Originally Posted by coolgy023

Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by coolgy023

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by ericescobar

Maybe if the movie featured a mildly ******ed dude with a baby on his chest, a random Asian guy in the trunk of a car, roofies, and mike Tyson , some of these guy would like the movie.

These movies are high budget ethnomethodologies. In other words, he is engaging in a sociological expiriment. Borat was the more ambitious of yhe
two, but I don't believe Bruno is such a bad attempt. I'm watching it today and I'm sure I won't be fully dissapointed
Save the big words for your column. Everyone doesn't find the same things funny. Superbad was hilarious to some and IMO it wasn't funny at all. Different people have different senses of humor.
This. People tend to think that everything needs a definite answer, such as, Bruno is or isn't funny. When in reality, it just depends on the person and there really is no "correct" answer. If you enjoyed it then good for you, and if you didn't enjoy it, then that is perfectly acceptable also.
I hate when people say this... You can say that for everything, but one of the best things about different opinions is the conversations/arguments that go with it. Having an opinion would be boring otherwise.
I'm all for a healthy argument/conversation, but most of the people on here try to justify their opinion by bashing the other person and basically say "I'm right, you're wrong. You should believe what I believe." It kind of defeats the purpose of conversation/arguments, if one side is unwilling to at least listen to an alternate point of view.
But you're going to be hard press to find someone who doesn't think they're opinion is right though. It's just stubbornness but Ilook at like a challenge. If I can get someone that stubborn to agree with my point of view it's a nice feeling.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

But you're going to be hard press to find someone who doesn't think they're opinion is right though. It's just stubbornness but I look at like a challenge. If I can get someone that stubborn to agree with my point of view it's a nice feeling.
That is always a nice feeling. But you're always going to find those people that just don't want to hear it (this can be said about amajority of people on NT). Sometimes it's just not worth the effort
movie was funny, I dont think yall get it, hes just playing the most extreme stereotype he can, the part with paula abdual had me dying when she sat on themexican
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

movie was funny, I dont think yall get it, hes just playing the most extreme stereotype he can, the part with paula abdual had me dying when she sat on the mexican
...while talking about being a humanitarian.
He should have kept the Ali G Show Going!!!!!
I was upset at the fact that a Borat moving was coming out.
Now everyone knows who he is.

Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

Originally Posted by FreddyPee

thanks for saving me some bread guys

word... i just turned down an invitation to go with a few buddies...
me too.. they hit me up a couple hours ago and i was like"nahh, i'm busy"
Just go back from watching bruno. I gotta say I was more ways than one.

Look, the reason some of you guys are turned off by the movie is because Bruno acts "gay". Really though, what movie nowadays doesn't havegay-relAted humor. All the movies ppl like have that kind of humor in them, but no one bashes those movies
for including that kind of humor.

Bruno just happened to have been marketed as a gay movie The trailers emphasize that aspect of the movie wihout going into the actual substance of the movie(understandably so). The movie can't sell tickets if it's marketed as a social expiriment, so I stead it is marketed as a "gay movie" to getppl talking about it. yes there was more footage of a certain body part than some may want, butthe
movie has to come through on it's promise it's character being gay, however much a caricature he may be.

It's not that I'm saying there is some intrinsic and indisputable quality of humor that everyone MUST appreciate. What I do want ppl to realize is thatthis Bruno movie is the product of an intelligent design. The observations and reactions attained from bruno's point of view are inherently insightful andthat cannot be overlooked. There is a
useful nugget of info in here If you are willing to pay close attention.

note-typing on the iphone hurts
Originally Posted by ericescobar

Just go back from watching bruno. I gotta say I was more ways than one.

Look, the reason some of you guys are turned off by the movie is because Bruno acts "gay". Really though, what movie nowadays doesn't have gay-relAted humor. All the movies ppl like have that kind of humor in them, but no one bashes those movies
for including that kind of humor.

Bruno just happened to have been marketed as a gay movie The trailers emphasize that aspect of the movie wihout going into the actual substance of the movie (understandably do). The movie can't sell tickets if it's marketed as a social expiriment, so I stead it is marketed as a "gay movie" to get ppl talking about it. yes there wasor footage of a certain body part than some may want, butthe
movie has to come through on it's promise it's character being (caricaturisticly) gay.

It's not that I'm saying there is some intrinsic and indesputible quality of humor that everyone MUST appreciate. What I do want ppl to realize is that this Bruno movie is the product of an intelligent design. The observations and reaciond attaind from bruno's point of view are inherently insightful and that cannot be overlooked. There is a
useful nugget of info in here If you are willing to pay close attention.
Originally Posted by ericescobar

Just go back from watching bruno. I gotta say I was more ways than one.

Look, the reason some of you guys are turned off by the movie is because Bruno acts "gay". Really though, what movie nowadays doesn't have gay-relAted humor. All the movies ppl like have that kind of humor in them, but no one bashes those movies
for including that kind of humor.

Bruno just happened to have been marketed as a gay movie The trailers emphasize that aspect of the movie wihout going into the actual substance of the movie (understandably do). The movie can't sell tickets if it's marketed as a social expiriment, so I stead it is marketed as a "gay movie" to get ppl talking about it. yes there wasor footage of a certain body part than some may want, butthe
movie has to come through on it's promise it's character being gay, however much a caricature he may be.

