Anyone here who doesn't believe in Evolution?

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by htownhooper31

If humans evolved from apes why aren't apes still turning into humans today?

This shows people have absolutely no idea how evolution and genetics works.

I don't even know where to start to explain it.

1. You've heard of survival of the fittest no? The traits most adaptive for survival in an environment gets passed on to the next generation and those that aren't die off.

2. Examples of this concept at work= Divergent evolution....start as one species, get separated physically into 2 different environments. In each group traits are selected for that are ideal for survival in each environment and after many generations you have 2 new species.

3. Evolution is a very slow process and takes thousands of generations to create new species. What you said is insinuating that evolution happens overnight.

4. An example of a quicker form of evolution...because microbes have a very short life cycles evidence of genetic shift is easy to demonstrate.

eg. acquiring antibiotic resistance. Microbes and humans are in a constant war of arms, and their way of dealing with out drugs is by acquiring new genes + mutations. (The Red Queen hypothesis)

-Evolution is genetic change as a result of environmental change/stressors
-evolution doesn't happen overnight
-In some species with short life cycles the concepts that govern evolution can be established more rapidly.

I was listening to a NPR story this morning with a guy talking about how the number of microbes on our bodies outnumber the number of cells we have by like 10 i think. He was saying how microbe interactions basically are the larger factor in how we change thru time, not so much on the pure.environmental stress side. He was also talking about fecal culture transplants to help heal people 

Yea it's kinda gross but our "normal flora". The bacteria that live on our body are actually protecting us from infections from more deadly forms of microbes. And in our intestines bacteria provide us with some essential nutrients, so it's a symbiotic relationship

Pathogenic bacteria on the other hand and us are literally in an evolutionary arms race. There's a reason why you need a new flu shot every year.
 Humans think they run this planet.
What do you see happening to us as we evolve with pathogens being so prevalent? Like what type of evolution will this path lead us down?

This is an interesting question because differences in "hygenic conditions" may be the biggest variant of human environmental stressors that could lead to genetic change and possible divergent evolution. The problem is there are very few isolated human populations in the world for this to be possible.

Using malaria as an example we have evidence of the strongly determinant effects of pathogens on our evolution. The sickle cell trait evolved as a defense to malaria . Who else knows how else our genes are changing overtime in response to our other prominent microscopic foes (Eg. the H.I.V. virus). There will eventually be a subset of populations, most likely in places where the affliction is endemic (Africa), that will be resistant to the virus. I suspect this resistance would come with dire consequences as did the sickle cell trait (probably congenital immuno-insufficency).
So it's basically survival of the fittest immune system evolution. Who's genetics can withstand rapid change in the mess of pathogens and non organic cultures which have been introduced into the environment so much more as of the past 100 years...
So we really could have some x-men walking round here pretty soon
How did anyone not understand this in class?

...I swear its SO SIMPLE if people just paid attention to it.

I'm glad you're getting the idea but it sucks that you had to get into an argument to understand this...
Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by htownhooper31

If humans evolved from apes why aren't apes still turning into humans today?

This shows people have absolutely no idea how evolution and genetics works.

I don't even know where to start to explain it.

1. You've heard of survival of the fittest no? The traits most adaptive for survival in an environment gets passed on to the next generation and those that aren't die off.

2. Examples of this concept at work= Divergent evolution....start as one species, get separated physically into 2 different environments. In each group traits are selected for that are ideal for survival in each environment and after many generations you have 2 new species.

3. Evolution is a very slow process and takes thousands of generations to create new species. What you said is insinuating that evolution happens overnight.

4. An example of a quicker form of evolution...because microbes have a very short life cycles evidence of genetic shift is easy to demonstrate.

eg. acquiring antibiotic resistance. Microbes and humans are in a constant war of arms, and their way of dealing with out drugs is by acquiring new genes + mutations. (The Red Queen hypothesis)

-Evolution is genetic change as a result of environmental change/stressors
-evolution doesn't happen overnight
-In some species with short life cycles the concepts that govern evolution can be established more rapidly.

I was listening to a NPR story this morning with a guy talking about how the number of microbes on our bodies outnumber the number of cells we have by like 10 i think. He was saying how microbe interactions basically are the larger factor in how we change thru time, not so much on the pure.environmental stress side. He was also talking about fecal culture transplants to help heal people 

Yea it's kinda gross but our "normal flora". The bacteria that live on our body are actually protecting us from infections from more deadly forms of microbes. And in our intestines bacteria provide us with some essential nutrients, so it's a symbiotic relationship

Pathogenic bacteria on the other hand and us are literally in an evolutionary arms race. There's a reason why you need a new flu shot every year.
 Humans think they run this planet.
What do you see happening to us as we evolve with pathogens being so prevalent? Like what type of evolution will this path lead us down?

