AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

The irony is he doesn't take her seriously cuz she's never "been in the streets". While you have people in here...that have...that are telling you everything this lilly white girl' is saying is true.

I'm from Baltimore City. The very place this thread is talking about...I'm telling you that her video is WAY more on point than the vids you posted.

Yet you're still blind smh.
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The irony is he doesn't take her seriously cuz she's never "been in the streets". While you have people in here...that have...that are telling you everything this lilly white girl' is saying is true.

I'm from Baltimore City. The very place this thread is talking about...I'm telling you that her video is WAY more on point than the vids you posted.

Yet you're still blind smh.

That have? How would I know that? I'd understand you and coming from Baltimore. But other people here, I'm damn sure don't experience what other people experience. They just go with the flow. Ask her how much money she makes okay? And did you watch my video? No you did not. But I've watched yours, so what that might say? Because you wouldn't still be negative and call me blind. So my videos of the 3 black dudes are blind too?
I'm convinced he's a troll and just wants to get reactions. I can't take him seriously anymore. Keep it going though, good entertainment
I'm convinced he's a troll and just wants to get reactions. I can't take him seriously anymore. Keep it going though, good entertainment

So you think I'm just doing this for reactions? I'm doing this to potentially get banned? I'm doing this to get insulted? I'm part of that minority. You're crazy man. I'm doing it for a potential solution that's been overlooked. I'm doing this for enlightenment, I'm doing this for hope. But unfortunately, I don't see hope here. All I see is people still depending on white men to help fix their problems yet to them they see them as the problems. And I'm ignorant? It's like you begging mother to cook dinner but you're a grown adult. You can make yourself something. Watch the 3 videos I posted in the last page. But I know you won't. And there lies the problem.

@Fontaine, why you ignoring my last response to you brother?
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So you think I'm just doing this for reactions? I'm doing this to potentially get banned? I'm doing this to get insulted? I'm part of that minority. You're crazy man. I'm doing it for a potential solution that's been overlooked. I'm doing this for enlightenment, I'm doing this for hope. But unfortunately, I don't see hope here. All I see is people still depending on white men to help fix their problems yet to them they see them as the problems. And I'm ignorant? It's like you begging mother to cook dinner but you're a grown adult. You can make yourself something. Watch the 3 videos I posted in the last page. But I know you won't. And there lies the problem.
I responded to what I thought about your videos. I'll post again. "I was trying to be nice,but yep you're not too bright. To answer your question. YES, no matter what amount of college education you have, it is still possible to be ignorant on certain topics and just things in general. Just because to post a video of a black man with a degree (as if that holds any significance) doesn't make what he's saying correct. It's still opinion, you only treat it as fact because it supports your beliefs.

Secondly, no one is saying blacks can't succeed. There are tons of successful black people. The point is that everyone has the same potential, just not the same opportunities.

Your argument is that because you seen working black people in the mall, there is no excuse for everyone else. That is ignorance. To deny that the is inequality in America is also ignorance.

Making an observation is not the same as making an excuse."
Dude thinks it takes one page to see his racist ways. Sorry pal I've been reading this thread since day 1.

Your freedom of speech card doesn't work on NT as it is not an entity of the government.

Moreover, you are walking the line of ignorance and heading closer to hate speech. Just because you wear the hood I mean the veil of "factual" and "rational", it's clear what your message is.

Subtle racism is the worst kind of racism

Therefore you are he worst kind of racist.

And miss me with that threat fambs. Type of due to call foul after he gets bodied on a legal screen.
The white racist is still at it

Posing as a minority so he won't get banned
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"I'm doing this for enlightenment, I'm doing this for hope."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"All I see is people still depending on white men to help fix their problems..."

Says the guy who was riding white culture like a ride at Disneyland
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That have? How would I know that? I'd understand you and coming from Baltimore. But other people here, I'm damn sure don't experience what other people experience. They just go with the flow. Ask her how much money she makes okay? And did you watch my video? No you did not. But I've watched yours, so what that might say? Because you wouldn't still be negative and call me blind. So my videos of the 3 black dudes are blind too?

