Anyone here use gambling as a possible source of income on a regular basis?

Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

I'm just saying in terms of value or living value, winning/losing 200-300 a week is nothing.

That equates to about 11k on the low end, 16k on the high end. Who lives nicely off that? The stress that comes along with gambling wouldn't make 11k-16k worth it whatsoever.

I suppose if you're working a 9-5 where you make 75k-100k a year, and you need to relieve stress so you USE gambling as a way of relieving yourself (in which case it'd be even harder to win unless you've been doing it for years and years and have mastered a method) then yeah, 11k or 16k wouldn't be a bad win/loss...but still if you lose that 11k-16k, you're more than likely to go on "tilt" and lose more...

Just saying that what your friends are winning or losing isn't enough to live on - which I thought you had mentioned in the initial post but mis-read, I see you just meant "added income"...still you have to devote A LOT of your time to truly win at it. I don't think it's possible to work a 9-5 job and gamble, if you want to have any sort of social life whatsoever.

As far as you losing the $20, money is worth what you deem it to be worth. I can't ever imagine getting mad about losing a $20 dollar bill, or losing any sort of bet I place, whether I was rich or poor because I lost it and now it's gone. I can understand that you work hard for your $ so it's upsetting to let a few hours of work go to waste, but in the's gone. No sense getting upset about it or stressing myself out - at all. Of course we all struggle to deal with that ideology...
yeah i think its my personal view of working for that paycheck.  Im gettin it done financially so every cent i can save is a plus for me and my lady in the long run.  It was just a shock to me seeing what i consider a good amount of cash just gone when my friends lost it and for them to not really trip out.

Originally Posted by proper english

i highly advise against it.. but then again, im filipino.. and ALL of the filipinos i know are degenerate gamblers. 

this. i get strange looks from other filipinos when i say i hate gambling.
Originally Posted by proper english

i highly advise against it.. but then again, im filipino.. and ALL of the filipinos i know are degenerate gamblers. 

this. i get strange looks from other filipinos when i say i hate gambling.
Originally Posted by socluis90

even sports are tough. you see automatic winners and think easy money right? nope take a look at this guy yesterday. lost 18 grand on the lakers trying to win just 1 grand. upsets happen in sports and they happen more often than you think.
this dude is on suicide watch
Originally Posted by kep0ne

Originally Posted by proper english

i highly advise against it.. but then again, im filipino.. and ALL of the filipinos i know are degenerate gamblers. 

this. i get strange looks from other filipinos when i say i hate gambling.

 i dont gamble AT ALL.. 

and my friends look at me like im some sort of 3 headed alien..

 like were supposed to be predisposed to gambling. 
Originally Posted by kep0ne

Originally Posted by proper english

i highly advise against it.. but then again, im filipino.. and ALL of the filipinos i know are degenerate gamblers. 

this. i get strange looks from other filipinos when i say i hate gambling.

 i dont gamble AT ALL.. 

and my friends look at me like im some sort of 3 headed alien..

 like were supposed to be predisposed to gambling. 
Originally Posted by DUMB PIGS

I dont know much about the gambling world but i was under the impression that people generally lose more than they win if hey gamble over extended periods of time.

Well. not !#@+. Vegas didn't build itself.

There is a reason why not that many people are professional gamblers, it's hard. For poker players they have hot stretches where they are banking but then get cold where they are down a lot. That type of lifestyle isn't for everyone (assuming you have the skill). The mental aspect is a big part of it.

Many professional sports betters say that the only way to win consistently is to have inside info. I'm not sure how I feel about that as I am up 2K over the past couple years betting CFB.

Gambling by it's nature isn't a steady source if income. If it was a steady source, it wouldn't be gambling.
u still didnt say what they play- or maybe i missed it?

someone already touched on it but it all depends on the games...also money is yea if they won 10k the week before and you saw them casually lose $300 this week then yes that $300 is nothing compared to the upswing and they are still sitting on 9700...

sports is a rough road to go i was glad when the superbowl was over and i had lost my last bit...promised to not touch the NBA

some people however beat the odds and do very well...but unless you got some kind of plug or inside connect- its def an uphill battle and you have to be able to handle the downswings
Originally Posted by DUMB PIGS

I dont know much about the gambling world but i was under the impression that people generally lose more than they win if hey gamble over extended periods of time.

Well. not !#@+. Vegas didn't build itself.

There is a reason why not that many people are professional gamblers, it's hard. For poker players they have hot stretches where they are banking but then get cold where they are down a lot. That type of lifestyle isn't for everyone (assuming you have the skill). The mental aspect is a big part of it.

Many professional sports betters say that the only way to win consistently is to have inside info. I'm not sure how I feel about that as I am up 2K over the past couple years betting CFB.

Gambling by it's nature isn't a steady source if income. If it was a steady source, it wouldn't be gambling.
u still didnt say what they play- or maybe i missed it?

someone already touched on it but it all depends on the games...also money is yea if they won 10k the week before and you saw them casually lose $300 this week then yes that $300 is nothing compared to the upswing and they are still sitting on 9700...

sports is a rough road to go i was glad when the superbowl was over and i had lost my last bit...promised to not touch the NBA

some people however beat the odds and do very well...but unless you got some kind of plug or inside connect- its def an uphill battle and you have to be able to handle the downswings
Originally Posted by socluis90

even sports are tough. you see automatic winners and think easy money right? nope take a look at this guy yesterday. lost 18 grand on the lakers trying to win just 1 grand. upsets happen in sports and they happen more often than you think.

lol that guy had no business betting like that, any disciplined capper would've known. he deserved that loss...
Originally Posted by socluis90

even sports are tough. you see automatic winners and think easy money right? nope take a look at this guy yesterday. lost 18 grand on the lakers trying to win just 1 grand. upsets happen in sports and they happen more often than you think.

lol that guy had no business betting like that, any disciplined capper would've known. he deserved that loss...
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