AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

exactly my point... .americans should help poor americans with education, jobs, and commuinity structure so that the tax burden can be spread out more evenly.... 
Fact of the matter is we all benefit from eachothers tax dollars, but why is it that the government leaves urban communites high and dry when it comes to schools and education and the suburbs flourish. Its ACTIVELY contributing to the inequality gap.
exactly my point... .americans should help poor americans with education, jobs, and commuinity structure so that the tax burden can be spread out more evenly.... 
Fact of the matter is we all benefit from eachothers tax dollars, but why is it that the government leaves urban communites high and dry when it comes to schools and education and the suburbs flourish. Its ACTIVELY contributing to the inequality gap.
people with the mindset of Mr Highness.... pushes politics in the direction of "i don't want my taxes going to that other group"....
people with the mindset of Mr Highness.... pushes politics in the direction of "i don't want my taxes going to that other group"....
I just dont get it. Its almost as if he thinks ALL white people are rich and therefore are entitled. Being white and being a part of the majority doesn't give you anyone more rights, more benefits, or privileges when tax dollars are involved.
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But this is what the white brain thinks. But in reality, there are still 60%+ of white population and they make more money than all ethnicities combined.

And @RustyShackleford you're getting a bit annoying man, this is all just analytical thinking. All you ever do is focus on the negative things I say. At least I provided an example and told an experience. If observations = Racist to you, then so be it. Go try to get more reps somewhere else man, as if you don't have enough reps already.

@Fontaine, but it's less involving being a nerd, but more so using the term "acting white". Black kids who fit that, get bullied.

And white kids that are poor get picked on

And black kids that are really dark get picked on

And Mexican kids with thick glasses get picked on.

Everybody gets picked on in grade school, bro.

And you said white folk make all the money.

Who do you think are working for them, bruh?


Take away the labor... What's left?
If white people are paying the most taxes, which is true, according to your suggestion, you want white people to pay for poor schools. And they're aware of this in a sense that in general, they are paying for all public schools. So what if we do fund all school for books, teachers, etc. Do you think that's all? Do you know how many black and brown brothers are teased and bullied if they turn out to be smart by other black and brown kids, or if they do their homework all the time? I transferred from an all white school to an all black and brown school. I had to cheat thanks to white boys, now going to a black/brown school, the black and brown brothers had to cheat off from me and we did have plentiful books, and we did have good teachers. Just because Philly school don't have the resources, doesn't mean all poor schools don't have the resources neither, it varies city to city. Do you know how many white kids don't give a damn about black or brown problems? Generally, you can teach a kid from whats right to whats wrong, but that's not going to make them a saint as an adult.

So what's another suggestion?
Man the more you answer the more I realize that I am not communicating with an adult. You again, are operating under the wrong assumption. You say " you want white people to pay for poor schools" almost as if white people have their own country and urban america is thrid world country begging for help. White people arent one person. Just like one white person's tax dollars grease the wheels of America so do mine. It's not one race paying for their own race's government funded programs. Black peoples taxes go towards building roads and bridges just like white people's do.   You're bringing something like bullying into a socioeconomic discussion? Its almost you base all of your opinions on a 90's preteen drama, or an episode of Degrassi.

See, you only focused on the negative aspect of what I said, this is what I'm talking about. Is it not true that the majority of taxes is from white people? I'm referring to a white person's point of view/thinking so you can use more analytical thinking of where these white people are coming from. You didn't refer to any other things I pointed out. You used that as an escape route to duck my other questions. I was trying to get to the point that these racist whites are selfish, and still think this country is White America. I was trying to get to the point where we cannot depend on the white man anymore and we should help ourselves. But you didn't allow that because you got angry.

@Fontaine; this is about Charles Barkley.

Speaking on the radio show "Afternoons with Anthony Gargano and Rob Ellis," Barkley was asked his opinion on Seattle Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson, who was the subject of an article detailing allegations he wasn't "black enough."

Barkley fired back:

"We as black people are never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you are black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people," Barkley said.

Barkley, a native of Leeds, said African Americans are too concerned with street cred than true success and that's holding the community back.

"For some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you're not a thug or an idiot, you're not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don't break the law, you're not a good black person. It's a dirty, dark secret in the black community.

"There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don't have success. It's best to knock a successful black person down because they're intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they're successful. It's just typical BS that goes on when you're black, man."

*awaits Charles Barkley is a SWS, Uncle Tom, punk dense, non-adult comments*
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See, you only focused on the negative aspect of what I said, this is what I'm talking about. Is it not true that the majority of taxes is from white people? I'm referring to a white person's logical thinking so you can use more analytical thinking of where these white people are coming from. You didn't refer to any other things I pointed out. You used that as an escape route to duck my other questions.

@Fontaine; this is about Charles Barkley.

