Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by kix4kix

People are making it into a microeconomics issue, when in reality it is a macro economics issue. Major overhaul needed, and you can not sit and tell me there aren't thousands if not millions of bachelor degree - level jobs out there in the barely tapped potential that is clean energy.

I'm preparing myself for a job in renewable energy. 
I have a bachelors with a govt job right now but I do think its insane that a very small percentage of the population owns more than the rest. I'm sure these people protesting aren't just waiting around for the rich people to give them money. This protest probably wouldn't exist if we weren't in this big ++% recession. Its not just people who couldn't get a job; its also about people who have been laid off as well.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

I don't consider myself smart, but I work hard every day to make myself better.

If you must know, in 2009 I was an Economics major working at a financial institution and was slated for a fast-tracked executive leadership program position. I had my life figured out and was sitting pretty. Then, I received word that the program I was planning my entire life around was cut with no explanations and no pats on the back.

Did I sit down and blame the government, dividend seeking investors or bloated CEOs? No, I finished my degree and applied for jobs while continuing to gain work experience at my bank. I was working alongside people with GEDs who were making more than me. I knew more about finance than my manager.

Your argument is that people who go to college deserve something for the simple fact they went to college. Regardless of their intellectual capacity, work ethic, grades and abilities, they deserve something. I have never heard a more asinine argument in my life. And then you have the nerve to say it is an injustice of our society. Let me try your way of debating to help you understand my views:


Even though your statement about working alongside people with GED's does pull at my angry strings (I had to drop out of school and was terrified about the fact that I would be judged for having a GED diploma), the last couple of lines of your post spoke to me. Ever since the foundation of the ideals that would eventually lead to capitalism (or some obscure form of it), you have had to work hard to succeed. Clearly there are people with power who don't deserve it, but that has always been true. If you were born with the genes to develop into a 7 foot tall strong man, you were more successful. People have always had to work their way up past a certain threshold of success, and that will always be true. You have always had to be better than the majority of others in a certain skill set to be successful past your inherent gifts. Other than people who have been born privileged, it is survival of the fittest and that is that.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by oidreez

This dude with his "if I can do it, why can't they?" mentality. You act like these people are begging for free money

A bailout?...take some from the CEO and give it to me? that the idea?...How come we don't speak on all the success stories???...people who came from nothing and became something??...all possible because of this flawed really believe the system is designed to not let anyone advance??..
you do understand that those cases are the minority and not the majority right?

you seem truly brainwashed if you think all it takes to be successful is working hard and making the right decisions
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by oidreez

This dude with his "if I can do it, why can't they?" mentality. You act like these people are begging for free money

A bailout?...take some from the CEO and give it to me? that the idea?...How come we don't speak on all the success stories???...people who came from nothing and became something??...all possible because of this flawed really believe the system is designed to not let anyone advance??..
you do understand that those cases are the minority and not the majority right?

you seem truly brainwashed if you think all it takes to be successful is working hard and making the right decisions

Yeah I'm totally brainwashed and only a selected few are picked by a higher power to succeed.
Most of you still thinks it's a problem with the actual figureheads we see on TV. The idea of CAPITALISM is the cause to our strife... The more capital one acquires the power control they have. Position your CApital accordingly and your power will never be seen...
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by oidreez

This dude with his "if I can do it, why can't they?" mentality. You act like these people are begging for free money

A bailout?...take some from the CEO and give it to me? that the idea?...How come we don't speak on all the success stories???...people who came from nothing and became something??...all possible because of this flawed really believe the system is designed to not let anyone advance??..
you do understand that those cases are the minority and not the majority right?

you seem truly brainwashed if you think all it takes to be successful is working hard and making the right decisions
you consider someone brainwashed if they think that working hard and making the right decisions?  wow!  we're in bigger trouble than i thought.  my whole family must be a bunch of brainwashed sheep then.  my parents immigrated here from the Philippines worked hard and made the right decisions.  that's what must of brainwashed me to think that hard work and making the right decisions leads to success.

Re Hank Moody...don't cite ZeroHedge as a legitimate source. Or Naked Capitalism. Hopefully you're out buying up years worth of gold and canned food. Fractional banking and Keynsian economics are the best capitalist system we have right now, bar none.

The quoting of Marx and "slave to production, etc." is a joke. So would you rather be fighting off bears and searching for berries. And of course the more you have the more power you have. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT. Probably always will be. Only the strong used to survive, but technology has changed all of that. If you want communism, go to the USSR...or did that fail?

