Ain't no more living off my child Bihhhh!

Is the lack of accountability a lot of men display....wanna cry victim when the system screws them after they carelessly chose who they planted a seed in.

Rich dudes need to know, women are after their wallets, be careful...take your time and don't splurge on women, if I was rich I'd be the cheapest dude EVER with a female, she gonna have to show her true colors, if she truly is about me, she gonna stick it through, if the glam and material things is what she's after, once she sees I'm not giving that to her, she will see her way out....once I know what's real and what isn't, then we can move forward.

Average joes, just stop being irresponsible really isn't that hard to tell a bad girl from a good girl after a couple of months of dating.

This is exactly what I did with my fiance when we first met :lol:
Andre Iguodala baby momma is asking for 58,000$ for child support. Per MONTH
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My best friend from college is very rich. We took two girls back to his place one night. He cock blocked me because after he finished on this girls face, she went to the bathroom and came back, he asked her if she wiped the cum off her face and tried to get pregnant with it. He was dead serious and she didn't take the accusation well :lol: Both chicks left his place shortly after that.

Any way, it's a real concern out here for guys who have a lot to lose. Kind of feel bad for my friend, but not really. He says once girls see the Rolex and where he lives the panties drop instantly. But he's never had a real girlfriend his entire life.

And we don't all have the luxury of marrying our elementary school sweetheart like ksteezy. I think it's a good idea.
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My best friend from college is very rich. We took two girls back to his place one night. He cock blocked me because after he finished on this girls face, she went to the bathroom and came back, he asked her if she wiped the cum off her face and tried to get pregnant with it. He was dead serious and she didn't take the accusation well
Both chicks left his place shortly after that.

Any way, it's a real concern out here for guys who have a lot to lose. Kind of feel bad for my friend, but not really. He says once girls see the Rolex and where he lives the panties drop instantly. But he's never had a real girlfriend his entire life.

And we don't all have the luxury of marrying our elementary school sweetheart like ksteezy. I think it's a good idea.
Doesn't mattttteerrr

Like rusty said, time is also money, at the end of the day the mother is left to raise the child alone, while you are a part time dad....she could have used that time to work, but instead can't because she has to raise the I said, you and the majority of people need to stop comparing yourselves to these rich athletes, most women are not out there living lavis off CS payments, I'm willin to bet the number of deadbeats far outweighs the number of opportunistic baby mamas, we collectively as men need to stop playing victim b, that **** looks pathetic, you made a conscious choice to get that woman pregnant,[COLOR=#red] if you are te better parent, prove it to te courts and fight for custody and you won't be caught with CS[/COLOR] take the time to raise and care for financially for that isn't just about the money.

I admire the inspiring words, but the reality is most women will 9/10 win custody of the children. There has to be an extreme circumstance or situation for the farther to win custody (drug abuse, homelessness, criminal activity, neglect).

We cannot ignore the glaring issue of some flaws that are in our family court system. I do agree that there are far more "dead beat" fathers out there than women trying to cash in on a payday, but it wouldn't be fair to ignore the advantage women have. Especially when the courts are exercising an antiquated process used to determine which parent is "better fit" to raise a child.

My best friend from college is very rich. We took two girls back to his place one night. He cock blocked me because after he finished on this girls face, she went to the bathroom and came back, he asked her if she wiped the cum off her face and tried to get pregnant with it. He was dead serious and she didn't take the accusation well :lol: Both chicks left his place shortly after that.

Tell your friend to get a vasectomy if this such a concern for him. With advancements in microsurgery, it's very possible to have a successful vasovasectomy.
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I'm a single parent. Don't eem consider that stuff a chore really, it's a great experience to raise a child.
Now that my sister no longer needs me to do most of those things, I look back on those moments fondly.

But I'm in no rush to have to do it all over again with a child of my own. Especially those early winter mornings taking them to school 

I didn't even like taking myself to school 
I'm a single parent. Don't eem consider that stuff a chore really, it's a great experience to raise a child.

Now that my sister no longer needs me to do most of those things, I look back on those moments fondly.
But I'm in no rush to have to do it all over again with a child of my own. Especially those early winter mornings taking them to school :x
I didn't even like taking myself to school :rofl:

Man I'm bout to go out here and wait for her to get off the bus now :lol:
"Hell hath for fury like a woman scorned"

Just remember that for all the people in here insisting men need to be careful who they choose to impregnate. We're never really sure what anyone is capable of until they do it.

@ksteezy I get that you've been with your lady since you were a child and you've had a bad experience with your father, but you can't ignore what's going on. It's not as clear cut as you're believing it to be.
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how about not impregnating an uneducated semen receptacle or even better,

work hard enough so that you can actually raise a family when you are ready, without leeching off the governments shlong.
Man I could have been in a situation where I had a child with someone I don't love or get along with anymore. Thankfully that didn't happen. You definetly learn from it.
Exactly. I rather pay that child support than do the daily crap single moms do.. wake up the kid, get em ready for school, pack their lunch, give em a bath, drop em off school, pick em from day care, feed em, read to em, wipe their butts, deal with their temper tantrums, illness, discipline, etc.. etc..
Rather pay money than raise ya child? OK

It's strange how the only resolution to this f'd up system is not get yourself involved in this system. I know women who will put a man on child support just based on the fact that they are not together. I know women who don't care if the father is paying CS and will find their own way. But this "don't have kids with these women" mentality is faulty beyond measure
how about not impregnating an uneducated semen receptacle or even better,

work hard enough so that you can actually raise a family when you are ready, without leeching off the governments shlong.