You don't have to be "from the streets" to experience all the stuff that's been said here. Like cmon man. You've said some really stupid **** in this thread.
I'm convinced he's a troll and just wants to get reactions. I can't take him seriously anymore. Keep it going though, good entertainment

So you think I'm just doing this for reactions? I'm doing this to potentially get banned? I'm doing this to get insulted? I'm part of that minority. You're crazy man. I'm doing it for a potential solution that's been overlooked. I'm doing this for enlightenment, I'm doing this for hope. But unfortunately, I don't see hope here. All I see is people still depending on white men to help fix their problems yet to them they see them as the problems. And I'm ignorant? It's like you begging mother to cook dinner but you're a grown adult. You can make yourself something. Watch the 3 videos I posted in the last page. But I know you won't. And there lies the problem.

@Fontaine, why you ignoring my last response to you brother?

View media item 1207841
You were the same person that insisted that black people need the white men and their culture. And now you trying to act like everyone else are the ones who are begging white folk for help :smh: :lol:

You do know we can read you previous post brah.
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So you think I'm just doing this for reactions? I'm doing this to potentially get banned? I'm doing this to get insulted? I'm part of that minority. You're crazy man. I'm doing it for a potential solution that's been overlooked. I'm doing this for enlightenment, I'm doing this for hope. But unfortunately, I don't see hope here. All I see is people still depending on white men to help fix their problems yet to them they see them as the problems. And I'm ignorant? It's like you begging mother to cook dinner but you're a grown adult. You can make yourself something. Watch the 3 videos I posted in the last page. But I know you won't. And there lies the problem.

@Fontaine, why you ignoring my last response to you brother?

I responded right here.

How do you know the other videos have people that have been in the streets?

And I watched videos... Some of it I agree with, some I don't.

There is not steadfast right answer...

In regards to black economics, we've been preaching that several times... YOU said that we will have to go back and depend on the European culture because WE CANT DO it..

YOU brought up how much better the European culture is.

I brought up the example with the weed because that shows that black people are playing by a different set of rules...

Why is it everyone else across the country is allowed a second chance from making mistakes except minorities?

If you dig into politicians backgrounds... Half of the senate would be out if they played by the same rules as black and brown people.

You think its fine to give white people a second chance but not black people?

You're fine with disproportionate sentencing for the same crimes?

You're fine with different rules for different people?
Dude thinks it takes one page to see his racist ways. Sorry pal I've been reading this thread since day 1.

Your freedom of speech card doesn't work on NT as it is not an entity of the government.

Moreover, you are walking the line of ignorance and heading closer to hate speech. Just because you wear the hood I mean the veil of "factual" and "rational", it's clear what your message is.

Subtle racism is the worst kind of racism

Therefore you are he worst kind of racist.

And miss me with that threat fambs. Type of due to call foul after he gets bodied on a legal screen.

Honestly I don't even know what the hell you just said.

@Fontaine, you answered your own questions, there's not a steadfast answer. But my side can potentially be better than begging the white man for equality. In reality, they probably won't give that no matter what. They'll always pass up the names of "Laquan", or "Fernandez", or "Ho Ming Liu". But let me mention to you this, you know some cities have "China Town" or other Asian majority populated areas, some cities have many Hispanic populations, many Arab populations, well guess what, they're all helping each other out. I didn't say European culture is better, I said they've established a better economic, quality of life, less crime rates, etc type society. I never once said I was fine with any of your last questions, but it seems you're stirring more drama up in here man. There lies the problem.

@Rusty, I meant it in a couple ways, I was speaking on you guys behalf, if you're begging for equality, then you're saying you need the white men right? But in reality, we all need that "current European culture". Man I don't want to be posting the same thing because to you guys, it don't seem to get in your heads. Everything I say you guys take it as an offense and further infuriates some of you.

@Wavy, true, but it makes you more believable.

@Marcus, I know I wouldn't get banned even if I was white, it's free speech. Did I ever once say a racist term? I can get called SWS and Uncle Tom, which are essentially insults involving race.

@Ingenious Nick I admitted there was inequality in America. I provided a solution, which is minorities should start taking more care for themselves. Haven't you been reading my past posts? You just wasted a post in this thread man.

