Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

The reasoning for finding God is less important. Finding God is all that matters. I don't care how you get there, just get there.

Why do you care who finds god? That's what Atheists have going for them. There isn't an agenda. I've never tried converting anyone to atheism. Why? Because I don't care and those who are deeply religious obviously need god. A world without religion or god is too much for them to handle. It's easier to have a backup because it keeps you from ever really fully dealing with anything. If god has your back, no failures or faults are as terrifying. You'll still get your cloud condo and see your dead aunt. Glory is given to god, hardships are seen as tests of faith. "God doesn't give you anything you can't handle" loosely translates to "well, god didn't do me any favors there but I will keep believing because I'm afraid of what will happen if I don't."

I said maybe atheists are afraid because they have no backup. The initial comment was how its rare that we see atheists speak publicly about their beliefs, probably to avoid alienating people and repercussions. That's fear. People with faith have no fear of speaking on their faith, because they believe in something higher. They believe God protects them so they can do and say what they feel. Atheists typically keep their beliefs to themselves.

This is rubbish. Atheists don't speak about their beliefs? How many people here have mentioned being annoyed by in-your-face atheists? I don't speak on my atheism (unless there is a discussion) because I'm not trying to convert anyone. I'm not trying to subordinate anyone with my beliefs. I'm not trying to justify my contempt or refusal to accept people. I don't see anyone as a lost soul or lesser person because I don't have a book that subjugates people and calls them sinners. I never need anyone to fix themselves to see them as equals.

You guys just aren't fun to have conversations with. You just pick and choose what you respond to when it fits your argument. I've already said a few times, I don't care what you guys believe in. It doesn't matter to me. what you eat doesn't make me ****. If you're a cool person, you're cool with me, regardless. I'm not saying I want you to believe, it really makes no difference. I'm not the morpheus of christians trying to free yall minds. Do whatever makes you happy my g's. Forreal. I was just saying that is how it works. It matters not the road taken to find God, only that you reach the destination, if you want.

Dude said "back up plan".  I'm laughing so hard at that concept. It's his own way of saying, I'll be Christian.....just in case. Not realizing he literally has as good a chance of being completely wrong as other religions AND atheists. To other non-Christians a Christian is basically a non-believer and infidel.

I'm not a Christian just in case. I'm a Christian because I believe in God and Jesus Christ. I said back up, you heard back-up plan. That's not what I said. I am just a man, God is greater than that. God is the only plan. The Alpha & Omega. I could be completely wrong. I do not believe that I am. We'll all find out whom is right and wrong one day. We all could be wrong. Time will tell.
[quote name="lobotomybeats"]You know what's weird? I remember the days when it was mainly Lionblood and me fighting the godless fight.[/quote]Probably against me a time or two. :\

One of my deepest life regrets, and I've got many, is drinking the kool-aid as long as I did. I know it's because of indoctrination, but I hate that I told people the things I told people, argued the things I argued. Ignorance, man. :\
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I think there are more atheists than believers who post regularly on here.
( im sure there are some who are just scared or dont feel they can adequately defend or present their beliefs)
[quote name="Freeze"]You guys just aren't fun to have conversations with. You just pick and choose what you respond to when it fits your argument. [/quote]Dead that. I quoted like 5 or 6 different things from you earlier. You responded to one. They were all close to each other, too.

And I don't care at all. Honest.

Just can't stand seeing people chastise others doing what they do themselves.
[quote name="Freeze"]You guys just aren't fun to have conversations with. You just pick and choose what you respond to when it fits your argument.
Dead that. I quoted like 5 or 6 different things from you earlier. You responded to one. They were all close to each other, too.

And I don't care at all. Honest.

Just can't stand seeing people chastise others doing what they do themselves.[/quote]
I'm sorry, it wasn't on purpose, I'll respond to them now.
Sillyputty seemed like that annoying new atheist that won't shut the **** up about it. He's like the kid that did a semester abroad and now properly pronounces it Budapesht just to raise eyebrows.
People go to prison and find God it is what it is.

There are plenty of us out here living amazing lives. Fully flourishing and prosperous. No turmoil, no struggle. We give glory to God regardless. The reasoning for finding God is less important. Finding God is all that matters. I don't care how you get there, just get there. The hurt, the weak, the sad, the broken, there's a psalm for that.
And that's always been disappointing but I'm not gonna be stupid and ignore the conditions of imprisonment which lead them use religion as a crutch to survive under those conditions.

That's simply all that is. If you're simpnt. Finding God is all that matters. I don't care how you get there, just get there. The hurt, the weak, the sad, the broken, there's a psalm for that.
How yall atheist feel about having churches?
Do yall see the need? or benefit?
I feel when some atheists go that far it's just to mock believers.