This is an interesting question because differences in "hygenic conditions" may be the biggest variant of human environmental stressors that could lead to genetic change and possible divergent evolution. The problem is there are very few isolated human populations in the world for this to be possible.

Using malaria as an example we have evidence of the strongly determinant effects of pathogens on our evolution. The sickle cell trait evolved as a defense to malaria . Who else knows how else our genes are changing overtime in response to our other prominent microscopic foes (Eg. the H.I.V. virus). There will eventually be a subset of populations, most likely in places where the affliction is endemic (Africa), that will be resistant to the virus. I suspect this resistance would come with dire consequences as did the sickle cell trait (probably congenital immuno-insufficency).
So it's basically survival of the fittest immune system evolution. Who's genetics can withstand rapid change in the mess of pathogens and non organic cultures which have been introduced into the environment so much more as of the past 100 years...
So we really could have some x-men walking round here pretty soon
How did anyone not understand this in class?

...I swear its SO SIMPLE if people just paid attention to it.

I'm glad you're getting the idea but it sucks that you had to get into an argument to understand this...
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.

- Son I've been dying at some of the comments in this thread. Yea call me condescending I don't care.


Our cells are NOT immortal, I don't know who told you they were. With a little research, a lot of these things you consider "mysteries" actually have very simple answers.

Our cells have a limited number of cell division due to loss of telomere repeats at the end of DNA and subsequent genomic instabi,ity. This is the most important factor that accounts for cell aging.

Cancer cells are "immortal" because of upregulated telomerase activity. In theory some cancer cells can divide forever.

from wiki

A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration. Its name is derived from the Greek nouns telos (τέλος) "end" and merοs (μέ
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.

- Son I've been dying at some of the comments in this thread. Yea call me condescending I don't care.


Our cells are NOT immortal, I don't know who told you they were. With a little research, a lot of these things you consider "mysteries" actually have very simple answers.

Our cells have a limited number of cell division due to loss of telomere repeats at the end of DNA and subsequent genomic instabi,ity. This is the most important factor that accounts for cell aging.

Cancer cells are "immortal" because of upregulated telomerase activity. In theory some cancer cells can divide forever.

from wiki

A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration. Its name is derived from the Greek nouns telos (τέλος) "end" and merοs (μέ
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.
I am satisfied with knowing God created the world are before anyone had ideas the earth was resting upon nothing and that it was spherical the bible said this was the case. interestingly people thought they knew better and laughed at those ideas too. I wonder how that turned out...
Similarly there will be those trying to find answers, but that begs asking why do they even question? Why do we wonder things? Why do many people still ask the question, why are we here on this planet doing what we do? If there was no religion what would be your hope? You just live till 80 or 90 and then die? Why did people in the past live so long and we die off so soon? Is that also evolutionary? It was only thousands of years ago people lived to be hundreds of years why is it we die so soon? I believe in things scientifically proven. I don't hang on every word man says or things they think are the case but cannot themselves prove.

It is quite silly for you to laugh at me for my belief when you have no solid foundation of your own in believing what you do. If there was then there would not be any discussion on this, would there? Just like nobody doubts gravity, the sky being blue, the earth rotating around the sun, the air we breathe. We all know these things to be fact because they have been proven. So like I said before you can believe what you like, I am perfectly ok with that, but I am not really ok with you laughing at other peoples opinions and beliefs when you don't seem to have any factual evidence to base your beliefs on other than you were convinced to believe in evolution, much the same as some are convinced to believe in God and creation.

That is all I have to say to you.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.
I am satisfied with knowing God created the world are before anyone had ideas the earth was resting upon nothing and that it was spherical the bible said this was the case. interestingly people thought they knew better and laughed at those ideas too. I wonder how that turned out...
Similarly there will be those trying to find answers, but that begs asking why do they even question? Why do we wonder things? Why do many people still ask the question, why are we here on this planet doing what we do? If there was no religion what would be your hope? You just live till 80 or 90 and then die? Why did people in the past live so long and we die off so soon? Is that also evolutionary? It was only thousands of years ago people lived to be hundreds of years why is it we die so soon? I believe in things scientifically proven. I don't hang on every word man says or things they think are the case but cannot themselves prove.

It is quite silly for you to laugh at me for my belief when you have no solid foundation of your own in believing what you do. If there was then there would not be any discussion on this, would there? Just like nobody doubts gravity, the sky being blue, the earth rotating around the sun, the air we breathe. We all know these things to be fact because they have been proven. So like I said before you can believe what you like, I am perfectly ok with that, but I am not really ok with you laughing at other peoples opinions and beliefs when you don't seem to have any factual evidence to base your beliefs on other than you were convinced to believe in evolution, much the same as some are convinced to believe in God and creation.