I posted Bill Cosby, Charles Barkley, and three other black dudes who all agree with me. These guys likely don't make money for making those same beliefs as I did. They said it from the bottom of their hearts and what they thought from their brains and to send a message, and in hope of their brothers listening. I told these guys I agree with the inequality and that it's not likely we will get equality, and provided a solution, which is lets help each other out, lets take care of our own. Then I still get trolled here and I still get labeled a racist. They still don't see this....they either are too blind, bias, bigot, delusional, OR, probably the #1 on here, is they're trying to make friends, and establish a bond together and get reps. The last part has to be it.

Let me help you guys post the next posts because I already know what you guys will say:

The rest of you guys: "Mr Highness, you talked about white culture, all this and that, you are a sad racist. Black people don't get the same opportunity. They get more jail time, they get pulled over more. *Just repeats the same things already been said to Mr Highness the past week despite him already agreeing with it to justify my own side and make him look bad and I want to increase my post count and get more reps and respect*
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Originally Posted by MR HIGHNESS  /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I went to the mall today, saw a fellow black police officer, saw a black security guard who was nice enough to give me directions because I needed to go to the Microsoft store, saw 4 black employees out of 6 when I was there and I think the assistant manager was black, because he wore a different uniform but still had the name tag. He could probably even been the manager. I wanted to take a picture but it was too weird. But the point I'm making is, these black folks had a choice, they were selected to work because they can work. It wasn't "inequality system due to racism". You guys act like Blacks cannot succeed, which is sad and insulting. Blacks can and do succeed in the United States. Fact.
You are just like those folks who say that because we have a black president (Which we don't) that all of our problems have been absolved. So you saw black people working? Congratulations. Even a black person in management! Wow.....My dude really just said he felt like taking a picture, I'd post crying laughter emoji's if it wasn't so sad....

Of course everyone has a choice to work and a choice to make a life for themselves. What we are talking about is options and how some individuals do not have the same options as others. And quite frankly I don't want to here what Charles Barkley has to say about it, because if he wasn't 6'7 and could leap over a Cadillac I doubt he'd be asking blacks to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
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Type of dude to say guys I don't see color.
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@Rusty, I meant it in a couple ways, I was speaking on you guys behalf, if you're begging for equality, then you're saying you need the white men right? But in reality, we all need that "current European culture". Man I don't want to be posting the same thing because to you guys, it don't seem to get in your heads. Everything I say you guys take it as an offense and further infuriates some of you.

-No one is begging for the white man's help. We're demanding they take the'r boot off of the throat of the black community. Their a major difference. How can anyone truly judge the black community or begin to fix the problems within it before the oppressive force of systemic racism is removed.

-Meth posted link after link with sources. Dudes have broken down to you in every sort of way. You haven't for one second truly considered any of our arguments or sources. Yet you wanna get you your high horse and act like everyone else is being hard headed, except you. The only thing that as surpasses your ignorance in this thread as been your arrogance. That you and only you have been reasonable. Like you're some sort of prophet come to disabuse us of our lazy, finger pointing beliefs.

-Lastly, YOU don't decide if our post are offensive or not. The grand Wizard of the KKK doesn't get to claim he is not a racist and his words aren't disgusting because he doesn't think they are. Same concept applies. You can't say to us (a group of educated young men from all walks of life) that your post aren't offensive or racist just because you don't think they are.
"I told these guys I agree with the inequality and that it's not likely we will get equality, and provided a solution, which is lets help each other out, lets take care of our own."

Don't try and switch up now because you've been called out on it. Don't act like you have been in here preaching that.

From trolling in the Ferguson thread

Damn cops even shoot these innocent buffalos, it's probably because they black too :smh:

Streetball Lives Matter. Dang these cops just abusing these guys man.

Your obsession with white culture and white people

[COLOR=#red]" Whites had a more advanced culture after the many years of human evolution."[/COLOR]

Your solution to the problem

[COLOR=#red]"How do you stop a cop from harassing you? Stop looking like a suspect, stop doing crimes"[/COLOR]

Then you dropped this gem

[COLOR=#red]"I can be a hypocrite and say I myself is not racist, but if I'm catching the bus and an Indian person who smelled like Curry spices sat next to me, I'm moving away."[/COLOR]

Dude is a straight up CLOWN!!!! :smh:
@BlackIntellect, Rusty, and Instagram, those were already said or implied to me. Did you guys see my Bill Cosby and the other three youtube videos of these grown black dudes keeping it real? Naw you guys refuse to watch and listen, there lies the problem.

