Ain't no more living off my child Bihhhh!

This would be so pointless

That's your own personal moral opinion

The law shouldn't make it so someone has to support another grown *** person because of one night where they nutted too quick

No the law is set forth so that you as a man take care of your seed wether you like it or not, the only women living lavish off child support are the baby mamas of athletes/entertainers (rich men) ain't no woman living the life off our average Joe salaries b.
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I would support a system that drops the hammer on dead beats but for dudes that miss payments for a couple months, just tack on more and more months they have to be paying child support at the backend.

Nothing would burn a man more that having to give his ex monthly payments when the kid is in their 20s just because he missed payments over the years.

This would be so pointless

You know what needs to be done?

How about men smarten the ***** up

These women ain't getting knocked up on their own.

That's your own personal moral opinion

The law shouldn't make it so someone has to support another grown *** person because of one night where they nutted too quick

Please explain how it would be pointless

I'm saying instead of doing stuff like suspending dudes' driver license that make it harder for them to get to and from work, and grabbing their entire check at a time

Making it harder for them to earn money, or live

Punish them for missed payments in a different way.
Please explain how it would be pointless

I'm saying instead of doing stuff like suspending dudes' driver license that make it harder for them to get to and from work, and grabbing their entire check at a time

Making it harder for them to earn money, or live

Punish them for missed payments in a different way.
I see what you're saying as far as it being a punishment to deter them from missing payments in the first place

But inevitably there is going to be dudes that miss payments and when they're paying money to the mother with no benefit to the child, that really doesn't help the situation

I agree with a different punishment for missed payments though
No the law is set forth so that you as a man take care of your seed wether you like it or not, the only women living lavish off child support are the baby mamas of athletes/entertainers (rich men) ain't no woman living the life off our average Joe salaries b.
Whether or not a woman is living (or even not necessarily living, but making purchases outside of something for the child) off of your child support has more to do with how much the payments are, rather than how much a guy makes
How about dudes make better choices in women

Tired of dudes complaining after impregnating stripers and thots

Stop trying to save these birds. Make sure she has a viable career and doing something to better herself
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Because only strippers and thots play the child support game.

Please stop.
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I see what you're saying as far as it being a punishment to deter them from missing payments in the first place

But inevitably there is going to be dudes that miss payments and when they're paying money to the mother with no benefit to the child, that really doesn't help the situation

I agree with a different punishment for missed payments though

Whether or not a woman is living (or even not necessarily living, but making purchases outside of something for the child) off of your child support has more to do with how much the payments are, rather than how much a guy makes

Doesn't mattttteerrr

Like rusty said, time is also money, at the end of the day the mother is left to raise the child alone, while you are a part time dad....she could have used that time to work, but instead can't because she has to raise the I said, you and the majority of people need to stop comparing yourselves to these rich athletes, most women are not out there living lavis off CS payments, I'm willin to bet the number of deadbeats far outweighs the number of opportunistic baby mamas, we collectively as men need to stop playing victim b, that **** looks pathetic, you made a conscious choice to get that woman pregnant, if you are te better parent, prove it to te courts and fight for custody and you won't be caught with take the time to raise and care for financially for that isn't just about the money.
Great idea, should require ID with every purchase and allow in store purchases only. Could curb some of the BS.

That would be racist.

Requiring ID to vote is called racist so how would that be any different.

Requiring an ID to vote, then making it harder for minorities to acquire said IDs by closing DMV in the areas that service these groups is racist

Plain and simple

Stop acting like voter ID laws are meant to stop voter fraud, there is no voter fraud problem swaying elections in this country, it is meant to disenfranchise minority groups because those groups tend to vote Democrat.

God forbid minorities choose to vote for the party that doesn't champion systemic racism, xenophobia, bigotry and white supremacy

Like, how dare they :rolleyes

Edit: RIP sleazyy RIP sleazyy my bad famb, I didn't notice you bodied him already :lol:

I thought there was a problem with Voter fraud. Rusty, didn't a bunch of dead people manage to vote for George W Bush in the 2000 election?

I agree with you, I'm just curious as to that dead people thing.
Great idea, should require ID with every purchase and allow in store purchases only. Could curb some of the BS.

That would be racist.

Requiring ID to vote is called racist so how would that be any different.

Requiring an ID to vote, then making it harder for minorities to acquire said IDs by closing DMV in the areas that service these groups is racist

Plain and simple

Stop acting like voter ID laws are meant to stop voter fraud, there is no voter fraud problem swaying elections in this country, it is meant to disenfranchise minority groups because those groups tend to vote Democrat.

