Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Drob2345

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Drob2345

A straight dude acting like a homosexual = never funny
You're an idiot

Really? Because i dont fine that funny? Wow your a genius....
No, but because you cant see past him acting gay to see what he's really doing.
Honestly i feel ya, but i still dont find it funny, if you wanna call it homophobia then you may but i dont hate anyone...I just dont think itsfunny
yea this movie is def. most overrated homoerotic film of the summer. It's not worth a rental imo; I laughed aloud once the entire movie. I guess it'sjust not my type of humor or is just really not tht funny.
@ all the reactions from men.

I went to see it with a guy friend who didn't really know what he was in for and he kept saying "omg this is some gay @*%# u brought me to!" Sortof so people would hear him and think hes not gay
i thought it wasfunny
Not surprised at all by the typical NT responses. So close-minded and homophobic. However, I can't believe how many of you let some dudes'"reviews" of the movie help decide whether to see it or not. Live your own damn life. As long as you're comfortable with your own sexuality, thenthese scenes shouldn't ruin your lives, or bring down your gangster points. All you guys are probably the same dudes who insist on saying "Pause"and "No %##%" after sentences, to make sure everyone knows you aren't gay at all.

The movie was great. I went and saw it with my girlfriend and my roommate, and all you can do is just laugh and shake your head because it is unbelievably overthe top and awkward. There were even a few gay guys in the cinema who were getting a real kick out of it, without taking offense whatsoever. I still gotta sayBorat was better, but Bruno was just about what I expected. Unfortunately, like some others have said, I think the best parts were in the trailers. I justdon't think it's a movie that you can watch randomly for a good laugh after a night at the bars or somethin' (like Borat). But there WERE so manygreat moments of exposure. Paula Abdul, the "Darfur" conversation, the baby parents, Ron Paul calling him a "@+#*%," etc. Golden stuff. Andthe Straight Daves scene was awesome. Had all those hicks sittin' there with their heads about to explode...
This movie was god awful and it has nothing to do with the gayness. It just didn't make me laugh like Borat did...

the few funny parts there were we all saw in the previews. A real waste of time...
Not on some homophobe tip or whatever, but the movie wasn't worth it IMO. I laughed at some parts, but I was more
to enjoy the movie.
it was ok, had its good parts but the bad parts were way out of hand! i was expecting better...
i didnt and will not see this for a reason...
im already used to the type of jokes he used in Borat
plus i didnt think hed really be able to follow that up...
glad i didnt waste my money..
I saw the movie because I liked Borat and I liked all of Sasha's characters on his HBO show. I had feeling that a lot of people on NT would not like itbecause a lot of people on NT are children who only find movies funny if it is all fart jokes. There are also a lot of homophobes who are not going to a likemovie, where much of the humor is at their own expense.

Among the people I know, who are grown ups and who comfortable with their masculinity and sure of their sexual orientation, have enjoyed the movie. Thestraight people I know and the gay people I know who fit that description liked the movie and girls actually liked the movie, which again shows me why 15 and16 year old boys might not like a movie that girls loath, it did not have enough fart and feces jokes and instead focused most of its bodily humor on theopposite side of the lower human torso.

One more reason why the immature and vapid might also not like the movie, it makes fun of those who worship celebrity, those who really enjoy red carpet eventson TV and who will argue about how much money their favorite rapper has, as if said rapper is that star struck young man's own dad.

Again, if you are a grown up who wants to laugh a little at gayness, laugh more than a bit at celebrity worship/the scene and laugh a lot at homophobia and arewilling to see some comedic nudity (in theaters, it was fun because when the worst stuff came on the screen the reactions are like when you see a horribleInternet video and everyone in the packed theater was momentarily like your buddy who also took up the dare to watch something vile together) and just want tolaugh instead of watching some film adaptation of action figures or comic book characters, that makes ham fisted attempt at drama, takes itself too seriouslyand was all marketing no substance.
watched this flick the other nite....I'm all for REALLY funny dumb flicks, but this was justreally bad, it was if he ran out of REAL material and just put the rest of crap that was filmed into this flick......

I found only two parts actually funny.....the psychic/milli vanilli make-out part and the part whenhe said "a bear devoured my clothing, can I come sleep with you"....

other than got OLD REAL quickly
I liked the movie. I think Cohen was going for a movie that you can look back on later and say "did you ever see Bruno? that is the most ridiculous movieive ever seen". There is a place in the world of film for movies like that, and they do go on to be successful and long lasting. Kind of a cult classicbut not really. Just a crazy genre film.

But the real thing everyone always misses with Cohen, whether it be Ali G, Borat, Bruno, whatever, is that he is working towards acceptance and is trying tosend a message in his own crazy way. He always has something involving Jews and anti-semitism (he is jewish), which was a main focus of Borat, and Bruno can belooked at as kind of a gay rights film. He goes so over the top with it to try and force the point that it should be accepted in society. IMO.
Well, not a damn person walked out of the theater when I saw the movie. Everyone laughed histerically, cringed, then laughted some more. The movie is exactlywhat people should have been expecting if they had any clue what they were about to watch. The swinger party tho, i died, i keep playing it over and over in myhead and i still LOL. People that walked out, and the people hating in this thread, just didn't get it.

The point of the movie is not just to be funny, its a social commentary. He exposes some of the absolute stupidity of people in this world, like the mother inthe scene where he is interviewing for the baby portraits.
I actually enjoyed the film a lot. I found it very funny, though its understandable why some won't enjoy it. At times, I felt that I was one of the onlyones laughing, while everyone else just seemed surprised and disgusted
. The shock value is off the roof with this one; I haven't seen a movie thatdeserves its rated R rating more than this one. Not sure if I'd recommend it though, its def not everyone's cup of tea.
I'm a big SBC fan. I loved Borat and have both seasons of Da Ali G Show on DVD. Watched them many times. Still, I'm on the fence about seeing Brunoin the theater. I know I'll laugh at some parts, but I'm pretty convinced I'll cringe more. I know I'll check it out one day, I justdon't think I'll make it a high priority.

On a side note, I'm surprised to read that so many people liked Ali G In Da House. I personally thought it was pretty mediocre. Maybe I should watch itagain.
it's good to see that some folks on NT can take on their mature side and actually enjoy this movie for the reasons it was made. i think it outdid borat,but that's just my opinion. i enjoy all of cohen's work so maybe that's why i loved this film.

someone mentioned that cohen is jewish. i didn't know that.
Movie was more over the top than I thought it would be...way OD with the nudity at times. I gotta say...people in the theater were laughing the whole time. Ilaughed sometimes...other times I had to lay my head on my chick's shoulder cause I couldn't bear looking at some of the AYO #*%%. To WASBorat. Almost follows the exact same setup. It was a Gay version of Borat. If you like Borat...I'd imagine you liked this.

Oh yeah...when he went to the Swingers meeting...that chick that tried to bag him was a man right? I kept thinking some ayo #*%% was about to go down andhe'd figured out she was a man but he never did.
HILARIOUS. I laughed through almost the whole thing. The only thing I didn't like was the song at the end, that sucked and was over-produced.

The point of the movie was to expose people and Sasha is a master manipulator. He is dealing with stupid people that get their inner core shown to the world ina hilarious fashion

Not as funny as Borat, but still funny. I can't believe these dudes in here saying Borat was not funny
i just came back from watching it. i was laughing my @%% off throughout the movie, especially the psychic part
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