Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Fair enough, not everyone in this country has the same oppourtunites or resources. 

But as an immigrant I can speak to the following point:
Even the bottom in this country have more opporunities than the average population in most countries.


while that's cool and all.....we dont live in somalia....

also, in those countries you mean, nobody is writing themselves a 10 million dollar check....

well, unless its a militant dictator.....

so just because we're not in intense civil war over food surplus' we cant protest injustice?

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

What in the world are you even saying now? It is the responsibility of my county to put my fire out if I pay a county tax which covers fire protection. It is the responsibility of my country to keep my country safe under attack, .
such an outlandish idea of government i have.

this is called an expectation of society.

i dont expect you to posses enough cognative function to peice together any sort of meaning from our multiple exchanges.

good day, sir.

Son your over use of smileys is an indication of how immature you are.
I'll keep @!@# 1st grade simple for you.

-yes there are expectations, never said there wasn't.

-you are hurting your career choice didn't pay off like you thought it would, that's your only issue and the ONLY reason why you are going HAM on here.

-good job at twisting my posts to interpret them how YOU want, this clown said I said my mother did nothing...she brought me here and gave me an opportunity!!...that's nothing to you, CLOWN???...

-I'm fully responsible for what I did with that opportunity.

-our argument about occupy wall street is no longer about that, you've obviously turned it into something about you and me pages ago, be happy with your choice son, stop being salty that others made a better one, probably the same reason you mad at these CEO's who according to you one day woke up and were making millions, without any struggles, you must be crazy.

-do I agree with the huge bonuses?? NO, but is the way if life, man is imperfect, greed is a natural thing, get some and want more, have more and want it all...

-man the *!+% up, pay off your loan, be happy at your teaching job and stop worrying about how much more your boss makes than you for less work...frame traits you have them.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

black children enter school 2 grade behind their white counterparts.

they can estimate the prision enrollment by 2nd grade standarized testing in african american populations. (why that study was ever even done is beyond me)

3rd generation hispanic immigrants are well behind every other race of immigrants in education...

you can take your child out of public school, recieve a government voucher, then give public school funding to a private charter school which doesnt even require its teachers to be state certified....the public school loses that childs funding, AND additional funding because their attendence numbers dip...not to mention, the population they cater to being 3 grades behind grade level, on average, not meeting state standards for "improvement" causing them to reduce their staff by 3 intervention specialists...meanwhile, the suburban school has 3 secretaries and 2 brand new copy machines...

but everyone has the same opportunity in america.

because YOU are okay.

empathy and perspective....

two things my children will be sure to have.

i pity parents who raise children without empathy and perspective...
It's funny because someone very close to me is actually a school teacher. I would love to teach math and coach football. That is my ideal line of work.We had a discussion weighing the pros and cons of us both being teachers. We determined that it would better serve our interests (mostly monetary) for me to pursue other avenues.

I understand the struggles our education system has and can only point the finger at one source, people. We spend more money per student than any country in the world and aren't on the first page of any rankings. Why? Because teachers don't care enough. I applaud your effort and hope there are more people out there like you. But the reality is, many teachers could care less about children and if there isn't a mechanism to award good teachers and punish bad teachers, this will never change.

Something tells me if this were the case, you'd blame the government for being to harsh and setting unrealistic expectations which cause more poverty and unemployment because of a racial bias. It's a never ending cycle that can't and won't be fixed with complaining.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Fair enough, not everyone in this country has the same oppourtunites or resources. 

But as an immigrant I can speak to the following point:
Even the bottom in this country have more opporunities than the average population in most countries.


while that's cool and all.....we dont live in somalia....

also, in those countries you mean, nobody is writing themselves a 10 million dollar check....

well, unless its a militant dictator.....

so just because we're not in intense civil war over food surplus' we cant protest injustice?


The only place YOU are protesting in, is in this board!!!!!!! are not doing a damn thinggggg other than that.Talking about "We" can't protest?...hahahahahhahahaahahhahaYou probably won't even have the balls to go down there and even honk your horn in front of a cop knowing they'll smack you with a ticket.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Son your over use of smileys is an indication of how immature you are.
I'll keep @!@# 1st grade simple for you.

-yes there are expectations, never said there wasn't.

-you are hurting your career choice didn't pay off like you thought it would, that's your only issue and the ONLY reason why you are going HAM on here.

-good job at twisting my posts to interpret them how YOU want, this clown said I said my mother did nothing...she brought me here and gave me an opportunity!!...that's nothing to you, CLOWN???...

-I'm fully responsible for what I did with that opportunity.