But that means using rubbers and/or not *******, aint nobody hearing that.
It makes sense to a degree. But then dudes pretend it's only deadbeat dads/moms on child support. Like divorce and normal separation from established relationships doesn't even cross people's mind for some reason.

Just "stop smashin these thots b".
It makes sense to a degree. But then dudes pretend it's only deadbeat dads/moms on child support. Like divorce and normal separation from established relationships doesn't even cross people's mind for some reason.

Just "stop smashin these thots b".
It's the whole "It didn't happen to me so if it happened to you then you must've done something wrong" mentality.

Right up there with "Don't dress like a thug/hooker." 
I remember I spoke to a lady who was divorced and her husband was on child support but he was broke, got food stamps and all of that and even tho she had the kids he was claiming them on his stamps so he convinced her to let the boys stay with him and a few months after she did she got hit with 3k in CS because he had the kids. Said she had to either pay or spend 90 days behind bars
"Hell hath for fury like a woman scorned"

Just remember that for all the people in here insisting men need to be careful who they choose to impregnate. We're never really sure what anyone is capable of until they do it.

@ksteezy I get that you've been with your lady since you were a child and you've had a bad experience with your father, but you can't ignore what's going on. It's not as clear cut as you're believing it to be.

So much truth in this.
Bruh ain't no explaining why a professional woman, her own great salary, you've been with for 20 years just ups and says she wants out after you threw her an expensive 40th birthday party. Feeling like she never got the chance to explore and she still looks good. Then after you lose your ****, you finally recover, so now she wants back in after she learnt the grass isn't greener, and that youngin from work just wanted to smash a thick milf one time... but you don't want her anymore after all that hurt. Now she's bitter and wants the house, alimony and child support.
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Bruh ain't no explaining why a professional woman, her own great salary, you've been with for 20 years just ups and says she wants out after you threw her an expensive 40th birthday party. Feeling like she never got the chance to explore and she still looks good. Then after you lose your ****, you finally recover, so now she wants back in after she learnt the grass isn't greener, and that youngin from work just wanted to smash a thick milf one time... but you don't want her anymore after all that hurt. Now she's bitter and wants the house, alimony and child support.

Im not 100% how divorce court goes down, but I know its not "I want a divorce", BOOM half of everything.

Theres some type of disussion on why she wants out.
Didn't say that, of course you gotta build a case. But so far it's a few dudes I know with bad wives around 40 that just told them matter of factly "I don't want this anymore", then started wearing less and going out more. No real huge blowout, just regular issues, nothing wild.
Didn't say that, of course you gotta build a case. But so far it's a few dudes I know with bad wives around 40 that just told them matter of factly "I don't want this anymore", then started wearing less and going out more. No real huge blowout, just regular issues, nothing wild.
Can't really blame them, people get bored after so long.  Only problem is those guys shouldn't be punished financially 
Bruh ain't no explaining why a professional woman, her own great salary, you've been with for 20 years just ups and says she wants out after you threw her an expensive 40th birthday party. Feeling like she never got the chance to explore and she still looks good. Then after you lose your ****, you finally recover, so now she wants back in after she learnt the grass isn't greener, and that youngin from work just wanted to smash a thick milf one time... but you don't want her anymore after all that hurt. Now she's bitter and wants the house, alimony and child support.

I know someone who has a VERY SIMILAR story. The guy ended up getting a really good divorce lawyer and didn't get hit with the alimony as bad as it could've been, because they were able to show the wife was the reason the marriage failed, to due her infidelities.

Im not 100% how divorce court goes down, but I know its not "I want a divorce", BOOM half of everything.

Theres some type of disussion on why she wants out.

Usually both parties sit down and discuss what they're willing to distribute to eachother before anyone step inside a court room. In a best case scenario, you should be able to sit down with your wife and come to terms and agree what gets disbursed. From what I've heard, drawn out court battles are usually due to one side being unreasonable or looking to "stick it" to the other party.

Can't really blame them, people get bored after so long.  Only problem is those guys shouldn't be punished financially 

I'm not playing devils advocate here, because a lot of men get left with the short end of the stick. But there have been cases where the woman ends up taking the financial hit. Nick Lachay and Jessica Simpson comes to mind.
Child support laws and divorce laws from what I hear, in America certainly aren't the most fair and balanced. Be careful with who you slide meat on.... furthermore, if you do have a child with a women and you're paying $2-300 a month, don't just assume that a women is spending your child support on herself.

If she has to rent or pay mortgage for a 2 bedroom so your child has their own room, you should be putting in on a fair share of that.

If she's the one up at 6 am dropping your shorty off or picking her up... driving him/her to sports/after school activities... you should put in a fair share of that.

if she's buying and cooking food... doing laundry, helping them with homework... you get the picture.

I've dated women with children who handle everything while some guy is just off in the wind or playing madden just cutting a check and mean mugging her when she drops the baby off on the weekends because he comes off that check every week rather than doing the dirty work.

If you can't handle that, don't be reckless in the bedroom. I'm 29 and been taggin poon since Nellyville dropped and I haven't slipped one past the goalie... (Plan B aside)

It's not that hard. just be smart and careful.

If you have a child you can't afford, take some ownership and step up as a man. You're not a rapper or an athlete. I'm sure no one "trapped" you
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