Anyone have this pet peeve? People seasoning their foods before tasting...

OP youre an idiot. If I know what food tastes like, I dont need to taste it again to know what it tastes like

That being said, I screw the top of the pepper shaker and POUR it onto my steak or salad or potato or WHATEVER so theres a *###%!% layer of black over my food,and you better believe if Im at home I have my Ethiopian chili powder ALL OVER my damn food too so that it just looks dark red no matter what it is.

And if you got a problem with it, GO TO HELL.

yes im mad
Originally Posted by 2o6

you mad cause im seasoning on you

and the a1 is on me

yes, its true. Personal preference CAN b wrong!u know its funny ur against spices yet u sittin there salty as #%@&.
OP i understand where your comming from but i think your pretty much alone on this as a pet peeve
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

You do you.

Who cares about what other people do to their food. If it tastes good to you, then leave it. Different people have different tastes.

If you really have a problem with it, why don't you go confront someone who's guilty of this seasoning crime?
Man can we have a thread where this reply is NOT used
my pet peeve is when someone text you, text back within a minute or 2 then they never respond or take an hour.
. I don't give a @!!* about what anyone says the way I'm eatin' my food. MY food, MY preference.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

The entire area of people salting/peppering/cheesing/etc up their foods bothers me lately.

Here's a couple of different scenarios where I'm bothered...

1) You goto a pizza place with great pie, get a slice or two and before dudes even bite into it they throw a pound of garlic salt, hot pepper flakes, gross cheap-@!! parmesan, and whatever else on the pizza.

They might as well just be eating cardboard at that point, because you no longer can taste the pizza.

2) A person gets a nice steak at a great little steakhouse. Before taking a bite, they dump A-1 sauce (or worse, but not untrue - KETCHUP) all over their nice piece of steak... essentially making it into some kind of fast food reject cut of meat.

3) You order some kind of special of the day dish at a place and a person just salts the thing to death before they take one bite.

I just sit here watching these people like..

For one... food is made to be eaten the way it's been made. If it tasted better with all this stuff on it, that's how the recipe would be made by the guys who knows how to make the meals. The fact that it doesn't come with that stuff on it should probably tell you that it's not how the dish is intended to taste.

Two - if you really deem that an item needs more of some type of seasoning, since you probably are some type of chef-genius yourself
, put it on AFTER you taste it. Don't be seasoning things before tasting them first.

Lastly - it's more likely that you prefer the taste of the seasonings than the actual food items themselves, and you could save yourself a lot of money if you just stayed him and ate those seasonings straight up instead of ruining great food with your cheap trailer-park taste-aids.

/end rant.

Funny you bring this up. Apparently Italians don't like it when you ask for salt or pepper to season your food with. The thing here, everything is cookedwith fresh ingredients and premium this, premium that, but at the end of the day I still need a little bit of seasoning. Don't give me the evil eye becauseI like my food a certain way. If I paid for it, it's my food so $%++ you.
This is the same board where dudes are constantly acting like they're "doing it", yet you're all defending the use of things like ketchup.

I'm embarassed that I responded to this thread earlier. Are you %%$%%!! serious? First jean there's a cool limit on ketchup?


OP needs to go sit down somewhere.
You guys are too funny.

Half of you sit there saying things like "people can have different opinions YOU IDIOT"... not realizing the irony in such a statement

the other half are taking it way too seriously, honestly getting angry that i would bring such a topic up because you guys love your seasonings so much.

The only thing this thread has done is proven how silly NT'ers are in general nowadays.

For the last time... it's my own pet peeve, i find it annoying. It doesn't "make me mad" or "salty" or whatever you children aresaying as the cool response to everything now - it's just something that bugs me. And I wondered if it bugged anyone else.. everything else is jokes forthe most part, if you haven't caught on by now.
who cares, not everyone likes the same thing. maybe they have had it and prefer the taste of it salted- or bbq sauced up

either way. if people eating stuff you dont like bothers you, stop watching other dudes eat. its suspect anyways
Originally Posted by DocDoon

who cares, not everyone likes the same thing. maybe they have had it and prefer the taste of it salted- or bbq sauced up

either way. if people eating stuff you dont like bothers you, stop watching other dudes eat. its suspect anyways
You guys have to cut it out with this mentality on a message board.

I know none of you say these types of things in real life, acting like you're all some 10th level buddhists, completely at peace with the world around you. it's %+#$!$+ obnoxious how every post on nt is responded to now with

"who cares, why you worried about other people", or the equivalent of that.

That's the point of a message board, to discuss this type of *@%%. By this logic, we shouldn't even be signed onto NT and no new topics should ever beposted.. because we could all just jump into every post and use that type of response.

The fact of the matter is, some people do care.. and this is the place to talk about it. So deal with it.

If you really don't care about the topic - stay the @+%% out of it. Quit dropping in to tell people that you don't care about the topic - that type ofattention whoring to a bunch of strangers (dudes, mostly) is what's truly suspect around here. This huge desire to act like the coolest person on amessage board full of strangers, like this is some kind of 7th grade classroom in hell.

Just give it a rest already.. stay out of topics you don't like and quit with the trolling... %+#$!$+ children.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

OP youre an idiot. If I know what food tastes like, I dont need to taste it again to know what it tastes like

That being said, I screw the top of the pepper shaker and POUR it onto my steak or salad or potato or WHATEVER so theres a *###%!% layer of black over my food, and you better believe if Im at home I have my Ethiopian chili powder ALL OVER my damn food too so that it just looks dark red no matter what it is.

And if you got a problem with it, GO TO HELL.

yes im mad
Whats there to be mad at? I dont think OP is acting like he's better than anybody
(although i think the comment about the ketchup is kinda silly) its still his opinion and i can see where it can be annoying to a certainextent
seeing somebody that completely covered their steak to the point where you dont know what it is, like damn you couldnt put some on the side?
7 pages?

A lot of people chiming in because they like to dump ketchup on their steaks and getting lowkey defensive. I know it.

I see what you're saying though Craftsy. I'm guilty of it sometimes when it comes to the pizza thing.
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