Asics Love?!? Where is it?

Did those 2 ever patch it up?  Not that it matters but Deon was so mad lol. Deon should send him a thank you note if/when he sells those V1 samples lol

I got these as trade bait so I'm not too bummed but I'm sure during the AWFUL snow storm, someone managed to swing by and grab a few pairs back door. Thanks kith [emoji]9996[/emoji]️
That kith refund, uh oh.. :nerd:

I hope I don't go 0/2 on these lmao
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I got these as trade bait so I'm not too bummed but I'm sure during the AWFUL snow storm, someone managed to swing by and grab a few pairs back door. Thanks kith [emoji]9996[/emoji]️
while i was in bk to get diadoras i was like the 6th person in line and they sold out before i got in.
Wow. Concepts leaning into this hard.

As a member of a minority that has been the victim of the blight of drugs, and having lost friends and family to ODs and dealer thuggery I don't know how to feel about this shopping experience just so some dudes can get their kicks while copping. Also, seems like this process will be slow and it is freezing in NYC this weekend. 
Wow. Concepts leaning into this hard.

As a member of a minority that has been the victim of the blight of drugs, and having lost friends and family to ODs and dealer thuggery I don't know how to feel about this shopping experience just so some dudes can get their kicks while copping. Also, seems like this process will be slow and it is freezing in NYC this weekend. 
Agreed. Pretty lame, the theme of the shoe is still a bit touchy for some, but trying to make the buying process feel like a drug deal.. what kinda **** is that concepts? 
if you guys actually like the shoe just order them online or from another retailer, who cares how they sell them in person :rolleyes
Wow. Concepts leaning into this hard.

As a member of a minority that has been the victim of the blight of drugs, and having lost friends and family to ODs and dealer thuggery I don't know how to feel about this shopping experience just so some dudes can get their kicks while copping. Also, seems like this process will be slow and it is freezing in NYC this weekend. 
this is OD (no pun intended)

concepts lame for trying to mimic a drug deal
They should rob every 11th person at gun point

For real though. Its a lame idea, but drugs are glamourized now
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It'll mimic a drug deal going down, but will end up looking more like a soup kitchen with 50 people waiting in line in the cold...
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Never seen a drug sale go like that, except on movies. So I probably shouldn't be mad since the "concept" is over the top just like a movie... just a way to pump up the heads of wana bes who have (thankfully) never been about that life and don't carry the repercussions. I rarely complain about that kind of stuff but between adidas and now this...I fully support their right to do it, just think they should have thought about more than their profits  and wish that more people would respond by not purchasing. Yeah, I know...just shoes but even if you get past the racist/classist undertones at the very least it is super corny in my opinion...but life goes on.
Never seen a drug sale go like that, except on movies. So I probably shouldn't be mad since the "concept" is over the top just like a movie... just a way to pump up the heads of wana bes who have (thankfully) never been about that life and don't carry the repercussions. I rarely complain about that kind of stuff but between adidas and now this...I fully support their right to do it, just think they should have thought about more than their profits  and wish that more people would respond by not purchasing. Yeah, I know...just shoes but even if you get past the racist/classist undertones at the very least it is super corny in my opinion...but life goes on.

This, but you lost me at the race and class tones
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