AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

I give you guys props for fighting through your disgust to respond to this guy, I couldn't. I have a hard time believing he's older than 17 years old.
I give you guys props for fighting through your disgust to respond to this guy, I couldn't. I have a hard time believing he's older than 17 years old.

word...i asked how old he is and he went on a rant about it not being important and how ignorant i was for asking...:rolleyes
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^^^ Brah what pisses me off a lot wit dudes like Highness, or Blco, or Tampadude

They act like there is just a bunch of poster that all share the exact same opinions/ideas,arguments, and we just attack anyone that doesn't fall in line.

If ole boy took the time to read even this thread he would see how many of us disagree on certain things. Some dudes wanna strap up, some wanna focus on economics first, some wanna get our political game right, etc.

But when you have a large group of posters, that argue within each other from time to time, all agreeing that what your posting is complete nonsense, EVEN METH, how does that not give someone pause and at least consider "Hey maybe their right, maybe I am sounding racist as hell" lol


There's too many posters here, can't keep up, more than half are actually just troll and hate posts. So you can't really blame me, I noticed some people here have different opinions despite being on the same side. But what you said is a contradict to what you said earlier. You said, "sadly Highness online is the minority, but outside, he's the majority". So you should basically hypothetically apply that "Hey maybe their right, maybe I am etc etc etc" in the real world, outside.

A sws is a person who supports the system of white supremacy and is under the belief that white people are superior to blacks.

when you read the child highness post it fits the definition. There are people of all races who support the system. If highness is black then he's a buck dancing Tom that's an avid supporter of white supremacy.

Plenty of post with him openly saying blacks are inferior to whites. He's shucking so hard he doesn't even try to disguise it like bloc and the other white supremacist trolls on this site 

edit: I personally think he's white and using this "i'm not white" thing as a pass to not get banned

Where did you see me say, "Whites are more superior than Blacks"? Never did I said, "we should all bow to the white man". It ain't have anything to do with their race. Race is different than culture. I think you guys are mixing up the terms "race" and "culture". You can be a different race, and teach a different race people some laws, rules, regulations, food, etc etc etc. And these other race people have followed that culture you taught. It does not mean the teacher is better. Even if I was white, I know I wouldn't get banned because I'm not directly insulting anybody intentionally like you guys are. I got called stupid, dumb, racist, etc. I'm just giving a different side opinion with some reason and evidence. Quote me when I said "blacks are inferior to whites". Again, people are trying to make me seem like the bad guy.

I give you guys props for fighting through your disgust to respond to this guy, I couldn't. I have a hard time believing he's older than 17 years old.

word...i asked how old he is and he went on a rant about it not being important and how ignorant i was for asking...:rolleyes

Come on, my grammar is better than most people here. I don't even troll or insult people here and don't call them dumb, stupid, dense which are more child-like (Ignorant should not be an insult). I'm not even annoying anybody, I'm just sharing my own opinions. Racism happens, but it doesn't happen all the time, and if there is racism is certain areas, it won't stop. If I don't ask for no ones' info here, why would you guys ask me? There's a reason why we don't need to put our ages in our profiles. This is a forum, a forum where people can express their own opinions.

Like I said before, you guys shouldn't hate me forever because of this thread, we post in different threads and I've repped some of you on other topics and opinions. We all have different opinions at times and we should accept it, and if we can't, then live with it.
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^^^ Brah what pisses me off a lot wit dudes like Highness, or Blco, or Tampadude

They act like there is just a bunch of poster that all share the exact same opinions/ideas,arguments, and we just attack anyone that doesn't fall in line.

If ole boy took the time to read even this thread he would see how many of us disagree on certain things. Some dudes wanna strap up, some wanna focus on economics first, some wanna get our political game right, etc.

But when you have a large group of posters, that argue within each other from time to time, all agreeing that what your posting is complete nonsense, EVEN METH, how does that not give someone pause and at least consider "Hey maybe their right, maybe I am sounding racist as hell" lol


There's too many posters here, can't keep up, more than half are actually just troll and hate posts. So you can't really blame me, I noticed some people here have different opinions despite being on the same side. But what you said is a contradict to what you said earlier. You said, "sadly Highness online is the minority, but outside, he's the majority". So you should basically hypothetically apply that "Hey maybe their right, maybe I am etc etc etc" in the real world, outside.

Damb I said that brah. Well that really makes me look like a hypocr.......................Wait, oh yeah, I didn't.

