AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Thx bro [emoji]9994[/emoji]
I just hate any kind of person that borderline co signs that ****. That **** ruins peoples lives I've seen it first hand.
mos def man. i'm ctually a marriage and family therapist.

my first job was actually group work with adolescents who experienced sexual trauma and abuse. 

im sure youre sis is a very resilient and strong person brother.

so when i brought that analogy up i prayed that his lowness would actually show some empathy and understand the ramifications of his victim blaming.

boy was i wrong
Where in that video was a "curfew" mentioned?
I see several people on the adjacent corner to the cops that are not media.
They maced that man for no reason and proceeded to pull his dreads to subdue him.
He had no visual weaponry and just walked up to them using his First Amendment Right.
But because he has a FTP shirt, he is warranted that type of action. It's funny how the same people who say"Turn the other cheek" are the same ones ready to get violent on tax paying citizens exercising freedom of speech and freedom to assemble.
Honestly I don't see how he survived that comment. Thought NT was zero tolerance when it came to rape

And they're over here trying to continue bringing up the subject while I try to move away from it. SMH, these people are evil man. I never said I supported anybody in that case, that's a serious case. Yet they want to continue to ask, "where?"

Just answer the question and it'll probably go away.
^ Like I said, that "where" sentence was general. Technically I was referring to the situation. Like I said though, that's a different story, and it's probably prohibited on NT in discussion.

Where in that video was a "curfew" mentioned?
I see several people on the adjacent corner to the cops that are not media.
They maced that man for no reason and proceeded to pull his dreads to subdue him.
He had no visual weaponry and just walked up to them using his First Amendment Right.
But because he has a FTP shirt, he is warranted that type of action. It's funny how the same people who say"Turn the other cheek" are the same ones ready to get violent on tax paying citizens exercising freedom of speech and freedom to assemble.

Isn't there a 10pm curfew in Baltimore in general? He ran up to them and yelled something. I didn't say the police was in the right. But why did he do that? Why was he the only one to do it?


Thx bro [emoji]9994[/emoji]

I just hate any kind of person that borderline co signs that ****. That **** ruins peoples lives I've seen it first hand.
mos def man. i'm ctually a marriage and family therapist.

my first job was actually group work with adolescents who experienced sexual trauma and abuse. 

im sure youre sis is a very resilient and strong person brother.

so when i brought that analogy up i prayed that his lowness would actually show some empathy and understand the ramifications of his victim blaming.

boy was i wrong

Go grab his number or something, you guys don't need to discuss it here on NT. That's a personal thing.
that melo backpedal.

the discussion of rape is not against the rule.

the usage of the word to describe the prices of material items is as it minimizes the term.

so go ahead and answer. if not i just may create a separate thread:

Nter MrHighness believes women asked to get raped vol. did did dude jus did dis
that melo backpedal.

the discussion of rape is not against the rule.

the usage of the word to describe the prices of material items is as it minimizes the term.

so go ahead and answer. if not i just may create a separate thread:

Nter MrHighness believes women asked to get raped vol. did did dude jus did dis

You're trying to change the topic. I said it was a bad example because it's not as relevant or related to a guy walking up to police with an insulting shirt, and just yelling something, in the night where it's likely curfew due to Baltimore curfew laws. That's different than your rape subject. There's a lot of variables. Did I say, "Yes it's the girl's fault!"? No I did not. You're just using your new rape subject to justify your own side, and to make me look like a villain. It's a typical punk internet discussion move. You're trying to dodge and duck the whole conversation because you know I have a better point. Now read up and the previous page man.

my dude straight projecting right now.

The dude was asking for it, look at his shirt.

The girl was asking for it, look at her skirt.

so back to the topic at hand, youre a racist b.

my dude straight projecting right now.

The dude was asking for it, look at his shirt.

The girl was asking for it, look at her skirt.

so back to the topic at hand, youre a racist b.