It's not that I'm saying there is some intrinsic and indesputible quality of humor that everyone MUST appreciate. What I do want ppl to realize is that this Bruno movie is the product of an intelligent design. The observations and reaciond attaind from bruno's point of view are inherently insightful and that cannot be overlooked. There is a
useful nugget of info in here If you are willing to pay close attention.
That part with the gyrating tool confused me until it hit me (no +++*; yes pun

Before everyone was getting "rickrolled" by the Astley music video, prople used to "rickroll" others by sending them a vid with a gyratingtool.

I don't know if people remember but that's where it's from.
Just watched it, it was good could of been better... after seeing the hangover i was just hoping for non stop comedy.. bruno wasnt non stop it had some parts..and some were OD..

but it is was alright..
I just saw this movie...I went in with very low expectations and this movie turned out to be exactly what I thought going in. Full of corny jokes and cheaplaughs...garbage movie overall. To make matters worse, the audience I was watching it with laughed at EVERYTHING. Can someone tell me what was so funny aboutthe music that was being played at the start of the movie? People were dying of laughter before the movie even began.

It had its moments though...the scene with the 2nd doctor that "converted" gays into heterosexuals when he was talking about how annoying women werewas pretty funny. Those dumb blonde charity consultants who couldn't pronounce "Darfur" was pretty funny.

I would've liked to see what the uncut version of this movie looked like. I read that due to a lot of complaints and lawsuits, the original version of thefilm had to be "toned" down before its release. Some things from the trailer/tv ads did not make the movie like when Bruno walks into a clothingstore and states "In case you havent realized, I'm gay".
keep it short and simple and not to write such a story .it was official euro concept his accent made it officialkugels/kugelsack,arschenhaller,schmutziger,shrager spatel have it in this gq july 2009 issue official gets so hard remembering his slang well some of hiswords. probally stated didnt have time to read .saw it today great movie ali G'S the greatest shout outo his crew of killas and Smokas officialeastside...all out theyre pimping and hoeing ..i love all his episodes and for sailing bruno.technos great music.good luck on his career and choice ofassistants (spoiler)DRAMATIC. His sence of fashion is incredible or fashion parts of modeling and runway rushhh
........felt that.
Maybe you guys need to see it again. I didn't laugh much during my first viewing but it got better during the my second time around.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by ericescobar

Just go back from watching bruno. I gotta say I was more ways than one.

Look, the reason some of you guys are turned off by the movie is because Bruno acts "gay". Really though, what movie nowadays doesn't have gay-relAted humor. All the movies ppl like have that kind of humor in them, but no one bashes those movies
for including that kind of humor.

Bruno just happened to have been marketed as a gay movie The trailers emphasize that aspect of the movie wihout going into the actual substance of the movie (understandably do). The movie can't sell tickets if it's marketed as a social expiriment, so I stead it is marketed as a "gay movie" to get ppl talking about it. yes there wasor footage of a certain body part than some may want, butthe
movie has to come through on it's promise it's character being (caricaturisticly) gay.

It's not that I'm saying there is some intrinsic and indesputible quality of humor that everyone MUST appreciate. What I do want ppl to realize is that this Bruno movie is the product of an intelligent design. The observations and reaciond attaind from bruno's point of view are inherently insightful and that cannot be overlooked. There is a
useful nugget of info in here If you are willing to pay close attention.

Someone give me a reason why this movie wasn't entertaining, comedic, or thought provoking? Please.

If you're a Transformers 2 fan please don't even bother.
Bruno was straight up hilarious. I went to go see that with some friends and everyone was dying. Everything he did was too out of the ordinary. Yeah it was wayto over-the-top gay but if you disregard that, you'll find this move hilarious. He put everyone in the most awkward situations.

But even though everyone was laughing like mad, when it was all over they were all like its okay. I see why people are saying it's okay.. and its onlybecause the movie was way too gay. You gotta put the just get over the gayness and you all will find this funny.

Don't listen to the haters. If you like Ali G, you'll like this cause all Ali G did was put people in awkward situations. Borat just acted like anidiot, not so much with the situations. Bruno does the same thing as Ali G, but....... he's gay.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I just saw this movie...I went in with very low expectations and this movie turned out to be exactly what I thought going in. Full of corny jokes and cheap laughs...garbage movie overall. To make matters worse, the audience I was watching it with laughed at EVERYTHING. Can someone tell me what was so funny about the music that was being played at the start of the movie? People were dying of laughter before the movie even began.

It had its moments though...the scene with the 2nd doctor that "converted" gays into heterosexuals when he was talking about how annoying women were was pretty funny. Those dumb blonde charity consultants who couldn't pronounce "Darfur" was pretty funny.

I would've liked to see what the uncut version of this movie looked like. I read that due to a lot of complaints and lawsuits, the original version of the film had to be "toned" down before its release. Some things from the trailer/tv ads did not make the movie like when Bruno walks into a clothing store and states "In case you havent realized, I'm gay".
I hate that type of audience
i cant belive i spent 7 dollars for this #@+#
i felt like i paid 7 dollars for a gay porno
$%+ it wasnt even funny at all
i didnt laugh
not once
movie was OD and out of control. i laughed at a lot of the scenes, but some were straight
. it was almost disturbing at some parts.
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