I would hardly call life in America slavery. If you're smart and ambitious, you'll have a good life. Yes, if you're born to the highest level of society you have it easy and probably great, but I'll take a shot at advancing. Guys like Jamie and Lloyd are the hardest working men in the world and deserve what they have.

Most people agree the rich need to pay higher taxes and we're in a heck of a housing mess. Seems pretty simple to me that forced re-fi's would be the easiest and most profitable solution. If you want to start voting in people who will do that, I'm 99% sure we have a democracy and you can do that. No need to go around blaming institutions where well over 90% of the actors are at no fault. The 99% moniker is a joke. Replace the Bible with drugs and OWS = tea party. Fringe groups trying to stir up problems.
Originally Posted by secretzofwar

Re Hank Moody...don't cite ZeroHedge as a legitimate source. Or Naked Capitalism. Hopefully you're out buying up years worth of gold and canned food. Fractional banking and Keynsian economics are the best capitalist system we have right now, bar none.

The quoting of Marx and "slave to production, etc." is a joke. So would you rather be fighting off bears and searching for berries. And of course the more you have the more power you have. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT. Probably always will be. Only the strong used to survive, but technology has changed all of that. If you want communism, go to the USSR...or did that fail?

I would hardly call life in America slavery. If you're smart and ambitious, you'll have a good life. Yes, if you're born to the highest level of society you have it easy and probably great, but I'll take a shot at advancing. Guys like Jamie and Lloyd are the hardest working men in the world and deserve what they have.

Most people agree the rich need to pay higher taxes and we're in a heck of a housing mess. Seems pretty simple to me that forced re-fi's would be the easiest and most profitable solution. If you want to start voting in people who will do that, I'm 99% sure we have a democracy and you can do that. No need to go around blaming institutions where well over 90% of the actors are at no fault. The 99% moniker is a joke. Replace the Bible with drugs and OWS = tea party. Fringe groups trying to stir up problems.

is this real life?
No need to go around blaming institutions where well over 90% of the actors are at no fault.

so the top 10% ARE at fault? Isn't that what the protests are about? lol 

Either ben bernanke joined NT or we're getting trolled.  
Your argument is that people who go to college deserve something for the simple fact they went to college. Regardless of their intellectual capacity, work ethic, grades and abilities, they deserve something. I have never heard a more asinine argument in my life. And then you have the nerve to say it is an injustice of our society. Let me try your way of debating to help you understand my views:

no wonder GEDs were doing better than you

nobody said "just because you go to college you deserve something"

but way to comprehend, there, "not so smart" guy.

cause that was my argument.

hey, that was sarcasm, too...i dont think you woulda caught it.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

no wonder GEDs were doing better than you

nobody said "just because you go to college you deserve something"

but way to comprehend, there, "not so smart" guy.

cause that was my argument.

hey, that was sarcasm, too...i dont think you woulda caught it.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


Difference is I didn't take out a 40k a year loan...I didn't jump at the idea of a profitable career blindly, proceeded with caution, invested little and I must say it paid of to the max....not to mention I knew that going for a critical care first responder at a hospital was a smart move, pretty hard for the government to cut these jobs, this job HAS to be done.

 dog you dont even understand what a contradiction is...

you cant possibly.

"i knew going into critical care first responder at a hospital was a smart move"


"its pretty hard for the government to cut these jobs"


lmao, you're uber arrogant like "im so smart i made such a smart decision, im so well off"


im forreal laughing yo

you went to school to be a first responder expecting it to be a good decision for you...dork


If you must know, in 2009 I was an Economics major working at a financial institution and was slated for a fast-tracked executive leadership program position.
 im a god...i called it.


finance majors hardly ever have any sort of perspective whatsoever.

VERY easy to pick you out of a crowd.

you had an expectation that the program you were in would benefit you...and it didnt.

but you werent affected one bit, huh? you just cried to us on NT about some @++% we dont care about cause you're so strong, huh?