*awaits Charles Barkley is a SWS, Uncle Tom, punk dense, non-adult comments*
I'm focusing on your fallacies, what exactly do you want me to address? What other question? You haven't said anything. This is how YOU think white people think. I don't know any white people who think that since America is majority white they should get special treatment when it comes to things that are funded by tax payer money. Is that what you're trying to imply? Since the white population pays more theyre entitled to do what they want with the money? How is that logical thinking at all? By any race? By that logic why would any other race even pay taxes? Youre making the assumption that all white people would say that is a logical train of thought, almost that "white people" are just 1 entity.
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Mr. Highness has said some dumb stuff in here but now he's using Charles Barkley to help make his point. :lol:

I don't know why y'all keep wasting time on this dude. It's clear he's a flat out racist troll.
^ This is exactly what I'm talking about. This guy just pops in here because it's at the top of the thread list, and looks at my post and just judges me. And if I bring up a good point he says, "im dumb and racist" because I bring up Charles Barkley, a black man. He doesn't get paid to announce that, so he's speaking of what's real. And people like Maximus can't accept it.

See, you only focused on the negative aspect of what I said, this is what I'm talking about. Is it not true that the majority of taxes is from white people? I'm referring to a white person's logical thinking so you can use more analytical thinking of where these white people are coming from. You didn't refer to any other things I pointed out. You used that as an escape route to duck my other questions.

@Fontaine; this is about Charles Barkley.

*awaits Charles Barkley is a SWS, Uncle Tom, punk dense, non-adult comments*
I'm focusing on your fallacies, what exactly do you want me to address? What other question? You haven't said anything. This is how YOU think white people think. I don't know any white people who think that since America is majority white they should get special treatment when it comes to things that are funded by tax payer money. Is that what you're trying to imply? Since the white population pays more theyre entitled to do what they want with the money? How is that logical thinking at all? By any race? By that logic why would any other race even pay taxes? Youre making the assumption that all white people would say that is a logical train of thought, almost that "white people" are just 1 entity.

^ Well that's a reason why these racists don't like us. You have to think about reasons there's an unfair system. But the point is, is education is not 100% the solution.

So what's your next suggested solution?
Mr. Highness has said some dumb stuff in here but now he's using Charles Barkley to help make his point. :lol:

I don't know why y'all keep wasting time on this dude. It's clear he's a flat out racist troll.'s been like 2 weeks back and forth with this guy...

View media item 1564617 is the full text...

Last week, Baltimore State Attorney #MarilynMosby announced the launch of her new program Aim to B’More. The program gives people convicted of nonviolent crimes a second chance.

The first class of Aim to B’More included 30 non-violent drug offenders. The program requires participants to complete three years of probation, community service, a five-month internship, and search for employment. Participants will have their records expunged after successful completion of the program. “I would prefer to utilize the inundated courts for the worst of the worst and give our young people a second chance at redemption. People talk about Baltimore’s crime problem, but what isn’t talked about is the real issue at hand: systemic poverty,” Mosby told the #Baltimore Sun.
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^ This is exactly what I'm talking about. This guy just pops in here because it's at the top of the thread list, and looks at my post and just judges me. And if I bring up a good point he says, "im dumb and racist" because I bring up Charles Barkley, a black man. He doesn't get paid to announce that, so he's speaking of what's real. And people like Maximus can't accept it.
^ Well that's a reason why these racists don't like us. You have to think about reasons there's an unfair system. But the point is, is education is not 100% the solution.

So what's your next suggested solution?

Racists don't like "us" because they're racist. What are you looking to cure? Racism or inequality? You lost me
^ This is exactly what I'm talking about. This guy just pops in here because it's at the top of the thread list, and looks at my post and just judges me. And if I bring up a good point he says, "im dumb and racist" because I bring up Charles Barkley, a black man. He doesn't get paid to announce that, so he's speaking of what's real. And people like Maximus can't accept it.
^ Well that's a reason why these racists don't like us. You have to think about reasons there's an unfair system. But the point is, is education is not 100% the solution.

So what's your next suggested solution?

Racists don't like "us" because they're racist. What are you looking to cure? Racism or inequality? You lost me

Racism = Inequality right? You lost yourself man.

So what's the second solution after the education solution?
 So what's the second solution after the education solution?
racism always equals inequality by its very definition

but inequality doesn't always equal racism....there are other types of inequality

think about it for a minute....
Mr. Highness has said some dumb stuff in here but now he's using Charles Barkley to help make his point. :lol:

I don't know why y'all keep wasting time on this dude. It's clear he's a flat out racist troll.'s been like 2 weeks back and forth with this guy...

View media item 1564617 is the full text...

Last week, Baltimore State Attorney #MarilynMosby announced the launch of her new program Aim to B’More. The program gives people convicted of nonviolent crimes a second chance.

The first class of Aim to B’More included 30 non-violent drug offenders. The program requires participants to complete three years of probation, community service, a five-month internship, and search for employment. Participants will have their records expunged after successful completion of the program. “I would prefer to utilize the inundated courts for the worst of the worst and give our young people a second chance at redemption. People talk about Baltimore’s crime problem, but what isn’t talked about is the real issue at hand: systemic poverty,” Mosby told the #Baltimore Sun.

Real talk.

I think might be in love with this woman.
Aside from Charles Barkley, this is also what Bill Cosby said some time ago.

'They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk...

Why you ain't

Where you is

What he drive

Where he stay

Where he work

Who you be...