Ricky did:

What's crazy of this thread... Highness thoughts are a minority.

Out side of NT... He's in the majority

But I guess it is difficult keeping track of all these young, black, college educated, brothers that are doing nothing but good and telling you how stupid, ignorant, and racist you sound

So don't worry pa, I understand. Cause this thread seems to be full of people fitting that description. Must be hard to keep track
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^ My bad. I could have sworn I saw your name on that quote lol, damn smart phone. Yea I did say I can't keep up with many of you guys' posts. Repped you Rusty, thanks for letting me know. And I wouldn't know what anyone's race, age or education here is. You're right though. I was wrong. I can admit this.
You alluded to it quite a bit. European doesn't ring a bell? You wasn't saying European and referencing Asians, Africans, or Latinos.
You alluded to it quite a bit. European doesn't ring a bell? You wasn't saying European and referencing Asians, Africans, or Latinos.

Yea, I implied European culture, not European God-given genetic race. I was more specific in terms of rules of living, the laws that they made, the guidelines, standards, the way they build structures in buildings and homes, conduct businesses, etc. These are all taught, these aren't automatically known. If I said whites are superior, then I'd be offending myself and that would be racist. Truth is, nobody is superior than the other. But it's the laws, guidelines, some beliefs etc etc etc etc that help people live better than others. I'm not racist. If you truly know me though, the fact that I have friends of all races, I love eating different foods, attempting to learn different languages, then you'd understand me a bit better and many would minimize the hate.

If a teacher teaches me how to do math, do I think the teacher is better than me overall? No. He just knows more math than I do.
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European culture also enslaved and diseased millions of brown folk around the world which has a lot to do with how they live today.

But keep conveniently ignoring that.
European culture also enslaved and diseased millions of brown folk around the world which has a lot to do with how they live today.

But keep conveniently ignoring that.

There you go again, someone's still trying to ignite somethin' here. Man I'm talking about the good culture. Today's culture. Hell, even today slavery exists. "Sex slavery" in Asia, among other slavery, slavery still even exists in Africa today and in the Middle East. In many countries, you do the crime, you end up as a slave to pay your dues too. Slavery happened even before the whites. Slavery was part of every culture. Today, Europe culture does not have slavery (that I know of), but slavery still exists in Asia, Middle East, and Africa.

There are many diseases today, everywhere.
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@Methodical Management, it's not just white people, but people in general who are making millions for their "cause". 
There's no money in racism?  Tell that to Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and whoever's put these racist thoughts in your head - because you're obviously not getting them from books. 
PG County, the cities in it have a worst safety rating than Beverly Hills
And if you think that's because of race or "culture," take a hard look in the mirror - because that's exactly what the "racist punks" on Stormfront would say.  

My mans is really comparing a COUNTY'S crime index against a city. 
. My god. 
Bear in mind, he did originally call Prince George's County a city.  Seriously.  

(His original quote:  "Also, for example, Prince George County is a majority black populous city with a good household income. I think it's ranked as one of the most affluent black communities. Yet there's still crime in that city regardless whether Black people are living good")

So, there's that...
If I say Italians eat a lot of pasta, or Mexicans it a lot of beans, or Chinese people eat a lot of noodles, is that racist?
That's just it:  you're dealing in stereotypes and pawning them off as "statistics." (Hint: statistics require numbers.)

Your logic is no better than saying "because Italian restaurants serve pasta and Mexican restaurants serve beans... and Italy's GDP per capita is higher than Mexico's... people who eat pasta work harder than people who eat beans."  
You're putting words in my finger tips, I never claimed that one is "more superior" than the other like many others here claim.
You're claiming that one is worse than the other.  

"Why can't Africa be like Germany?"  "Why can't Detroit be like Beverly Hills?  Must be culture!"  

Again, no data, just "if there's unequal results, they must be caused by cultural differences... because...."

Because what, exactly? 
Tim talked about how 1978 there were black crimes, but in 2008, the rate dropped 19% despite a population increase. Okay? There are variables here, such as better educational system, more blacks getting jobs and better opportunities (this has been my point in this thread). Also another variable, more better and innovative scientific forensics to find suspects so suspects can think twice about committing crimes. Also, more cops, more witnesses (smartphones, cameras, etc) and generally a more population to increase the chance of reports and "tattle tailing". Again, criminals think twice.
You're again dealing in assumptions and vague, unsupported generalities.  

For starters, Black unemployment rates are higher today than they were in 1978.