Bottomline, the same way the system screws you over, you can use the system to your advantage, and we ALL have an equal opportunity to do so.

false. your parents slaved and worked super hard to put you in the position youre in.

some kids are born to crackhead prostitutes.

but i already know you severely lack perspective.

this thread just comes off as "if you're hurting right now, well that's your fault". You're telling me people dont have the right to protest an injustice they see in society because "they shouldnt have taken out the loan to go to college"? What's wrong with some of you people?
ironic. the spoiled and priviledged, in here, talking about the americans who are protesting being spoiled and priviledged.


sorry larry david wannabe i aint complaining bout no broke people. i'm complainging bout peons liek you who think they are e-versions of malcom x or mlk jr.

so you went from "we're on the same side here" to "larry david wannabe" ?

son, you're MADDDDDDDDD


im a fake malcom x because i call out arrogant dudes slandering a protest?


everything you said so far is laughable. you make a ****ery and minstrel show out of the actual crisis in america.

just because a bunch of people wanna stand in front of wall street and occupy in a symbolic effort to get government to change.

bro, wth where you doing before this lil parade?????

what were you trying to do whne bus sr. was in office, when clinton ,when g w bush?????

you act like this problem is new

and pmsing to Steezy bc he has a differing opinion aint gonna get noones loans paid of or and fiscal responsibility injected into this country

when you are ready to do something about it, hit me up and i'll fight along with you.

for now, go shave your legs
son, you type like a middle schooler...


where was i when clinton was in office? i was in middle were in diapers


Originally Posted by peks03

Originally Posted by adiosburritos
you consider someone brainwashed if they think that working hard and making the right decisions?  wow!  we're in bigger trouble than i thought.  my whole family must be a bunch of brainwashed sheep then.  my parents immigrated here from the Philippines worked hard and made the right decisions.  that's what must of brainwashed me to think that hard work and making the right decisions leads to success.


yes, they immigrated and worked hard so you can sit in their house and resell 20 pairs of basketball sneakers they bought for you to your internet friends


you keep telling us spoiled kids with a sense of entitlement just how amazing you and your family are.....

we care.

Originally Posted by secretzofwar

. If you want to start voting in people who will do that, I'm 99% sure we have a democracy and you can do that. No need to go around blaming institutions where well over 90% of the actors are at no fault. 


, yes, democracy, where you vote for WHOEVER you want, not just the choice of two candidates who are funded entirely by the very same companies we want them to fight....


Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't care how hard you worked for your +@#%**# bank...that doesn't change the FACT that the industry is fundamentally wrong on all levels. 
Sorry you believe in something that isn't right and is proving it's faultiness with every passing displayed by the current condition of the global economy. 

Its funny how these finance guys make the contemporary situation out to be a bunch of lazy vagrants of society not working and not looking for jobs. Instead of realizing that it is in fact them who society is holding up...its them whose social utility doesn't fit the picture anymore...

its impossible for the blatant exploitation to continue...we've reached a new epoch of social relations...the world is too interconnected due to gigantic leaps in communicative technology...and you are witnessing the system destroy ITSELF. 
If it weren't for this "industry" you speak of, NONE of the current luxuries you enjoy would be here. There would be no incentive to create anything as rapidly as our system has supported for the past 50 years. Our society isn't prepared to lose everything they have accumulated for the "good of man."

Now, if you want to argue philosophy and purpose, I'm not the one to do it with. I'm much too practical for an intellectual conversation like that.
son, they tax our labor.

think about that for a second....

without bringing anything else into the argument.




Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

If you must know, in 2009 I was an Economics major working at a financial institution and was slated for a fast-tracked executive leadership program position.
 im a god...i called it.

finance majors hardly ever have any sort of perspective whatsoever.

VERY easy to pick you out of a crowd.

you had an expectation that the program you were in would benefit you...and it didnt.

but you werent affected one bit, huh? you just cried to us on NT about some @++% we dont care about cause you're so strong, huh?

The point that so easily flew over your head, was that I didn't blame anyone for the economy failing my "expectation." I picked up my stuff and moved on while still bettering myself in the short term. I didn't give up because an obstacle was thrown in front of me. The fact that the obstacle may have been created by some CEO on Wall St. HAD NO BEARING ON MY ACTIONS. Because I'm a man and men take care of what they have to take care of. They don't sit back and smoke dope, whining about every hardship that was placed in front of them. But that's just how I was raised, I can't speak for you everyone.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Lol @ living off my parents struggles, real life and you probably wouldn't understand this, but all my mother did was give me an opportunity, a shot...she didn't push me to go to college, she didn't help me late night with homeworks, she didn't tell me wat would be a good career choice or paid for anything besides the roof on my head and the food I ate while I was with know NOTHING.