-our argument about occupy wall street is no longer about that, you've obviously turned it into something about you and me pages ago, be happy with your choice son, stop being salty that others made a better one, probably the same reason you mad at these CEO's who according to you one day woke up and were making millions, without any struggles, you must be crazy.

-do I agree with the huge bonuses?? NO, but is the way if life, man is imperfect, greed is a natural thing, get some and want more, have more and want it all...

-man the *!+% up, pay off your loan, be happy at your teaching job and stop worrying about how much more your boss makes than you for less work...frame traits you have them.

now theres exceptions? lmao contradiction number 50

Lol @ living off my parents struggles, real life and you probably wouldn't understand this, but all my mother did was give me an opportunity, a shot...she didn't push me to go to college, she didn't help me late night with homeworks, she didn't tell me wat would be a good career choice or paid for anything besides the roof on my head and the food I ate while I was with her....




"all she ever did was birth me, house me and feed me......nothing else..not like she helped me study"


yes there are expectations, never said there wasn't.
no, you just made up some ridiculous statement about how im salty and expect society to take care of me or some dumb %!++ you idealized in your mind about what i meant when i said expectations.

do I agree with the huge bonuses?? NO, but is the way if life, man is imperfect, greed is a natural thing, get some and want more, have more and want it all... you agree with the entire reason people are occupying wall street. oh. you just wanna be cool and stand out by saying they're stupid? oh.


-man the *!+% up, pay off your loan, be happy at your teaching job and stop worrying about how much more your boss makes than you for less work...frame traits you have them.
but...i got a free ride..... boss are these children who hug me and thank me for being me....

i dont technically have a boss, per se...the principal is my boss, but she really cant fire me....

i took a job in a school over a college debt collection firm upper management position because i really want to help kids who need help.

not because i've failed or made any wrong decision. this was a choice i made.....i picked a fullfilling REAL tangible important job over one that would have made me alot of money.....

why? because thats who i am...thats me...thats how i feel...i woulda been as miserable as you guys at that upper management position..

youll probably call it a bad choice, but whatever, you're not motivated by perspective and empathy

you're motivated by your ego.

so, trust me when i say, i'll be just fine with kids telling me they wish i was their father while i impact their lives forever, regardless of how much i get paid.....

which, again, has nothing to do with you speaking ill of the occupy wall street movement for attention...or something.

way to prove me wrong about your arrogance, tho.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

The only place YOU are protesting in, is in this board!!!!!!! are not doing a damn thinggggg other than that. Talking about "We" can't protest?...hahahahahhahahaahahhaha You probably won't even have the balls to go down there and even honk your horn in front of a cop knowing they'll smack you with a ticket.

i meant we as in americans.

good job tho...i know you were itching to throw that quirp out at only protesting on this board! WOOOOO


Originally Posted by nestasprotege

It's a never ending cycle that can't and won't be fixed with complaining.
, you got it, economist.
This dude is seriously telling me I think I'm better than everyone else, meanwhile everyone that has disagreed with him, his initial reaction is attack them by calling them stupid or lacking some brain cells, the fact that you sit in front of a classroom and "teach" really got to your head bro.

Is funny because you said we lack perspective, but you seem to be confined within the walls of YOUR school, there are schools everywhere, public schools shutting down you say?...find a job in a private is some perspective, I have middle school teacher friends, who laugh at me for working 24 hours straight while they sit on their @$! collecting checks through the summer for doing nothing, work no later than 4pm, no weekends, no holidays, all paid for, son ask me when was the last time I spent new years with the fam??...last year I had to open my gift on Christmas through a face chat on my iPhone from my dark office while I worked over night, pull your skirt up, b.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

This dude is seriously telling me I thinking better than everyone else, meanwhile everyone that has disagreed with him, his initial reaction is attack them by calling them stupid or lacking some brain cells, the fact that you sit in front of a classroom and "teach" really got to your head bro.

Is funny because you said we lack perspective, but you seem to be confined within the walls of YOUR school, there are schools everywhere, public schools shutting down you say?...find a job in a private is some perspective, I have middle school teacher friends, who laugh at me for working 24 hours straight while they sit on their *@* collecting checks through the summer for doing nothing, work no later than 4pm, no weekends, no holidays, all paid for, son ask me when was the last time I spent new years with the fam??...last year I had to open my gift on Christmas through a face chat on my iPhone from my dark office while I worked over night, pull your skirt up, b.
 who said anything about schools shutting down?

private school?
 thats not why im in this profession, dog

i never said i was a teacher, either.

im not saying people sound stupid or lack brain cells because they disagree with me....i say they sound stupid or lack brain cells because, well, they sound stupid and lack brain cells.

dude started off his response back to me like "i know im not smart."

its obvious you think you're better than other people....obvious. im not even the first person to say it in this thread. you actually shocked another NTer who is cool with you...he didnt think it was you posting...lmao

hows that for perspective?
  lmao you crying about having to slave 24 hours straight all the time and dont get holidays off?

son, it sounds like you made a bad decision......

