blacks are inferior to whites. He's shucking so hard he doesn't even try to disguise it like bloc and the other white supremacist trolls on this site 

edit: I personally think he's white and using this "i'm not white" thing as a pass to not get banned
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I Weebey'd so hard when I actually saw what buck dancing and winging/jigging was.

Looks like that goofy **** some rappers do now :lol:
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