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. ;

And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.

In fact, you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.

The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.

These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what??

And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.

Where were you when he was 2??

Where were you when he was 12??

Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol??

And where is the father?? Or, who is his father?

People putting their clothes on backward, isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?

People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something?

Or, are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up?

Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?

What part of Africa did this come from??

We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans. They don't know a thing about Africa .
With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.

We have got to take the neighborhood back.

People used to be ashamed. Today, a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.

We have millionaire football players who cannot read.

We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs.

We, as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal- Mart with seven kids... you are hurting us.

We have to start holding each other to a higher standard.

We cannot blame the white people any longer.

It's NOT about color...
It's about behavior !!!

- Dr. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.

Also, Bill Cosby made a speech in 2004, "Pound Cake Speech" in NAACP among other speeches.

Hold up, for the next few posts coming in, let me post for you.

"Mr Highness you dumb dense non-born-in-1990 punk, now you supporting a rapist? You are sick, disgusting pathetic human being. Bill Cosby's great great great great great grandfather was white you stupid racist troll punk. I'm about to ignore you right now (Although I can't ignore you at all). I hate you Mr Highness!!!!!!!!!!"

Best thing he said from that quote, was it's not about color, it's about behavior. So like I said before, these whites ain't going to stop, there is no full proof solution. We have to help each other out. If we can become successful, we can help others become successful as well.
Aside from Charles Barkley, this is also what Bill Cosby said some time ago.

Also, Bill Cosby made a speech in 2004, "Pound Cake Speech" in NAACP among other speeches.

Hold up, for the next few posts coming in, let me post for you.

"Mr Highness you dumb dense non-born-in-1990 punk, now you supporting a rapist? You are sick, disgusting pathetic human being. Bill Cosby's great great great great great grandfather was white you stupid racist troll punk. I'm about to ignore you right now (Although I can't ignore you at all). I hate you Mr Highness!!!!!!!!!!"

Best thing he said from that quote, was it's not about color, it's about behavior. So like I said before, these whites ain't going to stop, there is no full proof solution. We have to help each other out. If we can become successful, we can help others become successful as well.

Who has said they hated you?

Who's using exclamation points?

We calm, b

:lol: @ using Bill Cosby as a reference.
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The fact that there are real people walking around and thinking like dude is disturbing.

It's no way dude is black ...but if he is I feel sorry for his children
F bill cosby and charles barkley 
. Don't give a damn about them or their stupid opinions. 
Real talk.

I think might be in love with this woman.

True story, her younger sister got at me. I bluffed her b/c she wanted to go out instead of chill at the crib smh lol.

This highness guy is throwing major stones and putting his hands behind his back. Ol "why is everyone picking on me type." Some of the dumbest things I've read on NT.
^ Apparently you haven't been reading much in this thread, because I've been insulted left to right when I express my own opinion like everyone else. And thanks for proving my point man. Another insult. Good job contradicting yourself.

Anyway, since some people disapprove of Charles Barkley and Bill Cosby, here's some actual people who know what they're talking about and share some of the same opinions as I.

It's a long shot, and I know these videos will not likely be watched by some of you, but hopefully some peoples' eyes can be opened here. We need more strong brothers like these in the video. We need to help ourselves, do better, treat each other better and take care of our own community.

*Spoiler: The next few posts*

"Mr Highness you are stupid, posting videos of those Uncle Toms and disguised SWS. Don't you know they're all actually white guys dressed as black men? Mr Highness I've never met anybody as dense as you brother. You can't be black because you act so white."
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GTF O H!!!

el oh el, **** isn't even funny anymore...

Should lock this til' updates come up.

And this dude here lying about being black... Smh
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I for one don't like you...
Really don't give a damn about what you post because in fact you are a cornball(no matter what your race, ethnicity, nationality).
You bring nothing of substance to the conversation and yes you are dense.
You deflect, don't answer questions directly and even when Meth gave you that work, you couldn't be bothered to read a single paragraph.
You are nothing but a mediocre poster from stormfront or yahoo comments.
People have asked you several times to give a solution and to at least try to understand systematic oppression and the effects it has on the black community.
You offer no valid points, praise Euro-centric ideals as superior and try to tell people they are annoying when they drill holes through your convoluted,absurd, inane, racist, off topic posts.
This thread is about police brutality, not black on black crime(which isn't even a real thing).
But I'm going to let you cook Mr. Weakness.
Yeah this is Mugen81 calling you out and yes I'm angry because individuals like you are the real problem in front of human progress not only for black people but humanity.
No Subliminals, just don't like you.
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People like Mr Highness make me ashamed of being half white. I don't care how much he says he isn't white; he's the same as those Yahoo comment board clowns who say "as a minority, I think..." and write essays about how "their" minority group is in the wrong. It's pathetic
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how come videos of black people saying blacks should take responsibility are accepted by Mr highness...

but videos of black people speaking on the socioeconomic devastation that racism/slavery/jim crow have are ignored?

it's almost as if the only evidence that is seen as correct, is the evidence that supports his viewpoint regardless of the source. 
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