Black Culture Discussion Thread

I dont think most teachers are going to uphold that. Florida is like the US when Trump got elected. Looking at the election, you would think the whole country lost its mind, but in reality its THAT many low IQ rednecks and THAT many people not voting. The outcomes dont really reflect the ideas of the people.
And this is the messed up part. Pitting the families against each other to take advantaged

"ONE OF THE MOST PERNICIOUS legal mechanisms used to dispossess heirs’ property owners is called a partition action. In the course of generations, heirs tend to disperse and lose any connection to the land. Speculators can buy off the interest of a single heir, and just one heir or speculator, no matter how minute his share, can force the sale of an entire plot through the courts. Andrew Kahrl, an associate professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Virginia, told me that even small financial incentives can have the effect of turning relatives against one another, and developers exploit these divisions. “You need to have some willing participation from black families — driven by the desire to profit off their land holdings,” Kahrl said. “But it does boil down to greed and abuse of power and the way in which Americans’ history of racial inequality can be used to the advantage of developers.” As the Reels family grew over time, the threat of a partition sale mounted; if one heir decided to sell, the whole property would likely go to auction at a price that none of them could pay."​
The article goes over the many laws that allow the legally unaware to be abused by those who understand the nuances and loopholes of the system.

There's this one too:

Its all these things that make me shake my head when I see black folks proudly declare that they are apolitical.

How can you even think this way when your ability to live and thrive is in direct opposition to some folks' ideologies?
I dont think most teachers are going to uphold that. Florida is like the US when Trump got elected. Looking at the election, you would think the whole country lost its mind, but in reality its THAT many low IQ rednecks and THAT many people not voting. The outcomes dont really reflect the ideas of the people.

I say this as a non-american who went to high school and college in the states and was pretty decent at history during that time

obviously I was well aware of where I was, but the states BEEN had issues with the viewpoint of how history was being taught.. which was to a degree to look past, downplay and/or excuse things being done by certain folks

i would hope I wouldn’t have to tell people in here that.. if anything I think these limits are making the job easier for some who would be inclined to want to avoid some pretty obvious things and/or the consideration of another viewpoint
I say this as a non-american who went to high school and college in the states and was pretty decent at history during that time

obviously I was well aware of where I was, but the states BEEN had issues with the viewpoint of how history was being taught.. which was to a degree to look past, downplay and/or excuse things being done by certain folks

i would hope I wouldn’t have to tell people in here that.. if anything I think these limits are making the job easier for some who would be inclined to want to avoid some pretty obvious things and/or the consideration of another viewpoint
Oh of course. That's no secret at all. I went to school in Florida, a lot of times we'd be reading the required textbook and the teacher would interject with truth or further details. My jr year in HS the basketball coach taught the history class. Dude forwent the entire curriculum and was teaching us ONLY about black history. He made us memorize the name and spelling of every country in Africa. I know how to spell Djibouti to this day because of that class.
NT input requested


Is there a legitimate correlation between:

The word Negro

The phrase "knee grow"

the cultural negro/knee grow chicken diet


Are we what we eat?

Are we chickens that eat bad food... that prevent our knees from growing to their maximum potential?

Will the cultural Negro diet change... producing more healthy grown knees... and less chickens?

NT input requested


Is there a legitimate correlation between:

The word Negro

The phrase "knee grow"

the cultural negro/knee grow chicken diet


Are we what we eat?

Are we chickens that eat bad food... that prevent our knees from growing to their maximum potential?

Will the cultural Negro diet change... producing more healthy grown knees... and less chickens?

This what ChatGPT said:

It appears there might be a misunderstanding or misinformation at play here.

Firstly, the term "Negro" was once commonly used in the United States to describe Black people. The term comes from the Spanish and Portuguese word for black, and it was widely used from the end of the 19th century through the 1960s. Today, it is largely considered outdated and potentially offensive, as the terms "Black" or "African American" are preferred.

Secondly, "knee grow" is a phonetic representation of "Negro." It doesn't have a separate meaning or usage, and it's not a phrase commonly used in any mainstream or respectful context. If it is being used, it could be seen as a form of mockery or misunderstanding of the original term, and could be considered offensive.

Lastly, there doesn't seem to be any widely recognized "cultural negro/knee grow chicken diet." The idea that all people of a certain racial or ethnic group adhere to the same diet is an oversimplification and can lead to stereotypes. Individuals within these groups can have a wide range of dietary preferences and traditions, just like any other group.

There might be specific traditional foods and dishes associated with certain cultures, including African American culture. However, attributing a specific "chicken diet" to this group or any other is an overgeneralization and can be disrespectful.

In general, it's important to approach discussions about race and culture with sensitivity, respect, and an understanding that individuals' experiences and traditions can vary widely within any racial or ethnic group.
Oh of course. That's no secret at all. I went to school in Florida, a lot of times we'd be reading the required textbook and the teacher would interject with truth or further details. My jr year in HS the basketball coach taught the history class. Dude forwent the entire curriculum and was teaching us ONLY about black history. He made us memorize the name and spelling of every country in Africa. I know how to spell Djibouti to this day because of that class.