That is all I have to say to you.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.
I am satisfied with knowing God created the world are before anyone had ideas the earth was resting upon nothing and that it was spherical the bible said this was the case. interestingly people thought they knew better and laughed at those ideas too. I wonder how that turned out...
Similarly there will be those trying to find answers, but that begs asking why do they even question? Why do we wonder things? Why do many people still ask the question, why are we here on this planet doing what we do? If there was no religion what would be your hope? You just live till 80 or 90 and then die? Why did people in the past live so long and we die off so soon? Is that also evolutionary? It was only thousands of years ago people lived to be hundreds of years why is it we die so soon? I believe in things scientifically proven. I don't hang on every word man says or things they think are the case but cannot themselves prove.

It is quite silly for you to laugh at me for my belief when you have no solid foundation of your own in believing what you do. If there was then there would not be any discussion on this, would there? Just like nobody doubts gravity, the sky being blue, the earth rotating around the sun, the air we breathe. We all know these things to be fact because they have been proven. So like I said before you can believe what you like, I am perfectly ok with that, but I am not really ok with you laughing at other peoples opinions and beliefs when you don't seem to have any factual evidence to base your beliefs on other than you were convinced to believe in evolution, much the same as some are convinced to believe in God and creation.

That is all I have to say to you.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.
I am satisfied with knowing God created the world are before anyone had ideas the earth was resting upon nothing and that it was spherical the bible said this was the case. interestingly people thought they knew better and laughed at those ideas too. I wonder how that turned out...
Similarly there will be those trying to find answers, but that begs asking why do they even question? Why do we wonder things? Why do many people still ask the question, why are we here on this planet doing what we do? If there was no religion what would be your hope? You just live till 80 or 90 and then die? Why did people in the past live so long and we die off so soon? Is that also evolutionary? It was only thousands of years ago people lived to be hundreds of years why is it we die so soon? I believe in things scientifically proven. I don't hang on every word man says or things they think are the case but cannot themselves prove.

It is quite silly for you to laugh at me for my belief when you have no solid foundation of your own in believing what you do. If there was then there would not be any discussion on this, would there? Just like nobody doubts gravity, the sky being blue, the earth rotating around the sun, the air we breathe. We all know these things to be fact because they have been proven. So like I said before you can believe what you like, I am perfectly ok with that, but I am not really ok with you laughing at other peoples opinions and beliefs when you don't seem to have any factual evidence to base your beliefs on other than you were convinced to believe in evolution, much the same as some are convinced to believe in God and creation.

That is all I have to say to you.
Religion makes people lazy as hell
 If you don't understand something don't be so quick to chuck it up to God. Religion makes a virtue out of not thinking, it's sad.
Religion makes people lazy as hell
 If you don't understand something don't be so quick to chuck it up to God. Religion makes a virtue out of not thinking, it's sad.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Religion makes people lazy as hell
 If you don't understand something don't be so quick to chuck it up to God. Religion makes a virtue out of not thinking, it's sad.

Interesting, because I have been researching all my life and continue to do so until the day I die. I would say to you, don't assume all people who are religious are lazy. I would venture to say I have studied more than an average person would in their lifetime. Not that it makes me special, just that you shouldn't assume you know everything there is to know about religious people.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Religion makes people lazy as hell
 If you don't understand something don't be so quick to chuck it up to God. Religion makes a virtue out of not thinking, it's sad.

Interesting, because I have been researching all my life and continue to do so until the day I die. I would say to you, don't assume all people who are religious are lazy. I would venture to say I have studied more than an average person would in their lifetime. Not that it makes me special, just that you shouldn't assume you know everything there is to know about religious people.
Originally Posted by Nothin4ever




Sumerian Ancient Civilization .....The Annunaki
You know about Zecharia Sitchin and Lloyd Pie? ...

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever




Sumerian Ancient Civilization .....The Annunaki
You know about Zecharia Sitchin and Lloyd Pie? ...

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.
I am satisfied with knowing God created the world are before anyone had ideas the earth was resting upon nothing and that it was spherical the bible said this was the case. interestingly people thought they knew better and laughed at those ideas too. I wonder how that turned out...
Similarly there will be those trying to find answers, but that begs asking why do they even question? Why do we wonder things? Why do many people still ask the question, why are we here on this planet doing what we do? If there was no religion what would be your hope? You just live till 80 or 90 and then die? Why did people in the past live so long and we die off so soon? Is that also evolutionary? It was only thousands of years ago people lived to be hundreds of years why is it we die so soon? I believe in things scientifically proven. I don't hang on every word man says or things they think are the case but cannot themselves prove.

