Black Culture Discussion Thread

Expecting someone to understand white supremacy at 17-18 via 2013 twitter?!


stop it. You can grow up perfectly black and fine without understanding white supremacy at that age and having problematic tweets in 2013.

Bro stop it. You definitely should have an understanding of white supremacy at that age and how this country views black people as a whole. I ain't saying you gotta be Dr. Umar Johnson lol but at least have an understanding of it.

I agree, 17-18 is well old enough to know. His privilege of having an MLB dad, and being born the correct shade of brown leaps out from those tweets....can't say I'm shocked though.
Hit the nail on the head, he may not even view himself as a black man, he might be on that Tiger Wood Canablasian tip. His upbringing is different but we do need to point these things out, especially now.
Y'all ever considered the 'parallel society' concept? It's not full on separatism. It's basically the idea of entire social structures existing within a larger one. How's that different from what we have now? Well imagine that there were private organizations run by the members within said black parallel society that held as much sway/influence if not more than the public authorities within the community. Imagine entire institutions: hospitals, school systems, insurance companies, banks, that work within our community.

Wait..isnt that segregation? Nope. This is voluntary.

Any living examples? Most Chinatowns, Jewish neighborhoods, pretty much any insular community in the US.

Edit: I like the wikipedia definition: "Parallel society refers to the self-organization of an ethnic or religious minority, often but not always immigrant groups, with the intent of a reduced or minimal spatial, social and cultural contact with the majority society into which they immigrate. "
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Y'all ever considered the 'parallel society' concept? It's not full on separatism. It's basically the idea of entire social structures existing within a larger one. How's that different from what we have now? Well imagine that there were private organizations run by the members within said black parallel society that held as much sway/influence if not more than the public authorities within the community. Imagine entire institutions: hospitals, school systems, insurance companies, banks, that work within our community.

Wait..isnt that segregation? Nope. This is voluntary.

Any living examples? Most Chinatowns, Jewish neighborhoods, pretty much any insular community in the US.

Edit: I like the wikipedia definition: "Parallel society refers to the self-organization of an ethnic or religious minority, often but not always immigrant groups, with the intent of a reduced or minimal spatial, social and cultural contact with the majority society into which they immigrate. "
This had happened countless times and all ended the same. Theft and destruction from the dominant society.

Next time there needs to be more of an emphasis on security and legal protections from government.
This had happened countless times and all ended the same. Theft and destruction from the dominant society.

Next time there needs to be more of an emphasis on security and legal protections from government.

we had that and they took that from us too.

One thing we didn't take into account was numbers. Black people in the US are entirely way too spread out demographically. We are roughly 15% of the total population. Since the majority of blacks live in the south, wouldn't it make sense to migrate back to that area, of course either living in separate districts/neighborhoods, taking over entire towns, or perhaps going so far as to build a new settlement from scratch?
The problem is the vile and wicked don't want to leave us alone....its a perverted obsession with wanting to see us suffer since we are no longer slaves.
Black Wall Street was prime example of this obsession
When they tell us to go back to Africa they really don't mean it.
Its almost as if they need us around...the afterlife will tell all:wink:
The problem is the vile and wicked don't want to leave us alone....its a perverted obsession with wanting to see us suffer since we are no longer slaves.
Black Wall Street was prime example of this obsession
When they tell us to go back to Africa they really don't mean it.
Its almost as if they need us around...the afterlife will tell all:wink:

Sure but there's strength in numbers. BWS was an isolated community. An island of black surrounded by white. In the scenario I'm suggesting we would be living in communities adjacent to other black communities. Entire counties and parts of states dominated by Blacks.
Well imagine that there were private organizations run by the members within said black parallel society that held as much sway/influence if not more than the public authorities within the community.
What about outside of said community?

How does the concept of parallel society address the dependence of the community on the larger society (country/state/county/city) that said community is part of?
Throughout American history, that dependence has often been used as a weapon against black communities, despite the presence of influential private entities within them (Black Wall St was an example).

Jewish and Chinese enclaves are left alone by the federal/state governments because of their outsized influence on those larger entities through China and Israel. The fact that these two countries (and others like Saudi Arabia and Russia) are major economic and political partners of the US makes it hard for the US to come down hard on those communities like they do with Black American and some Latino communities.

To me, it is more important to figure out how to create the kind of leverage that will negate the vulnerability created by the reliance/dependence on local, state, and/or federal entities.
I was literally just thinking about this last night. Never heard my parents apologize to any of us about anything...ever.
I never grew up thinking my mother did wrong, so I never expected or wanted an apology.

My mother raised me dolo. Divorce was final when I was 6 months old. He had other issues that kept him from being around. I was the youngest of 3.

Through actions, my mother proved she not just loved me but would give me anything in the world she possibly could. She gave me a head start a lot of folks in similar situations couldn't afford. And she overlooked a ton or **** **** I did that should have had major strain on our relationship.

But not one time has she said the words I love you to me. Dont even remember seeing it written down or as a ending to a note "love mama". Not once. But she didn't have to say it for me to know.
It's a generational thing. We wouldn't understand.

Our Moms and Dads seen things Fam.

I lived though the 90's and my nephews have no idea so I can't imagine what my parents saw.

Especially if you're Black.

Imagine growing up seeing "whites only" signs and the murder of MLK and a kid with a cell phone and $200 sneakers seeks an apology from you.

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What about outside of said community?

How does the concept of parallel society address the dependence of the community on the larger society (country/state/county/city) that said community is part of?
Throughout American history, that dependence has often been used as a weapon against black communities, despite the presence of influential private entities within them (Black Wall St was an example).

Jewish and Chinese enclaves are left alone by the federal/state governments because of their outsized influence on those larger entities through China and Israel. The fact that these two countries (and others like Saudi Arabia and Russia) are major economic and political partners of the US makes it hard for the US to come down hard on those communities like they do with Black American and some Latino communities.

To me, it is more important to figure out how to create the kind of leverage that will negate the vulnerability created by the reliance/dependence on local, state, and/or federal entities.

Bro I love this.

You said Jews and Chinese in America are good because they have these major players overseas called Isreal and China. However, we have Africa, but we dont even run our home continent.

Unless Africa belongs to Africans. The diasporas is going nowhere!
Bro I love this.

You said Jews and Chinese in America are good because they have these major players overseas called Isreal and China. However, we have Africa, but we dont even run our home continent.

Unless Africa belongs to Africans. The diasporas is going nowhere!
You’re comparing 2 countries to the second largest continent on the planet. That’s stiflingly unrealistic.
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