BREAKING NEWS: Michael Vick is officially a free man

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs inthe mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs in the mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.
i know ... they just tryna keep the brother down ...
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs in the mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.

Keep thinking like that and you will go nowhere in life. What an ignorant comment. Yuku ignore button ftw.
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs in the mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs in the mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.

I know a lot of people say Vick should rot in jail forever and they wish bad things upon him but I honestly feel bad for the guy. He did his time and his lifeis most likely changed forever. This guy said that he was first introduced to dog fighting when he was 8 years old. 8 YEARS OLD! That's just sad. With thatsaid..... I never thought he was that great of a player and I could care less if he plays in the NFL again.
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs in the mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.

I'm white and I agree.
Originally Posted by brendanmaguire

Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs in
the mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.

I'm white and I agree.

....i remember when there was a tornado in a neighborhood a lil down the street from my house, a tree had fell on the road so people had to park and walkto the neighborhood after....white people were crying, not because of their house, not because of their cars but these fools were crying worried about theirdamn dog
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by brendanmaguire

Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs in
the mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.

I'm white and I agree.

....i remember when there was a tornado in a neighborhood a lil down the street from my house, a tree had fell on the road so people had to park and walk to the neighborhood after....white people were crying, not because of their house, not because of their cars but these fools were crying worried about their damn dog


Are you serious?!

So the silly Caucasians wern't worried about a bunch of inanimate, easily replaced objects, and were instead worried about a living creature they caredabout?

Damn those white people and their feelings.
Listen I'm Black, but this country doesn't give a damn about us. Imprisoning Michael Vick you are basically saying a dog's life or lives is worthmore than a Black person's life, or a human beings life.

Level of Importance in America
1. Caucasian, Whites, Anglo-Saxons
2. Dogs, animals, etc.
3. Ninjas

We are at the bottom of the totem pole.

They don't give a damn about us. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll get the picture. They're trying to get rid of all our Millionairesand Famous people. Barry Bonds, TI, Michael Vick.

It's Ninja Hunting Season in America.

Back on topic, The man served his time, its the past, reinstate him into the NFL. Everyone deserves a second chance.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs in the mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.


Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Listen I'm Black, but this country doesn't give a damn about us. Imprisoning Michael Vick you are basically saying a dog's life or lives is worth more than a Black person's life, or a human beings life.

Level of Importance in America
1. Caucasian, Whites, Anglo-Saxons
2. Dogs, animals, etc.
3. Ninjas

We are at the bottom of the totem pole.

They don't give a damn about us. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll get the picture. They're trying to get rid of all our Millionaires and Famous people. Barry Bonds, TI, Michael Vick.

It's Ninja Hunting Season in America.

Back on topic, The man served his time, its the past, reinstate him into the NFL. Everyone deserves a second chance.

I made you a new signature.

Team "I hate white people"
[color= rgb(204, 51, 255)]LifeLessons ------ [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]NY Denim Seller ----- KLJ [/color][/color]
[color= rgb(204, 51, 255)][color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]*** Crackers are only good in soup ***[/color][/color]

Go ahead and copy + paste it. You can thank me later.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Only Caucasians care about Dogs. Minorities really don't have that affection or affinity for animals. You see those White boys always kissing these dogs in the mouth?

If Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had done what Vick had done, it would of been swept under the rug. No media coverage, people would of kept quite.

But since it was Michael Vick, the thug from bad news, with cornrows and baggy clothes, they destroyed him and his career.

This is a racial issue.

Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Listen I'm Black, but this country doesn't give a damn about us. Imprisoning Michael Vick you are basically saying a dog's life or lives is worth more than a Black person's life, or a human beings life.

Level of Importance in America
1. Caucasian, Whites, Anglo-Saxons
2. Dogs, animals, etc.
3. Ninjas

We are at the bottom of the totem pole.

They don't give a damn about us. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll get the picture. They're trying to get rid of all our Millionaires and Famous people. Barry Bonds, TI, Michael Vick.

It's Ninja Hunting Season in America.

Back on topic, The man served his time, its the past, reinstate him into the NFL. Everyone deserves a second chance.

I made you a new signature.

Team "I hate white people"
[color= rgb(204, 51, 255)]LifeLessons ------ [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]NY Denim Seller ----- KLJ[/color][/color]
[color= rgb(204, 51, 255)][color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]*** Crackers are only good in soup ***[/color][/color]

Go ahead and copy + paste it. You can thank me later.

Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Listen I'm Black, but this country doesn't give a damn about us. Imprisoning Michael Vick you are basically saying a dog's life or lives is worth
more than a Black person's life, or a human beings life.

Level of Importance in America

1. Caucasian, Whites, Anglo-Saxons

2. Dogs, animals, etc.

3. Ninjas

We are at the bottom of the totem pole.

They don't give a damn about us. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll get the picture. They're trying to get rid of all our Millionaires
and Famous people. Barry Bonds, TI, Michael Vick.

It's Ninja Hunting Season in America.

Back on topic, The man served his time, its the past, reinstate him into the NFL. Everyone deserves a second chance.

I made you a new signature.

Team "I hate white people"

[color= rgb(204, 51, 255)]LifeLessons ------ [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]NY Denim Seller ----- KLJ

[color= rgb(204, 51, 255)][color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]
*** Crackers are only good in soup ***

Go ahead and copy + paste it. You can thank me later.

i dont hate white people....I just hate how white people act like racism towards blacks is non existent but you have more white on black hate in americathen any other races going at other races

but you funny though....yo weak !#! couldn't live a day in my shoes...things blacks do are always criticized 10 times worse.....but its w/e to me....but Iknow your mind is clouded from that meth you be smoking
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Listen I'm Black, but this country doesn't give a damn about us. Imprisoning Michael Vick you are basically saying a dog's life or lives is worth more than a Black person's life, or a human beings life.

Level of Importance in America
1. Caucasian, Whites, Anglo-Saxons
2. Dogs, animals, etc.
3. Ninjas

We are at the bottom of the totem pole.

They don't give a damn about us. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll get the picture. They're trying to get rid of all our Millionaires and Famous people. Barry Bonds, TI, Michael Vick.

It's Ninja Hunting Season in America.

Back on topic, The man served his time, its the past, reinstate him into the NFL. Everyone deserves a second chance.

I made you a new signature.

Team "I hate white people"
LifeLessons ------ NY Denim Seller ----- KLJ
*** Crackers are only good in soup ***

Go ahead and copy + paste it. You can thank me later.



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