God forbid minorities choose to vote for the party that doesn't champion systemic racism, xenophobia, bigotry and white supremacy

Like, how dare they :rolleyes

Edit: RIP sleazyy RIP sleazyy my bad famb, I didn't notice you bodied him already :lol:

I thought there was a problem with Voter fraud. Rusty, didn't a bunch of dead people manage to vote for George W Bush in the 2000 election?

I agree with you, I'm just curious as to that dead people thing.
Great idea, should require ID with every purchase and allow in store purchases only. Could curb some of the BS.

That would be racist.

Requiring ID to vote is called racist so how would that be any different.

Requiring an ID to vote, then making it harder for minorities to acquire said IDs by closing DMV in the areas that service these groups is racist

Plain and simple

Stop acting like voter ID laws are meant to stop voter fraud, there is no voter fraud problem swaying elections in this country, it is meant to disenfranchise minority groups because those groups tend to vote Democrat.

God forbid minorities choose to vote for the party that doesn't champion systemic racism, xenophobia, bigotry and white supremacy

Like, how dare they :rolleyes

Edit: RIP sleazyy RIP sleazyy my bad famb, I didn't notice you bodied him already :lol:

I thought there was a problem with Voter fraud. Rusty, didn't a bunch of dead people manage to vote for George W Bush in the 2000 election?

I agree with you, I'm just curious as to that dead people thing.

Voter fraud does happen, but it is so minuscule that it has no effect on any elections

If folk want stricter voter ID laws, then the process to get an ID should be made as cheap and easy as possible. Especially to working poor

I could accept that trade-off, no matter how pointless/unnecessary voter ID laws generally are.

But the fact it is being used to suppress the minority vote is sickening.

I think anyone should be in agreement that we as a country should be working towards making it able for as many citizens to able to vote.
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It's not really that simple though. You are raising a kid so you have to get a 3bedroom that costs more $200 more than the 2 bedroom. You are driving them to karate, school, ballet, etc. which uses more gas and obviously costs more money. I see the need or thought there is a need, but this is just the opposite extreme to the baby mama's of athletes/entertainers. You want to further fix the problem of broken homes, revamp the entitlements program and stop making it so easy, even preferable, for single mothers to get WIC, food stamps, free health care, unemployment, etc. and further disincentivizing work/ambition and the presence of a male in the home.

Just in my own situation, I'd like my girlfriend to go back to work, but child care probably is going to cost $800 a month. She gets close to that in unemployment, then WIC vouchers, then food stamps, then free health care, and DHS subsidies for child care if her income doesn't reach a certain threshhold. So it quickly turns into a math equation of, "well why would I work when I can not work and get the same or more," That's not counting child support because we live together, but even without it, if you monetized the value of all those things and the groceries, it easily is more than she would make working. The free, poor people insurance is amazing, there isn't even a comparable plan on the market and if so it would be well over a rack a month
There is no way to justify 15k a month for a child to live my dude. I'm sorry. Just not gonna happen. System is skewed a spade is a spade.
Yeah day care costs are ridiculous and damb near force one of the parents to stay at home, financially it makes no sense to work and spend 80% of your monthly income on day care when you can stay at home and take care of your own kid, have a couple of friends who opted for this option....
There is no way to justify 15k a month for a child to live my dude. I'm sorry. Just not gonna happen. System is skewed a spade is a spade.

So if you are a millionaire, drop your baby mama and she's raising your seed, what would be a fair $ ?

How come these rich dudes don't fight for custody of te child, obviously financially they are far better suited to have custody...they have the money to hire lawyers to fight this easily have custody, you don't pay CS or BM support.
There is no way to justify 15k a month for a child to live my dude. I'm sorry. Just not gonna happen. System is skewed a spade is a spade.

***** was bold enough to throw 6ers Season Tickets in her request too. Like for what? At least if he was still in Philly you could, and it'd still be a reach, say it was so she can see her dad but you want tickets for yourself just so you can dress yourself up and try to meet another NBA player, rinse and repeat the process, nobody trying to see the 6ers.

Charlie Sheen out here paying 110k a month Billionaire, Kirk Kerkorian, is paying 100k for a child who isn't even his as it was proven his wife of 28 days falsified dna tests and is paying that amount to 19 per their settlement, then will continue to pay 50k a month.
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I think it's a good idea, I also think there should be receipts shown on how much of the CS support was spent on stuff for the kids.

A side note though, I have a problem with alimony but that's a topic for another day
There is no way to justify 15k a month for a child to live my dude. I'm sorry. Just not gonna happen. System is skewed a spade is a spade.

