bruno was almost an excellent movie
. what killed it was following thesame format as 'borat.' past that, this movie was hilarious and tops 'borat' and 'ali g' any day.

what i liked about this movie besides bruno being ridiculous and an idiot
in most scenes, was him showing how disgusting people can act. i think he's a genius in that aspect. it even showed in the movie theater. ilive in oregon and just 10 mins out of the city is basically country in all outer directions. for some reason, people who fit a rural/suburban lifestyle werein the movie and you can tell who they were. they were the ones laughing at the overly-gay scenes, or when people would use '$#%*%' or terms. buttheir attitudes seemed to change during the 'straight dave' scene. everything was cool to them when straight dave was preaching about being straight. the theater was all of a sudden quiet when you saw the crowd go crazy.

my other fav scene was the richard bey show. i'm black so it's all jokes to me, but it was pretty cool to see that even though black folks and gaysshare the same sentiment in being treated in an ill way, some black folks don't like gay people either. it's just less PC to be called the N-word vssomeone who's gay being called the F-word. to me, it's the same damn thing. and it's a DAMN SHAME to see that within the black community, some ofour people feel the same as the southern white folks in that movie.

i love movies that can go to the last limit. i remember this was NC-17 and i'm glad it got the R-rating. in a sense, people got okey-doke'd intoseeing this film thinking it was making fun of gay people, which it was, but also kind of throw people's feelings back into their faces to see howdisgusting they act. effin genius.

These movies are high budget ethnomethodologies. In other words, he is engaging in a sociological expiriment. Borat was the more ambitious of yhe

EXACTLY how i see this movie. i mean, it's a 'social experiment' even in this thread. this thread is 11 pages deep vs the 'publicenemies' thread getting just a few pages. i'd say sacha cohen is bringing issues in america forward and is making people from both sides (the ones whoare homophobic vs the ones who aren't) talk about it instead of putting it on the back burner. we have more pressing issues in this country of course (thewar, economy, etc), but racism/sexism/hatred/discriminination still exist in this country. we preach as americans that we are tolerant and a nation of'freedom,' but we all know that's a damn lie.
Is it just me or the part from the preview where he's talking to the guy saying " I dont know how to tell u this.. but im gay "
wasnt in themovie??
could you guys tell me what some disgusting parts were? all i am reading is, "some parts are too yucky." what does that mean? penis shots or what?

it wasn't as subtle as borat but it had some great moments.

the middle east stuff was amazing
He showed that many black people are more conservative then they think they are
the finale was epic
the stupid broads talking bout what world issues are "in"

my whole theater was cracking up. Only two people left the whole time. I can't imagine this being screened in the middle of the country. Did you guys hearabout the michael jackson stuff that had to be edited out because he died on the day of the screening?
I wanna watch, but realizing/not realizing the social commentary does not make it a good movie. I thought Borat was ok, because it was basically the same stuffi've been watching for years with the potty humor ramped up.
Watched it last night. It was fairly funny throughout but was more interesting how the people he came across reacted...

- Ron Paul
- The Hunters
- Swingers
- The Parents of the baby models
- talk show crowd
- The religious Psych
- Focus Group
- Paula Abdul
- Middle East
- UFC/MMA or whatever it was crowd

The song at the end had me cracking up as well.
the baby model parents were disturbing as of em was down with lipsuction for their child...jeeze.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I just saw this movie...I went in with very low expectations and this movie turned out to be exactly what I thought going in. Full of corny jokes and cheap laughs...garbage movie overall. To make matters worse, the audience I was watching it with laughed at EVERYTHING. Can someone tell me what was so funny about the music that was being played at the start of the movie? People were dying of laughter before the movie even began.

It had its moments though...the scene with the 2nd doctor that "converted" gays into heterosexuals when he was talking about how annoying women were was pretty funny. Those dumb blonde charity consultants who couldn't pronounce "Darfur" was pretty funny.

I would've liked to see what the uncut version of this movie looked like. I read that due to a lot of complaints and lawsuits, the original version of the film had to be "toned" down before its release. Some things from the trailer/tv ads did not make the movie like when Bruno walks into a clothing store and states "In case you havent realized, I'm gay".
i'll admit i was laughin when they were playing scooter...they were laughing because scooter is euro-house music for batty boys.

See.That's the thing. .
If people pick up on the nuances within the jokes then the comedy is apparent and it's

Many people don't so the jokes seem ******ed.

It sucks for those who don't find it funny because it really is.

For example the swingers scene.
Many swingers claim that they practice the lifestyle because they are more sexually open and "free" than others. In reality though, most swingers arejust people who want to $*$@ others. it has nothing to do with being "free" or "open " sexually.

....and Paula Abdul talking about being a humanitarian while actually sitting on a human being.
Originally Posted by bangtcg

could you guys tell me what some disgusting parts were? all i am reading is, "some parts are too yucky." what does that mean? penis shots or what?
the whole movie is basically one giant penis shot
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

the baby model parents were disturbing as of em was down with lipsuction for their child...jeeze.

one was talking about their baby working with heavy machinery

The parents with the child actors were more disturbing then any of the gay parts
I walked out made a scene about a refund they didn't wanna give it to me so they just let me into a different movie.....Public Enemies FTW
Originally Posted by Drob2345

A straight dude acting like a homosexual = never funny
You're an idiot.
Originally Posted by bangtcg

could you guys tell me what some disgusting parts were? all i am reading is, "some parts are too yucky." what does that mean? penis shots or what?
There weren't a lot of penis shots. Most were blurred or black-barred. The only one that was like BAM IN YOUR FACE was hilarious. One of thefunniest parts of the movie.
As for disgusting, the baby-casting was horrific as far as the parents go.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

right.. they were prudes, that's why they walked out. it had nothing to do with the actual movie being terrible and unfunny.

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Drob2345

A straight dude acting like a homosexual = never funny
You're an idiot.
Originally Posted by bangtcg

could you guys tell me what some disgusting parts were? all i am reading is, "some parts are too yucky." what does that mean? penis shots or what?
There weren't a lot of penis shots. Most were blurred or black-barred. The only one that was like BAM IN YOUR FACE was hilarious. One of the funniest parts of the movie.
As for disgusting, the baby-casting was horrific as far as the parents go.
that's the word you use to describe that #%%%?
im speechless...
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