Boy-Girl Friendships?

Originally Posted by bboy1827

I have 10 real friends, 10 people that I can count on no matter that are not a part of my family. Your a girl, have a bf and have guy friends, you look at what I'm saying as wrong correct? How you would feel if your bf was always hanging out with another girl that was his friend? Look at your same sex friends, and how much you kick it with them in comparison to your opposite sex 'friends'.When I don't have a gf or anything they mirror each other, when I do the latter is cut down significantly because I don't want to cause any un necessary static. I can name three girls that come around all the time and I use to call and hangout with like every weekend, as soon as I got a gf, or even now(even though we broke up, but are still together) I don't call them at all unless it is neccessary because even though she never said it, she would get jealous I could see it. I have very rigid rules on how I use the term "friend" their are other words for other things, like I said I don't like grey.
I understand where u are coming from. I think it's hard for you to comprehend that kind of friendship because you dont believe in them andnever experienced it. Some people are able to have a purely platonic relationship with the opposite sex so they feel no jealousy or insecurities. If you dontbelieve it could happen then its going to be hard for you to accept but just because you cant doesnt mean it's not possible. Who cares if they liked eachother at a time humans are perfectly capable of having friendships with the opposite sex.
I'm not saying it can't happen, I'm saying it can't happen when people are in a relationship and not can't as in ability but can't asin shouldn't. It can create bad situations and relationships have a plethora a other problems and I'm trying to eliminate as many as possible. I hopepeople read this post at the very least. I think I'm done posting because no one has answered the question of how they would feel if their significantother were to hangout with another person of the opposite sex alot, if they confided in that person before they confided in you all the things that you guysare professing as true friendship is, as am I. What if your significant other showed all these to someone other then yourself? until that isanswered...honestly this post is going no where. As I've said, I'd be upset personally.
Well I know that I have guy friends but now that im in a relationship... I'm not going to sleep over or do things that going to make my bf feeluncomfortable. I'm still going to talk to them and be there for them but I'm not going to be doing everything i use to do with them now that im in arelationship. If they are my friends they should understand that also.

Just like when my guy friends get gurls..I'm not going to be calling at 3 o clock in the morning to talk, or ask if he can chill and watch movies at myplace ( unless i invite her too) cas i respect there relationship.
yea it is possible
sometimes i do end up liking the hot friends though
but its not always just looking to smash
it is possible but the friendship probably wouldnt be as strong as it was when you were single
if your dating someone that doesnt understand female friends...then your not with the right girl.
Eh, its possible but very rare.

I've wanted to pipe 99% of my CLOSE female friends, cause if i wasn't attracted to them i wouldn't make a effort to talk to them.
I haven't read every reply so I'll leave it at this. Male friends are cool as long as the parties don't over step their boundaries. If your girlrespects you then she will set boundaries and if dude has respect then he wont over step them. If they do then regulate. If your in a real serious relationshipwhere your close to marriage then I would expect these dudes to become less and less of a factor. It really does create bad situations alot of times and peopleneed to realize that.

Well I know that I have guy friends but now that im in a relationship... I'm not going to sleep over or do things that going to make my bf feel uncomfortable. I'm still going to talk to them and be there for them but I'm not going to be doing everything i use to do with them now that im in a relationship. If they are my friends they should understand that also.

Just like when my guy friends get gurls..I'm not going to be calling at 3 o clock in the morning to talk, or ask if he can chill and watch movies at my place ( unless i invite her too) cas i respect there relationship.
If only other girls had that way of thinking

How do you feel about hanging with ex's? Not just you two but with other friends present.
Platonic friendships between a man and a woman are possible but more often than not it seems like one of ya'll are interested in having more than that. Itry to avoid those type of situations but they're inevitable sometimes.

When I'm in a relationship I make a conscious effort to distance myself from my male friends out of respect for my man, though.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Platonic friendships between a man and a woman are possible but more often than not it seems like one of ya'll are interested in having more than that. I try to avoid those type of situations but they're inevitable sometimes.

When I'm in a relationship I make a conscious effort to distance myself from my male friends out of respect for my man, though.

If you have to distance yourself, it proves its impossible
i'm friends with a married woman and we hang out like once every yes it is possible under the right circumstances
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Platonic friendships between a man and a woman are possible but more often than not it seems like one of ya'll are interested in having more than that. I
try to avoid those type of situations but they're inevitable sometimes.

When I'm in a relationship I make a conscious effort to distance myself from my male friends out of respect for my man, though.

If you have to distance yourself, it proves its impossible

Naw, not really. I don't do it for my sake, I do it for his and essentially ours. I trust my male friends and I trust myself around my malefriends but I don't necessarily expect him to understand that (yet), especially if our relationship is in it's infancy
I won't cut myself offcompletely from my homies but it's all about balance and priorities.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Platonic friendships between a man and a woman are possible but more often than not it seems like one of ya'll are interested in having more than that. I
try to avoid those type of situations but they're inevitable sometimes.

When I'm in a relationship I make a conscious effort to distance myself from my male friends out of respect for my man, though.

If you have to distance yourself, it proves its impossible

Naw, not really. I don't do it for my sake, I do it for his and essentially ours. I trust my male friends and I trust myself around my male friends but I don't necessarily expect him to understand that (yet), especially if our relationship is in it's infancy
I won't cut myself off completely from my homies but it's all about balance and priorities.

couldn't agree more

Sorry about my sarcasm,I just wish girls I knew had that common sense, and courtesy

I just don't think male/female friendships work
Too much sexual tension
ive never had one. nor do i intend to like turk from cash money back in the G said "dont touch the broad if you cant %%! the broad"
I'm going to ask this one more time to Dirty, MyTMouse and anyone else that is on the opposing side.