You are a middle school teacher bro, you are not doing anything special or life changing for these kids, other than teaching them numbers and letters, who remembers anyof their middle school teachers!? want to impact youth, go work at group home, a place fir troubled youth, dealing with teenagers who will for sure turn to felons if someone doesn't step giving yourself a little too much credit by teaching little kids how to are one of those "I would do" type of dudes and not a "I'm gonna do this"
Originally Posted by ksteezy

You are a middle school teacher bro, you are not doing anything special or life changing for these kids, other than teaching them numbers and letters, who remembers anyof their middle school teachers!? want to impact youth, go work at group home, a place fir troubled youth, dealing with teenagers who will for sure turn to felons if someone doesn't step giving yourself a little too much credit by teaching little kids how to are one of those "I would do" type of dudes and not a "I'm gonna do this"



lack of perspective

son, i dont work at a middle school.

when i said 'changing their lives" those were their words...

ive had kids tell me they wish i was their father.

but you got it pal.

keep showing your sense of humility, and your vast perspective and empathy tho.

 dude is in full NT rage, actually trying to RIFF me for supposedly being a middle school teacher LMAO

that's full on NT rage.

he's mad he opened his present via skype

while his friends "sit on their !**%!"

because HE made the wrong decision


this is so off topic.

peace, dude.


This dude right here and his smileys, speak like an adult.

Yeah son I'm better than you, if hearing it from me makes you feel better about your insecurity.

Because I mention things like I work 24's and holidays must mean I'm crying???...hahahah I'm not you ^^^bro, besides loving what I do which is help the sick and needy, I knew it was a smart choice of career, so I'm happy working my holidays while I collect time and half for doing what I love....just giving you some perspective you seem to lack.

In before a million and one more smileys from Curb.
Lol, yeah "full NT rage mode" you sir are a cornball....go preach to the 12 year olds that idolize you and "wish" you were their father...this dude man.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Yeah son I'm better than you, if hearing it from me makes you feel better about your insecurity.
another contradiction.

Lolwut?My man wouldn't know sarcasm if it smacked him in the face..
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


you're mad.

its okay.

contradict yourself again, tho.

Yes sir I'm raging, tearing my hair out, cornball.I thought you were done like 3 posts ago...seems like you are the one with an e-ego problem, "I gotta have the last say" ::brings in the violins::
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Yeah son I'm better than you, if hearing it from me makes you feel better about your insecurity.
another contradiction.

Lolwut? My man wouldn't know sarcasm if it smacked him in the face..

, a nurse attempting  a literary technique....

"another bad decision"

(sure, that was sarcasm, whatever you say

yo, meth or whatever mod underling is watching this, waiting for me to do something bannable

lock this up.

this guy is neglecting his patients to NT rage on me

anything i type he's going to talk down about

"oh, you're 27? look how old you are dude"


"look how many emoticons you use dude"

Originally Posted by ksteezy

This dude is seriously telling me I think I'm better than everyone else, meanwhile everyone that has disagreed with him, his initial reaction is attack them by calling them stupid or lacking some brain cells, the fact that you sit in front of a classroom and "teach" really got to your head bro.

Is funny because you said we lack perspective, but you seem to be confined within the walls of YOUR school, there are schools everywhere, public schools shutting down you say?...find a job in a private is some perspective, I have middle school teacher friends, who laugh at me for working 24 hours straight while they sit on their @$! collecting checks through the summer for doing nothing, work no later than 4pm, no weekends, no holidays, all paid for, son ask me when was the last time I spent new years with the fam??...last year I had to open my gift on Christmas through a face chat on my iPhone from my dark office while I worked over night, pull your skirt up, b.
^^^ ^^^bro calling out Meth!!!!!!....this can't be life, do something bannable??...the hell would that be??...and I'm raging? Keep at it are giving me some good laughs.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by ksteezy

A bailout?...take some from the CEO and give it to me? that the idea?...How come we don't speak on all the success stories???...people who came from nothing and became something??...all possible because of this flawed really believe the system is designed to not let anyone advance??..
you do understand that those cases are the minority and not the majority right?

you seem truly brainwashed if you think all it takes to be successful is working hard and making the right decisions

Yeah I'm totally brainwashed and only a selected few are picked by a higher power to succeed.

you make it seem like the people protesting aren't working hard to try and be successful. you make it seem like people who arent "successful" aren't because they're not working hard enough. you dont know what these people are going through
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