"I told these guys I agree with the inequality and that it's not likely we will get equality, and provided a solution, which is lets help each other out, lets take care of our own."

Don't try and switch up now because you've been called out on it. Don't act like you have been in here preaching that.

From trolling in the Ferguson thread

Damn cops even shoot these innocent buffalos, it's probably because they black too :smh:

Streetball Lives Matter. Dang these cops just abusing these guys man.

Your obsession with white culture and white people

[COLOR=#red]" Whites had a more advanced culture after the many years of human evolution."[/COLOR]

Your solution to the problem

[COLOR=#red]"How do you stop a cop from harassing you? Stop looking like a suspect, stop doing crimes"[/COLOR]

Then you dropped this gem

[COLOR=#red]"I can be a hypocrite and say I myself is not racist, but if I'm catching the bus and an Indian person who smelled like Curry spices sat next to me, I'm moving away."[/COLOR]

Dude is a straight up CLOWN!!!! :smh:

Just what I thought coming from this guy, he wants to further escalate the tension here. And he calls me clown? Not intelligent at all having to resort to posts from the past and from a different older thread. First off, I've already explained about those first two links, those were a couple of minor humor articles not to be taken serious, since there were too many negativity on that thread. How many reps did I get for those? What's wrong about the first red line? Is it a lie? Did they not have the more advanced culture? Did they make many inhabitable structures and build ships before any man? Second line, well, Bill Cosby, Charles Barkley, and the three black dudes on youtube I posted would agree to that, right? 3rd line, technically does not make me racist, I was proving a point. Once again, an example is, if I'm inviting a different race woman for dinner, hypothetically if she's Chinese, what should I make? Should I make some noodles? Orange Chicken? Because I don't know if she's like my other foods. Nice attempt to start something though for another 20 pages of insult threads though. And I'm the guy who should be banned? When there's others here like this punk AEI18 with a white girl gif avy to start something? I guess if I bring up good points, you have to resort to an attempt to make me look bad huh? Damn....
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How is highness talking about others being offensive? In this very thread, you've told black people to "Pull their pants up and stop trying to look hard". You've said white culture is superior. You've compared violent crime in a large COUNTY to a much smaller wealthy city. Etc etc. this is just off the top of my head. Hell, you even referred to black people as "Colored." This isn't 1952.

It's never occurred to you to look within and actually try to understand everything that has been said? To examine the root of the problems faced today? A system of racial inequality for over 400 years cannot be changed in 60. It hasn't occurred to you To see that all we want is equality and opportunity that has been denied to us? Ask yourself, maybe these guys are on to something here. You have a forum where young black men...from all different backgrounds are telling you the same exact thing.
How is highness talking about others being offensive? In this very thread, you've told black people to "Pull their pants up and stop trying to look hard". You've said white culture is superior. You've compared violent crime in a large COUNTY to a much smaller wealthy city. Etc etc. this is just off the top of my head. Hell, you even referred to black people as "Colored." This isn't 1952.

It's never occurred to you to look within and actually try to understand everything that has been said? To examine the root of the problems faced today? A system of racial inequality for over 400 years cannot be changed in 60. It hasn't occurred to you To see that all we want is equality and opportunity that has been denied to us? Ask yourself, maybe these guys are on to something here. You have a forum where young black men...from all different backgrounds are telling you the same exact thing.

Quote me when I said white culture is superior. The large county also showed cities. I referred colored as "People who aren't white". So I didn't only specifically focused on black people, but it seems to be the case for you guys. You're just helping me with my own damn point man, yes 400 years, so you guys waiting for another 400 years? White people won't give us equality and opportunity, so we have to give it among ourselves, YOU'RE NOT UNDERSTANDING WHAT I'M SAYING. Do I know you guys? No I don't. Pretty sure some members here have it better than others. But again no ones going to admit to it, they don't want to be labeled a "sell-out" which is a problem. They need the respect, the reps and the friendship here. I had to sacrifice, express my own beliefs and hopefully open some eyes, and get hatred here. I knew people wouldn't agree with me. You think I want hatred from you guys? I'm doing this not for myself, but for all of us. But you guys just don't listen. It's like telling a kid there's no Santa Clause but he/she will still leave cookies out next to the Christmas tree. Look at my year joined, it's not like I just randomly made a new NT account and tried to troll people. I've been a member for a while, I had more posts but NT made the move out of Yuku or something and deleted all posts.
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You make yourself look bad with your asinine views of the world in which we live.

