Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How can I take the opinions of people on this movie when you all don't think Borat was funny?

If yuou understood the nuances that went into Borat's character it would have been impossible for the movie not to be funny.

Exactly. Either it went over their heads, or their sense of humor just sucks, lol. Like someone else said, these are probably dudes that are absolutelyboring to hang out with.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How can I take the opinions of people on this movie when you all don't think Borat was funny?

If you understood the nuances that went into Borat's character it would have been impossible for the movie not to be funny.
that's what I'm saying, I hope im not disappointed
wow... some of you have no soul.

Borat wasn't funny at all? really?

going against the grain just to do it doesn't make you cool.
damn not good still going to see it
borat mad me laugh enough but i wish they would make a new ali g movie hes his best character
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by GreyScaleMethod

Ali G =

Borat =

Bruno =

Never saw the hype with either Borat & Bruno.
Not being racist or anything, but are you african american?
What the *#*# does that have to do with anything?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I'm glad it's not quotable.

If I would have had to deal with people quoting it like they do Borat I would shoot myself in the head.
Agreed. Very nice! Not!

Anyway, what did you expect? These types of movies are a hit or miss no in between.
Movie doesn't look that funny, just another ayo dude talking with a accent.
I don't even follow dude like that, never saw Borat....but someone showed me this youtube clip...


I didnt think borat was funny, but i'm still interested in seeing this just from the part where he's in the clothing store
i'm seein it 2nite and will need to pre-game for this one. borat was jus stupid but I didn't see the whole movie.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How can I take the opinions of people on this movie when you all don't think Borat was funny?

If yuou understood the nuances that went into Borat's character it would have been impossible for the movie not to be funny.
Agreed. It's more than Cohen going out there with a funny accent and doing silly things. There's much more thought and details that wentinto the character which made the jokes even funnier.

I think a lot of people who dislike Bruno have a problem with the homosexuality.

Rotten Tomatoes has it at 73% so clearly it's getting good reviews.
Maybe if the movie featured a mildly ******ed dude with a baby on his chest, a random Asian guy in the trunk of a car, roofies, and mike Tyson , some of theseguy would like the movie.

These movies are high budget ethnomethodologies. In other words, he is engaging in a sociological expiriment. Borat was the more ambitious of yhe
two, but I don't believe Bruno is such a bad attempt. I'm watching it today and I'm sure I won't be fully dissapointed
dont listen to these NT movie critics, i never do...

i'll be watching bruno tonight for sure....previews were dam funny.
And Bruno is in my area this weekend doing promotion for the movie..Somebody saw him this morning at biscuitville 15 mins from my house lol..I hatedBorat..probably won't bother with this garbage either..
Originally Posted by ericescobar

Maybe if the movie featured a mildly ******ed dude with a baby on his chest, a random Asian guy in the trunk of a car, roofies, and mike Tyson , some of these guy would like the movie.

These movies are high budget ethnomethodologies. In other words, he is engaging in a sociological expiriment. Borat was the more ambitious of yhe
two, but I don't believe Bruno is such a bad attempt. I'm watching it today and I'm sure I won't be fully dissapointed
Save the big words for your column. Everyone doesn't find the same things funny. Superbad was hilarious to some and IMO it wasn't funny atall. Different people have different senses of humor.
ali g was his best character

everyone i know laughs at me for that but they know damn well the only character theyve ever seen is borat in the movie
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