The racial wealth gap recently reached a 24 year high.

The subprime mortgage crisis in particular triggered the greatest loss of Black wealth in the history of the country - and that was especially true in places like PG County (as the article you undoubtedly failed to read points out.) 

You keep saying that you're just "stating facts," but this is just one of many glaring falsehoods you've presented due to your ignorance.  You literally don't know what you're talking about. 

But let's ignore all that, for the moment, and return to the central issue.  Violent crime is down.  For our purposes here, it doesn't matter why.  

So if your suggestion is "culture your way out," with respect to police brutality, what would you recommend?  You said, "We have to stop the violence all together. That's why these white cops are quick to pull the trigger."  Well, the violence IS down.   So why aren't officer involved shootings down, too? 

Eliminating violence is a laudable goal for EVERYONE and for its own sake - but let's not pretend that reducing crime will automatically reduce racism in law enforcement.  That hasn't happened thus far.  

You want to talk measurable change?  Why is it that more police departments are implementing body cams?  Because crime is down, or because of the demonstrations and the sustained public outcry over police brutality?  Violent crime's BEEN on the decline.  What's happened recently that might have influenced decision-making with respect to police transparency and accountability standards?  People who might not otherwise care about this issue are now being forced to confront it.  Your participation in this very discussion is proof enough of that.  

We don't keep this on the agenda by ignoring it.  

You act like people can't promote educational attainment/"hard work" AND combat racism simultaneously - that to "blame racism" for racial inequality amounts to some sort of fatalist worldview where there's no point in getting a job or going to school.  That's arrant nonsense.  

If basketball referees are gambling on the very games they're officiating, you can tell players "well, it seems to me that if you were better at basketball then it wouldn't matter if Tim Donaghy or Joey Crawford tried to cheat.  You'd still win.  Stop whining and make your free throws."  Such an argument is an affront to the fundamental concept of fair play.  Giving your best effort as a professional and opposing corruption are not mutually exclusive goals.  
@Meth you're trying too hard to make it a conclusion that I'm a racist. I've said numerous times I'm not racist. There's too many variables here. It's like I have a choice between getting a new car, I pick Car A instead of Car B, you are concluding that I hate Car B based off that choice alone. Not a good conclusion at all. You give data, yet I already knew about that nor do I truly argue against it. Black unemployment rate is higher and the white man makes more money. But you act like it's everyone but the black man's fault. There are successful black individuals who live better off than others, making more money, happier family, etc. I'm speaking of logic. If I see that more hoods have more black people and state it, then you'd conclude that it's racist. But in reality, it's not, It's just an observation. If I hypothetically asked you if black people are likely to sag their pants, you'd say yes and that's okay, but if I say yes, then that makes me the bad guy and the racist one right? There's no fairness here when it comes to views.

Also there's a difference between stereotyping and racism, both don't always equal the other.

Also that PG County city thing was a typo.

"Why can't Africa be like Germany?" "Why can't Detroit be like Beverly Hills? Must be culture!"

Again, no data, just "if there's unequal results, they must be caused by cultural differences... because...."

Because what, exactly?

Data? Isn't all this obvious? The data we can see is murder rates, economic status, unemployment rates, HDI etc. Basically I'm just repeating what I said pages ago. Germany has developed a better way in regards to country's laws, rules, regulations, businesses, etc. That were all taught to them and to eliminate any corruption, communism or so. It wasn't because their skin is white.

When you ask a normal person of any color or even you Meth; "You've won vacation tickets! So you get to pick, either Germany, or the country of Chad in Africa." Which free tickets would you want Meth? And be honest. If you end up winning in a game show.
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Speaking of Bill O'reilly...they say he doesn't believe half the **** he spews but he knows that group of white Americans love it. He trolls for dollars but sadly a lot of white Americans eat it up
Folks really think O'Reilly is sincere on his show?

Can't say for certain but I believe the producers bank on much of its viewership to be opposers of "his" views, just to watch and hear how ridiculous the guy behaves (in the same way Howard Stern's market share blew up with the "Shock jock" antics).

I'm sure nobody wants to hear it, but O'Reilly is probably a sharp guy, and he undoubtedly made a fortune by playing a character on TV.
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Speaking of Bill O'reilly...they say he doesn't believe half the **** he spews but he knows that group of white Americans love it. He trolls for dollars but sadly a lot of white Americans eat it up

Same with Al Sharpton. Both these punks don't make the situation any better. They only talk and focus about the negatives. But never solutions. They probably get paid by news media networks.