You posted this crap and expect people to take you seriously?

"Too much negativity in a thread about police brutality not enough funnies" You truly are an idiot.

You bring up Cosby and Barkley like people have never heard what they have said before. We are Black men! We've heard all that respectability politics crap many times.

Barkley will never be taken seriously by me after he said he wasn't sure if slavery was that bad because he wasn't there.

^ Brother you're the one who ducked and dodged my questions and posts. You were in the Ferguson thread, and nobody was countering my posts, all of a sudden you come and direct me to this link in this baltimore thread so you'd think I'd get attacked and proven wrong but your game plan failed. I'm just too strong minded man. I'm not like any of these racist punks from yahoo or FB who constantly defend the white man and are dumb. I'm not defending the white man, I'm defending the black man. I have the better reasons. You continue to categorize me as a SWS but that's your mistake. You failed man. You're just too angry at me. Just hit the ignore list on my name and be done with it, but I know you won't do it. And you call me clown? Damn son...

And BTW your sig has irony at its finest.

For the rest of you, check out this image and just think about it for 30 seconds.
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If you guys only knew me. I was part of program where we helped replace old basketball hoops with better and brand new hoops and backboard and repainted the basketball lines in poor neighborhood parks.
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If you guys only knew me. I was part of program where we helped replace old basketball hoops with better and brand new hoops and backboard and repainted the basketball lines in poor neighborhood parks.
What does that have to do with anything ? This is why we don't take you seriously and accuse you of being a troll. Posts like this.

Are you saying because you did something nice you're exempt from having arrogant and ignorant views ? You can't be serious
I directed you to the thread were the discussion about Baltimore was going on.

You exposed yourself with the idiotic posts about history, culture, and other topics you know nothing about.

As a Black man I can confidently say I do not need nor want your "help".
If you guys only knew me. I was part of program where we helped replace old basketball hoops with better and brand new hoops and backboard and repainted the basketball lines in poor neighborhood parks.
What does that have to do with anything ? This is why we don't take you seriously and accuse you of being a troll. Posts like this.

Are you saying because you did something nice you're exempt from having arrogant and ignorant views ? You can't be serious

It shows how I am as a person. How I would want to contribute to poor societies. You guys judge me based off not agreeing with one side. You don't know me, but you guys attack me, period. And I get called dumb. This is where you're not understanding man.

This was me: "I don't think these police officers tried to kill Freddie Gray. I mean when you think about it, perhaps Freddie Gray may have also put a bit of this upon himself. Although it was legal, he was carrying a switchblade, now what was he going to do with that? It's still considered a weapon. And looking at his criminal history, he has a long history of violations, arrests, drug offenses, so you know for sure the cops knew him and kept tabs on him. If he were to make a better choice in life, maybe he wouldn't have been in this position and we all wouldn't be protesting and rioting. I think we should better our own society, help each other out, clean up out streets. Maybe if we used some of their own European culture in terms of rules, laws, guidelines, business moves, we can make our society better. White people back in the days were violent. If they can fix their own, we can fix our own. Black people suffer a lot in their own community, with more black on black violence than police on black violence."

You guys: "Mr Highness you are stupid, racist, Uncle Tom, SWS, dense punk. I'll show you some civil rights pictures, articles, and other history. Also I'll show you some data of black men not getting equality and getting disadvantages in our system. You are a punk, and if you want to debate, come at me then and see what will happen. Your views are stupid, Charles Barkley, Bill Cosby and the other three brothers on youtube you posted are stupid and I refuse to listen to them. I'm getting riled up on this Mr Highness guy." (Basically)

Tell me who's rational and who's not.

I directed you to the thread were the discussion about Baltimore was going on.

You exposed yourself with the idiotic posts about history, culture, and other topics you know nothing about.

As a Black man I can confidently say I do not need nor want your "help".

Then go away man. Put me on ignore, but again, you can't do it!
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I won't leave a thread discussing topics that directly effect my life because some idiot like yourself can't understand why people do not accept your illogical views.

You've been on my block list since the BS you spewed in the Ferguson thread but when someone quotes you your posts are no longer blocked.
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