So if you are a millionaire, drop your baby mama and she's raising your seed, what would be a fair $ ?

How come these rich dudes don't fight for custody of te child, obviously financially they are far better suited to have custody...they have the money to hire lawyers to fight this easily have custody, you don't pay CS or BM support.

It is almost certain that a man will not receive sole custody of a child unless the mother is deemed "unfit"

Even if you share custody 50/50 the man is still ordered to pay child support in most cases.

Even if you make $75k a year, your money is not guaranteed to go to the support of the child because there is almost no way to determine where the money is actually going.

It's easy to say "don't knock these girls up" but realistically, we all know that's not the always the case.

The way child support is regulated needs to be changed regardless of how much money you make.

For example, my uncle makes close to $500k yearly and he pays a ridiculous amount monthly in CS... His BM takes trips with her girls and buys clothes with that CS money while my cousin lives at her grandmas house 5 days a week+ plus every other weekend...
He's been to court multiple times to get payments reduced/sole custody and the judge still sides with mom
^^ exactly. The Mom can be a proven meth head that uses around the kids & she'll still get custody. Child support is basically insurance that the woman doesn't become a financial burden to the state.
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$tatus $ymbol $tatus $ymbol ... Yep!

I'm tempted to give a detailed response that would put this into perspective for some of the people in this thread that don't get it, but then again, why bother? Until a person goes through it (custody battles/legal fees/court dates/cs) it's tough for them to understand. To act like men should do a better job of selecting who they impregnate: problem solved, is the solution, makes me wonder if dudes truly know who THEY are dealing with.

A woman can decide it's over for any number of reasons: you work too much, she's getting older and wants to see if she still has it, she's bored, you're out of shape, she's in love with someone at the gym :lol: , etc. and there ain't **** you can do about it. If you have kids together, you'll be financing her new life.

Or how about the dudes who were told "I can't get pregnant" and BOOM, that one night stand just became an 18 year payment plan?! There's so many variables, but the one constant is this, men gotta pay whether they're 0 or 100% to blame. The system is definitely biased in favor of women. I'm good on sharing my entire personal story. Done it enough throughout the years here. In short, I wanted out BEFORE having a child, 4 years into marriage and THEN my ex conveniently gets pregnant. Same thing with my second child. I saw the pattern and made sure I bounced after that. I went through hell for years. I'm almost at 50/50 custody and my life is much better now.
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So a while back I was in a 3 year relationship with a girl with a kid. The kid saw his dad every weekend, they even lived in the same neighborhood, etc. my girl and the ex didn't really talk but they didn't really beef either, just the occasional petty **** like "why'd you send him back home in dirty clothes" or something like that.

She hadn't taken him to court for child support, they agreed to a monthly amount to help towards a few things. It was like $250 a month. Problem is, dude NEVER paid that ****. Like once in a while he'd give her $80 and a "I got you next week..." but mostly he'd just dodge her or give a sob story. Kid was 5 already so she was tired of dealing with it and took him to court.

They made this dude pay her $600 a month and that was without back-pay. She had the option and said no and the judge told him to turn to her and thank her. I even thought $600 was more than she needed but I wasn't complaining. Shorty copped us a new TV, new sofa, Playstation, little stuff here and there. Put some of that money to a couple of bills so I didn't have to be as tight with my money. I kinda felt bad but dude was aking for it when he tried to pass on paying $250/ a month.

Point is, girls definitely get waaaaay above and beyond the actual fair shared cost of raising a child. Happens all the time because the money is based on a very high percentage of what the man makes, not what the child actually needs. I don't know if this card is the answer but something needs to change.
:lol: dudes are small minded. I've seen school principals and executives rake dudes over the coal. And why fight for custody if she ain't a bad mom?
Doesn't mattttteerrr

Like rusty said, time is also money, at the end of the day the mother is left to raise the child alone, while you are a part time dad....she could have used that time to work, but instead can't because she has to raise the I said, you and the majority of people need to stop comparing yourselves to these rich athletes, most women are not out there living lavis off CS payments, I'm willin to bet the number of deadbeats far outweighs the number of opportunistic baby mamas, we collectively as men need to stop playing victim b, that **** looks pathetic, you made a conscious choice to get that woman pregnant, if you are te better parent, prove it to te courts and fight for custody and you won't be caught with take the time to raise and care for financially for that isn't just about the money.

Exactly. I rather pay that child support than do the daily crap single moms do.. wake up the kid, get em ready for school, pack their lunch, give em a bath, drop em off school, pick em from day care, feed em, read to em, wipe their butts, deal with their temper tantrums, illness, discipline, etc.. etc..
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