You only talk about the clothes they wear, there's other variables. That's where again your intellect comes in display. Your rape example is not a good example. Period. It sucks. Go help more people divorce man, if you're that bored. It's sad that you admit you're bored and using this as entertainment. So basically you're just messing around and I'm wasting my time with you. Where did I say "women asked to get raped". Quote me. Because, "where she goes" is not an answer to that question.
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You only talk about the clothes they wear, there's other variables. That's where again your intellect comes in display. Your rape example is not a good example. Period. It sucks. Go help more people divorce man, if you're that bored. It's sad that you admit you're bored and using this as entertainment. So basically you're just messing around and I'm wasting my time with you. Where did I say "women asked to get raped". Quote me. Because, "where she goes" is not an answer to that question.

whats the other variable that caused them to ask to become victims????

since you said "he asked for it"

go ahead tell me LMAO

this dude is straight sophomoric 
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Here's what Instagram said

So a girl who wears a short skirt asked to be raped?

That's your line of thinking

Asking that a persons clothes that they wear is the reason xyz happened.

You responded with

That's a different story, and it depends on where she goes.
This poor black dude who got sprayed and handcuffed, he wore a explicit shirt that insults the police, he went straight to the police and he went alone, violated curfew. What more is there to say? How am I a racist? Because I bring a point? Didn't I imply the cops were in the wrong? I'm technically in the neutral, and giving solutions to the problem instead of making the problem worst. Look at the picture. Ironically you're named "instagram", all built with pictures, but you can't see this picture.

Saying that the rape of the girl shouldn't even be applied to this conversation... And her rape depends on where she goes.

So please elaborate on your first sentence. What do you mean by this?
You only talk about the clothes they wear, there's other variables. That's where again your intellect comes in display. Your rape example is not a good example. Period. It sucks. Go help more people divorce man, if you're that bored. It's sad that you admit you're bored and using this as entertainment. So basically you're just messing around and I'm wasting my time with you. Where did I say "women asked to get raped". Quote me. Because, "where she goes" is not an answer to that question.

whats the other variable that caused them to ask to become victims????

since you said "he asked for it"

go ahead tell me LMAO

this dude is straight sophomoric 

Yea man, this is one sad NTer for real. You can tell this guy instagram is a level 89 troll. Look at the dude just posting irrelevant stuff to a serious thread. Basically it's all fun for him and he admitted it's all for entertainment. I'm not going to waste my time on this dude. It just shows how bored in life he is. I understand he has no clients because he's not a good marriage therapist and all, but to be on NT to poke fun on a thread that's serious. Like damn. Like I said before, that black dude who got pepper sprayed, walked up to police, they were holding pepper spray, it was probably curfew so he probably violated that. What the hell did he expect? I said the cops were messed up in this situation too. And I'm a racist? Damn man, I can't believe people are this irrational. There's no hope for these irrational dudes.
Who's the 4th horseman of white supremacy? Highness, blco2, oneilmatt. Who am I missing? :lol:
Who's the 4th horseman of white supremacy? Highness, blco2, oneilmatt. Who am I missing?
After READING and LEARNING about that video, yes there was a curfew in Baltimore that was later on lifted that very same day.
But the question still remains as to why the police felt that it was necessary to apprehend that man in the manner they did.
Whatever he was saying were just words, he showed no action of force and stood his ground and spoke what he felt from his heart.
Just like with the kids in Dallas, that situation could have been handle in a totally different manner.
You want people to peacefully protest but then use violence to subdue and qulech their voices of injustice. So what else are they supposed to do. I don't condone it but understand it. There have been countless uprisings across this world but why are some heralded as Heroes but when black people protest we are thug,animals. A shirt should not be a reason for a violent takedown.
This can juxtaposition with rape in the since that people feel that a woman's attire can be attributed to her rape.
This is why people feel you are victim blaming.
That man shirt should of had no bearing on his subsequent arrest. If the police really wanted to effectively change the publics perception they should have turned the other cheek and just walked away or backed down. They wanted to show force, ego and duty knowing that at this very moment nothing was going to happen but the paid leave joke being played around this country.
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@Meth, I said that's a different story, that's the first thing I said, and that was an implication of different variables. I already said this before. And that "depends on where she goes" answer is a general answer, it depends on where she goes

If you haven't experience being raped, then please don't bother with this topic.
Have you ever experienced police brutality?
^ No, but I've avoided it by not pissing off cops.