But to tell the truth, I don't even know who the hell that guy Bill O'really is, until I searched him up just now.
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Speaking of Bill O'reilly...they say he doesn't believe half the **** he spews but he knows that group of white Americans love it. He trolls for dollars but sadly a lot of white Americans eat it up

Same with Al Sharpton. Both these punks don't make the situation any better. They only talk and focus about the negatives. But never solutions. They probably get paid by news media networks.

But to tell the truth, I don't even know who the hell that guy Bill O'really is.

I don't rock with Spharpton that much

But he is in no way on O'Reily's level. Sharpton doesn't spew racism like Bill
Data? Isn't all this obvious? The data we can see is murder rates, economic status, unemployment rates, HDI etc. Basically I'm just repeating what I said pages ago. Germany has developed a better way in regards to country's laws, rules, regulations, businesses, etc. That were all taught to them and to eliminate any corruption, communism or so. It wasn't because their skin is white.
What data?  If high "murder rates" are proof of cultural inferiority, then the United States is culturally inferior to the Ukraine, Cuba, Iran, India, Egypt, Vietnam, Liberia, Senegal, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Indonesia, Israel, Libya, Sierra Leone, Malawi, Bhutan, Tonga, Tunisia, and so on.  (And your beloved Germany would be culturally inferior to Algeria, Macao, Hong Kong, and Bahrain, among others.)

As for your assumption that German citizens "were all taught to ... eliminate any corruption, communism or so," I think you've just made it obvious that you weren't alive in 1990.  (Which, honestly, explains a lot.)  

You're just repeating nonsense.  What "laws, rules, regulations, businesses, etc." are different in PG County that make you believe its residents suffer from some sort of cultural deficiency?

This is all just empty assumption on your part.  Educational attainment is associated with higher incomes.  Justin Bieber has more money than you.  Therefore, Justin Bieber is smarter and better educated than you are.  That's essentially the quality of reasoning you're utilizing.  

This has all been explained at length to you in posts you can't be bothered to read.  What a terrible waste.
 If I hypothetically asked you if black people are likely to sag their pants, you'd say yes and that's okay,
I wouldn't, actually, and if you "hypothetically" were to ask me that I'd be terribly embarrassed for you and your parents.  

Your reliance on dated stereotypes is troubling and, frankly, pathetic.  
Meth, you're only focusing on the negative aspects that you think I'm saying. You continue to quote me on points, then switch it around to make another point in your own case that further confuses and complicates the conversation.

You mentioned my murder rates point yet I never stated "Only" murder rates nor focused solely on that. I stated other measurements too. This is where you try to switch things around now. Also I'm referring to the NEW Germany. The Germany after they got destroyed. So again, negative aspects to further complicate the conversation.

 If I hypothetically asked you if black people are likely to sag their pants, you'd say yes and that's okay,

I wouldn't, actually, and if you "hypothetically" were to ask me that I'd be terribly embarrassed for you and your parents.  

Your reliance on dated stereotypes is troubling and, frankly, pathetic.  

Again, you're perceiving that hypothetical question as a racist question. It's not a racist question, it's a stereotypical question but not necessarily racist. Again, racism =/= stereotypes (Does not equal). If hypothetically you were asked that question, and you say "no". Then it's obvious that you don't go places often. How many Asians, Hispanics, Whites sag their pants compared to Blacks? Not to say sagging pants are a bad thing. But if you say no, then you'd be wrong, and proved my point in regards to your posts. Does Nelly sag or sagged his pants on stage at concerts where thousands and thousands attend/attended? What about Lil Wayne? So I guess I'm wrong and racist here too right because I observed Lil Wayne and many of his fans sagging their pants.
lol.... dude has no concept of what's going on in black society...

brought up nelly, lil wayne, and sagging pants to bolster his argument

a young "on the fence" racist would definitely be won over by your "it's just statistics" angle.... 

I regularly check stormfront and have an active account just to observe their logic.... I see past your camouflage 
Also I'm referring to the NEW Germany. The Germany after they got destroyed. So again, negative aspects to further complicate the conversation.

Meth was referring to the fall of the Berlin Wall which was constructed by Communist East Germany in 1961 -- you know, 15 years after the end of WWII during the time period you stated was used to teach them their successful laws, rules, regulations, businesses and how to eliminate corruption and Communism.

