Anyone have this pet peeve? People seasoning their foods before tasting...

Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

yeah and i'm the one who's mad.

Apparently I underestimated the class of NT though.

I think you meant to say "overestimated," oh enlightened one...

Ya caught me... gee whiz, i'm a fraud.

People are starving the world over and you're worried about how some guy seasons his food?

Yes - let's bring the starving people into a conversation that has nothing to do with wasting food. Really, extremely relevant point to bring up.

And try hitting the button just one time.. not 6.
Mannnnnn... my aunt would threaten your life if you put some salt on something she cooked while you were in front of her or before she saw you taste it.

But I'm gonna need for there not to be arguments in here.
This has to be the pettiest and most ridiculous thing to be mad about i have seen on NT

I dont even see why people are going back and forth on this issue
I could care less what other people do at a restaurant, but if you are eating dinner in my house and I cooked for you and you find the need to bathe the foodin ketchup I would ask if the food is bad or even tell you how offensive I find that.

IMO and again I repeat IMO I dont think steak should ever be cooked well done, and I dont think you should put ketchup on steak. A1 should be used moderatelyif at all and you shouldnt "overcondimize" anything including tons of sugar and milk in coffee.

to each his own but if you do either of these things you are doing yourself a disservice

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

I could care less what other people do at a restaurant, but if you are eating dinner in my house and I cooked for you and you find the need to bathe the food in ketchup I would ask if the food is bad or even tell you how offensive I find that.

IMO and again I repeat IMO I dont think steak should ever be cooked well done, and I dont think you should put ketchup on steak. A1 should be used moderately if at all and you shouldnt "overcondimize" anything including tons of sugar and milk in coffee.

to each his own but if you do either of these things you are doing yourself a disservice

finally some support

i'm with you... people are gonna do what they're gonna do, that's fine. But i just happen to find it kind of annoying.

Some people don't like dudes tapping on the table.. some hate people who fidget with their pens... this is my little annoyance. Christ, you'd think iwas calling people's moms out in here or something with how angry they get that i could say such things.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

I could care less what other people do at a restaurant, but if you are eating dinner in my house and I cooked for you and you find the need to bathe the food in ketchup I would ask if the food is bad or even tell you how offensive I find that.

IMO and again I repeat IMO I dont think steak should ever be cooked well done, and I dont think you should put ketchup on steak. A1 should be used moderately if at all and you shouldnt "overcondimize" anything including tons of sugar and milk in coffee.

to each his own but if you do either of these things you are doing yourself a disservice

finally some support

i'm with you... people are gonna do what they're gonna do, that's fine. But i just happen to find it kind of annoying.

Some people don't like dudes tapping on the table.. some hate people who fidget with their pens... this is my little annoyance. Christ, you'd think i was calling people's moms out in here or something with how angry they get that i could say such things.
This is for you guys
At a 5-star restaurant type of place I wouldn't think of adding condiments because that is what you go to those types of places for, the taste of the food. Which is why those places usually have small portions, because they emphasize taste over satiety.

But rest assured, if i'm going to a pizza place, i'm more than likely going to put some crushed red pepper on there because I like spiciness in myfood.

I can understand what Craftsy is trying to say, but at the same time, it really does come down to preference. And not everyone is eating at 5-star restaurantsevery day, so cut us poor folk some slack
blackngold1z wrote:

IMO and again I repeat IMO I dont think steak should ever be cooked well done
IMO steak should always be eaten well done IMO. If you don't want ya shh well done or medium rare might as well bite in to a living cow. In myopinion and I'm guessing mine is more popular than yours since when you order a steak they ask you how you would like it but again IMO.

Where's the video of the dude who don't likes his steak rare puts its on the stove for 3 seconds on both sides and wipes it down with butter andsauce?(Remember it from the last thread asking how you like your steak)
$*+*#!* disgusting
Might as well ask if they'd like extra blood with that

I forgot to say this as well but I never see anyone dump ketchup or A1 or any other condiment on their food on purpose. It's usually an accident like whenthey slapping the ketchup bottle the wrong way or if the salt top is unscrewed
. I'm not about to start watching ppl but if somebody wants to drawn their fries or pizza in something as nasty as I find it they can do them. Idon't see how I could be annoyed at it.

Also OP don't act like you were talking about home cooked meals. You mentioned pizza joints and restaurants serving steaks
As far as I'm concerned especially if I've been there multiple timesI'll always put a lil salt n pepper or some stake sauce on the side to dab in cuz it makes it taste that much better.
if it really bothers you, why don't you let them know in person, instead of posting like an angry teenager here ?

"For one... food is made to be eaten the way it's been made. If it tasted better with all this stuff on it, that's how the recipe would be made bythe guys who knows how to make the meals. The fact that it doesn't come with that stuff on it should probably tell you that it's not how the dish isintended to taste. "

so i can't put some bbq sauce on my fries ? I can't put some hot sauce on tuna ? ****
So instead of enjoying your food you're busy worrying about other people, lol.
I hear what you're saying, Craftsy. I was eating with these people from Memphis and they put salt on EVERYTHING. They get scrambled eggs and before they doanything, they reach for the shaker and start pouring it on. I'm sitting there thinking, "don't you at least want to try your food before youalter its taste?" I can see the need for salt after you've come to the realization that you eat your eggs saltier.

And don't get me started when these people put salt on their fruit. WHO THE *%+% SALTS SOMETHING THAT IS NATURALLY SWEET!? Enjoy your health problems.

To all these people replying saying this post is petty or whatever, it's just an observation and a reaction. These people front that nothing bothers them,then suddenly flip their $!*% when someone does a pet peeve of theirs. Irony indeed.
Originally Posted by What up

I hear what you're saying, Craftsy. I was eating with these people from Memphis and they put salt on EVERYTHING. They get scrambled eggs and before they do anything, they reach for the shaker and start pouring it on. I'm sitting there thinking, "don't you at least want to try your food before you alter its taste?" I can see the need for salt after you've come to the realization that you eat your eggs saltier.

And don't get me started when these people put salt on their fruit. WHO THE *%+% SALTS SOMETHING THAT IS NATURALLY SWEET!? Enjoy your health problems.

To all these people replying saying this post is petty or whatever, it's just an observation and a reaction. These people front that nothing bothers them, then suddenly flip their $!*% when someone does a pet peeve of theirs. Irony indeed.

i'm saying though.
It's not that you are wrong in saying some people use too many condiments. It's that you are a total *%@$ about it, not to mention totally close-mindedand egotistical.
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