California teen named nation's first transgender homecoming queen!!!!!

What if your kid wants to have sex with a cat, would you let them? :lol:

Why not answer the question? Because it would show you're hypocritical and are just in favor of your children's freedoms when its okay to you?

Typical NT clown.

And f no I wouldn't let my kid with an animal, and if they wanted to I'd likely have them taken in for an evaluation.
It will be my duty as a parent to help guide my kids' choices.

I would have a long talk with my son about why he wants to wear a dress and the implications it would have. It would be very important to distinguish if it was just a phase or something more serious.

Obviously the age matters too. Young kids are not old enough to wear whatever they want
I mean as a parent you definitely see all the signs, even from a very young age. I'm not advocating any parent deciding their kid is gay or transgender at 5, that's irresponsible.
Why not answer the question? Because it would show you're hypocritical and are just in favor of your children's freedoms when its okay to you?

Typical NT clown.

And f no I wouldn't let my kid with an animal, and if they wanted to I'd likely have them taken in for an evaluation.
Damn, we letting black people vote, next thing you know we gonna be letting orangutans vote. I'm not falling into that trap.

If we let gays marry, next thing you know someone is gonna marry a cockroach. You're funny. :smile:
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Why not answer the question? Because it would show you're hypocritical and are just in favor of your children's freedoms when its okay to you?

Typical NT clown.

And f no I wouldn't let my kid with an animal, and if they wanted to I'd likely have them taken in for an evaluation.

Damn, we letting black people vote, next thing you know we gonna be letting orangutans vote. I'm not falling into that trap. :lol:  

If we let gays marry, next thing you know someone is gonna marry a cockroach. You're funny. :smile:

I knew you were a troll.

Had you blocked before this thread, back on the kufi list for you.
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You're avoiding the question

The principle idea is "would you let your kids do something you/most society didn't agree with"

It doesn't matter if you think the chosen example is too extreme, the principle remains
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Probably gonna rustle some jimmies, I think being gay is a choice the same way putting your seatbelt on when your driving is a choice.  

Why do people outside the gay lifestyle go so hard to say people are born gay?

Being gay or straight is ultimately about 1) how you feel and 2) what you do which are both choices.

Humans have the ability to think whatever they want which controls their feelings and ultimately their actions.

There you have it, being gay is a choice UNLIKE being born "black". 

For example, I used to play soccer 3 times a week as a kid until the girls weren't playing anymore then I stopped liking soccer.  By the "born gay" logic i would have to love soccer forever ****OHWTBS
Probably gonna rustle some jimmies, I think being gay is a choice the same way putting your seatbelt on when your driving is a choice.  

Why do people outside the gay lifestyle go so hard to say people are born gay?

Being gay or straight is ultimately about 1) how you feel and 2) what you do which are both choices.

Humans have the ability to think whatever they want which controls their feelings and ultimately their actions.

There you have it, being gay is a choice UNLIKE being born "black". 

For example, I used to play soccer 3 times a week as a kid until the girls weren't playing anymore then I stopped liking soccer.  By the "born gay" logic i would have to love soccer forever ****OHWTBS
No jimmies russled here, I agree, it's a choice. Ask one of these dudes that believe gay people are born that way if pedophiles are born that way too and they get hella silent. lol
You're avoiding the question

The principle idea is "would you let your kids do something you/most society didn't agree with"

It doesn't matter if you think the chosen example is too extreme, the principle remains

Exactly my point. Fool tried to compare it to letting animals vote and marrying bugs. I gave an example which involves two consenting HUMANS, but he's dodging the question because if he answered honestly he'd have to admit his hypocrisy.

Dude's a clown.
Is the question seriously would you let your kid have sex with an animal?

That's unhealthy behavior.

I'd let my kid do what she wanted if it didn't harm her unless it was some insane ****. Why force my views on her?
Probably gonna rustle some jimmies, I think being gay is a choice the same way putting your seatbelt on when your driving is a choice.  

Why do people outside the gay lifestyle go so hard to say people are born gay?

Being gay or straight is ultimately about 1) how you feel and 2) what you do which are both choices.

Humans have the ability to think whatever they want which controls their feelings and ultimately their actions.

There you have it, being gay is a choice UNLIKE being born "black". 

For example, I used to play soccer 3 times a week as a kid until the girls weren't playing anymore then I stopped liking soccer.  By the "born gay" logic i would have to love soccer forever ****OHWTBS
The only people who have a choice are bisexuals. I'm straight, it's not like I feel like Eve today and Steve tomorrow. The notion of someone having homosexual sex without being physically attracted to a man is literally one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I am naturally, physically attracted to women.

Did this dude really compare sexual orientation to liking a sport.
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The only people who have a choice are bisexuals. I'm straight, it's not like I feel like Eve today and Steve tomorrow. The notion of someone having homosexual sex without being physically attracted to a man is literally one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I am naturally, physically attracted to women.

Did this dude really compare sexual orientation to liking a sport.
Dudes in prison start taking and delivering the d from convenience? No?
You're avoiding the question

The principle idea is "would you let your kids do something you/most society didn't agree with"

It doesn't matter if you think the chosen example is too extreme, the principle remains
The "principle", because having sex with a dude is the same as having sex with a horse? A horse who cannot give consent, beastiality is rape.
Dudes in prison start taking and delivering the d from convenience? No?
So all people who gave sex with dudes have trouble getting women?

