AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

I won't leave a thread discussing topics that directly effect my life because some idiot like yourself can't understand why people do not accept your illogical views.

You've been on my block list since the BS you spewed in the Ferguson thread but when someone quotes you your posts are no longer blocked.

You're such a bad liar man. Illogical? lol wow. That says alot. I'm going to go get ready to watch the NBA Finals now. Just continue to try to make me look bad okay man? Go post some more old post I made or hell go make some up, get some of my posts, add and tweak it to make me look racist okay? Appreciate that. So delusional SMH forreal. Says a lot for a guy with that sig.
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I don't have to try to make you look bad. You do a good job of that with each post.

No tweaking involved you posted your views on many subjects in the span of 1 week ITT and everyone else came to the same conclusion.
Barkley will never be taken seriously by me after he said he wasn't sure if slavery was that bad because he wasn't there.

Or when he said he'd join the KKK if they paid him enough money. But this dude wants us to respect and hold barkleys opinion in high regard as if he speaks for the black community 
In Baltimore, allegations of police doing less as drugs are rampant

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts is asking for federal help to fight an uptick in crime in his city -- an increase he largely attributes to looted drugs that have made their way to the streets of Baltimore.

At least 27 pharmacies and drug clinics were looted during riots after the April death of Freddie Gray, much more than previously reported, and as much as 175,000 units of dosage narcotics are now on the street, he said.

That's "enough narcotics on the streets of Baltimore to keep it intoxicated for a year," he said. "That amount of drugs has thrown off the balance on the streets of Baltimore."

His comments come as turmoil continues to grip the city less than two months after Gray died from a spinal injury while in police custody. Six Baltimore police officers have been charged in Gray's death.

There were 42 homicides in the city in May, the deadliest month since 1972.

Authorities expect the number of doses on the streets will be higher, because not all pharmacies have accounted for the missing narcotics, according to a law enforcement official. Some of the drugs looted include fentanyl, oxycodone, amphetamines, Adderall, hydrocodone, morphine and tramadol.

"Criminals are selling those stolen drugs," Batts said. "There are turf wars happening which are leading to violence and shootings in our city."

City Council member Carl Stokes said Thursday he does not entirely agree that the crime in Baltimore can be blamed on the proliferation of drug dealing.

"It is not simply a matter of more prescription drugs on the streets," he said. "Baltimore has always had a very high homicide rate for many years."

The law enforcement official agreed, telling CNN that while some of the violence is a byproduct of the looting, it is by no means all-inclusive.

Two members of the Bloods gang in Baltimore told CNN they are being unfairly blamed by police for the violence.

"What they're trying to do is take the fire and heat off of them," said one gang member, who goes by Bones.

Stokes said the problem is more complex.

"There's more opportunity for the criminals in this city to do what they're doing because leadership is failing and, frankly, because the Fraternal Order of Police -- if they didn't order it they have given some, again, not an order, but to say to their rank and file you don't have to work as hard as you should be working, you don't have to live up to your oath to serve and protect. ... I think we have a horrible situation going on in this town," Stokes said.

link for full article...
Yea it's Alotta percs/xans/oxys in the streets right now that got the market flooded in the city overwhelming majority of murders in Baltimore are tied to the drug trade but the media usually doesn't paint it that way ...

And this dude highness really said nobody wants to say they got it better than most cuz it makes you a sell out ? What ? :lol:
^ They won't block me. I'm like a basketball hook shot, can't be blocked.

Barkley will never be taken seriously by me after he said he wasn't sure if slavery was that bad because he wasn't there.


Or when he said he'd join the KKK if they paid him enough money. But this dude wants us to respect and hold barkleys opinion in high regard as if he speaks for the black community :lol:

You guys took the worst dude out of my examples and took it as a negative to switch it around. When it comes to Barkley and KKK, he did that for publicity or something. But when I quoted him, he said it on a radio show/interview. There's a major difference there. Did you guys ever catch his tone when he said that he'd join the KKK? Or did anyone laugh? Was that even a joke or a sarcasm when he said that? I recall he spoke that to a Republican audience or something.
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I dunno where anyone can get this type of thinking from. It's so absurd it's hilarious.
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Are they tasing him in the first pic? :smh:

Feared for life and "he assaulted me" are always the claim.

That cop is smiling like he just caught a big fish or something :x
Damn claimed assault but the whole thing is on video :smh:

Only thing he could have really been charged with was unlawful assembly
That dude in the video pretty much asked for it. What did he expect? And wearing that shirt too. I don't condone the police acts but understand, cops are humans and they get angry and the fact that they have weapons makes it worst. It's hard for a black dude to live now days.
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