Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Yoda wrote:

I tried to not let the hype get to me, but he set the bar so damn high with Borat that this just sucked.

It had it's couple (and I mean a couple) funny moments, but...

1) It wasn't continuously funny.
2) It's not quotable.

Borat was non-stop laughing. This, not so much.

- what did you expect?? oh i see you liked Borat? well you fail for liking Borat in the first place and going to the movies to see this? you deserve to waste your money....

I loved Borat. I thought it was a hell of a movie. I haven't laughed like that in a while with a movie. I don't see how I deserved to waste my moneythough.

And yes, I think he set the bar so high with Borat. He did something nobodies probably ever seen before.

For the record, Bruno being gay didn't affect my decision on whether the movie sucked or not. Like I said, I laughed during Bruno. I did. But some of thescenes had me all

Cohen is a comedic genius though. You can't take that away from him. I just didn't like Bruno.
I Didn't Know What To Do After The Movie Was Over Lol.. I Felt Weird And Just Felt Lost Like "Did I Really Just See Some Of The Things TheyShowed" Lol.. Funny Movie None The Less..
whoever said they wanted to see the uncut verion

you gay

heard it was buttsex going on in it had the NC-17 rating and all
Originally Posted by after h0urs

movie was OD and out of control. i laughed at a lot of the scenes, but some were straight
. it was almost disturbing at some parts.
that's the point
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

I thought the same thing when I saw Borat in the theaters.

They showed too much in the trailer...those were the best parts and now I'm thinking all the best parts were already shown in Bruno as well.

This won't stop me from seeing it but I'll try to forget what I saw in the trailers.

What I was thinking.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Nubuckgees

to people saying that those who didn't like bruno probably didnt like borat. well i actually liked borat thought that was funny as !*+*, but i mean bruno was funny for awhile then it got really od'd on the gayness i mean it was funny and all, but i think they could have atleast left some stuff out.

OHHHH CAN SOMEONE CONFIRM THIS. i heard they actually did take out a hell of a lot of scenes and one was with MJ, but the night of the premiere was when he past so they had to edit it out?!
Of course he od'd on the gayness, his point was to make people uncomfortable, or in the case of when he's in the south, to create a much larger situation.
Yeah they cut a lot of scenes out of the movie, and the one you're thinking of was an interview with LaToya Jackson. There were a few things in the previews I saw that were missing in the movie too.

I want to know, to those who refuse to see this: Do you realize this isn't all about him being gay? For instance when he talks to the Human Resources Charity people he made them look like idiots for not knowing what the whole Darfur genocide is. Or anything that's going on in the world.
That means nothing to some of these bigots. They see a gay guy running around in a thong teabagging Eminem and feel they'll turn gay if they watch this movie. I would bet money everybody on here that says this movie sucks because of the homosexuality probably think Brokeback Mountain sucks.

Wrong. Brokeback Mountain was a good movie. I thought this was terrible. I honestly didn't laugh through the whole movie. I could understand what he wasdoing by"exposing" these people's true feelings but I didn't find it funny. The over the top homosexual "humor" in this moviedidn't bother me I just didn't find it funny.
some of the people that say they didn't laugh at all, do you have no sense of humor? I don't think it would have been funny if you didn't see itwith other people. Some parts were over the top but seriously some were funny. But then again its your opinions. Movie was a B+ in my book, funny but goes toofar sometimes.
this movie has gotten alot of solid reviews I dont understand why it would suck

I know to chicks who walked out of the movie though because they said it was nasty

its expected of sasha, this dude offends millions, I wanna see it
smh at me... i got bamboozled into seeing it

i'm not even gonna comment on some of the things that crossed my eyes tonight, but all i can say is that i want my money back. i don't even know how tofeel right now...
...I haven't heard one good review of this from people I actually know...then I come here and its the same thing...I wont be taking my chances withthis one
It was funny

gay jokes were almost od but that was the point of the movie.

It def made fun of gays and people who hate gays, taking some celebrities along with the ride

worth it imo
he has better characters...
seems like the purpose of this movie was to show how ignorant and bothered people are by gay people when there's so many other things going on elsewhere.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I just saw this movie...I went in with very low expectations and this movie turned out to be exactly what I thought going in. Full of corny jokes and cheap laughs...garbage movie overall. To make matters worse, the audience I was watching it with laughed at EVERYTHING. Can someone tell me what was so funny about the music that was being played at the start of the movie? People were dying of laughter before the movie even began.

It had its moments though...the scene with the 2nd doctor that "converted" gays into heterosexuals when he was talking about how annoying women were was pretty funny. Those dumb blonde charity consultants who couldn't pronounce "Darfur" was pretty funny.

I would've liked to see what the uncut version of this movie looked like. I read that due to a lot of complaints and lawsuits, the original version of the film had to be "toned" down before its release. Some things from the trailer/tv ads did not make the movie like when Bruno walks into a clothing store and states "In case you havent realized, I'm gay".
i'll admit i was laughin when they were playingscooter...they were laughing because scooter is euro-house music for batty boys.
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