I know so many gay dudes who could bag a chick easy if that was their inclination. Sexuality is a continuum, those dudes in jail who have sex with dudes are just acting out on an innate sexual desire. They like women, but are open to men.
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Damn, we letting black people vote, next thing you know we gonna be letting orangutans vote. I'm not falling into that trap. :lol:  

If we let gays marry, next thing you know someone is gonna marry a cockroach. You're funny. :smile:

You didn't answer the question. All you're doing is throwing things out there. Would you let your son marry a doll(which has happened multiple times) and be okay with it?
You didn't answer the question. All you're doing is throwing things out there. Would you let your son marry a doll(which has happened multiple times) and be okay with it?
Sure....actually I would.

I already answered the q, it was an answer you didn't like apparently. Beastiality is rape but I'd let my son marry a chair if it makes him happy.

You need another angle bro.
So all people who gave sex with dudes have trouble getting women?

I know so many gay dudes who could bag a chick easy if that was their inclination. Sexuality is a continuum, those dudes in jail who have sex with dudes are just acting out on an innate sexual desire. They like women, but are open to men.
Not what I said but whatever mo.

What you're saying is ultimately agreeing with me.  Gay dudes, gay women are making choices to have sex with people of the same sex. Who you have sex with is a choice.  This choice could be influenced by society around you and what appears to be "cool" at the moment.  In today's society, it has become "cool" to be gay. This will probably lead to more "gay" people but it doesn't mean they aren't making a choice to have sexual relations with people of the same sex.  Sexual orientation is ultimately action based.  All actions are choices unless we talking reflexes like breathing, heart beating etc. 
Not what I said but whatever mo.

What you're saying is ultimately agreeing with me.  Gay dudes, gay women are making choices to have sex with people of the same sex. Who you have sex with is a choice.  This choice could be influenced by society around you and what appears to be "cool" at the moment.  In today's society, it has become "cool" to be gay. This will probably lead to more "gay" people but it doesn't mean they aren't making a choice to have sexual relations with people of the same sex.  Sexual orientation is ultimately action based.  All actions are choices unless we talking reflexes like breathing, heart beating etc. 
yea and straight people make a choice to have sex with the opposite sex, it's that simple. They don't have an urge, it's just a casual decision.

There have always been gay people, it seems like there are more now because of less people like you and more people like me.
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Probably gonna rustle some jimmies, I think being gay is a choice the same way putting your seatbelt on when your driving is a choice.  

Why do people outside the gay lifestyle go so hard to say people are born gay?

Being gay or straight is ultimately about 1) how you feel and 2) what you do which are both choices.

Humans have the ability to think whatever they want which controls their feelings and ultimately their actions.

There you have it, being gay is a choice UNLIKE being born "black". 

For example, I used to play soccer 3 times a week as a kid until the girls weren't playing anymore then I stopped liking soccer.  By the "born gay" logic i would have to love soccer forever ****OHWTBS

No jimmies russled here, I agree, it's a choice. Ask one of these dudes that believe gay people are born that way if pedophiles are born that way too and they get hella silent. lol
when did you choose to be straight?
when did you choose to be straight?
When I decided to sleep with women instead of dudes, I'd think that would have been about the time, cuz trust me, I have had and defienantly still do have the option and I'm not attracted to them, nor do I feel the inclination to do things with dudes.

When did Warren Jeffs chose to be a pedophile?
When I decided to sleep with women instead of dudes, I'd think that would have been about the time, cuz trust me, I have had and defienantly still do have the option and I'm not attracted to them, nor do I feel the inclination to do things with dudes.

When did Warren Jeffs chose to be a pedophile?
I just decided to have sex with my couch, i'm ready to close that chapter in my life bro.
Its disgusting....

Like its gonna get to a point where if i object to my

Potential son wearing a skirt to kindergarten im

Gonna be a bigot.

I mean if you're son has that inclination there's nothing you can do about it, unless you decide to beat and pray it out of him. In which case he'd just grow up miserable and depressed and you would've done your job as a father.

Nah, children are molded by their environment and social reinforcement.

A boy might see all of these confusing images in the media and have an inclination to try out something that was traditionally viewed as feminine....but if you responsibly and lovingly explain to him that it's not something that he should be doing and show him the alternative, it's highly likely that he will have a change of mind.

If we allowed children to ignorantly carry on toddler rage and childhood violence, like y'all suggest we do with transgenderism, we would have have a society of killers and psychopaths (more than we already do).

Grow a spine, draw a line.
Bingo. Till my kids is 18, my house my rules..eff all

That liberal bull ****. Men & women are 2 distinct

Groups in my household, if that makes me a "bigot"

Oh wells.
He's going to do whatever he wants after he leaves your home. Is it really worth ruining the relationship between you and your kid? If my son tells me he feels like he's a female at 13 and wants to wear a dress I'd let him, he's going through something that is very difficult I'd be a horrible father if I add to it. He has to deal with crappy human beings at school, I want him to come home to a non-judgmental environment at home.
No, you'd be a horrible father if you let your teenage child do whatever he/she wants on a whim to support his "individuality". Children, especially teenagers, have parents for a reason, to give them guidance, not to let them do w/e they want because that's how they "feel."
This. Parents doing their jobs eliminates so much

Nonsense in da world...
Imagine if your parents let you live and do whatever you felt at 13...

I'd definitely be dead by now trying to act out a rap video.
I would've dead or in jail if my mom let me do what

I want as a youngin in da 90's Washington heights.
Americans have decided that parents should be their children's friends.  That's not how it works.

Letting kids go off and do what they want under the guise of support is idiotic.
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