I'm beginning to wonder if this dude was alive in 2000, let alone 1990.
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^ Then I wasn't referring to that era, I was referring to Germany today, today as a country that's 1st world today.

Edit: I'm more referring to West Germany, not East Germany. I'll admit, I'm not a Germany History Guy though.

lol.... dude has no concept of what's going on in black society...

brought up nelly, lil wayne, and sagging pants to bolster his argument

a young "on the fence" racist would definitely be won over by your "it's just statistics" angle.... 

I regularly check stormfront and have an active account just to observe their logic.... I see past your camouflage 

Wasn't part of my argument, it was just an example of a hypothetical stereotyping situation. I could have used the stereotype of Pitbulls being vicious. But again, you're here to slander me, it's okay. I didn't know what stormfront is until you guys mentioned it. If I was honestly there, I would likely defend blacks and try to enlighten them. But you using that is not a correct way for this conversation. I don't listen to white racists.
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^ Then I wasn't referring to that era, I was referring to Germany today, today as a country that's 1st world today.

Edit: I'm more referring to West Germany, not East Germany. I'll admit, I'm not a Germany History Guy though.

Or any kind of History for that matter, which is probably your biggest issue, among many, many others.

You continue to quote me on points, then switch it around to make another point in your own case that further confuses and complicates the conversation.

That's called successful debating and it's becoming increasingly obvious that the only thing confused is your narrow, naive, myopic, hateful, and dangerous thought process.
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^ Then I wasn't referring to that era, I was referring to Germany today, today as a country that's 1st world today.

Edit: I'm more referring to West Germany, not East Germany. I'll admit, I'm not a Germany History Guy though.

Or any kind of History for that matter, which is probably your biggest issue, among many, many others.

You continue to quote me on points, then switch it around to make another point in your own case that further confuses and complicates the conversation.

That's called successful debating and it's becoming increasingly obvious that the only thing confused is your narrow, naive, myopic, hateful, and dangerous thought process.

No, that's not debating at all man. It's called switching the subject and proving a different point. And your last sentence has some irony in it. It's like this, you guys say Lebron's better than Kobe, but I say, no because right now Kobe has 5 rings, more experienced, etc. and you guys still say Lebron is better because of his assists, rebounds, playmaking. But I say, both played in different eras, so we shouldn't really compare them, but as of now, Kobe has 5 rings. Then you guys confuse more of the situation saying, Kobe had more help, Shaq was a superstar center, and Pau Gasol helped Kobe too, so thanks to Shaq and Gasol, and their own stats, they helped Kobe get 5 rings. And then I say, Lebron had Wade and Bosh, and then you guys compare Shaq and Gasol with Wade and Bosh which makes you guys compare different players. When in reality, the conversation was more about Kobe vs Lebron. You further complicate the conversation. Do you understand? You're bringing different subjects in the equation. It does not help. You got it INFAMOUSERROR?
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No, that's not debating at all man. It's called switching the subject and proving a different point. And your last sentence has some irony in it. It's like this, you guys say Lebron's better than Kobe, but I say, no because right now Kobe has 5 rings, more experienced, etc. and you guys still say Lebron is better because of his assists, rebounds, playmaking. But I say, both played in different eras, so we shouldn't really compare them, but as of now, Kobe has 5 rings. Then you guys confuse more of the situation saying, Kobe had more help, Shaq was a superstar center, and Pau Gasol helped Kobe too, so thanks to Shaq and Gasol, and their own stats, they helped Kobe get 5 rings. And then I say, Lebron had Wade and Bosh, and then you guys compare Shaq and Gasol with Wade and Bosh which makes you guys compare different players. When in reality, the conversation was more about Kobe vs Lebron. You further complicate the conversation. Do you understand? You're bringing different subjects in the equation. It does not help. You got it INFAMOUSERROR?

That's not complicating the conversation, that's citing facts, data and variables to back up claims. Hardly anything is black and white, cut and dry; there's a grey area in virtually every topic.

But wait, weren't you all about variables before? Now they're a problem, right? Your ranting debating technique involves flip flopping back and forth, twisting and misinterpreting data, improvising on the spot and ultimately playing the victim whenever you're presented with something you can't comprehend or simply don't know jack **** about. It's been incredible to witness how far down the rabbit hole of your own mind-numbing ignorance you're willing to go with every post. It has really been a sight to behold.

And yea I got it, if by it you mean a headache and a strong sense of regret from engaging you.

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