If this becomes more of a thing, I'll be preaching non-belief, logic, and reason to get a mega church too.
Explain what you meant by "back up".  Sounds like an insurance policy to me.

Actually I hate to break it to you but you're a Christian because you were indoctrinated and you are afraid. That's the single most reason you are a Christian, all the other stuff is just fluff.  Some guy told you Jesus is Lord, you repeated it for years until it was carved into your psyche. It also gave you a sense of belonging, probably raised in a community were atheists are pariah's. You are simply a product of your environment, nothing more. There's nothing inherently Christian about you.

Isn't this more forgivable though? Not that anyone needs forgiveness, but at least this isn't a conscious decision.

"If religious instruction were not allowed until the child had attained the age of reason, we would be living in a quite different world."

-Christopher Hitchens
Sillyputty seemed like that annoying new atheist that won't shut the **** up about it. He's like the kid that did a semester abroad and now properly pronounces it Budapesht just to raise eyebrows.
You do know he has been posting in this thread right
[quote name="Legalsole"][quote name="youngwolf"]Exactly.[/quote]Aha this back in forth is hilarious.

I saw the irony right away.[/quote]For real? Because he already apologized for the presumption it takes to have seen the irony.

Will you be following suit?[quote name="youngwolf"][quote name="Chewie"][quote name="youngwolf"]Even if he was, the irony is still there.

He wants people to celebrate according to his beliefs and not their own. He's being very hypocritical.[/quote]Not sure if you're serious. In NO WAY would I ever expecto someone to cater to my personal beliefs

I simply said it was refreshing to see someone speak against the opinion that has dominated sports for the last 50 years. Just making a point that it was nice to see somebody NOT "give god the glory" for a change. Nothing to do with what I believe[/quote]If that was the point you were making, then I apologize. My mistake, man.[/quote]
Worldwide free expression of atheists is an issue of civil rights. You may be able to get away with all that gay Satanic sh here but they don't play in Bangladesh.

*Waits to hear about the persecution worldwide of God fearing people*...
*Waits to hear about the persecution worldwide of God fearing people*...

you know what? I fear god and I know he doesn't exist. I fear everything that is done in his name. You watch that debate last night and listen to Scott Walker or Mike Huckabee and you realize that everyone should be a god fearing person.
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[quote name="Freeze"][quote name="PLVN"]Why?

You think that because he's atheist he doesn't want a peaceful coexistence? :lol:
No because he's athiest, he thinks they're all wrong.[/quote]The peace symbol is one of the signs in 'COEXIST'.

You think he thinks peace is wrong?[/quote]

No I don't think he thinks peace is wrong. I just think it's confusing to wear symbols of factions you don't believe in, even if you're doing it to mean something else. I like the idea of it, I've seen the coexist bumper stickers. But ultimately he still has a cross and and a muslim crescent, and the star of david on his arm. It really is a hippie way of thinking, just telling people to play nice doesn't address the problem that they have with each other. It's a tougher situation than just putting all the symbols together and telling people to get along. Much of the differences have nothing to do with beliefs, but territories and resources. It's just different factions of people fighting, so often the media paints it as war of religious freedoms.

[quote name="Freeze"]People with faith have no fear of speaking on their faith
Yet I keep hearing all this talk of religious people being persecuted. :lol:[/quote]

Well I take that back. They should have no fear, but people of different religions have faced penalties all through history. The syrians face a ton right now. Religion has always been one of the basis of war. It is less prevalent in America though. It's a country built on Christianity.
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Little known fact,the "one nation under god" part of the pledge was added around WW2...

The founding fathers specifically had the concept of secularism written into the constitution
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No I don't think he thinks peace is wrong. I just think it's confusing to wear symbols of factions you don't believe in, even if you're doing it to mean something else. I like the idea of it, I've seen the coexist bumper stickers. But ultimately he still has a cross and and a muslim crescent, and the star of david on his arm. It really is a hippie way of thinking, just telling people to play nice doesn't address the problem that they have with each other. It's a tougher situation than just putting all the symbols together and telling people to get along. Much of the differences have nothing to do with beliefs, but territories and resources. It's just different factions of people fighting, so often the media paints it as war of religious freedoms.

Well I take that back. They should have no fear, but people of different religions have faced penalties all through history. The syrians face a ton right now. Religion has always been one of the basis of war. It is less prevalent in America though. It's a country built on Christianity.

With a little bit of genocide sprinkled in there.

that too.
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