yeah looks very
I had a feeling this movie was gonna be weak; never really considered seeing it

I also wasn't a fan of Borat either.
I didn't find Borat funny because I found it pretty derogatory towards people of Slavic decent. Meaning Poles, Russians, Czechs, ect..
Originally Posted by ericescobar

Maybe if the movie featured a mildly ******ed dude with a baby on his chest, a random Asian guy in the trunk of a car, roofies, and mike Tyson , some of these guy would like the movie.

These movies are high budget ethnomethodologies. In other words, he is engaging in a sociological expiriment. Borat was the more ambitious of yhe
two, but I don't believe Bruno is such a bad attempt. I'm watching it today and I'm sure I won't be fully dissapointed

I loved Borat.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

I didn't find Borat funny because I found it pretty derogatory towards people of Slavic decent. Meaning Poles, Russians, Czechs, ect..
.....but Borat was a Kazakh.

I just watched Bruno and it was

the swingers scene.
the fight scene at the end
the psychic scene.
the focus group scene

Mad omo but hilarious.

I like crude humor though.
i said from the jump that he's not going to be able to top his Borat character.

yeah Ali G was great but how many times can you offend uppy republican snobs with your grammar and ignorance?

Borat just had so much of that innapropriateness. (that didn't deal 100% with sex jokes aka: Bruno)

Borat > ______

if you don't believe me go on youtube and check out his Borat episodes that he did on HBO WAY before the Borat movie.
those episodes were funnier than the whole movie.
didn't have to go to the movies to known this was going to suck. ++@% is all fake and not remotely funny
Originally Posted by Nako XL

wow... some of you have no soul.

Borat wasn't funny at all? really?

going against the grain just to do it doesn't make you cool.
typical NT response, if our OPINION does not match yours we must be lying about our true feelings to appear cool on the interweb by "goingagainst the grain"
to people saying that those who didn't like bruno probably didnt like borat. well i actually liked borat thought that was funny as !*+*, but i mean brunowas funny for awhile then it got really od'd on the gayness i mean it was funny and all, but i think they could have atleast left some stuff out.

OHHHH CAN SOMEONE CONFIRM THIS. i heard they actually did take out a hell of a lot of scenes and one was with MJ, but the night of the premiere was when hepast so they had to edit it out?!
Originally Posted by got shoes

didn't have to go to the movies to known this was going to suck. ++@% is all fake and not remotely funny

Its not faked dude, these people have no idea whats going down. You must not be too familiar with the Ali G show. Of course some of the people are actors(like the fat dude from Borat), but SBC has people that set up these scenarios for him, the people he is messing with don't know what they are getting intountil he enters the room, and by then its too late. Peep the article from NY Times about how it was harder for him to fool politicians into giving interviewsafter Borat came out:
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How can I take the opinions of people on this movie when you all don't think Borat was funny?

If yuou understood the nuances that went into Borat's character it would have been impossible for the movie not to be funny.

Exactly. Either it went over their heads, or their sense of humor just sucks, lol. Like someone else said, these are probably dudes that are absolutely boring to hang out with.

Borat was funny at times, but mostly pretty stupid. How is it possible that it could have went over anyones head? It's not sophisticated humor by anystandard.

Like I said before, anyone can do what Cohen has reduced himself to. The only requirement is that you cannot have a backbone.

It doesn't take a comical genius to say, "Let me act flamboyantly gay in public and see what people say."

90% of what he does is put people into strange and awkward situations and videotape their reactions. It's very unfair to the unsuspecting people,regardless of their level of intolerance to a homosexual or a immigrant. It's unfair to them; we all have our biases. It's stupid.

Ali G was somewhat respectable because he was watching the response of people to an idiot; nothing really to be ashamed of. And In Da House was hilarious. The man has talent, he's just not using it anymore.
Borat wasn't that great, and definitely does not hold up after even one viewing. Bruno is almost entirely staged, so knowing that, it just can't bethat good.

I'm not a big Cohen fan, but even I love Ali G In Da House, and I find it ironic that none of my friends who love the TV show and Borat have ever seen themovie.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How can I take the opinions of people on this movie when you all don't think Borat was funny?

If yuou understood the nuances that went into Borat's character it would have been impossible for the movie not to be funny.

Exactly. Either it went over their heads, or their sense of humor just sucks, lol. Like someone else said, these are probably dudes that are absolutely boring to hang out with.

Borat was funny at times, but mostly pretty stupid. How is it possible that it could have went over anyones head? It's not sophisticated humor by any standard.

Like I said before, anyone can do what Cohen has reduced himself to. The only requirement is that you cannot have a backbone.

It doesn't take a comical genius to say, "Let me act flamboyantly gay in public and see what people say."

90% of what he does is put people into strange and awkward situations and videotape their reactions. It's very unfair to the unsuspecting people, regardless of their level of intolerance to a homosexual or a immigrant. It's unfair to them; we all have our biases. It's stupid.

Ali G was somewhat respectable because he was watching the response of people to an idiot; nothing really to be ashamed of. And In Da House was hilarious. The man has talent, he's just not using it anymore.
When it comes to humor and films the saying 'to each his own' applies but you're crazy.

I've watched Borat multiple times and it doesn't lose it's appeal.

There are a lot of nuances in his humor when he plays Borat. I guess because my parents are from the former Soviet Union and (have talked about a lot of thethings Borat makes fun ) coupled with me being Jewish, I can pick up on a lot of the little "inside jokes" that may not see very funny tooutsiders.

On the other hand, Bruno is just straight up crude comedy. It's still
Wow, so many people saying Borat isn't funny now? I remember this forum when Borat just came out, everyone and I mean just about everyone was saying thatit was funny, more or less.
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