How would you feel if your significant other was kicking it with someone let's say once a week(because I don't know anyone that claims to be truefriends and don't kick it) and they confided in the person over confiding in you, and anyone else of the same sex?

When I made this post, I didn't consider that people called people that they kick it with every once in a while friends. I didn't consider that peopleput their friends that they see once a year in the same category as the normal people they see day to day, I don't do that so I didn't think otherpeople did that. I'm not talking aqcuatiences I'm talking real tried and true friends, people that if you're not with you're girl or on your$+!, you are kicking it with them.

IDK what most people in this thread consider a friends, someone a can b.s with is cool, but that doesn't necessarily mean friend to me a true friend is alike a brother/sister someone that I can always be seen with, if they ran up at my job and started slapping people, atleast in public I would defend them.Friend has a deeper meaning to me then most of you I assume.
^^^ Yea I agree. It depends who you ask though. And I wouldn't stand for my girl to chill with a "friend" of the opposite sex, unless I reallydidnt care for her.
if either party is attractive (in some way), then it's only a matter of time till one side wants more...
I'm friends with this one girl (no friend-zone), but I'm trying to make it something more. I'm putting in WORK on Facebook, boy, I'm tellingyou.
It's possible...I am usually very firm on my beliefs and a while ago I would have said it isn't...but I've changed my stance on it. I have a Zack& Miri like relationship with a girl right now...minus the weirdness at the end part.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

I'm going to ask this one more time to Dirty, MyTMouse and anyone else that is on the opposing side.

How would you feel if your significant other was kicking it with someone let's say once a week(because I don't know anyone that claims to be true friends and don't kick it) and they confided in the person over confiding in you, and anyone else of the same sex?

When I made this post, I didn't consider that people called people that they kick it with every once in a while friends. I didn't consider that people put their friends that they see once a year in the same category as the normal people they see day to day, I don't do that so I didn't think other people did that. I'm not talking aqcuatiences I'm talking real tried and true friends, people that if you're not with you're girl or on your $+!, you are kicking it with them.

IDK what most people in this thread consider a friends, someone a can b.s with is cool, but that doesn't necessarily mean friend to me a true friend is a like a brother/sister someone that I can always be seen with, if they ran up at my job and started slapping people, atleast in public I would defend them. Friend has a deeper meaning to me then most of you I assume.
your idea of friendship is alot deeper than many of ours. You are talking about a longtime friend, that is one of your closest friends. Most of ushere are speaking about the casual friend, or they are a little more than casual but not true friend yet. I think that they can hang out with their casualfriends, but not ones of the opposite sex if im not there with there, i think that is just disrespectful to the relationship. But if its someone who is hertrue friend & they've never had sex or even had a relationship of that nature, then you have to trust that she wouldnt do anything like that to youwith her friend. And if you cant trust her not to cheat on you when she is around the opposite sex, then youare way too insecure of yourself to be in a relationship with someone else.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

then again...if your chick is on cats Richard like that, you chose the wrong one.

i deal with this @%% all the time from girls i'm dating...i have a TON of female friends (who tend to all be either engaged or in serious committed relationships) and they act like i'm f'ing em...

nonwithstanding the fact that they ALWAYS have a bunch of guy "friends"...

i'm not insecure because people gonna do what they want and you better be prepared to cut ties if anything...but it's dumb and unfair to have a female cut out all the friends in her life because of you....i struggled with the issue myself till i realize that i wouldnt cut out none of my female friends for some chick i'm dating...and i HATE insecurity in females....

now some females f their male friends...that's a given...but that's why you gotta double check their stories....
I gotta say I agree with you.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by bboy1827

I'm going to ask this one more time to Dirty, MyTMouse and anyone else that is on the opposing side.

How would you feel if your significant other was kicking it with someone let's say once a week(because I don't know anyone that claims to be true friends and don't kick it) and they confided in the person over confiding in you, and anyone else of the same sex?

When I made this post, I didn't consider that people called people that they kick it with every once in a while friends. I didn't consider that people put their friends that they see once a year in the same category as the normal people they see day to day, I don't do that so I didn't think other people did that. I'm not talking aqcuatiences I'm talking real tried and true friends, people that if you're not with you're girl or on your $+!, you are kicking it with them.

IDK what most people in this thread consider a friends, someone a can b.s with is cool, but that doesn't necessarily mean friend to me a true friend is a like a brother/sister someone that I can always be seen with, if they ran up at my job and started slapping people, atleast in public I would defend them. Friend has a deeper meaning to me then most of you I assume.
your idea of friendship is alot deeper than many of ours. You are talking about a longtime friend, that is one of your closest friends. Most of us here are speaking about the casual friend, or they are a little more than casual but not true friend yet. I think that they can hang out with their casual friends, but not ones of the opposite sex if im not there with there, i think that is just disrespectful to the relationship. But if its someone who is her true friend & they've never had sex or even had a relationship of that nature, then you have to trust that she wouldnt do anything like that to you with her friend. And if you cant trust her not to cheat on you when she is around the opposite sex, then you are way too insecure of yourself to be in a relationship with someone else.
Once again question not answered. Movies such as Zack and Miri as someone else stated make this perfectly clear how this can turnout. I neverssaid anything about not trusting her around around member of the opposite sex, I never said anything about casual friends, I said 'friend' thats what Idefine as friend, anything else isn't a friend to me, I've defined it a many a time in this post. SO how about you answer my question....You wouldhonestly be perfectly fine with your girl chilling with someother dude all the time? friend no friend no nothing, if you are better man then me.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

hate yuku dbl post.

Why did you delete what you wrote. I was just about to respond. She did what again? Because I read a bit of it and I got heated reading it.
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