Any Body Here Still Use Their Blackberry?

Any torch owners getting irritated at touchscreen sensitivity? I find myself cheek dialing while on handset and even hitting speakerphone. Also, my slider screen seems a bit flimsy after a mere 2 months. Just super saiyan'.
Eff Ecks wrote:
What are you talking about?!?! Millions of people still use Blackberries.


i was a blackberry and had the bold. i loved it! the only problem was the stinkin trackball getting stuck.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

got the same you like the torch?
It's a good phone, arguably the best Blackberry so far.

But I had higher expectations for it.
The browser is fast and clear in terms of RIM's standards, but still slower and less clear than even an iPod Touch.
The camera is excellent on the Torch, and I'd say even better than the iPhone 4's, but the video camera is not that great, to say the least. Also, too many battery pulls are needed, and that causes the "wiggle" that we all hate on the Torch.
The lock button was also inconveniently would've been much better if its unlocking style was like the iPhone's.

But I love the design and make up of the phone though, and I actually prefer the slightly heavier weight of the phone. The combination of touch screen and physical keyboard is great. There are definitely things that could've been improved for better performance on the Torch, but overall, it's still one of the best phones that I've used.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

got the same you like the torch?
It's a good phone, arguably the best Blackberry so far.

But I had higher expectations for it.
The browser is fast and clear in terms of RIM's standards, but still slower and less clear than even an iPod Touch.
The camera is excellent on the Torch, and I'd say even better than the iPhone 4's, but the video camera is not that great, to say the least. Also, too many battery pulls are needed, and that causes the "wiggle" that we all hate on the Torch.
The lock button was also inconveniently would've been much better if its unlocking style was like the iPhone's.

But I love the design and make up of the phone though, and I actually prefer the slightly heavier weight of the phone. The combination of touch screen and physical keyboard is great. There are definitely things that could've been improved for better performance on the Torch, but overall, it's still one of the best phones that I've used.
I switched to an HTC and just switched back to my old blackberry because I missed it. Im looking to buy one if anyone is selling ATT/Unlocked. PM me.
I switched to an HTC and just switched back to my old blackberry because I missed it. Im looking to buy one if anyone is selling ATT/Unlocked. PM me.
Still using my Tour I've had no problems with it. I've always had problems typing with a touch screen (Iphone and Droids). I might have to adjust soon thinking about going to the Driods but not sure yet.
Still using my Tour I've had no problems with it. I've always had problems typing with a touch screen (Iphone and Droids). I might have to adjust soon thinking about going to the Driods but not sure yet.
i own a 9700 bold and love it. even if i get another phone, i will make sure to keep my blackberry around as another active phone. bbm is clutch.

RIM is a great company but made a big mistake and are paying for it. they failed to recognize the switch smartphones took from corporate-only gadgets to a mainstream gadget. that's why they don't appeal to your average consumer and have been playing catch-up. but like any other great company, they can and will regain control. the playbook is an amazing step in the right direction. if they can hold true to their security roots for their corporate business while improving UI/hardware aesthetics for the consumer business, they'll be around for a long long time. they just to recognize exactly what consumers love about their competition (gorgeous screen, intuitive UI, no lag, and fast internet) and incorporate it into their devices FLAWLESSLY.
i own a 9700 bold and love it. even if i get another phone, i will make sure to keep my blackberry around as another active phone. bbm is clutch.

RIM is a great company but made a big mistake and are paying for it. they failed to recognize the switch smartphones took from corporate-only gadgets to a mainstream gadget. that's why they don't appeal to your average consumer and have been playing catch-up. but like any other great company, they can and will regain control. the playbook is an amazing step in the right direction. if they can hold true to their security roots for their corporate business while improving UI/hardware aesthetics for the consumer business, they'll be around for a long long time. they just to recognize exactly what consumers love about their competition (gorgeous screen, intuitive UI, no lag, and fast internet) and incorporate it into their devices FLAWLESSLY.
My gf is also still rocking with the BB hard. I had one for about 2 months when my Palm Pre (cheap crappy phone) broke and while i awaited the Evo release.
My gf is also still rocking with the BB hard. I had one for about 2 months when my Palm Pre (cheap crappy phone) broke and while i awaited the Evo release.
-built solid
-handles email well
-qwerty physical keyboard
-long battery life
-simple and easy to use

I don't think BBs are going anywhere for a while

(I don't and never have owned one though)
Email and battery life are the main reasons I went back to the BB.

I had the iPhone and it was cool messin with all the apps and stuff, but I hardly ever used them. 

The iPhone is dope, but the blackberry suits me better.
-built solid
-handles email well
-qwerty physical keyboard
-long battery life
-simple and easy to use

I don't think BBs are going anywhere for a while

(I don't and never have owned one though)
Email and battery life are the main reasons I went back to the BB.

I had the iPhone and it was cool messin with all the apps and stuff, but I hardly ever used them. 

The iPhone is dope, but the blackberry suits me better.
I do. I text and email due to work alot...
im working with this..


and its what this guys uses:

I do. I text and email due to work alot...
im working with this..


and its what this guys uses:

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

I see it all the time, especially with Android... 
 its function over form for me
I'm not trying to say you are wrong because Blackberry's are solid pure communication phones but you can't act like all the apps coming out for Android and iOS are all fun and games, some of them can be used as incredibly productive tools.  Also, there's no denying the fact that Research In Motion is getting behind in the times...
I own a relatively cheap Android phone (LG Optimus T) and I can use it to check documents (MS Word, pdf, etc.) if I'm not near a computer and put that said document into my Dropbox account.  And let's say I have an interview in some area I'm not familiar with, I could easily search the place up on Google Maps and use the Chrome to Phone app to send the directions straight to my phone.  The navigation on my phone alone saved me some money on a GPS.

Don't get me wrong, RIM can easily implement their QNX platform onto their next line of smartphones and stay relevant but who knows when that's going to happen...
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