And living comfortable, well I don't live like a king, I pay bills like everyone else, made a jump at a mortgage right before the market dipped, so literally a month after I purchased my apt dropped about 30k in value...did I cry to everyone about how I got done dirty???...NO, just hopped on the L train, along with everyone else....I own a 40k car which if I was to sell I wouldn't even get half of what I paid no more than 3 years ago...again MY CHOICE...I've been dealt the same hand as the average American, I'm no different than the majority ofthe people out protesting, if anything they probably had more opportunities than I did...what is there to sympathize with?

first your mom struggled to give you the opportunity now she did nothing

yeah, best post ever.

you condtradict yourself plenty without me saying anything.

like i said, your mom coulda sold you into child prostitution....thats a reality.

those kids have the same opportunity as you in this great land of america?


"she didnt push me to go to college"


i used to teach kids who came to school 2 days a week....because their mother's didnt feel like taking them to school...

im talking kindergarteners.

those kids have the same opportunity as you?

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

If you must know, in 2009 I was an Economics major working at a financial institution and was slated for a fast-tracked executive leadership program position.
 im a god...i called it.

finance majors hardly ever have any sort of perspective whatsoever.

VERY easy to pick you out of a crowd.

you had an expectation that the program you were in would benefit you...and it didnt.

but you werent affected one bit, huh? you just cried to us on NT about some @++% we dont care about cause you're so strong, huh?
The point that so easily flew over your head, was that I didn't blame anyone for the economy failing my "expectation." I picked up my stuff and moved on while still bettering myself in the short term. I didn't give up because an obstacle was thrown in front of me. The fact that the obstacle may have been created by some CEO on Wall St. HAD NO BEARING ON MY ACTIONS. Because I'm a man and men take care of what they have to take care of. They don't sit back and smoke dope, whining about every hardship that was placed in front of them. But that's just how I was raised, I can't speak for you everyone.

   like, why are you dudes so arrogant?

like, do you have to feed your ego because you're unhappy or a weak person?

like, when you sit by yourself not doing anything not touching or thinking about any possession or status you own or have...

are you at peace? are you happy with yourself?

you dudes all sound really caught up with proving how much better or stronger you are than everyone else...

i just found it hilarious, that, after ONE post you made

i knew everything about you that mattered to me...

finance/econ major

its even funnier you're a failed econ major...

YOU didnt blame anyone for the economy upsetting your expectation?

nobody would have hired you as an economist of anything, you cant even comprehend simple english




want a very basic explaination?

when your house catches on fire you have an expectation that firefighters will show up, correct?


now, please, contradict that, geniuses...
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

first your mom struggled to give you the opportunity now she did nothing

yeah, best post ever.

you condtradict yourself plenty without me saying anything.

like i said, your mom coulda sold you into child prostitution....thats a reality.

those kids have the same opportunity as you in this great land of america?


"she didnt push me to go to college"


i used to teach kids who came to school 2 days a week....because their mother's didnt feel like taking them to school...

im talking kindergarteners.

those kids have the same opportunity as you?


I know this wasn't a response to me but I'm trying to understand your logic. Is it the responsibility of our government to ensure children whose parents are unfit to care for or could care less about their education are taken care of? It seems you are mad that America has people who are better off than others. Almost as if those who are born should be given the same opportunity as those before them and next to them. Why would I work my *$$ of for my children if this were the case?

Your thinking breeds complacency. Everything you post is in reference, one way or another, to a Utopian society that will NEVER exist as a result of human beings inherent animalistic attributes.
black children enter school 2 grade behind their white counterparts.

they can estimate the prision enrollment by 2nd grade standarized testing in african american populations. (why that study was ever even done is beyond me)

3rd generation hispanic immigrants are well behind every other race of immigrants in education...

you can take your child out of public school, recieve a government voucher, then give public school funding to a private charter school which doesnt even require its teachers to be state certified....the public school loses that childs funding, AND additional funding because their attendence numbers dip...not to mention, the population they cater to being 3 grades behind grade level, on average, not meeting state standards for "improvement" causing them to reduce their staff by 3 intervention specialists...meanwhile, the suburban school has 3 secretaries and 2 brand new copy machines...

but everyone has the same opportunity in america.

because YOU are okay.

empathy and perspective....

two things my children will be sure to have.

i pity parents who raise children without empathy and perspective...
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

black children enter school 2 grade behind their white counterparts.

