Asics Love?!? Where is it?

This, but you lost me at the race and class tones
Most of the time the victims of drug violence and the ones committing drug related crimes and living with the repercussions from the drug trade...are from the "working" middle class and below. Even more so in urban areas. Which also tend to be predominately black/hispanic.

Not to mention the fact that the government has and for all we know still does target minority neighboorhoods to distribute cocaine and heroine. 

I don't always buy into the race thing because at the end of the day, I still think its more about economics and class system.

edit: @mochachip2   hahaha..I was about to edit this post by saying "don't mind the username".  Which was made up when I was a lot younger, and probably should have been changed years ago. I get the allusion that shoes are addictive, etc (which is what my username was about lol) but I think it is at least partially irresponsible for such a large shop to go that far. It is what it is though...and it will pass and people will forget it. Right or wrong.
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thread is hella sensitive tonight
Anyone get some of the new '15 GR GLVs yet? Do they feel smaller to you?  I got a pair of the Navys and I swear they're smaller/tighter.
those cncpts are gonna be hard as hell to cop. especially since all the haters are starting to convert. these are buzzing hard right now, people talking about these more than the soleflys lol
Should have decorated the shop to look like Derek Foreal's salon :lol:
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Im thinking they will be fairly easy to cop, for those who are familiar with online from CNCPTS. Good luck to all. Gonna get butt hurt on this solefly release but thats how it is right
edit: @mochachip2   hahaha..I was about to edit this post by saying "don't mind the username".  Which was made up when I was a lot younger, and probably should have been changed years ago. I get the allusion that shoes are addictive, etc (which is what my username was about lol) but I think it is at least partially irresponsible for such a large shop to go that far. It is what it is though...and it will pass and people will forget it. Right or wrong.
I feel you and I've likened the sneaker thing to the drug thing on multiple occasions.  It just made me chuckle.  You had good points though and I think these look nice, but I wouldn't cop.
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