Dang, it's sad that Fontaine can't read man, I hope he figures it out. I mean it's not that far off that I said it was just a general answer, and implied more it's about the situation and that it Fontaine tries too hard man, he's the type if he can't get a number of a girl who has an identical twin sister, he'd go and ask her twin sister for her number.
Yea man, this is one sad NTer for real. You can tell this guy instagram is a level 89 troll. Look at the dude just posting irrelevant stuff to a serious thread. Basically it's all fun for him and he admitted it's all for entertainment. I'm not going to waste my time on this dude. It just shows how bored in life he is. I understand he has no clients because he's not a good marriage therapist and all, but to be on NT to poke fun on a thread that's serious. Like damn. Like I said before, that black dude who got pepper sprayed, walked up to police, they were holding pepper spray, it was probably curfew so he probably violated that. What the hell did he expect? I said the cops were messed up in this situation too. And I'm a racist? Damn man, I can't believe people are this irrational. There's no hope for these irrational dudes.
Actually I was recently featured in my agency's newsletter for upstanding excellence and service provided.

Hey, that's good for you instagram I'm really happy for you, I'll let you finish and all. But if only my grandmother was still alive, I'd tell her to bake you a huge batch of cookies man, all for you man. Not just one cookie, but a whole big batch. But too bad she's not alive anymore. Now leave me alone and go have your entertainment elsewhere.
^ No, but I've avoided it by not pissing off cops.

Dang, it's sad that Fontaine can't read man, I hope he figures it out. I mean it's not that far off that I said it was just a general answer, and implied more it's about the situation and that it Fontaine tries too hard man, he's the type if he can't get a number of a girl who has an identical twin sister, he'd go and ask her twin sister for her number.
I just asked the question.

Not sure what comes out of attacking my luck with yambs.

I got a beautiful gal, bro. Not really trying to holla at twins.

I try to read your responses but I didn't fins an answer.

Also I've never called you anything or assumed anything. I just ask you to clarify what you're saying.

What situation would be right for rape then,,?

You just said it was a general answer.

That's like you asking me what time it is and I say tomato
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lmao dude has lost it. 

facade breaking.

resulting to personal attacks.

who's next.
^ No, but I've avoided it by not pissing off cops.

Dang, it's sad that Fontaine can't read man, I hope he figures it out. I mean it's not that far off that I said it was just a general answer, and implied more it's about the situation and that it Fontaine tries too hard man, he's the type if he can't get a number of a girl who has an identical twin sister, he'd go and ask her twin sister for her number.
I just asked the question.

Not sure what comes out of attacking my luck with yambs.

I got a beautiful gal, bro. Not really trying to holla at twins.

I try to read your responses but I didn't fins an answer.

Also I've never called you anything or assumed anything. I just ask you to clarify what you're saying.

What situation would be right for rape then,,?

You just said it was a general answer.

That's like you asking me what time it is and I say tomato

You were causing more problems. What I implied was you trying too hard. That's what I said, you're trying to hard in this case to continue that rape subject and then make me look like the bad guy. That was more of a figure of speech or some sort of metaphor of the twins line. I never said there's a right situation for rape. You're not making sense at all man. Wow.

I implied on it depends on the situation and where. Never did I say it's a girl's fault. That's why we have 1st degree rape, 2nd degree, and sexual assault charges, etc. Dang these people need to know more about the justice system.
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