I was amazed how combative a couple of the teachers were when I was simply trying to point out the obvious of looking at things from their perspective

And I took AP us history and world history.. both taught by white dudes to predominantly white kids

But I’m always amazed when folks can’t think of things from the simple perspective of what if these things were being done to me vs me doing them to others
This what ChatGPT said:

It appears there might be a misunderstanding or misinformation at play here.

Firstly, the term "Negro" was once commonly used in the United States to describe Black people. The term comes from the Spanish and Portuguese word for black, and it was widely used from the end of the 19th century through the 1960s. Today, it is largely considered outdated and potentially offensive, as the terms "Black" or "African American" are preferred.

Secondly, "knee grow" is a phonetic representation of "Negro." It doesn't have a separate meaning or usage, and it's not a phrase commonly used in any mainstream or respectful context. If it is being used, it could be seen as a form of mockery or misunderstanding of the original term, and could be considered offensive.

Lastly, there doesn't seem to be any widely recognized "cultural negro/knee grow chicken diet." The idea that all people of a certain racial or ethnic group adhere to the same diet is an oversimplification and can lead to stereotypes. Individuals within these groups can have a wide range of dietary preferences and traditions, just like any other group.

There might be specific traditional foods and dishes associated with certain cultures, including African American culture. However, attributing a specific "chicken diet" to this group or any other is an overgeneralization and can be disrespectful.

In general, it's important to approach discussions about race and culture with sensitivity, respect, and an understanding that individuals' experiences and traditions can vary widely within any racial or ethnic group.

As it:

If the word Negro was commonly used in the United States to describe Black People... does that mean... that Black people probably did not name themselves?

Yes or No

Could that potential covert double entendre have been used to covertly insult black people... while simultaneously describing Black People... who probably did not name themselves?

Yes or No
As it:

If the word Negro was commonly used in the United States to describe Black People... does that mean... that Black people probably did not name themselves?

Yes or No

Could that potential covert double entendre have been used to covertly insult black people... while simultaneously describing Black People... who probably did not name themselves?

Yes or No
This what ChatGPT said:

Yes, the term "Negro" was indeed imposed on Black people, mainly by Europeans, and was not a term that Black people originally used to identify themselves.

As for your second question, it is possible that some people may have used the term in a derogatory manner or as a covert insult, even while it was a commonly used term. However, this doesn't change the fact that it was widely accepted as a descriptor for a period of time. Today, it's generally seen as outdated and potentially offensive, and the terms "Black" or "African American" are more commonly used.
What were some specific examples of this?

Discussing black historical figures was always problematic.. or certain major events/people historically, think the Haitian revolution or Columbus

But the most vivid to me was when discussing Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbor and the events leading up to that.. obviously a certain view point is going be taken.. but I’d hope a deeper discussion of the events leading up to that event would be had, my asking of the actions taken by the US prior did not go well
Those same black women hate black men :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just wish they’d either just be lesbians or date interracially. That goes for the men and women
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He went to an Ivy League. He knows what he is doing. Pandering to the low IQ GOP base for votes.
Unfortunately, it's not just the low IQ GOP base who believe that slaves had no skills when they came to the Americas.

The book that I keep referencing in this thread uses notices of missing slaves to demonstrate that slavers knew of the cultural differences that existed among African peoples, and such cultural differences determined which skills someone was more or less likely to have if they came from a particular region of the continent. The value of enslaved Africans was also a function of their skills and their compatibility with the market in which they were traded. Rice plantations in the Carolinas wanted people from Senegambia because growing rice had been part of their culture.

And the blacksmith stuff is just :rofl: . Does he think the weaponry and jewelry used in Africa at that time fell from the sky?

DeSantis is an ignorant racist, and it's about time the people of Florida call out his ********. But most importantly, we don't educate enough about the mechanisms of the economics of slavery, and this lack of knowledge makes it easy for clowns like him to introduce policies with very little pushback from the average person.
Unfortunately, it's not just the low IQ GOP base who believe that slaves had no skills when they came to the Americas.

The book that I keep referencing in this thread uses notices of missing slaves to demonstrate that slavers knew of the cultural differences that existed among African peoples, and such cultural differences determined which skills someone was more or less likely to have if they came from a particular region of the continent. The value of enslaved Africans was also a function of their skills and their compatibility with the market in which they were traded. Rice plantations in the Carolinas wanted people from Senegambia because growing rice had been part of their culture.

And the blacksmith stuff is just :rofl: . Does he think the weaponry and jewelry used in Africa at that time fell from the sky?

DeSantis is an ignorant racist, and it's about time the people of Florida call out his bull****. But most importantly, we don't educate enough about the mechanisms of the economics of slavery, and this lack of knowledge makes it easy for clowns like him to introduce policies with very little pushback from the average person.

I guess they didn’t have the skills to build some the homes and garments they wore also :lol: :lol: :lol:

The arrogance of people like desantis is laughable. Those people were doing PERFECTLY fine in the motherland until the slave hunters came and interrupted things.

Those Africans were fit, agile, and already had skills :lol:
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