they can estimate the prision enrollment by 2nd grade standarized testing in african american populations. (why that study was ever even done is beyond me)

3rd generation hispanic immigrants are well behind every other race of immigrants in education...

you can take your child out of public school, recieve a government voucher, then give public school funding to a private charter school which doesnt even require its teachers to be state certified....the public school loses that childs funding, AND additional funding because their attendence numbers dip...not to mention, the population they cater to being 3 grades behind grade level, on average, not meeting state standards for "improvement" causing them to reduce their staff by 3 intervention specialists...meanwhile, the suburban school has 3 secretaries and 2 brand new copy machines...

but everyone has the same opportunity in america.

because YOU are okay.

empathy and perspective....

two things my children will be sure to have.

i pity parents who raise children without empathy and perspective...

Fair enough, not everyone in this country has the same oppourtunites or resources. 

But as an immigrant I can speak to the following point:
Even the bottom in this country have more opporunities than the average population in most countries.

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

like, why are you dudes so arrogant?

like, do you have to feed your ego because you're unhappy or a weak person?

like, when you sit by yourself not doing anything not touching or thinking about any possession or status you own or have...

are you at peace? are you happy with yourself?

you dudes all sound really caught up with proving how much better or stronger you are than everyone else...

i just found it hilarious, that, after ONE post you made

i knew everything about you that mattered to me...

finance/econ major

its even funnier you're a failed econ major...

YOU didnt blame anyone for the economy upsetting your expectation?

nobody would have hired you as an economist of anything, you cant even comprehend simple english




want a very basic explaination?

when your house catches on fire you have an expectation that firefighters will show up, correct?


now, please, contradict that, geniuses...
I don't understand how I am being arrogant. As usual, you don't address anything I say, but rather try to low blow your way out of arguments.

For the record, Finance is not Econ and vice versa. Should I go into how much of a blessing the elimination of my program was because I was hired as an Economist for another company, making more money and having better hours? Nah, I'll leave that out of the discussion. Continue to blabber about, posting nothing of substance with a few emoticons littered throughout.

What in the world are you even saying now? It is the responsibility of my county to put my fire out if I pay a county tax which covers fire protection. It is the responsibility of my country to keep my country safe under attack, if I pay taxes. It is not my expectation for my country to make sure my degree pays off, because I pay taxes.

There is a time and place for government. Your expectations are outlandish from the brief responses I've read of yours.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

I know this wasn't a response to me but I'm trying to understand your logic. Is it the responsibility of our government to ensure children whose parents are unfit to care for or could care less about their education are taken care of? It seems you are mad that America has people who are better off than others. Almost as if those who are born should be given the same opportunity as those before them and next to them. Why would I work my *$$ of for my children if this were the case?

Your thinking breeds complacency. Everything you post is in reference, one way or another, to a Utopian society that will NEVER exist as a result of human beings inherent animalistic attributes.


my logic is counter-arguing this thought that "everyone has an equal opportunity in america"

but, again, i wouldnt expect you to comprehend that.

my posts are actually mostly references to alternate perspectives than those who recite the language from american immigration phamplets hold...

and for some reason( my guess, the ego) me talking about a perspective different from your own is so horrible and im such a horrible person for doing makes me your enemy, somehow, to tell you, "no, not everyone is equal here."

you dudes are so lost in trying to argue with me, you're contradicting yourself in the very same post.

"everyone is equal. you want everyone to be the same, and we arent. why else would i work my butt of for my kids?"

like, do you even read what you type?

if we all agree the system is flawed and broken. and we all agree these banking ceo's make ridiculous amounts of money, especially at such a crazy time for our entire country........why are you in here posting at all?

to call me a fake MLK?

to call the protesting stupid?


that doesnt change the fact that we're being raped by a system that taxes our labor and changes the value of the currency we hold to continue to keep the wealth in the top 1%, profiting off the literal labor of the other 99%

that's literally whats happening.

but why should you care? you know?

you're a first responder living comfortably...who cares that your LABOR is LITERALLY being taxed while you work, every second....and every dollar you make is slowly depreciating due to hyper inflation....while you stack 1000 dollars, the top 1% stacks 1,000,000 dollars....while you pay taxes which come down to eating or not eating, they pay taxes that come down to 6 or 7 vacations that year.

you dont see a problem with that? cool.

some people do.

you think you'll attain that one day?


im a little more realistic with my aspirations.....and im going to be happy regardless.

have a great day.
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