It is quite silly for you to laugh at me for my belief when you have no solid foundation of your own in believing what you do. If there was then there would not be any discussion on this, would there? Just like nobody doubts gravity, the sky being blue, the earth rotating around the sun, the air we breathe. We all know these things to be fact because they have been proven. So like I said before you can believe what you like, I am perfectly ok with that, but I am not really ok with you laughing at other peoples opinions and beliefs when you don't seem to have any factual evidence to base your beliefs on other than you were convinced to believe in evolution, much the same as some are convinced to believe in God and creation.

That is all I have to say to you.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.
I am satisfied with knowing God created the world are before anyone had ideas the earth was resting upon nothing and that it was spherical the bible said this was the case. interestingly people thought they knew better and laughed at those ideas too. I wonder how that turned out...
Similarly there will be those trying to find answers, but that begs asking why do they even question? Why do we wonder things? Why do many people still ask the question, why are we here on this planet doing what we do? If there was no religion what would be your hope? You just live till 80 or 90 and then die? Why did people in the past live so long and we die off so soon? Is that also evolutionary? It was only thousands of years ago people lived to be hundreds of years why is it we die so soon? I believe in things scientifically proven. I don't hang on every word man says or things they think are the case but cannot themselves prove.

It is quite silly for you to laugh at me for my belief when you have no solid foundation of your own in believing what you do. If there was then there would not be any discussion on this, would there? Just like nobody doubts gravity, the sky being blue, the earth rotating around the sun, the air we breathe. We all know these things to be fact because they have been proven. So like I said before you can believe what you like, I am perfectly ok with that, but I am not really ok with you laughing at other peoples opinions and beliefs when you don't seem to have any factual evidence to base your beliefs on other than you were convinced to believe in evolution, much the same as some are convinced to believe in God and creation.

That is all I have to say to you.
Originally Posted by Murda He

Seriously though, WHY? Oh I get it, you're attempting to be one of those dbags that looks down on other people's beliefs online for NO reason at all. Carry on...

exactly lol

its like people dont feel good about themselves so they go and jidge another man's life to make them feel better.
Originally Posted by Murda He

Seriously though, WHY? Oh I get it, you're attempting to be one of those dbags that looks down on other people's beliefs online for NO reason at all. Carry on...

exactly lol

its like people dont feel good about themselves so they go and jidge another man's life to make them feel better.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I personally refuse to believe in evolution based on what I have seen and understand about science and I choose to believe in creation. I understand there are those out there who believe in evolution and that is their choice.

I have one thing to say about things unseen by people. At one time people largely didn't understand gravity and many other things but there were evidences that it was in existence. Man over time can figure these things out, but at a time it was unexplained. Today there are many things man has not been able to figure out, just because this is so does not mean that the things they have yet to discover "are not there", it just means they have not figured it out yet.

When it comes to science there are many loopholes, something once believed to be fact can be changed yet people will follow science as God. Science as defined by man is not perfect by any means. Man has the ability to "change their minds" on matters and for the most part people just follow and say nothing. Why no outrage about the changes? There are plenty of people who find fault with the Bible and things they feel contradict...

Again, people are going to do their research and believe what they feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable and have not seen sufficient evidence that we evolved from apes/monkeys/anything else, so I am going to continue to believe in creation. There are too many things on this planet with their design (humans, gravity, the earth and how it works, instinct, many other things that are intricate and still are not explained by man, if our cells regenerate why do we get old and die?), that mathematically speaking it would be impossible or so improbable that all these things could randomly happen, there must have been a designer to all of this.

I find it interesting that God is held to a different standard than human science when testing out what is right.

So if we can't answer any one thing (which we are trying to), God must have done it, right?

Whats with people saying "science" as if its a religion.

I hate coming in here and laughing at people's views but this is just ridiculous.
I am satisfied with knowing God created the world are before anyone had ideas the earth was resting upon nothing and that it was spherical the bible said this was the case. interestingly people thought they knew better and laughed at those ideas too. I wonder how that turned out...

Similarly there will be those trying to find answers, but that begs asking why do they even question? Why do we wonder things? Why do many people still ask the question, why are we here on this planet doing what we do? If there was no religion what would be your hope? You just live till 80 or 90 and then die? Why did people in the past live so long and we die off so soon? Is that also evolutionary? It was only thousands of years ago people lived to be hundreds of years why is it we die so soon? I believe in things scientifically proven. I don't hang on every word man says or things they think are the case but cannot themselves prove.

It is quite silly for you to laugh at me for my belief when you have no solid foundation of your own in believing what you do. If there was then there would not be any discussion on this, would there? Just like nobody doubts gravity, the sky being blue, the earth rotating around the sun, the air we breathe. We all know these things to be fact because they have been proven. So like I said before you can believe what you like, I am perfectly ok with that, but I am not really ok with you laughing at other peoples opinions and beliefs when you don't seem to have any factual evidence to base your beliefs on other than you were convinced to believe in evolution, much the same as some are convinced to believe in God and creation.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That is all I have to say to you.[/color]


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