AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

 It's hard for a black dude to live now days.
only thing you've said that was based in reality
That's a general statement. Black men have problems in their own community, and some have problems in the white community, among others. I never disagreed about black men struggling. You guys were just too focused on claiming I'm "SWS".
I don't know what you are talking about or why that has any relevancy to my post.

your ramblings and selective bias has nothing to do with what I just posted...

you are too emotionally invested in your NT account
Dude said he asked fornit wearing that shirt

Did the girl asked to get raped for wearing a short skirt.

You are no longer a SWS

You are now a FR
Instagram, you're not relevant here man, all you do is hate. How the hell am I wrong when I said he asked for it? Did you notice he was alone? You can't be delusional man. FR? Making up your own online terms now? Stop posing as the Social Media App man.

 It's hard for a black dude to live now days.
only thing you've said that was based in reality

That's a general statement. Black men have problems in their own community, and some have problems in the white community, among others. I never disagreed about black men struggling. You guys were just too focused on claiming I'm "SWS".
I don't know what you are talking about or why that has any relevancy to my post.

your ramblings and selective bias has nothing to do with what I just posted...

you are too emotionally invested in your NT account

^ Why don't you PM me so we can talk about your issues with me as opposed to making 5 more pages of you hating on me on this thread. That's if you are a true adult. But I doubt you would PM me personally and settle it like men. Because I have no idea what you're talking about right now. You said it's the only thing I've said that was based on reality. If all the others I said wasn't reality, then it's clear you don't open your eyes. I was just commenting on a topic like a normal person, and you came at me because you're still angry. You looked at the most negative aspects of what I said, and decided to make it look like I'm a bad guy. If anyone else said what I said, you would have repped it no problem. Selective bias? You only side with a particular side. If that's not bias, then damn, you must have invented your own definition. But yea, I prefer you to not reply a post to me, and rather talk it out as men in PM, but I know you won't do it. Emotionally invested in my NT account? Are you serious right now?
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Show me the video where he literally asked the officers to assault and arrest him. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Stop posting as a non racist you bigoted racist
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Show me the video where he literally asked the officers to assault and arrest him. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Stop posting as a non racist you bigoted racist

If you couldn't read his shirt, and didn't realize they set a curfew, and he was alone, then I just don't know about you man. I don't think there's hope for you. You being a Social Media App imposter sort of already says how you are as a person. I would really just stop if I was you man, there's no point in this. You are just starting something all over again, and then get angry, when in reality, it was you that started it, and is blaming me. It's the same story man, you really have to look at the picture.
Where's the video

You being a racist says slot about you as a person.

Racist bigot
Where's the video

You being a racist says slot about you as a person.

Racist bigot

Why are you asking for a video? I never said the black dude begged to get treated like that. "He asked for it" is a saying...again, here's where your intelligence lies man. If you get in a cage with a lion, you already know the lion will bite your behind, and it happens, you asked for it. You already know these punk cops are racist and abuse their power, yet you find a way to piss them off. What video is needed here? How am I a racist? Prove that. Because I said we should follow European laws and guidelines in the black community? You are crazy man, you just want to fight online man. Over here quoting "debate". You're not seeing the picture here. You are irrational. You came at me today and I wasn't even acknowledging you, never mentioned your name. And look how angry you're getting.
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So a girl who wears a short skirt asked to be raped?

That's your line of thinking

This isn't a debate: you are a racist
So a girl who wears a short skirt asked to be raped?

That's your line of thinking

This isn't a debate: you are a racist

That's a different story, and it depends on where she goes. This poor black dude who got sprayed and handcuffed, he wore a explicit shirt that insults the police, he went straight to the police and he went alone, violated curfew. What more is there to say? How am I a racist? Because I bring a point? Didn't I imply the cops were in the wrong? I'm technically in the neutral, and giving solutions to the problem instead of making the problem worst. Look at the picture. Ironically you're named "instagram", all built with pictures, but you can't see this picture.
You're not neutral, you're biased and racist

Not ironically, your SN is highness and you must be smoking that good stuff if you think you're not a racist
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That's a different story, and it depends on where she goes. This poor black dude who got sprayed and handcuffed, he wore a explicit shirt that insults the police, he went straight to the police and he went alone, violated curfew. What more is there to say? How am I a racist? Because I bring a point? Didn't I imply the cops were in the wrong? I'm technically in the neutral, and giving solutions to the problem instead of making the problem worst. Look at the picture. Ironically you're named "instagram", all built with pictures, but you can't see this picture.

Wow @ the rape justification.

Mr Highness, blco2, and oneilmatt are my top 3 most hated posters in NT history. I don't directly wish anything bad to happen to them, but if any injustice ever happened to these dudes, I would seriously celebrate on the inside because the world would be that much of a better place with people who think like them locked away
You're not neutral, you're biased and racist

Not ironically, your SN is highness and you must be smoking that good stuff if you think you're not a racist

Another display of intellect, "highness" does not necessarily involve anything of drugs. It can also be "level", or "royal". For example, Royal Highness. Is that simple for you to understand? Once again, where is the indication that I am racist?

My dude justifying rape now :lol:

Oh boy

Where did I establish I was justifying rape? I said that was a different story, and implied some variables in that. But that dude Instagram had to bring up that weak example. Which is an irrelevant example. Mr Marcus you're beginning to show your intellect the more you type because you don't ever post anything useful at all.

Wow @ the rape justification.

Mr Highness, blco2, and oneilmatt are my top 3 most hated posters in NT history. I don't directly wish anything bad to happen to them, but if any injustice ever happened to these dudes, I would seriously celebrate on the inside because the world would be that much of a better place with people who think like them locked away

I didn't justify rape, I said that was a different story. I didn't say, "Yes it's the same thing!". Go check where I said that and come back to me when you find it.
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How is it a weak example?

What's the difference between saying "he deserved to get beat up because of how he dressed.."

And "she deserved to get raped because of how she dressed"
I've had countless convos about racial **** on here. I'm not wasting my time typing paragraphs trying to sway a racist. Yall ain't got no pull...yall just some puppets for white supremacy
How is it a weak example?

What's the difference between saying "he deserved to get beat up because of how he dressed.."

And "she deserved to get raped because of how she dressed"

We're talking "rape" here. My example of the lion is a better example. I didn't say "she deserved to get raped because of the way she dressed" and it's another attempt of you guys putting words in my posts. Like I said, that's a different story, and there's other variables there, different variables when you come up to something or someone knowing you'll potentially get beat up and probably get killed. The dude had to use a "rape" example to make me look bad. He didn't use, "If a gang member is wearing his own colors and walking in the rivals' hood" type example. It's different man, use your brain, we're talking about female and man situation, and that's different with a man and man situation. Just stop man you're not winning.

If you guys had to use a rape example to justify your side, then I don't even know what's wrong with you guys. That's like comparing apples with oranges.

I've had countless convos about racial **** on here. I'm not wasting my time typing paragraphs trying to sway a racist. Yall ain't got no pull...yall just some puppets for white supremacy

Where's the indication I am racist? Once again, another display of intellect. I guess to some people here, "if the other guy (and his side) has too much good points, just tell him he's racist, and hopefully new or other members can come check the thread, and help defend my side", right?

There's no fairness here at all.
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being a cheerleader for white men isn't a good point. why should i debate a "black" fool that worship white people as their God?

Thanks but no thanks.
Lmao his dude thinks I don't know the moniker highness.

Backpedal brother backpedal
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